Author's notes:
Disclaimer: I don't own 'A Certain Scientific Railgun' or any of it's characters, no copyright is intended.
Italics - Means the person is thinking just so you know.
Warning: This is a yuri (girl on girl) fan fic, don't like it? Then don't read simple, otherwise enjoy. :)
It was late in the evening and Kuroko was sitting on her bed, dressed in her normal night gown, while looking out of the dorm room window. She sighed slightly as she had now been waiting for her roommate to come back to their dorm for quite some time now.
'Where is Sissy I wonder? I mean it's not unusual for her to be out this late, but she normally calls to warn me about it first,' the young teleporter thought as she clenched her fists slightly, and looked to the door, in hope that her roommate would walk through it soon.
But unfortunately it didn't seem like that was going to happen anytime soon, so Kuroko just decided to go to bed rather than staying up all night waiting for her roommate to return.
It was past midnight when Mikoto finally came back to her dorm room, turns out she had been fighting with Touma Kamjiou again (she had lost again).
"Damn, that guy really pisses me off sometimes," Mikoto sighed as she closed to dorm room door behind her, and then smiled when she looked to her sleeping roommate.
'She must have been waiting for me for quite a while,' Mikoto thought before she looked to her clothing and sighed again.
Her school uniform was dirty and tore in many places, "I look like a mess," The young girl whispered to herself with a small smile, before she decided to just go to bed now, and have a shower tomorrow morning.
The young electromaster changed into her normal 'Gekota' pajamas and climbed into her bed. She sighed again slightly as she looked at her roommate's peacefully sleeping face and smiled, before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep herself.
Mikoto sighed as she sat up in her bed and ran her fingers through her tangled up, light brown hair. It seemed like she was only able to get about an hour of sleep. She had now decided to stop tossing and turning and just give up on the idea of trying to going back to sleep.
The young girl looked to her sleeping roommate and seemed slightly annoyed for a minute, 'Lucky,' Mikoto thought, before she got off of her bed, and decided to go and get a quick drink of water from the bathroom. She walked over to the bathroom, while rubbing her tired eyes and sighing again slightly.
Mikoto walked into the bathroom and switched on the light, leaving the door wide open behind her, before she walked over to the sink and rested her hands on the sides of it.
She turned on the cold tap, but must have turned it on a bit too fast, as a second later the cold water soaked the front of her pajama pants. Mikoto quickly turned off the cold tap and looked to her now soaked pants, 'Great,' She thought with another sigh, before she walked over to where Kuroko and her kept their clean towels.
Kuroko awoke to the sudden sound of running water, as she sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes slightly. She heard the running water slow down and stop as she looked to the open bathroom door with a wondering look on her face, 'Is Sissy finally back?' Kuroko questioned before she got out of her bed, and walked over to the bathroom.
"Welcome back Sissy," Kuroko greeted her roommate as she walked into the bathroom and looked to the older girl (who right now was standing near the bath, and had her back turned to Kuroko).
"Oh Kuroko, sorry did I wake you?" Mikoto asked as she turned round to face her roommate and dropped the towel she had just picked up to the bathroom floor.
Kuroko shook her head slightly at Mikoto's question, "You were back late tonight, huh?" She asked as she leaned against the bathroom doorframe and smiled to the older girl.
"Err…yeah sorry, did I keep you waiting long?" Mikoto asked with a nervous look on her face.
"Not really, so what were you doing out…" Kuroko paused as her gaze drifted down a little, and she froze as she noticed that the front of her roommate's pajama pants were soaked.
'Why are her pants wet? There's no way Sissy would soil herself, is there? Or could it be…something else?' Kuroko went through a series of questions in her mind, before she heard Mikoto speak again, and bring her out of her trance.
"Kuroko, is there something wrong?" Mikoto asked as she looked to her roommate with a confused look on her face.
Kuroko didn't answer her as she just looked to the older girl with a determined look on her face. The younger girl walked up to her roommate and stared her dead in the eyes.
Mikoto became very nervous and uneasy, as Kuroko just stood there staring at her. Kuroko suddenly rested her hand over Mikoto's pants and slightly grabbed at the dripping wet patch on the front of them.
Mikoto yelped at the sudden contact as she froze up for a second.
'Wow they sure are soaked,' Kuroko thought before she took her now wet hand away from the older girl's pants, and lifted it up to her face. She sniffed it a couple of times at first and then licked it, tasting the liquid carefully.
Kuroko's eyes widened at the taste, there was absolutely no flavor to it at all, and that meant that it could only be one thing.
"It's water?" Kuroko asked as more of a question to herself, rather than to her roommate.
"Yeah I couldn't sleep and decided to get a drink of water, but when I turned the tap on I must of turned it on a little too quickly, and it ended up getting my pants a little wet," Mikoto explained as she regained her composure and sighed a little with slight relief.
Kuroko just nodded in reply before she kneeled down and rested her hands on Mikoto's sides. Again the older girl yelped slightly and froze at the sudden contact, but this time she came back to her senses a lot quicker it would seem.
"KUROKO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" The older asked as she blushed and grabbed hold of Kuroko's wrists.
"I'm taking off your pants for you, you can't stay in these since they're wet now," Kuroko explained as she casually stared at the older girl.
"I can do that myself!" Mikoto stated as she glared at her roommate.
"But I wouldn't want my Sissy to get her hands wet," Kuroko stated with the same casual stare.
