AN: Thanks for the follows/favorites/reviews everyone! Especially to my favorite review, which simply read Killer, dude. I will try to make this chapter a bit longer, but I have work in an hour so this is how much I can get done in an hour.

Clarke was sharpening the sword Lexa had given her that day, admiring the way it gleamed in the moonlight. Staring at her reflection in the silvery surface, Clarke almost didnt recognize herself. A year ago, she had been a girl with a braid and a holey sweater, a girl who wanted to be a doctor and liked to draw flowers and trees.

Now here she was, gauntlets on her arms, war paint around her eyes, and bloody handprints smeared on her soul. Things could change a lot in a year.

Bellamy was walking towards the tents when he heard a a rhythmic metallic swish coming from above him. Looking up, he found Clarke standing on one of the metal roofs of the Ark, staring down at a sword like it held the answers to the meaning of life. He quickly climbed up to join her.

"Hey." he said, his voice coming out rough and low. Clarke looked at him and smiled tiredly. Her edges were softened in the moonlight, making her a little less Hurricane Clarke and little bit more the pragmatic idealist he had met those first days on Earth.

"Hey yourself." she answered softly.

"Nice sword." he said, giving it an appraising look.

Clarke ran a hand absently down the smooth steel, then set it down before sinking to sit leaning against the wall.

"Thanks." she finally replied. Her eyes closed, "But I dont want to talk about swords right now. Tomorrow we go into battle, tomorrow we have to talk about swords." Her eyes opened, he could see the stormclouds were about to rain, "But not right now. Please, Bellamy. Not right now."

Bellamy sat beside her, his shoulder brushing hers. "Name two things you love, people dont count." He was rewarded with a clearing of the skies as the stormclouds dissipated.

"Rodents and the stars." Clarke answered promptly. Bellamy snorted with laughter.

"Really Princess? Rodents?"

Clarke was smiling, "Whats not to love? Cute and resilient as hell."

Bellamy shook his head, "I'll take your word for it." He nudged his shoulder aginst hers, "And the stars?"

Clarke sighed, "I know, you'd think I'd be sick of them by now." She looked up at the sky, "But no matter what bad memories are attached, theyve always been there and I know that they always will, it makes them feel a little bit like home." She pointed up, "And I cant help but love that theyre perfect in their imperfections." she turned to look at him and said quietly, "A million tiny flaws that come together and make something amazing."

The corner of Bellamy's mouth lifted, "I think I understand."

Clarke curled against the metal wall to face him, "What are two things that Bellamy Blake loves?"

Bellamy thought for a moment, "Guns and storms." he said finally. Clarke rolled her eyes.

"Guns, big surprise."

"Whats not to love?" he asked teasingly, repeating her earlier words back to her.

Clarke nudged his knee with hers, "What about storms?"

Bellamy stared out over the forest, "All this fierce power and beauty seeming to destroy everything in its path, then the next day the sun comes out, and everything is clean and fresh and wet and you know that no matter how much it destroyed, it ensured the survival of of the forset." He shrugged, "Kinda stupid?"

Clarke leaned her head against his shoulder, "Not stupid at all."