A/N: And we've finally reached the last chapter! This has been a crazy ride over the last few months and a part of me is almost sad that Broken Ace is done. But, the sequel is underway and hopefully will be coming out soon! The story isn't quite over yet, so be on the lookout for it. Fair warning, there will be even more feels and tragedy coming up, but who knows, you might just get a happy ending~. ;) I want to thank everyone who has been supporting me through this. You guys help inspire me to write and I'm glad you were able to take this journey with me. I love you all!

Now, without further adieu, here's the conclusion of Broken Ace!

Chapter 11: The Beginning in the End

Izaya raced through the streets, blindly trying to escape the pain that throbbed in his chest. He could feel the fractured pieces of his heart thumping in his still sore ribcage as his feet pounded on the asphalt of Ikebukuro. He wasn't sure where he was going, but he didn't care as long as it was away from Shizuo.

'I can't believe this. After everything...Shizu-chan...Shizuo...hates me. Who the hell can I trust now? He's the only thing I had!' he thought, mind in a panic from the sudden turn of events. More tears fell down his cheeks, obfuscating his vision and causing him to stumble. He managed to catch himself on the side of an alley wall. He slumped against it, his legs starting to shake beneath him as exhaustion finally caught up to him. He was finally reminded of the fact that his body was unused to exercise from all the months he'd spent inside.

Not wanting to pass out in the middle of the sidewalk, the Orihara managed to drag himself into the semi-dark alleyway. He crawled to a corner that was in shadow and curled up in a ball, burying his face in his arms. Muffled cries escaped him as he let the agony raging inside his body go. His shoulders shook from the extent of his fractured self. He felt so lost and alone…

Just as that despairing feeling of loneliness threatened to overtake him, familiar footsteps and a voice screaming his name sliced through his sadness, replacing it with shock. 'Sh-Shizu-chan…? Did he...did he really...come after me…?' The brunet said silently as he pressed a hand next to the dumpster beside him to help him stand. He tentatively made his way towards the mouth of the alley, clutching at the cement building beside him. Red eyes widened as they caught sight of the Heiwajima, whose own orbs reflected relief at having found the elusive male at last.

However, that quickly morphed to horror as the blond caught sight of what was behind the man. The amnesiac's brows furrowed in confusion at the sudden change. "Shizu-chan?" he he murmured, staring at his roommate.

"Izaya! Watch out!" The enforcer yelled, pushing his body to go faster as he tried to save the younger man. Said man continued to stare before he turned around, eyes widening in shock at the sight before him.

"There ya are, pet! We've been lookin' for ya." Crooked Teeth greeted, grinning maniacally. Frozen in sick dread, Izaya couldn't bring himself to respond before he was quickly snatched up. The rotten smell of Crooked Teeth's mouth kicked the male's senses into overdrive though, causing him to scream and lash out, viciously struggling against being dragged back into his former hell.

"NO! LET GO OF ME! SHIZU-CHAN! HELP ME, SHIZU-CHAN!" he screeched at the top of his lungs, pleading with the blond to rescue him. The smoker ran harder, eyes quickly glancing around to find a weapon. Unable to find anything in reach for once, he gritted his teeth angrily as he resorted to simply charging at the man who held his partner captive.

Regardless, before he was able to, the brunet was quickly tossed in the back of a black van. His tormentor jumped in behind him, snickering as he heard another scream from the amnesiac's caretaker, and slammed the door. The vehicle sped off. He leaned over his prey, chuckling darkly.

"I've missed that look o' fear in ya eyes. I'm gonna 'ave fun gettin' reacquainted with that body of yurs, Iza-chan~." he whispered as he slowly caressed the man's body. The 23-year-old shuddered, eyes filling up with tears. 'Shizu-chan please...save me. I can't go through this! Not again! I won't...I won't be able to survive this time…' he pleaded internally, as cruel laughter sounded in his ear.

Watching the van quickly race off down the street and around the corner to the next block, Shizuo knew he wouldn't be able to catch up. He stared at the ground, fist clenched while his eyes locked on the fur-lined jacket that had ripped and torn off the Orihara during the struggle. For the second time that day, the brown-eyed man fell to his knees as he numbly reached out for the signature coat. He held it tightly in his hands before turning his face to heavens.