A/N: New story from me, I had the ideas running around in my head, but wanted something with a bit more range and freedom to work with.
So I decided to combine the three universes present here. If it gets enough of a response then I'll probably continue it, but my writing regime will be restricted to long posts over long periods of time, that way I can refine the story.
Codex will be at the bottom of each post, will contain tech and other information for use in the chapter that it is contained in or for chapters soon to be.
Too note, I do take some liberties with science and the associated tech in their respective universes, but it's Sci-Fi, what did you expect? This will NOT be a curb stomp of the Mass Effect races and tech, they're just a tad behind in terms of capabilities due to stagnation.

Thanks for reading my fic, and please review.


EDIT: Cleaning up some of the older entries to maintain a consistent format. Ch10 will be coming very soon

ORIGIN:E-RELATIVE [+121.3PC] [5.1 RAD] [+927.6PC]
REMAINING CREW:12293/18000

48 Hours Earlier

Captain Adam Nelsen was standing over the holo-projector that was displaying the as of yet unnamed system. The star of the system being a K-1V class star making it slightly larger than Sol, but cooler overall, if only marginally. Orbiting the star were 5 planets and a multitude of planetoids, along with 3 separate asteroid belts. Out of the 5 'planets' only two were within the habitable zone, one being just on the border of being uninhabitable due to the cold climate present.

They'd been in system for less than an hour, only having done a preliminary survey of the systems planetary bodies. What little they did gleam was that out of the two habitable planets the one closer to the middle of the habitable zone was at some point, heavily industrialized,
the atmosphere still showing a marginally higher concentration of carbon monoxide and dioxide.
The strange thing about the planet though was that it had a 'hole' in the surface that was no less than four thousand kilometres in diameter, and went twice as deep.

"Guess we know how it became uninhabited" quipped the ship's AI

"It would seem so, Liana, but what did that?" Adam replied

"Collision with one of the many planetoids I suspect, the asteroid belts only further that idea"

A crewman's console nearby pinged, informing him that he could inform the captain that the Slipspace capacitors were charged and ready to jump again.

"Sir! Capacitors are charged, we're ready for another jump."

"Good, Liana, set our destination as the damaged world, we'll investigate the snowball second"

"Understood, I'll put us in orbit. All hands, brace for Slipspace transition."

In front of the six kilometre long starship, a Slipspace rupture formed and grew to accommodate the size of the INF-202. Engines being pushed to maximum output, as to shorten the Slipspace transition,
then INF-202 launched forward into the rift.


The approach of a vessel, long had it been since they had had but a semblance of activity. Lying in wait for the right moment, when their brothers would return, when they may begin the culling again.

The vessel intruded upon their slumber, and it would not stand.

"Awaken brethren, our wrest has been interrupted, and the organic interlopers must be eliminated."


The Silent Sol dropped out of Slipspace a few tens of thousands of kilometres above the aforementioned dead planet only to realize that there were hundreds of strange metal constructs in orbit that were only visible to the naked eye,
completely bypassing any sensors. Some of them began to stir and face the Sol.

"Liana, get me a sit rep NOW!"

"Unidentified ships Sir, looks like a first contact situation."

Adam watched as the numerous vessels turned on one by one, they making no sign of doing anything but facing his ship.

"Can we get some data on these guys? I want to know their weapons and shield systems immediately"

Liana went about using the various sensors at her disposal to gauge the threat of the unknown ships, while the crew went about readying the ship for what ever may come next.

"Captain, I'm getting really strange readings off of those ships, their mass isn't constant, looks like they're powering up shields and weapons too. I'd advise caution Sir."

"Understood, bring the ship up to combat status, charge the main guns and Hard-Light emitters, shields to full"

The hum of the reactor deep within the ship grew, increasing the power output for the increased load. Rising from cursing temperatures to combat levels. A pulsing vibration could be felt through out the ship as the S-MACs charged their capacitors and warmed their rails and coils.

