Hey there!

Sorry about the wait ): I got so busy with work I didn't have chance to even touch my laptop the past few weeks.

Here I try my hand at minor smut. So uh.. yeah. Enjoy yourselves hopefully!

Luv you all!

Izaya was pressed against the wall with a smirk on his flushed face as Shizuo bit his neck. They had stumbled their way back to Shizuos apartment and hadn't made it past the entrance before Shizuo shoved him roughly against the wall. Shizuo's belt was already undone and Izayas jacket lay on the ground by their feet. Izaya tilted his head back a bit to allow Shizuo more access tot he exposed to skin. He inwardly frowned however, because as good as everything was feeling, he defintiley did not want to make this easy for Shizu-chan. Just because he craved Shizu-chans touch didn't mean he had romantic feelings toward the brute. His smirk grew a bit as a rather devious thought came to mind.

"Shizu-chan," Izaya breathed out, clutching tufts of blond hair. He pulled the mans head back up for another kiss. He snaked his tongue in to meet with Shizuo's and kissed him like that for a few seconds before he bit down harshly.

Shizuo flinched and pulled back. He tasted iron as he swallowed and he slowly met eyes with Izaya who stood smugly smiling at him. "Bastard." He growled out a single word and clenched his fist. Izaya immediatley placed his hands on the taller mans vest and grabbed onto the white button up. He pulled Shizuo closer to him again and whispered into the mans ear. "Well what did you expect from me, Shizu-chan? Honestly you are so stupid." he ended his sentence with a small chuckle before pressing a kiss quickly to Shziuos strong jaw, just below his left ear.

He dragged Shizuo toward the plain sofa in the livingroom and pushed the man down beneath him. In the process, he had ripped Shizuo's button up open to reveal the nicely toned chest hidden away. He ran his hands up and down the taught skin and bent down to lick and bite down on the flesh. He briefly brushed over the mans nipples, not expecting a reaction and was genuinely surprsied when he heard a very quiet gasp escape from the blondes throat. Pleased, he went to touch them again but stopped when he relaized that Shizu-chans hands were no longer resting at his hips as they were earlier. Instead, they were now sliding their way underneath his shirt and pressing against his own nipples. He let out an involuntary gasp and immediatley shut his mouth. He could feel his cheeks getting hot and he knew he was blushing. Izaya never experimented with his body in these kinds of ways so he was surprised with himself when the feeling of Shizu-chans fingers rubbing and lightly pinching his nipples was actually extremely stimulating.

Glancing down at the mans face below him, he struggled to keep the small gasps and groans in his throat. Shizuo was staring up at him so intently, those brown eyes so determined. With a particularly rough tweak to his left nipple, he lost his composure for a second. "Ah... Ngh!" He panted and let his head fall to the blonds shoulder. He was getting so excited. He clenched his hands against Shizuo's chest and breathed in deeply. He needed to get back into control right now.

He turned his head slightly and bit down on Shizuo's collar bone. He slid his hands back down to the mans nipples and resumed what he was doing before he was pleasently distaracted. If Shizu-chan could make him melt like that, then it was only fair he do the same. They very same. He pinched hardly at the pink nubs and grinned mischievously at Shizuo's reaction. The blond had let out a startled gasp and his hands grasped at Izayas chest. Izaya met the mans eyes again and was pleased to see Shizuo was accumulating a pretty pink blush of his own.

"Do you like that?" Izaya purred, sitting up more a smirking evily down at the monster below him. "I wonder if you'll like this even more?" he murmured out as he dipped back down again and flicked his tongue against the mans right nipple.

"Nn!" Shizuo grunted as Izaya slowly traced his tongue around his nipple, sucking on it occasionly. Damn flea. How the hell is he being so seductive like that? The sounds Izaya was making earlier immediatley turned Shizuo on and it didn't help that Izaya insisted on sucking o his nipples like this. It felt pretty good but he could think of more things that woiuld definitley feel better. Izaya had bit down a little on one of his nipples and lurched up in reaction. His hips collided with Izayas bottom and he grunted at the friction against his crotch. He swallowed and clenched the raven haired mans arms and pulled him lower. He ground his hips up again and groaned at the feeling of it.

Izaya gasped in response. It was extremely arousing having Shizuo grind into him like that. Shizuo continued a steady rythym of grinding and rubbing into Izaya in a rather haphazard manner. "Shizu-chan really is an animal, isn't he?" Izaya breathed out in between the rising of Shizuos hips.

