Chapter 20: Epilogue
One week later:
Robert was sitting at his desk in his study with O'Malley's journal in his hands. He turned it over and over again debating what to do with it.
Tom Branson sat beside him. He was in shock about what Robert had just told him about what was written in it. He was shocked that such a person could have been employed by the estate. That such a person existed in the world. He knew he had been a radical when he had first come to Downton, but never in his wildest dreams would he actually have ever considered trying to blow up the house and kill everyone inside. Robert had explained to him that Sybbie's actions that morning had saved all of their lives, but Tom didn't think that excused entirely her indiscretion and her impulsive actions.
Everyone in the household considered her a hero, though she wanted nothing to do with that reverence. She knew she had made mistakes, and she was working through them in her own time. She was making good progress with the help of her family. And her own private nurse. The relationship was deepening between Lily and the Bransons to the delight of everyone.
"So wait. You're saying O'Malley was going to plant the bombs through the house and start in on fire?" George was sitting on the chair opposite the desk and he didn't like at all what he had heard from the journal. "We would have all died for sure..."
"It seems that was his intention. It was quite elaborately planned out. I am not sure I should have told you this George, but I thought it would be better to hear it from me than someone else." Robert spoke sincerely to his grandson. The look on the boy's face was so much like his father's that Robert felt they had suddenly gone years into the past.
"What about James? What are we going to do about him? I am positive that he knew nothing of his brother's plans." Tom spoke up. He felt sorry for the young man and his family's predicament.
"I agree. I have spoken to him at length and I am convinced of his ignorance. He seems a good lad. But so did his brother." Robert shrugged his shoulders. It was best not to incriminate the entire O'Malley family but...
"I like James. I think he's a decent fellow." George defended the young Irishman. The two of them had spent a great deal of time together since the explosion. They both credited each other with saving each others lives.
"I have plans for him, but we'll discuss that later." Robert truly wanted to believe that James deserved the benefit of the doubt, and he had been incredibly helpful with helping the construction workers at repairing the staff quarters that had been devastated by his brother.
The three of them discussed the rebuild and how it was progressing. Robert was incredibly pleased that Tom seemed so interested in the matters of the estate. He still hadn't given his final answer on if he would accept Robert's offer of employment, but he definitely seemed to be taking a keener interest in things, and for this, Robert was very happy with the progress.
Barrow came into the room at that time and Robert asked Tom and George if they would excuse them. He wanted to speak with Barrow privately. The two of them stood up and left the room together, wondering what Robert might have to speak with the Butler about out of their presence.
Robert invited the man to sit down, but Barrow insisted he would feel more comfortable standing. He had no idea what this was about.
"How are all the staff fairing in their temporary accommodations?" Robert asked.
"They're fairing well sir. It's a minor inconvenience but they should be back in the servant's quarters by the end of the month. No one is complaining too much." Barrow was happy that no one had been hurt in the explosion.
"I have read O'Malley's book and there is something I wanted to ask you about. In confidence."
"Of course Sir. Anything." Barrow was intrigued, though he was starting to suspect what may have been written.
"Your name was mentioned. On a few occasions. Were you in a relationship with O'Malley?" Robert's face was stern. He needed to know the truth.
Barrow went pale.
"Not exactly Sir. Perhaps there was a wish and a hope on my part, but there was no relationship. I fear, in hindsight, he took advantage of my interest in him, and I let him get away with things I wouldn't have let any other staff do. Trips into the village whenever he wanted. Extra days off. Freedom to come and go as he pleased. But, no. There was no relationship." Barrow was as honest as he had ever been. He looked upset.
"I suspected. But you understand, I had to ask. I think he may have been more interested in you than you may have thought, but when Sybbie arrived from America, he seemed to lose his mind completely. He intended to hurt her to damage you knowing how much you cared about her. But in reading his writings, I think the boy was more unbalanced than we knew." Robert held the journal in his hand as he spoke.
"Yes sir. I want you to know that I had no idea what O'Malley had planned. I never would have let him get away with it had I known what he was truly doing." Barrow could no longer look at the Earl. The man who had given him so many second chances he couldn't possibly deserve another.
"May I suggest that we go through a more intense screening process with new staff in the future? Can I trust you to take care of this?" Robert did pity the man. His life had not been easy with what he was. His secret that he kept tucked inside for so long.
"Of course Sir. We need a new chauffeur and I should start posting ads for the position soon."
"I have an idea about that. I just need to know that I can trust your judgement Barrow."
"I'll not let you down again Sir. I apologize for my lack of insight with O'Malley. I was blinded by my feelings." Barrow finally sat down on the chair across from Robert. He hung his head and looked as shamed as Robert had ever seen him.
"We all were Barrow. We forget in our little world here that true evil exists. I fear that our lives will change soon with that Chancellor in Germany. I am hearing terrible stories."
The two men spoke for some time about the matters of the world. They spoke of the Great War, and the fear that a new war would start with situations transpiring in the east. Robert spoke of what a different world his grandchildren were growing up in, and not so different at the same time. Times passed and the world changed around them. Robert ended the conversation by standing up and tossing the journal into the fire.
"I think it's best if we put this incident behind us. No one needs to ever read the evil in those pages again."