"Main gun charged at 60%" a crewman called out

"Hard-Light emitters are ready!" another added

The fleet of ships now all active and facing the Sol, began to glow a slight blue.

"Captain! Those ships masses are decreasing!"

Just as Liana said that, the ships which were a good distance away, suddenly shot forward at an alarming speed,
coming within a few hundred kilometres in less than the blink of an eye. They opened fire.

"Full combat status! Bring all systems online! Return fire!"

The INF-202 class was no pushover, as the hostile fleet fired upon her, the beams of molten metal struck the shields and splashed out over them, exploding in a brilliant display of light. The Sol returned fire, sending two 3 thousand ton slugs at 0.05c. The round virtually crossed the distance in less than the blink of an eye, impacting the tightest group of the hostile ships, obliterating them and destroying a handful that were caught in the blast. Giving the enemy vessels no quarter,
Sol fired out four pulses of Hard-Light that struck each of their targets respectively, ripping them apart, but lacking the S-MACs splash damage.

"Shields down to 70% Sir!"

"Keep up the fire, Liana, give me safest output levels on the reactor, charge the Slipspace capacitors as priority!"

Liana did as ordered, increasing the reactors fusion fires from 380 million degrees to 410. Diverting the extra power to the Slipspace Drive and any excess to the shields and S-MACs.

The hostile ships kept up the barrage, hammering the Sols shields with hundreds of strikes a minute.

"Sir, shields down to 40%!"

"Full reverse! What's our status on the drive?!"

"30% Sir! Shields wont hold out long enough for a full charge!"

"Full spread of HAVOK mines, switch Hard-Light emitters to beam mode. Liana, get me as much power as you can, safety be dammed!"

Liana went about overriding the safeties on the reactor, pushing it to 600 million degrees, and dramatically increasing power output and diverting all the excess power to the Slipspace Drive and the Hard-Light Emitters. The beams struck out against the void,
dragging the four beams across multiple groupings of the hostile ships, all in turn being pushed back and then detonating from the onslaught of energy.

"85% charge on the Drive."

"All hands prepare for emergency Slipspace Transition!"

The S-MACs roared in unison, sending the slugs sailing across the gulf. This time only striking two of the ships as they learnt to not stay clustered. Nonetheless, fragmenting the ships into insignificantly sized scraps of molten metal.

"Shields are gone Sir! Taking direct fire on the hull, multiple breaches on decks 5 through 17!"

"Get us out of here NOW!"

"97% Sir, just a minute more!"

The HAVOK mines began detonating in front of the Sol, knocking the oncoming vessels aside, but leaving them mostly unharmed.
Just as the hostiles recovered, the Silent Sol tore a hole in space, making a breach into the 11 dimensional space that was Slipspace, and accelerated straight through. Entering the blackness of Slipspace and out of the fire, Liana gave the damage report before Adam had to ask for it.

"Damage to multiple decks, the breaches have been sealed, remaining crew count at 12293. Shields are at 2% and recharging, but have sustained heavy damage, probably wont charge over 30%. Reactor room has sustained mild thermal damage, the reactor itself is fine, might need a tune up though."

ORIGIN:E-RELATIVE [+21.9PC] [1.1 RAD] [+39.7PC]
SENT:1/16/2686 RECIEVED:1/19/2687

Deep within the the sister ship of the Silent Sol, researchers were preparing for the test of one of the most heavily guarded secrets within the UNSC/UEG. Since the commissioning of the Indefinite Resolve and it's maiden voyage, the scientific complement of the ship had been working on a single project, entitled BLACK-MESA. The goal of the project, well into it's 20 year schedule, was reaching its testing phase. The project entailed the general idea of 'teleportation' and instantaneous matter transfer and relocation, not restricting the researchers to any one way of going about accomplishing the task, they'd tried various methods, some producing results and others yielding dead ends or dangers. The first they'd attempted had been miniaturized slipspace ruptures, allowing objects as small as a human child to enter and survive the journey, and whilst feasible, posed great risks to the traveler as they are exposed to incredibly high levels of radiation, in all its forms. The research split the working force, some of them working on the slipspace method for more militarized applications and resource transfer, while the wrest continued to search for other methods. A method came about when further extrapolation of multidimensional physics were made, leading to the realization that other dimensions while essentially separate from our dimension, were not unreachable, and could be utilized as slingshots for inter-dimensional travel as a large planetary or stellar body is used for gravity slingshots. This effect can be used to exit our dimension, slingshot around another and return to ours in an entirely new location, be it a meter from the departure point or in another galaxy entirely.