"Shut up." Shizuo grunted. He stopped his movement and sat up, pulling Izaya into a kiss again. He shimmied out of his own pants and practically ripped Izayas off. They sat with Izaya on Shizuo's lap and his legs wrapped around the blond mans waist. Izaya was slowly losing his reason. All thoughts of messing with his monster and making the whole experience a challenge were out the window as he began losing himslef to the pleasure of it all. He reached down to slide Shizuos boxers down, allowing his member to spring out. He broke the kiss to steal a glance down and rather then feeling disgusted at seeing another mans erect penis, he only felt excited and a desire to touch it.

"Ah!" Shizuo called out when he felt the smaller mans hand wrap around his cock. Izaya slowly stroked it up and down, marvelling at the feeling of touching his worst enemy in such an intimate way. He squirmed a bit in his own boxers as various thoughts floated through his mind. Quickly, he slid his own boxers down a bit so his own erection meet with the cool air around them. Immediatley, Shizuo reached a hand forward and grasped onto Izayas memeber. He squeezed gently and rubbed up and down the mans length.

"Mm!" Izaya whined quietly. Shizuo lifted his eyes from Izayas cock to meet with the his face. His brown eyes locked with half lidded red ones. Izayas face was flushed and he was panting as he stared intently at Shizuo's face. The flea was practically melting in his arms right now and he could not look more delicious. Shizuo pulled the man closer to himself and sat up a bit more. He could feel Izayas hot breath on his neck as he wrapped his left arm around the ravens lower back. He pressed their erections together and grasped them with his right hand. He began rubbing them together, up and down. "Shizu-chan!" Izaya exclaimed at the pleasure of it.

"Izaya." Shizuo breathed out. Izaya began grinding his hips against Shizuo's for more friction against his cock and the two of them groaned simultaneously. Their bodies were writhing together in pure ecstasy, neither of them caring about anything else except fot their much needed release. A few more erratic thrusts together and Shizuo knew he was close. He pulled Izaya flush against his body and held him tight as he came hard, riding out his orgasm, rubbing himself roughly against the abdomen of the man before him.

"Nnn! Ah!" Izaya exclaimed at the feeling of the sticky warm substance splattering across is chest. "Shi-shizuooo!" He cried out erotcially as he came seconds later, his own seed splattering against Shizuo's chest as well.

He leaned against Shizuo limply for a few lingering moments, regaining his composure a bit. That ceratinly was better than he thought it would be. He didn't expect to lose himslef like that but he honestly couldn't care less at the moment.

"You said my name." Shizuo was the one to speak first, breaking the silence between them. Izaya pulled back a bit from the mans chest, cringing as their skin peeled apart from each other because of sweat and come.

"So I did." Izaya mused, staring into those warm brown eyes. He let a soft smile dance its way onto his lips as he realized that Shizuo was actually blushing. "Shizu-chan?" Izaya said softly, running a hand through his monsters hair.

"Hm?" The blond mumbled, nuzzling into Izayas shoulder sleepily.

"You came first."


"Fuck you." Shiuo shoved Izaya off his lap and onto the floor. He stared down at the man giggling to himself on the floor. "Get out, flea."

"Shizu-chan?" Izaya called again after he dressed himself and stood at the door.

"Hah?" Shizuo grunted, staring Izaya down with a mixed expression of annoyance, anger and sleepiness.

"I still hate you." Izaya clarified, speaking honestly and turning to leave.

"Yeah, well me too." Shizuo sanpped back. Fighting back the urge to break the raven haired mans stupid neck.

"However," Izaya went on, opening the door and taking a step out. "Let's do this again, ne?" he looked back and took Shizuo's silence as agreement. "Maybe I'll teach you to last longer." He added with a wink and twirled out of the way as a TV came flying his direction and off the balcony behind him.

"Fucking nuisance." Shizuo grumbled as he slammed the door shut. Maybe sleeping with your worst enemy wasn't such a great idea but it certainly felt amazing. He glanced at the couch where it all happened and swallowed uncomfortably. It was going to be a while before he could sit there again without springing something in his pants. He sighed as he stared at his livingroom. He regretted throwing his TV immediatley after it left his hands and went soaring through the air. Now he had nothing to distract his mind from wandering back to the events that just transpired.

He grunted angrily and made his way to his bedroom. He was feeling so angry and aroused again and he knew exactly why.

Damn flea.

Okay! How was that? :D

Hopefully not a huge train wreck.

I really appreciate all the reviews you all have been leaving me by the way! Thank you so so much!

More reviews are always welcome my dears! They make me so happy! (:

P.S. This story is all done now (: