Our story begins at the Ponyville School House, where the little Fillies and Colts are happily chatting amongst each other as they wait for class to start.

However their was one pony in the class room who wasn't happy, and that pony being Miss Cheerilee, the school houses teacher. She was reading a sheet of paper that held all the names of her students along with that students cutie mark if they had acquired it.

All the names were ticked off, all except; "Excuse me children!" Miss Cheerilee spoke to gain her classes attention. The students all stopped their conversations and turned their attention to their teacher. "Sorry, but has anypony seen Silver Spoon this morning at all?" Cheerilee asked the Fillies and Colts. All the little ponies mumbled to each other for a minute and shook there heads afterwards.

Cheerilee sighed and was about to go back to the roster, but she then noticed a pink earth pony Filly with a Tiara had her head slumped down on her desk. " What about you Diamond Tiara?" Cheerilee asked the Filly.

Diamond Tiara jumped a little in surprise from being broken from her daydream and turned to the teacher. "Huh, what?" the filly asked confused.

"Have you seen Silver spoon at all?" Cheerilee repeated her question. "You two are best friends after all, and you two always arrive here together." The mare explained and waited for an answer.

Diamond Tiara hesitated for a second, but gave in. "Earlier today I went over to Spoons house like I do every morning, but instead of being greeted by Silver Spoon her mom answered." Tiara Explained. "She told me, Silver wasn't feeling every well and may not be coming to school today. I asked if I could see her, but she said that Silver needed her rest so I wasn't allowed to. So instead of pestering any further I decided to just go to school on my own and hope that Silver would show up later today." the filly finished.

"I see." Cheerilee mumbled to herself then sighed. "Well seeing as she's not here and class is about to start I'll just have to mark her as-"

Suddenly the door was slammed open as a silver earth pony with glasses and wearing what looked like a school dress was standing in the entry way. "I'm here! I'm here!" the Silver filly cried as she ran for her desk.

"S-Silver Spoon!" Cheerilee stuttered. "You arrive just in time. Are you all right now?"

Silver spoon sat down on her seat and nodded. " Of course! It was just a uh... really bad stomach ache yeah that's it!" Silver spoon nervously explained and put on an innocent smile.

Cheerilee noticed the nervousness in the earth fillies voice, but shrugged it off. "Well ok as long as your here now, but do try not to be late unless you really are sick next time." Cheerilee lectured.

Silver Spoon nodded feverishly. "I'll like be sure to do that!" the earth filly agreed quickly as that smile returned to her face.

Cheerilee nodded. "Well alright then. Children open your books to page twenty-five."

Silver spoon Quickly acknowledged the request, as did the rest of the class. Well all except Diamond Tiara who was eyeing Silver Spoon Suspiciously, and was about to ask about the dress, but was beaten to it by Miss Cheerilee. "By the way Silver Spoon." The Pink earth Pony began. "What's with the dress? You don't normally wear clothes to school." Cheerilee stated. "Especially when it covers you cutie mark."

"Yeah Silver, like what's up?" Diamond Tiara agreed.

Silver spoon gulped nervously thinking of an excuse. "I uh... I just wanted to uh... try something different, you know." The silver earth filly answered and smiled innocently again.

Cheerilee smiled and giggled happily to herself. "Well it looks very nice, you should wear it more often." The pink earth pony suggested.

Silver Spoon rubbed the back of her head nervously. "Yeah, uh will do." The Silver earth pony laughed.

Meanwhile Diamond Tiara continued to stare a Silver Spoon Suspiciously. 'What's she up to?' the pink filly thought to herself.

Season 1 Episode 1 Part 1: Silver Spoon and The Crusaders

(Production code 1.5)

Later that afternoon...

"Hey blank flanks!" Diamond Tiara cried as she approached a small group of fillies.

One of the fillies, an earth pony, groaned as the Pink earth pony trotted towards them. "What do yea want now Diamond Tiara?" One of the fillies asked. "We have some important cutie mark crusader business to do."

"Well then drop them, because you three are coming with me." Diamond Tiara ordered.

The second filly , a Unicorn, tilted her head to the side. "Come with you where?"

"And what makes you think we would?" The third filly, a Pegasus, asked.

"We're going to follow Silver spoon and find out what she's hiding!" Diamond Tiara exclaimed.

The yellow earth pony tiled her head in confusion. "And what makes yea think she's hiding somethin'?"

"Oh come on! Aren't you the least bit curious?" Diamond Tiara asked. "She lied about being sick, she's all of a sudden wearing dresses, she's stuttering when ever she speaks, and she's been avoiding me all day!"

"And tell me, how do yea expect to rope us into this?" The earth pony filly asked.

Ten minutes later...

"How did she rope us into this?!" the earth filly exclaimed.

"Quiet Apple Blabber mouth or she'll hear you!" Diamond Tiara shushed the other earth filly. "She's heading towards the Library. Why would she go to such a lame place like this?"

Silver spoon approached the door to the Library and knocked three times. After a few seconds the door was opened by a green hedgehog. "Yes? Oh hello." The hedgehog greeted the filly. "What can I do for you?"

"Oh uh, your Ashton right?" The filly asked nervously.

"Yeah that's right." Ashton nodded still looking down at the filly.

"Well is Twilight here?" Silver Spoon asked hopefully. "I have something I need to ask her."

"Yeah she is, hang on." Ashton away from the door and looked to wards the library's second floor. "Twilight!" the hedgehog at the top of his lungs.

A couple of seconds past before there was a response. "Yeah!" A feminine voice called out.

"A little filly is here looking for you." Ashton responded.

"Ok, I'll be right down!" The voice called out.

Suddenly a purple unicorn mare teleported into the doorway. "Hello little one. I heard you had something to ask me?"

Silver spoon nodded. "Yes, but can we talk about this inside?" The silver earth filly asked. "I don't want anypony to find out about this."

Twilight and Ashton looked at each other in confusion then back to looked back to the filly. "Sure. Come on in." Twilight moved to the side allowing the filly inside which the she didn't hesitate.

After Twilight closed the door, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Diamond Tiara moved towards the library and leaned up towards the window.

"So what is it you wanted to ask?" Twilight asked getting back on topic.

"Well have you ever heard of cutie marks disappearing over night?" Silver Spoon asked while looking off to the side.

"Hmm. What a strange question." Twilight pondered. "Well I've never heard anything about cutie marks disappearing. There isn't anything in my books about it."

"And I haven't read anything about it either." Ashton contributed.

"Why did you want to know anyway." Twilight asked the filly.

"Well..." Silver Spoon lifted up her dress and to Twilight, Ashton, and the CMC's shock, her Cutie Mark was gone!

To Be Continued...