"WHY WOULD THAT BE A PROBLEM?!" Mikoto asked as her blushed deepened slightly.
"Sissy you should be a little quieter, you'll wake the girls next-door up if you're not careful," Kuroko warned as she smirked slightly.
Mikoto just blushed more as she decided to keep her voice low from now on.
"Don't worry Sissy, just let me be of help to you this time, okay Mikoto?" Kuroko suggested with a smile to the older girl.
Mikoto's eyes widened a little at Kuroko calling her by her first name, before she sighed and let go of Kuroko's wrists. Kuroko smirked again thinking that the older girl hand given into her, but it seemed as though her thoughts were wrong, as a second later Mikoto rested her hands on the younger girl's shoulders, and gave her a death glare.
"Err…Sissy?" Kuroko became a little nervous now, as that glare scared her a little.
"I don't need your help with this alright," Mikoto stated as she sent a good few powerful electric shocks through the younger girls body, and then let go of her.
Kuroko instantly let go of the older girl, and moved away from her once she was able to recover from the shocks and just smiled up at her sheepishly.
"Sorry, I guess I got a little carried away there," Kuroko apologized with a nervous smile to the older girl, before she stood back up and brushed herself off.
"You even went as far as calling me by my first name, you hardly ever do that," Mikoto pointed out as she turned away from Kuroko slightly.
"I just wanted to see how you would react to it, Sissy," Kuroko explained nervously.
"Honestly," Mikoto sighed before she picked up the towel that she had dropped early, and tried to dry the front of her pajama pants a little.
"So what were you doing out so late Sissy?" Kuroko asked, changing the subject.
"I got into a fight that's all," Mikoto answered casually, before she lay the towel she had been using over the side of the bath.
"ANOTHER ONE?! SISSY HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO STAY OUT OF TROUBLE?!" Kuroko scolded the older girl as she glared at her slightly.
"Look who's being loud now, you don't want to wake up the girls' next-door do you?" Mikoto asked with a slight smirk to the younger girl.
"It's not good for you to keep getting into these fights all the time, Sissy," Kuroko stated as she lowered her voice a little.
"Yeah, yeah I know, I shouldn't be getting into all these fights because I'm Tokiwadai's ace, and I'll be setting a bad example for the lower levels, I got it," Mikoto repeated what Kuroko has said to her over a hundred times before, as she took off her soaked pajama pants, and pulled her pajama top down so that it covered her now exposed thighs.
"IT'S NOT JUST THAT SISSY!" Kuroko yelled, not caring if she woke up the girls next-door or not.
Mikoto's eyes widened as she seemed shocked by her roommate's sudden yelling.
"It's not just that Sissy, who knows who you could walk into while you're on your own. You're the famous 3rd ranked level 5 of Tokiwadai, there are going to be tons of espers who envy you, and want to challenge and fight you. And one day it might be too much, you could lose and get hurt. Even though you win most of the fights that you get into, it…it…." Kuroko paused as she clenched her teeth together tightly.
"IT DOESN'T STOP ME FROM WORRYING ABOUT YOU!" Kuroko cried as tears welled up in her eyes and her hands clenched into tight fists.
"Kuroko," Mikoto was surprised to hear Kuroko say all these things to her.
"Sometimes I wonder if there will be a time that you won't come back to our dorm, I worry that maybe one day, I'll end up hearing that you're stuck in some hospital and have been badly injured or worse," Kuroko confessed all her worries to Mikoto as she was shaking slightly, while tears were starting to stream down her face.
Mikoto smiled slightly as she walked up to her crying roommate and patted her head lightly.
Kuroko's eyes widened as she felt the older girl's hand on her head, and gazed up at her surprised at the kind action.
"Sorry, I know how much you worry about me, and don't worry I'll always come back, no matter what kind of state I'm in," Mikoto stated as she looked to her roommate with a kind, reassuring smile.
"You promise?" Kuroko asked as she blushed slightly, while she gazed up at the older girl.
"I promise," Mikoto answered with a nod, before she leaned down slightly, and kissed Kuroko on the forehead.
Kuroko's eyes widened as she was shocked by the sudden peck to her forehead, and blushed more. The younger girl looked down for a minute and glanced at Mikoto's exposed legs.
"Aren't your panties wet as well?" Kuroko asked as she looked back up to the older girl, while a slight smirk formed onto her lips.
"NO THEY ARE NOT!" Mikoto replied sternly as she removed her hand from Kuroko's head, and glared to her, before she walked out of the bathroom.
"Wait, Sissy?" Kuroko called to the older girl as she run after her.
"What?" Mikoto asked in an annoyed voice, not bothering to look back at Kuroko.
"Thank you,"
Mikoto's eyes widened at hearing those two words come from her roommate, as she turned to look back at Kuroko.
"Thank you Sissy, it really means a lot to me, to hear you that say I don't have to worry about you anymore, although there's no doubt that I always will," Kuroko stated as she smiled to Mikoto.
"Just-just go back to bed already," Mikoto instructed as she turned away from Kuroko slightly.
"Okay, goodnight Sissy," Kuroko whispered, before she got back into her bed and lied down in it.
Mikoto sighed again as she walked back over to the bathroom, and switched the light off, before she walked over to her wardrobe to get another pair of pajama pants for her to wear.
The electromaster glanced over to her already sleeping roommate and smiled slightly at her peaceful looking face, "You're welcome, Kuroko," She whispered, before she looked back into her wardrobe again.