I rule the night. My stars twinkle in my beautiful dark night sky. Every step I take, that clink-clank of my horseshoes echoing, I pull back my mane and place the helmet atop my head. Yet another glorious day to be me. Ironically banished to the moon in which I used to rise every night. My moon is not the same, however. I do not rise it anymore, my stars are arrayed sloppily. Sister does not pay attention to detail as I had. Huh, I have not thought about sister in years...

The memories come flooding back.

"Tia! Tia! Look at the stars! So pretty! Come see what I have done!" I dance happily, singing the words out.

"Not tonight, Luna. I'm tired from setting the sun." Sister walks right passed me...

"Umm...Okay. Perhaps tomorrow?" I force a smile. "Does thou wish to see them tomorrow?"

"We'll see, Sister."


"Celestia? Why must everypony sleep through my gorgeous nights? Do they fail to appreciate them?" I ask sister, slightly resentful.

"My day brings light to Equestria, your night gives off a peaceful dim moonlight that allows ponies to slumber." Tia would say, I did not understand if that was a good thing.

"Alright, Tia. I understand. Does thou wish to watch me rise the moon? I plan on aligning the stars in the shape of a-"

"Luna, I am tired. Not now." I slump out of the room only to hear my sister call;

"That is no way to carry yourself, Luna. You are a princess." I straighten up, and sigh. I begin to walk Ponyvile, as I do every night. I pass only a few ponies whom are studying or other means of staying up late. Not a single sound from any of them. When Sister makes her rounds everypony worships her, as if she is their savior, and yet no one even acknowledges me. I decide to approach a pony whom is out for an evening stroll.

"Hello. Are you enjoying my beautiful night?" I ask, impatiently awaiting his answer.

"It is dark and hard to see..." I gasp.

"Do you like my stars? I spread them in the shape of a-"

"I need to get home, it is cold." He turns around and walks off...

I stop another mare in her tracks. "How about you? Do you like my moon? Or stars?" I begin to sound desperate.

"It is very nice, miss."

I spread my wings in frustration. "That is PRINCESS. I am A PRINCESS." She turns tail and runs away. "I AM PRINCESS LUNA! WHY DO YOU NOT APPRECIATE ME?" I stomp my hooves having a small tantrum.

"No...nopony likes Luna..." I say to myself. "I shall become their worst dream...they shall all have horrid dreams of the night. I shall be the night mare!"

I have no idea. This probably won't be continued, I wrote this really late at night and had no clue what I was doing. Enjoy anyway!