Semi-update: Improved more grammar and such! I trust this will teach me to avoid writing while tired. In other news I have barely got 300 words on the next chapter. No real reason, other than laziness and lack of motivation. I am considering several directions for this story, so just let me know in review on where you want it to be taken :)

Brief introduction thing before I get started. First time writing to this site, not first time writing, however. I write to collect my thoughts, as it helps clear the mind. I hope to avoid cliches, in any case. While it would be nice if people reading this did like it, I'm not going to, say, lose any sleep if you don't. Following story may be a tad weird. Fuck that, very weird.

"No!" Harry said firmly, his half-shout filled the living room. "It's not happening, no way!"

"I told them you'd take it like this," Hermione's resigned tone floated into the room from the kitchen, "which is why we thought of a safer plan."

"What?" The heat in his voice made Moody's scarred face twist into a mockery of a smile.

"Well lad, we all knew you wouldn't like it, and would never agree to anything we thought was safe, so we went all out. Maximum security, this way." Moody's twisted face ground out

"I don't understand - what do you mean?" Was the moody teenagers eloquent reply.

Hermione stepped out of the kitchen, but Lupin cut her off before she could so much as open her mouth, "What we mean, Harry, is that there is a reason we have nine doses of polyjuice instead of six. First we will randomly select someone else's hair, who you will then turn into. Then, you will pair up with that person who will turn into you. The original intended partner of that person will then pair up with who you were originally meant to go with."

"Err, come again?" his confused voice instilled exasperation into all those who listened.

Lupin audibly sighed, before taking a deep breath, "Well here is how it is going to work..."

"Alright. So you randomly selected a hair from one of the people who was, uh, going to be me?"

"Correct, lad."

"Then I become that person, who then becomes me."


"Then I pair up with them, instead of the original intended parter."

"Yes, lad."

"And then, the intended partner becomes me before we proceed as originally planned."

At first, Moody said nothing, but his hands snapped together like thunder and the earth, following up quickly while everyone's ears still rang, "You heard the lad! Original Potter clones over here, we'll need a single hair from each of you sorry lot."

Harry sat anxiously as Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Fleur and Mundungus all filed over, each dropping a single hair into the bucket.

"Alright lad, come over here - eyes closed, and pick your poison." Moody's grin was outright terrifying as he he pointed at the bucket.

Harry steeled his nerves and shuffled over, before reaching into the bucket, dropping his eyelids just before his hand plunged into the bucket.

Something collided with the back of his head, stars filled his vision as he struggled to remain upright.


He barely registered the shout from Moody, his bony fingers gripped the table, straining to keep his frame upright.

"Never close your eyes around ANYONE lad! Try again!" came the almost defensive reply from Moody, as he stared down the unappreciative observers.

Harry reached into the bucket, feeling around with his hand. He didn't look though, he wanted it to be fair after all. He made nervous eye-contact with each observer, when he reached a decision and settled on a hair.

He lifted the suddenly heavy hair out of the bucket, before a gurgle escaped his lips.

"Oh." His face fell and so did Fleur's, for it was her hair he had drawn from the bucket.

She had a strange expression on her face, before she sighed and filled the room with her lovely French lilt, "I will go, ah, collect some clothing for you 'Arry. I will be back."

He glanced over at Bill, who awkwardly made eye-contact with him. "Don't worry Harry, we uh, we trust you. This is for your safety, after all," Bill said, almost forcedly, before continuing, "I mean, I may not like it, but it's what is happening so... I'll be over there with Hagrid."

Said half-giant was completely still, and Harry wasn't quite sure if he was awake or asleep. Or hibernating, who knew with Hagrid anyway.

Harry gingerly put the hair into a vial, before moving it aside from the others. The fluid inside of the vial turned a silvery colour, though there were heavy traces and wisps of brown mixed in.

Lupin stepped forward, the awkwardness in the room having a slight effect on his tone, "Alright Harry, pass us a few hairs and let's get this show on the road. Heh."

"Alright everyone, got yer vials? Yes? Good," Moody dumped a rather large sack at his feet before continuing, "anyone who finds themselves not fitting their current clothes will be able to find some here. Once done, over to the kitchen to collect your Hedwig, trunk and glasses. Now -"

Harry turned when someone tapped his shoulder, spacing out from Moody's speech.

"Oh, Fleur, what is it?" He stammered out, his accent layering onto his words thickly.