"Doctor Magnusson? They're ready to begin the test"

Banon Magnusson was the head researcher of both teleportation projects and was awaiting the test chamber to be readied.

"Thank you Caroline, I'll be through in a moment."

Magnusson stood and dusted off his lapels and straightened his tie, satisfied, he made his way out of his office and towards the control room of the test chamber. Upon arriving, he greeted his colleagues and began to look over the preliminary data on today's test.

"Does everything look to be in order?" Doctor Alex Kleiner inquired

"So it does my friend, let's hope for a success today, if we do I can guarantee great opportunities for all of you. This could change everything!"
Magnusson said to Alex and the team.

"Let us not delay then! Begin the test."

With that, everyone present in the control room set about their designated stations to watch for readings of various kinds, to ensure the test went accordingly, as well as to ensure nothing went wrong or out of hand. Below them, the machinery that'd been idle, purred to life, field generators of various kinds began to create fields of energy, first came the Hard-Light barriers that were to act as containment for the experiment, second came the magnetic field generators that were utilized both in containment and as a focusing tool for the other energies to be employed in creating a dimensional rift.

"Hard-Light barriers all up and functioning at 100%, magnetic containment fields are operational, magnetic lens is forming at 2% a second."

All watched as the experiment unfolded in front of them, while the Hard-Light barriers could be seen with the naked eye, the magnetic fields were another story however.

"Mag-scans show the lens is almost formed, another 2 minutes and we'll be ready."

Waiting for the fields to form was nerve racking for the team, years of work was about to be tested, everyone was eager to see the fruits of their labor.

"Lens has achieved target field strength, measuring at 2.2 Gigatesla."

"Prepare the sample for transport."

Again, below them in the chamber, a robotic arm placed a 'black box' under the magnetic lens on the tentatively named transporter pad. The black box being loaded to the hilt with sensors to properly discern the details of the box's trip.

"Beginning stage one emitters, power levels holding."

Everyone watched in excitement as the emitter mounted on the ceiling of the chamber began to spin up.

"Overhead capacitors to one oh five percent. Uh, it's probably not a problem, probably, but I'm showing a small discrepancy in... well, no, it's well within acceptable bounds again. Sustaining sequence."

"Stage 2 emitters activating...now."

A beam from the emitter shot out and downwards straight into the middle of the magnetic lens. The lens prevented the beam from passing it, instead the beam accumulated into the lens, creating a highly energized torus filled with exotic particles. As the particles collected into the torus, the lens grew in size, and finally began to let off arcs of electricity that shot off and hit the Hard-Light barriers, stopping the current in its tracks.

"Lens is charged! Ready to initiate transport!"

"Hit it."

The magnetic field generators received a surge of energy as did the emitter, both increasing their output simultaneously. The lens shrank in size in less time than it takes to blink, the beam increasing in intensity all the while. Space, and for that matter, the fabric of reality were unable to stand against the immense energies, and it began to tear. The arcs of electricity intensified as the tear intensified the already energetic reaction, striking out against the barriers once more.

"Hard-Light barriers are degrading!"

"We must shut it down!"

"NO! Wait for it a little longer!"

As Magnusson finished, the arcs changed from a blue to a green stream of energy, lashing out at the barriers all the same. The automatic response systems in control of the field generators increased the power draw from the reactor, increasing their strength, and dimming the lights across the ship. The arcs now bent and pushed towards the intended target, they began to lick at the black box, burning the ground around it as some arcs missed. Then all at once, the torus burst, sending a surge through the arcs, and the black box vanished, taking all the lights out on that deck.

