Written for:
Pairing the Character
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry: 2017 Event: 365 Drabbles
Prompt - action - playing sports
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry: Insane House Challenge
word - talisman
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry: Resolutions
Write a fic set in Marauder era
Emmeline smirked as she fingered her good luck talisman that was on a chain around her neck.
Regulus rolled his eyes at his girlfriend's antics. It was sometimes hard playing the same position as her, especially when Emmeline's competitiveness show itself, but he did play his best game when it was Slytherin vs Gryffindor.
At the start of the game, they kicked off into the air. Both pairs of eyes searched for the little golden ball. Maybe one could catch it and end the game quickly.
Of course, it very rarely happened that way.
Emmeline went in a dive. Regulus thought fast. He knew she sometimes tricked him (More than sometimes; often was more like it.), but he couldn't take the chance.
He followed, and just like he suspected, she pulled out before she crashed to the ground.
Regulus struggled to follow, but he managed to avoid a hard impact.
Emmeline watched for the snitch, but he watched her. She had a better eye when it came to locating it.
He watched her, paying attention to each facial movement.
Her nose wrinkled, and he immediately dove in the direction she was looking.
Emmeline glared at him as she dove, very much aware of what he had done, and he knew she'd be calling him a cheater for the next couple of weeks.
Regulus reached.
Emmeline reached.
They both grabbed the ball at the same time, but the ground was coming quickly. One of them would have to let go. Who would it be?
Regulus glared at her as he let go and pulled out of the dive.
Emmeline had shown her Gryffindor bravery and recklessness, and she held up the snitch, victorious, as she quickly pulled out of the dive.
Regulus watched from the sidelines while she was congratulated.
She might have won this time, but he'd win next time.
(word count: 310)