"Come with me, 'Arry, I would prefer some solitude while you, ah, do ze changing, non? I weel explain furzer when we get zair."

She walked off, and Harry stumbled after her before she stopped at the entrance to the bathroom.

"When we are done up 'ere we will go back down to ze ozzers. You will be with me on ze thestral, as it is unlikely zey will be looking for zat, non?" She took a deep breathe before continuing, "We will arrive at ze Shell Cottage - my 'ome, before we take ze portkey to ze burrow. You understand, yes? Parfaite. Now go and tell me when you are finished, and I will 'elp you change."

He took the vial out of his pocket and set it on the counter, where it glimmered innocently.

"... Little bugger." He informed the vial, putting the rotten thing it it's place. He rapidly stripped down, tossing his clothes haphazardly across the small room, and willed his limbs forward. He reached out, gently taking the vial by its neck.

"Bottoms up, eh?" He tipped the silvery vial upside down, forcing his mouth to take the disgusting fluid.

"'Arry? Are you alright?" Fleur's worried voice resounded across the bathroom, and he struggled to formulate a response to the simple question.

"Yeah... Almost... Done-urk." He managed between gasps, he could feel his skin melting, bubbling.

He didn't know when he ended up on the floor, but he sure took notice getting up. He stumbled as he got up, not ready for the changed centre of gravity. He briefly examined himself in his new, admittedly attractive body, taking extra note of her... 'Fleur has small boobs?'

The thought seemed so ridiculous, but also happened t,o be true.

"Alright, done."

Fleur opened the door, and shuffled in. To Harry's surprise, he was greeted with his own green eyes, framed by a set of circular glasses.

"...Wuh?" He winced at the sound of his now feminine voice.

"I already changed while waiting. 'urry up - turn around." Fleur's once rather sexy accent now just sounded quite ridiculous, and Harry barely suppressed his grin as he turned on the spot.

Fleur gripped her bra with tightly clenched hands. 'My,' she thought, 'I do look razzer ravishing. Even with zat really queer expression.' She reached around, and tightly secured... Her breasts?

She handed him a skirt, some underthings, leggings and a shirt-top-thing, and mustered her deepest, manliest voice, "Ze rest is zelf explanatory. I will go and pack your things. I shall meet you down zair."

He watched as his body lumbered down the hall, a slow, awkward shuffle. He looked back at the clothes she had handed him.

"Err..." Came unintelligibly out of his mouth. He picked up the panties she had given him by the pads of his fingers, and quickly slid them up his now smooth thighs.


The knickers were on the wrong way.

After struggling with the attire she had given him for several long, embarrassing, minutes he made his way down the hallway and back to the living room, stumbling awkwardly ever few steps.

"Over 'ere 'Arry!" He met Fleur-Harry's eyes and made his way over to her, avoiding everyone else's eyes. The snicker from one of the other Harry's didn't escape his hearing, and, well, if eyes could kill they would be down one Harry.

"We are all ready to go 'Arry. Climb on after me and zay, 'Shell Cottage, Outzkirtz of Tinworth," at Harry's questioning look she clarified further, "it is mine and Bill's new place. Come on - 'urry, everyone iz leaving!"

Harry didn't bother with an answer, instead he busied himself with climbing onto the thestral, which was a rather hard task in itself. After a few seconds of desperate struggling, Fleur-Harry held her hand out, and with a wicked smile lifted him onto the thestral.

"Uh, thank you?" He looked at the others, not listening to Fleur-Harry's response, and waited for Moody to lower his last finger.

Moody dropped his last finger, and promptly took off. Harry took that as his cue, and swung his now very pretty face to look at the thestral, the new weight from his hair upsetting his resolve briefly.

"Err, could you take us to Shell Cottage, found on the Outskirts of Tinworth? Please?"

He could swear the thestral gave a brief nod, before taking off.

The houses below them became smaller with every second, his realization of just how high they were going to get bringing an extremely rough bout of nausea, stabbing into his gut. The cold air slipped right through his rather thin clothing, chilling him straight to the bone. It had only seemed like seconds, but they were already well into the air, and Harry clung to the thestral's mane and to Fleur's manly body as if is life depended on it.

Which it did, as a matter of a fact.

He took a second to gather his surroundings, the night sky assaulting his eyes. He took notice of a cloud to his left, and turn his head to their rear only to see black cloaks already bellowing behind them.

He sucked in as much air as he could into his struggling lungs - if only they weren't so high! "Fleur! Deatheaters behind us!" his voice reaching new heights as he screamed into the night.

He heard her curse under her breathe, before lowering her body, getting closer to the thestral.

"Sectumsempra!" He heard the shout through the night, as the sickly yellow ribbon flew through the air, missing him completely but taking a chunk out of his rather fabulous ponytail.

"Fuck! Snape!" His harsh whisper filled Fleur's ear, who whipped around, wand in hand.

"Nobody 'urtz my 'air! Contero!" Harry didn't recognise the curse, but the unfortunate death eater it hit went down with a cry as his broom snapped into two pieces with a rather anti-climatic puff of smoke.

"Expelliarmus!" He didn't even remember when he had drawn his wand, but he knew his mistake the moment his curse slammed into one of the deatheaters. He saw the flash of recognition in his eyes, before he turn around and hugged his arms around the thestral, bringing himself parallel to the skeletal beast.

Harry cursed himself mentally as he heard Snape barking out barely audible commands, when he heard the words as though Snape were next to him, "That's not Potter! Move! Move!" The flock of death eaters quickly dispersed on hearing Snape's surprising orders, though a few hung back, lazily trading spells as they zipped along. Fleur hit one with a banishing curse, and the others came to an abrupt halt, to presumably save their comrade.

Harry gripped the thestral tightly with his annoying long legs before sitting upright, his head swinging left to right as he tried to gauge the severity of the situation. He could see death-eaters everywhere - they seemed to be all over what he presumed was the others. He worried for them, hoping they would be alright.

"Yez, we – Moody! Over zair! Moody is down!" Fleur-Harry's voice became almost hysterical and her original sentence was left abandoned as she shrieked out the heart destroying news.

Harry turned his head like a swivel, no tears falling as he watched Moody's form plummet to the earth.

The thestral touched down with a thump, Harry rolling off as soon as he could. His mind was in overdrive, barely registering Hedwig's cage falling off the thestral, as she burst out and began hooting like a mad-owl.

"Ah, shush you zilly owl!"

The red light of a stunner collided with her, stilling her wings and returning them to silence.

Fleur looked at Harry on the ground, his (her?) chest heaving, rapidly, drawing in heavy breathes, Odd. They looked smaller from her perspective. The strange, yet comforting, thought about her bust flitted through her weary mind.

Fleur reached out with her hand, and pulled Harry up roughly, "Let's go inside, 'Arry. I will make us ze coffee."

Still holding his hand, she led him into the homely dwelling, where she gently pushed him onto a rather comfortable lounge chair.

He sat in the lounge, waiting for Fleur to finish the coffee. Directly in front of him was what looked like an extremely flimsy coffee table, and further ahead was a smaller, cozier armchair and a stained glass window. They still had half an hour on the polyjuice, and an hour on the portkey, as they had arrived far ahead of schedule.

He heard footsteps down the hallway, before Fleur slowly came around the corner, an odd expression featured on her (his?) face.

"Fleur?" He called out to her hesitantly, again wincing at how odd his voice sounded.

"'Arry." She stated simply. "Petrificus Totalus!"

"Wha-" He didn't have time to finish his surprised exclamation, before the full body-bind curse washed over him. His eyes widened in betrayal as she reached over him, and picked him up.

He couldn't see where they were going, but he was roughly dumped on a bed after a short walk.

"Yez. I do look rather ravishing." She stated again, in the same detached tone.

She undid the belt on her trousers, before dropping them to the floor, underwear included.

Harry's eyes widened at the sight of his throbbing, eight inch cock. The whole situation was surreal, as Fleur raised her wand again.

"Imperio." The unforgivable was breathed, as if she was whispering it to a lover, but it still had the same effect.

'Come over here, you would love to suck this cock.' A silky, sweet voice whispered into his mind.

'No!' Came his minds stubborn reply, 'I don't want to!'

'Are you zure? Who would not want to pleazure ze lovely Fleur Delacour?' He felt his mind giving way at the seductive voice, imagining himself and Fleur in bed, feeling his petrification be undone as he stepped over to where she stood and knelt down.

He felt the Imperio weaken as his mind realised that was not in fact, Fleur, and was instead himself. It was not nearly enough to break free, though, as he found wrestling control back to be much harder than simply resisting initially.

