AN: I was feeling inspired and this thingy ended up emerging from the depths of my keyboard. Slightly AU in that Bellamy never went to Mt Weather, hes still chilling in Camp Jaha. Its quite different from my usual style, I'm attempting a bit of dabbling. Love it, hate it? Reviews are appreciated.

In the love stories, there is always an exact moment in time when one character realizes they are in love with the other. Bellamy Blake honestly had no idea when he had fallen in love with Clarke Griffin. One day she was Clarke and he was Bellamy. And then one day she was Clarke and Bellamy was hers. But since when have their blood soaked lives ever resembled a love story?

Bellamy was so busy reflecting on this that it took him a minute to realize there was shouting coming from the Ark. A moment later the source of this appeared in the form of Clarke storming outside. Storming, Bellamy thought. was the perfect word for her. She was dressed in a gray tank top with added bits of grounder armour catching the light of the campfires as she marched, eyes flashing, in a manner that dared anyone to get in her way. Clarke Griffin was a storm and Bellamy was desperate to be in the eye of the hurricane.

Clarke was having an exceptionally bad day. Her mother had dug in her heels and was refusing to let guns be distributed among the Grounders, ignoring the fact it could allow for a major advantage in the coming battle. Clarke knew that she could use a show of force like she had that night by the gates, but she was hesitant to go that far again. When she finally couldnt take anymore she stalked out of the Ark and made a beeline for her tent. She paused for a moment, feeling Bellamy's gaze on her skin like a touch, and inclined her head towards her tent before continuing there herself. She knew he understood.

The moment Bellamy ducked under the flap, Clarke told him about the situation with the guns, pacing back and forth as she spoke, the expletives peppering her speech falling from her mouth like claps of thunder from stormclouds. He wanted to know what thunder tasted like. Instead, he listened to her, offered suggestions, made plans, did everything he could to be who she needed him to be.

Clarke had never been very poetic. She didnt have a name for the feeling she got when she was around Bellamy. All she knew was that the first time she had looked up at the stars from the ground, she had nearly cried because they were home and out of reach and so beautiful it hurt all at once, and that was how it felt looking at Bellamy. But here he was, being her partner, listening to her tirades, making plans with her. She needed to get her head on straight and concentrate, no matter how much she wished she could touch the stars.