Disclaimer: Of course I don't own H50. Just playin...


"Danny? Hey, you home?" Of course Steve knew he was there. Or he should be. The Camaro was sitting out front. He closed the door behind him.

The house was quiet. Steve surveyed the front room. The TV was on low. A sure sign Danny was afoot.


Still nothing. Steve checked the kitchen. Nobody.

"Hey, buddy? You here?" Maybe Danny was outside or back in his room.

"Steve?" He turned at his name, almost a flinch. It was Danny, but kinda far away. And something else that made his heart beat a little faster, set him on edge.

"Partner, where are you? You alright?"


"Ah, okay, man. I'll give you a minute."

"Nah, Steve. Need-" His voice cut off with a grunt.

Steve moved quickly down the hall, gearing up for action. Worried about his friend. "Danny?"

Danny sat on the toilet seat, listing to one side, hand on his belly. Eyes closed and taking slow, deep breaths. Gauze, bandages and tape on the counter and the floor. He looked up when Steve entered the room.

"No one ever tells you how hard it is to do this by yourself."

"What about Amb-Melissa?"

"Back to work."

"You don't look so good. What have you been doing?"

"Following doctor's orders."

Steve rolled his eyes and huffed at that comment.

"Hey! I have been."

"You've been on your feet way too much."

"Says the guy who never admits he's in pain."

"Sure, make this about me."

Danny closed his eyes and sighed. It was awkward sitting there at that angle, trying to hold himself in the least painful position possible. It wasn't working and he didn't know how much longer he could keep his composure.

Steve noticed and didn't say a word. He knelt close to his partner, placing his hands on Danny's. "Let me see, okay?"

"Yea, okay." Danny's arms fell away and he grabbed the toilet seat to try to reposition himself.

"Stop wiggling."

"Not wiggling. Adjusting." He growled, his breath hitched just a little.

"Hey if this is hurting you, we can move somewhere else." Steve made sure he had Danny's eyes. "Come on. Let me help you."

"Okay. Bedroom then. I need to lie down."

"Good idea. You need your rest. I can fix you up and be outta your hair. How 'bout that?"

"Sure, yea. Sounds good."

Steve helped Danny to his feet.

"Wait a sec. Super head rush."

Steve held on tighter, feeling his friend tremble ever so much.

"Okay, you can let me go now. I got this."

He wanted to protest, but Steve kept his mouth shut. Arguing with an irritated Danny was aggravating on a good day. He sensed today wasn't the day to push his partner. So he simply followed as Danny shuffled to his room.


"For what, Danny?"

"For not arguing. Not in the mood."

"Yea, I figured. Let's get you situated so you can rest."

"Sounds good, thanks, Steve."

"Anything for you, buddy."

Danny sank back against the pillows. His face a mask of pain and something else. A hand went to his face, covering his eyes.

"Hey, Danny, you okay?"

No answer.

Steve hesitated. He didn't want to jar his friend too much by sitting on the bed, but he couldn't stand being so far away. He didn't know what Danny needed. He could bandage his physical wound and get him his meds. Make him a sandwich if he wanted. Hell, sing him a song or two. But he wasn't sure what was going on inside his partner's head.

Anymore he was afraid to ask.

They both had too many demons. Too many complications in their lives. If he cracked that dam, he might get more than he bargained for. His own defenses might be weakened and then they'd both come crashing to the ground.

So he didn't push. He waited, hands on his hips, head down, knowing Danny would let him know when he was ready.

Danny wiped his eyes and smiled. "I could really use a –"

Steve stopped him with a wave of his hand. "Whatever you need. But first let's get you bandaged back up, change this dressing. Get you comfortable."

"Everything's in the bathroom."

"I saw it." Steve laughed. "All over the floor."

Danny frowned. "I told you it wasn't easy doing this by yourself."

"You should have practice. From the last time." Steve pointed to the old scar on his other side. "Seems to be your lucky spot."

"Yea well it's better than some other places. I swear, you're lucky you got a thick head." Danny grinned. "And always the same side."

Steve wiggled his eyebrows. "Gotta keep my best angle lookin good."

Danny winced as he fought the urge to laugh. "Stop. Please. You're killing me."

They didn't say anything for a minute or two. Steve gathered everything he needed, and when he returned to the bedroom, the mood shifted again.

"I don't know if I can do this."

"Hey, today's just a bad day. You've got this." Steve set the supplies down on the bed. "You'll be fine."

Danny closed his eyes and sighed. "I know. I can do it. I can."

"See, there ya go." Steve was lost in his work for a few seconds, assembling what he needed, examining his friend. "You've kept this pretty clean. Looks good, Danno."

"Not my first rodeo."

"Then, what's the problem? You've got this."

Danny raised his voice. "Me, I'm the problem."

"What? Where'd that come from?"

"Life. It sucks." Danny winced, hand reflexively going to his side, where he met Steve's hand. He tried to push him away.

He grabbed Danny's wrist. Their eyes met. Steve tried to give his best reassuring smile. "Hey. Let me finish, alright?"

"Yea, okay. Fine."

Steve redressed the wound, carefully. Gently. "There, all set. Can I get you maybe something to eat? When do you last take your next meds?"

Danny didn't answer. He looked away from Steve.

"You are taking your meds, right? You know this could still get infected."

"I know. I'm not stupid."

Steve nodded, setting his jaw and trying not to glare at his friend. "You're not taking the pain meds."

It wasn't a question.

"Danny, you gotta take'm."

"Says who? I know for a fact that you could run a pharmacy with all the –"

"This isn't about me."

"Oh so now we're gonna go this route?" Danny closed his eyes for a second, gritting his teeth. "I am so not in the mood."

"Yea, me neither." Steve cleaned up the supplies. "Can I get you anything before I go?"

"No thank you." Danny sat up a little straighter, inspecting his friend's work. "But thank you for this."

"No problem. Call me if you need anything else, okay?"

"Sure, I will."

"I mean it."

"I will."


"What? Do I have to pinky swear?"

Steve laughed. "Maybe."

"Don't push your luck." Danny smiled. "And please don't make me laugh. Oh and turn the TV off on your way out."


Danny walked up the hall, rubbing his eyes. He'd slept for about five hours and now, he was hungry. And it was way past time to take something for his pain.

He pulled up his shirt and scratched at the bandage. Someone cleared their throat. And that someone was his annoying mother hen of a partner.

Danny couldn't help but smile. "Hey, you're still here."

Steve sat up. "Nowhere I'd rather be."

"Liar, I know that couch isn't comfortable."

"I've slept on worse. Much worse, Danny."

"And I bet you can't tell me where because it's classified, right?"

"Oh yea, and that one never gets old." Steve tossed a pillow his direction. "And stop messing with the bandages."

Danny dodged the incoming missile and flipped Steve off before disappearing into the kitchen.


Thanks as always for reading! Hope you enjoyed it. :-)