The two men watched as the book caught fire and burned into ashes, eliminating the words from an existence that had so nearly destroyed them all.
George stood on the train platform and watched as the porters loaded the luggage car. He would be leaving soon after spending one of the most memorable holidays he could remember at his home. Not all good memories, but still. It had gone as he never could have expected. He reached up to touch the wound on his head that was healing well. The sutures had come out and the scar it would leave was slightly hidden by his hairline.
"Does your head ache darling?" His mother looked at him in concern and reached up to brush the whisp of hair that had fallen down.
"No. I'm fine." He looked at his mother with his big blue eyes and noticed that she didn't seem to have that sad look anymore that she used to have when he was near. He was glad they had resolved their differences.
He was heading back to school knowing more about his father than he had known in his life. And most of the stories had come from his mother. She was finally happy to talk about Matthew. George was so proud now that everyone compared him to his father. He was proud to be like him and all the good he had done in the world.
"I'm going to miss you." Mary told her son and she meant it so much. The holidays had been so enlightening for her as well. She had learned what an amazing man her son was becoming and she was happy she still had time to get to know him. If she had lost him, she would not have chosen life this time.
"I'm going to miss you too. You can come visit me anytime. I look forward to it actually." He leaned towards her to hug her as the engineer was blowing the whistle for passengers to start boarding the train.
"I wish you such luck. You must write me often to let me know how you are doing. And keep those grades up and you can be anything you wish." Mary held him close for as long as she could.
The conductor walked past them and told them George would have to board now.
"Please take care of Grand-mama for me. I'll ring you on the weekend." George pulled away from her grip and saw the tears in her eyes. He couldn't remember the last time his mother stood on the platform and sent him on his way back to school. It felt wonderful to feel so loved. "And kiss the girls for me."
"Of course I will. I love you so very much George."
"I love you too Mama. Take care." He fumbled with the small toy dog tucked in his pocket. He knew his mother would always be on his side.
And with that, he boarded the train a new man. He couldn't wait to come back home at the first chance he would get. School was no longer an escape for him. Life was good. And it could only get better.
The end.
I just want to take the time to thank everyone who got involved in this story. I had so much fun writing it and this was my first foray back into writing in nearly three years. The skills were a bit rusty in the beginning and I truly appreciate the feedback that was given to me. I learned so much. Seriously.
This was challenging for me. I am from western Canada and know little of the class system of England and the small details associated with it. I know I made many mistakes in my writing but I ask your forgiveness as the challenge for me was greatly accepted. And infinitely rewarding. I can only get better. So, again, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
All my love,
... And with that, may I happily give you an excerpt from the forthcoming sequel to 'Renewed':
It will focus predominantly on Tom and Lily as they start their life together. Their struggle with Sybbie and her independent behavior. The challenge of Tom's involvement with running the estate. The hard feelings that may still exist between Bates and the Bransons. Remember, Tom gave his blood the night of the accident to save Emma's life. Will Bates remember that? Or will he remain bitter towards them. Time will tell. All other characters from Downton, both originals and the usual suspects will make appearances. I'm sure there will be drama. ;)
April, 1938
George waited as the car came to a complete stop before he opened the door and jumped out. The chauffeur was only a second behind him, embarrassed that the future Earl had so inelegantly let himself out of the car.
"Don't worry about it James." George smiled at his friend.
O'Malley just shook his head. George really didn't like to do things properly. James had been coached to always open the door for his passengers and George hadn't even given him the opportunity.
There were a number of other cars and delivery trucks parked by the entrance. An entire throng of people were hauling flowers into the house. George smiled as he saw his Grandparents standing by the door looking ever so pleased to see him.
He hurried the last distance and embraced the three of them warmly. They led him into the house, avoiding the bustle of the delivery people coming and going.
Isobel waited by the door for a second and looked behind George.
"Is Livinia coming later then?" She seemed concerned.
"It's just me Grand-mama. It's George." He stopped and took her by the hand. He had been warned that her decline had been rapid in the past few months.
"Of course. I'm sorry my dear." She smiled at him.
They went into the great hall and George spied his mother speaking with Lily by the stairs. Both women smiled at him greatly when they saw him and came over to greet him. Mary hugged him tightly and his two younger sisters came running at him from the other room. He picked them up, one at a time and spun them around. They were so happy to see their big brother and had been torturing their parents all morning with questions about his arrival.
Everyone was so happy with seeing him. And he was very happy to see them too.
He caught a glimpse of someone out of the corner of his eye and was thrilled to see his cousin walking towards him using only a cane and her father close behind her in support.
He went to her and hugged her as tightly as he dared. It was excellent to see her up and around of her own power and she was looking so well. He was pleased.
Tom walked around them and put his arm around Lily's waist. She turned to look at him adoringly and everyone in their presence felt the deep love between them.
"How are the plans going?" George asked while he grinned at them. He adored Lily. As did everyone.
"We're ready. And anxious. But we have one more thing that needs to be decided." Tom spoke to him and pulled Lily close to his side.
"What's that?" George asked.
"I want to know if you will be my best man."
George clapped his hands in joy and immediately agreed. He had never been so honoured by a request in his life...
To be continued: See you soon.