No one knew what to think or do for a moment, all having witnessed the event. The lights began to come back on as ship systems were rebooted. Now back in the light, the team eagerly checked the camera feeds that linked to a containment cell, the end destination of the test.

"Confirmed success! Teleportation complete! We did it!" Alex exclaimed joyously

Cheers and applauds erupted from the whole team, hugs and handshakes were exchanged, and a merry feeling hung in the atmosphere. Little did they know, they'd caught the attention of a slumbering giant, the teleport ringing out like a bell across dimensions.

ORIGIN:E-RELATIVE [+91.9PC] [7.13 RAD] [+1.9PC]
SENT:2/28/2686 RECIEVED:3/1/2687

The small exploratory fleet came out of Slipspace just under 1AU from Relay 314, though it would be the second time Humanity had ever encountered an entity utilizing Mass Effect technology.

On the bridge of the Oakenshield, Captain Hachirou Yodama watched the suit of holo-panels situated around his chair, and eyeing one in particular as it displayed the data on objects in system, before having to ask a crewman spoke up.

"Captain! I'm reading an artificial construct beyond the last planets orbit, 0.98AU distant at bearing 217"

"Acknowledged, is it Forerunner in origin?"

"Negative Sir, it does not match any recorded construct or architecture styles."

"This is potentially a first contact situation! All hands to battle stations, shields up, warm up the guns. Alert our escorts and the scientist immediately."

The crew set about their various stations, doing their part to ready the ship for any possibility.

"Shields up, S-MACs at 50% charge."

"Hammer Stand and Fisher King confirmed new stance, the Mind's pulling behind us Captain."

"Yokkai, Kestrel, plot a Slipspace jump for the object, give us some breathing room too."

"Yes Sir, plotting now. Will put us 50 thousand clicks off its starboard side. All hands prepare for Slipspace transition"

The Slipspace jump took less than a few seconds, the exploratory fleet arriving near the alien construct. The 15 kilometre long structure was a breathtaking sight, though the object looked to be powered down or inactive as few lights were visible along its surface.

"How is it responding Kestrel?"

"It has remained inactive. No signs of any energy build up, in fact, it is not exhibiting any thermal radiation, or any radiation at all."

A puzzling situation for the Captain, not even the Old Covenants stealth technology could negate all radiation. Then again, this thing wasn't exactly hiding either.

"Hold position for another hour, then half our distance to it and give the Mind's the go ahead to check it out."

"Understood, relaying orders to the fleet. Will reduce distance via Slipspace jump to 25 thousand clicks at 0900."

5 hours later

General Desolas Arterius had had a long day, nearing the end of the cycles patrol of the outer relays had been uneventful. Relay after relay, nothing at each just more space dust and stars, and Desolas was growing weary of it. They'd travelled to this backwater nebula via the primary relay at the other end, and had been travelling relay to relay using ship borne FTL.

"General, we're about to hit the last relay, uh, relay 314 that is."

"Thank you ensign, get us up to yellow alert, I don't want to be unprepared for any surprises, how ever unlikely that is."

"Coming out of FTL...now!"

The ship lurched backwards slightly, forcing everyone towards the bow of the dreadnought as normal mass returned. Just as the patrol fleet exited FTL an alarm began blaring.

"General, Contacts at the relay! 4 vessels of unknown classification!"

"New ship types? Who do they belong to?"

"Negative Sir, none of the ships match any previously recorded profiles. They're in a holding pattern around the relay."

"Red alert! Get me a visual on those ships!"

The view screen zoomed in, VIs cleaning the image to provide a clearer image.


"General, confirmed 4 ships, three cruisers and...VIs reporting a super-dreadnought."

Seeing the images before him, Desolas could tell that the so called 'super-dreadnought' was considerably larger than anything he'd ever see or heard of.