It was an odd experience, sucking on his own member. He swirled it around in his mouth as he was forced to look up into his own piercing gaze. He felt a hand roughly grip into his hair, forcing his mouth back and forth on the veiny cock.

Another round of swirls and he heard Fleur breathing heavy. She began moving his head back and forth in a more primal, carnal way. He felt it throb, before she forced him down to the base as he felt his mouth fill with his own seed.

At least she didn't last long.

"Oh 'Arry..." Her legs shook and her hips bucked as she shot jet after jet into his awaiting throat. She thrust her hips several more times before coming to a shaky stop.

She stared down at him passionately, stilled her shaking legs and pulled her member out of Harry's (her?) mouth with a wet pop.

She barely registered when commanded him to get on the bed and lie facing the roof. She could see the confliction in his (her?) eyes, before he lay down fully.

She walked over to him, her hips swaying briefly, even though she was no longer of the feminine sex. "What would I be if I did not return ze favour, 'Arry?" She called out teasingly.

She reached over, and roughly tugged down his leggings. She was much gentler on the next clothing item, gently pushing down the panties before slipping them off his ankles. She briefly contemplated spending time taking the rest of his clothing off, but decided against it, instead just pulling the skirt up and around his waist.

"Come on now 'Arry, spread your legs."

If licking his own meat popsicle was a strange experience, then having his own face go down onto his lower lips was quite possibly equal to or just as disturbing. Not to say that it didn't feel nice, as he felt the brief spark of electricity shoot up his spine as her tongue made contact with something down there.

"Ooooh!" He heard the moan escape his lips, as his body moved without his permission. The haze of pleasure from the voice slowly dissipated, but he didn't care. This was one of the best – if not the best feelings in the world.

He could feel each stroke of her tongue on his folds, shooting electricity into his body, igniting him with passion. He felt her strop briefly, before plunging her rough tongue into his core.

He looked down the valley of his breasts to see Fleur looking up at him with his own face, smiling as she ravished his (her?) core with her tongue.

He felt it coming a mile away, the orgasmic pleasure shook him, he lost control over his limbs again, as his whole being hummed with the pleasure Fleur had created with her tongue.

"Oh!" It had been a chore maintaining silence while she ravished him, but he could no longer stay silent, effeminate moans escaping his lips with each breathe.

He could feel her slowly lift her frame to a kneeling position and crawl over next to him. He felt her lazily caress his folds with her fingers, before plunging one - then two, in. All of a sudden it stopped.

He looked up, registering something prod at his lower lips. He scrambled back hurriedly when he noticed just what it was Fleur wanted.

"Hey no! That's not-" He was cut off by a swift silencing spell from Fleur, before she descended upon him and kissed him fully on the lips, tongue slipping into his mouth.

He could taste himself on her, slightly tangy, but somewhat pleasant, as she made love to his face with her tongue. She reach down again, guiding her member into his waiting crease, holding him down with her more powerful body.

He felt it slip in. He had never known he could feel something like this. His mouth was open, but no sounds were coming out – either lost in the spell or Fleur's (his?) mouth. She worked herself in and out of him, he had never felt so full, so completed in his life before. She gripped his breasts with her hands, his hands, and gently moved her pelvis back and forth, rocking in and out of his lower lips. He could feel each thrust, filling his damp hole, and then leaving it empty, only to repeat.

She would vary every now and then, thrust only little amounts before going back to the long, in and out strokes. He could feel the texture, the shape of the cock moving in and out of his hole, bringing him unimaginable pleasure with each stroke.

He writhed against his own body, but she stopped suddenly. He looked up at her, before she smiled, kissed him again and rolled him over gently. He got onto his knees, and thrust his shapely butt out for Fleur to dominate. She re-sheathed herself into his core, this time pounding in and out with reckless thrusts, becoming much more rough as she gripped his hip with one hand and ponytail with the other, their thighs meeting with wet, fleshy slaps as she took him over and over.

"Oui! Oui!" Fleur's gasps filled the room as she worked like a piston in and out of his feminine sheathe. Her thrusts were slowly becoming more carnal, losing they direction they had at first, but it only worked to heighten his pleasure.

He could feel it coming, again, but this time it was different. Where before was like a fully-body electric shock, this was like being struck by lightning. He moaned her name, but no noise escaped his lips. The walls of his core fluttered around Fleur's member, as he felt her shoot hot seed deep into his body.

Her hips continuously moved back and forth, for what seemed an eternity, coating his insides with his own valuable seed, filling his core with the potent liquid. It was warm, pleasantly so, and it filled his insides - made him feel whole. He closed his eyes, not caring for Moody's earlier words, and lay on his stomach. He could feel her (his?) seed dripping out of his sex, and so rolled onto his back, breasts still heaving as he reached down with his hand and rubbed it, silently moaning at the wet sensations it created.

Fleur knelt over him again, except this time her cock was glistening with lube. He started up at her, his eyes laden with lust, and he spread his lower lips again, his legs already splayed apart.

He closed his eyes and waited for the sensation, but he didn't feel anything. Until suddenly it pushed into him again.

Except this time in the wrong hole.

He gasped as it slipped into his back door, the pain shooting through him, forcing his already tight butthole to clench harder. He opened his eyes and looking into Fleur's green ones. She kissed him again, and whispered sweet things to him. He hesitantly relaxed his muscles, and she began moving inside of his unused hole.

It was certainly stranger than their previous bouts of sex, but it brought no less pleasure. It was different in that he could not directly feel it, but the strange pleasure seemed to make up for it, the pleasure resonating from somewhere deeper that before. She pushed in and out, as he reached down and pushed several fingers into his sopping core.

Before he could get more than a few strokes in, however, she pushed his hand away. He opened his eyes (when had he closed them?) And looked down his front, to see Fleur with a dildo.

A bright pink dildo shaped like a dick.

A very thick dick.

And it was vibrating.

She gave it to him, and he stared at it in wonder for a few seconds, wondering if his lower lips could take such abuse. He pushed it into his mouth, taking extra notice of the vibrations it sent through him, before he trailed it down his body and slipped it into his core. His legs actually jumped when it made first contact, his weak arms struggling sheathe the dildo inside him.

Eventually Fleur had mercy, and lent on it with her body weight. It slipped in with a wet squish, quickly bottoming out in his folds.

The pleasure was unimaginable, as Fleur began moving again.

He was quickly gaining pleasure again, the combined sensations of the dildo and member moving in and out of his holes at the same time sending him to new levels of pleasure. He began to get into it fully, rocking back and forth on his own to add to her thrusts.

Fleur reached up with one hand, fondling his breasts through his shirt and bra. He moaned as her hand made contact with his clothed breast, the sensation making him feel wanted, dominated. He loved the loss of control as she gripped his breasts like they were handlebars and stuffed her member into his rear hole again and again. She stopped, again, and climbed off him, her cock slipping out of his rear easily, still panting as she lay on her back. Her pubic hair had their combined juices on it, her seed from earlier now flowing out of his hole in troves, leaking around the dildo currently plugging the hole.

"Climb on ze pleazure train, 'Arry." She lustfully informed him.

He didn't waste a moment, he scrambled up, barely registering the pink dildo as it slipped out of his loose hole. He scrambled over, placing a thigh on either side of her pelvis before lowering his ass onto her member again. Her hands caressed his thighs, slipping under the skirt that he was still wearing to grope his butt as he bounced up and down on her member.

He moaned lustfully, managing to break the silencing charm she had placed on him. He could feel her member, buried deep in his rear entrance. It was somehow more pleasurable than when he had both dildo and cock filling his needy holes, his whole body tingling with only the kind of pleasure that intercourse could bring.

"Oh, Fleur!" She gasped out, her breathe short, as she moaned her own name in pleasure.

He took no notice of who's name she moaned out, however, as he was to far taken by the pleasure, and it would have made him a hypocrite as a breathy 'Harry' escaped his own lips.

He felt it coming on light a freight train, his hips and thighs shaking as he continued to bounce up and down. He brought a hand up to his breast, and groped it roughly as he came, spraying juices all over Fleur's groin. He felt the hand on his upper thigh turn to iron, before holding him down as Fleur came inside him again, this time his ass.

He fell onto her, the member still resting in the soft confines of his back door. He hadn't noticed when he lost his hair tie, and he took no notice now, as he lay exhausted on Fleur, his hair splayed out across the both of them as seed dripped out of both his holes.

Told you it would be weird! If that wasn't one of the worst pieces of literature you have ever read I will be surprised. Oh well, I write for myself. Actually looking back on this I am heavily considering cleaning it up and reposting as a proper story, a few plot bunnies are running around in my head. Oh well, I have a few proper stories that I am already writing. (p.s, take note that my native language is not english).

I may have a second chapter coming. Then again, I may not.