
Star Vs. the Forces of Gravity Falls
- Or -
I Can't Believe That Jerk Wrote a Crossover


After an… incident, 14-year-olds Dipper and Mabel have to change schools for the rest of the semester. There they meet a magical princess from another dimension and her best friend. It's business as usual for the Mystery Twins, but can the Mess-up Twins cope with the two people on Earth who aren't fazed when things get weird and wild?

... … ...

"Marco Diaz and Star Butterfly to the principal's office." The voice over the intercom announced. "Marco Diaz and Star Butterfly to the principal's office."

As the pair of friends left their class, Marco whispered, "What did you do?!"

"Nothing!" The princess answered, before pausing. "Recently."

The boy released a long-suffering sigh, while the blonde skipped beside him. Quickly reaching their destination, Marco knocked on the principal's door. The man from beyond told them to come in.

"Ah. Marco and Star." Principal Skeeves began. "I'd like you to meet our two newest students."

He gestured to the other teens in the room.

"These are Dipper and Mabel Pines. They've just transferred to our district."

When he finished, the two kids waved. Star and Marco looked at the new arrivals, immediately noticing their similarities. They were obviously siblings, and probably twins.

"I want you two to show them around." Skeeves continued. "Since you're an experienced school guide," He looked at Marco, "And you're our newest exchange student," He nodded at Star.

"Uh, sure." Marco answered.

"Great!" The principal pushed them out of his office without another word.


The new girl jumped forward, sticking out her hand. "Hi, I'm Mabel! I'm 14 and own a pig! Wanna be BFFs?"

"Okay!" Star vigorously shook her hand, followed more hesitantly by Marco.

"This is my twin bro Dipper." She said. "He's kinda a dork, but not too bad once ya get to know him."

Dipper rolled his eyes. "Thanks Mabel. Thanks for that." And shook their hands as well.

"I like your hearts." Disregarding any concept of personal space, the brunette girl stepped forward and booped Star's cheeks. "What kinda makeup do you use?"

"Oh, they're natural." Star explained. "You see: I'm a magical princess, from another dimension!"

Marco was impressed when only the rainbow caught fire after Star summoned it, leaving the school unharmed. But now came the difficult task of explaining his friend's presence.

"Hmm, neat." The twins responded to the display of magic.

Well, that was… unexpected.

"What dimension are you from?" Dipper asked, finally engaged in the conversation.

Definitely not the usual response.

"I'm from Mewni."

The boy closed his eyes as if searching his memory, finally saying, "I'm not familiar with that one, but welcome to Dimension 46'\."

Star gave him a blank look, mirrored by Marco.

Dipper chuckled anxiously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry. I guess the trouble with infinite universes is that Standardized Designations don't really mean anything."

"Oookay…" Marco ushered the new students towards a classroom. "Let's start here. We're all in Miss Skullnick's homeroom."


After the bell rang, the quartet exited the class with everyone else.

"So." Dipper began. "I noticed our homeroom teacher's a troll."

"Yeah." Star chewed on her wand nervously. "That was kinda my bad."

Finally! Marco thought. Here it comes. Whenever people experienced Star's magic for the first time, they went through three stages: Terror, denial, and a sort of confused-acceptance.

"And no one has a problem with it?"

Wait, what?

Star scrapped her foot across the ground bashfully. "Honesty? She kinda looks better this way."

"Makes sense." Mabel commented.

While Marco couldn't disagree with Miss. Skullnick's appearance, the fact that these guys weren't fazed by their teacher being a completely different species was unacceptable.

"Okay. Who are you?" The boy demanded.

"We are…" Mabel mimicked Star's movements from earlier (aside from the flaming rainbow and random critters). "The Mystery Twins!"

"C'mon Mabel." Dipper slapped his forehead. "It's okay when we call ourselves that, but the name's still embarrassing."

"Only if you let it be." His sister stuck out her tongue.

"Anyway." The boy turned back to his guides. "Let's just say we're used to this kinda thing."

Marco was about to scoff at the claim, but Star interrupted.

"You mean you know about Earth Magic?!"

"I guess so?" The brunette answered. "I never thought to consider it unique to Earth before."

The Princess turned to her friend. "And you kept saying magic doesn't exist here."

"It doesn't!" Marco shouted. "This is some kinda trick!"

Mabel looked at the boy sympathetically. "Hey, it's okay. It's not like it's a well-known fact."

"Yeah." Dipper agreed. "It typically only congregates around natural soft spots in reality."

"This makes absolutely no sense." Marco said.

"Trust me, we've been studying this stuff for the past two years."

Mabel rolled her eyes. "He's been studying it. I'm just there to save his butt!"

"Hey! You only rescue me 50% of the time at most."

The twins stuck their tongues out at each other.



"I like these guys!" Star bounced on her heels.



I'm thinking of writing a crossover fic between GF and SVTFOE. I like the idea of the two shows existing in the same universe and the characters meeting (especially since they all live in California during the school year). I also like the idea of the twins being so used to magic at this point that they're completely unfazed by anything weird happening around them. I even hinted that they'd met in chapter 16 of my AntiGravity Falls fic.