Hi, my name's Lucy Heartfilia and I am 17 years old. Rumors always say that the richest girl in school is always the most popular. Well, welcome to a different version of that dream world.

At Fairy Tail High School, I am known as the biggest geek ever. But that also may be a result of the fact that no one actually knows the real me. Actually, nobody even knows my real name save for my cousin, Levy McGarden, but she knows about my whole life. At school, my name was changed on all the records to Lucy Ashley. I hide my perfect face behind huge glasses that I don't actually need and my body shape is hidden by baggy and unrevealing clothing. To tell you the truth, magazine articles about my dad's business with the Heartfilia me in pictures don't help at all with having to hide who I really am.

Now that you have some background on my life, I can tell you about my present life. Today is the first day of my senior year in high school. I was home schooled until my freshman year, so I skipped a grade along the way. I sat in my new seat at the back of the class near the window when our teacher, Professor Gildarts Clive came in with a big announcement.

"Class today, we will be getting a new student and I want you to be kind to him and…"

Mr. Clive got cut off with the slamming open of the door. When I looked up in surprise at the loud bang, my eyes found a dark clothed figure wearing black jeans with a chain hanging off the side, a dark red t-shirt, and a black chain necklace with a dragon charm attached to the end. He also had on a black cuffs around his wrists, but the most surprising feature on this mysterious boy was his striking salmon colored hair.

As the new kid looked around for a desk, his eyes landed on me sitting with my eyes wide at his entrance. He smirked and walked straight for me, claiming the desk next to me before Mr. Clive had a chance to say otherwise. I swallowed hard and waited for Mr. Clive to come out of shock.

"Thank you for joining us Mr. Dragneel," he began, "but, please try not to destroy my class door as you enter." Mr. Clive gave him one of his lifted eyebrow looks as the pink haired boy snickered. "Yeah sure Uncle G, no prob." So Mr. Clive is this boy's uncle, interesting. The thought ran through my head as pinky finished his sentence.

Suddenly, I felt a jab on the arm and turned to find pinky intently staring at me. "Hey, my name is Natsu, Natsu Dragneel. And your name is?" he said as he raised his hand for a handshake. I carefully placed my delicate hand into his large, warm one and answered his question "My name is Lucy, Lucy Ashley. Nice to meet you Natsu, welcome to Fairy Tail High." He seemed to brighten at my words and the grin on his face grew if that was possible.

"So", Natsu began as he leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head, "where is the best place for getting food around here?" As I was about to answer, Lisanna came over and broke in on our conversation. "The best place to eat around here is at my sister's restaurant, The Bar. You should come with me and my friends this afternoon. Oh yeah my name is Lisanna Strauss. Plus you shouldn't associate with trash like this if you wanna fit in here at Fairy Tail." Lisanna gave one of her most charming smiles while Natsu looked kinda uncomfortable. After that the bell rang and I walked out of the class as fast as I could.

Since that period was my off-period, I was able to head up to the rooftop to read and get away from everyone else. If you haven't guessed already, I am the social-out-cast at Fairy Tail. As I finally settled into a comfy spot in the sun and started to read, I started to relax and forgot about all the people downstairs until. "Hey"…


Omg! Redone chapter! I got a comment that said I should fix up my writing so here you go. Better?