"It's measuring at over 6km in length, 1km in width and height. What we can gauge from thermal radiation, its power output is almost on par with the citadel"

"Sir, thermal spikes across the entire ship, looks like its powering up weapons!"

"One of the cruisers is activating the relay!"

"Get the fleet in formation! All ships prepare for combat!"

"Captain, the alien fleet is powering up their weapons, they're forming up too"

"What are we facing here?"

"Counting 10 frigates and 2 cruisers Captian."

"Have the Mind's pull back, put the King on escort duty, Hammer Stand is to form up on the port side."

"Relayed, copies across the board."

"Hold position, let them come to us if they desire a fight. Kestrel, full cyber-warfare suit, get me everything you can out of them."

"Will do Captain."

"The super-dreadnought and a cruisers holding position Sir! the other 2 are retreating."

"Make a short jump, maximum weapons range, do not let them escape!"

The Turian fleet jumped to FTL, closing the distance to the two retreating cruisers. Coming out a few thousand kilometres from them, they opened fire, sending a barrage of mass accelerated slugs towards the ships. Just as the rounds were about to impact, the larger of the two struck out with four lances of light at the incoming rounds, destroying the slugs aimed at the smaller cruiser. The other rounds found their mark, but impacted large blue walls of light before they could reach the ships hull.

"No effect Sir! The black cruiser has sustained no damage, same with the white one."

"They have point defence systems that can intercept projectiles at fractions of the speed of light?!"

"Affirmative General! They're continuing on course unabated. The other two are closing in, 20 thousand kilometres!"

"Massive energy build-up along the length of the super-dreadnought! I think they're about to fire their mai-"

The two ominous holes at the front of the super-dreadnought glowed red hot for a fraction of a second, highlighting the spiral pattern that ran the length of the barrels. Not a second later, the barrels erupted in a shroud of light as two 3 thousand ton slugs were propelled to 4% the speed of light, reaching out across the gulf of space, and striking the Turian carrier. The ship's kinetic barriers didn't stand a chance, shattering in a display of purple fragments,
giving way to the relativistic slugs. Hitting the hull, the armour underwent spontaneous fusion as the kinetic energy was converted to thermal and pressure energy, the blast sent a wave through the whole ship in a microsecond that was followed by a wave of explosions as the hull tore itself apart. The entire carrier was consumed in a blinding ball of fusion fire and light, the entire event taking less than the time it takes to blink.

General Desolas was thrown from his chair as the dreadnought lurched to its side as the blast pushed against the kinetic barriers, sparks shot out from terminals and lights sputtered and died out as the emergency lighting came on, coating the bridge in a dull red light. The crew regained their composure and retook their positions, trying to fix what had broken and using that which was not.

"Kinetic barriers are offline Sir! We've still got propulsion and weapons!"


The Turian fleet turned about face, seeing the super-dreadnought and the cruiser now less than 10 thousand kilometres away. All the ships that could fire did so as the fear and panic rushed through their minds, coursed through their veins. Volley after volley shot out at the oncoming ships, striking the ships just as a golden sheen conformed around their hulls, brushing off the impacts as a tank would pebbles.

"Weapons are ineffective on them Sir...but they're holding fire?"

"Jump to FTL, get us out of here NOW!"

As the Turian vessels charged their drive cores, the cruiser along side the super-dreadnought fired 4 pulses of light at the Turian ships engines, two pulses to each ship, firing all four laser emitters 3 times, disabling the Turians mobility entirely.

"We've lost propulsion Sir! Emergency shut down of the drive core. We're not going anywhere Sir."

Knowing that he'd been defeated, and not wanting to risk the lives of his remaining crew, Desolas chose against his anger, putting down the urge to fight to the very end.

"Power down all weapons, all ships are to stand down! Do NOT give them any more reason to destroy us!"

"We're being hailed Sir! It's in Turian!"


Titanium-A5: Newest generation of Titanium armour developed in conjunction with the Sangheili. The armour is comprised of both Titanium-A4 and Nanolaminent. The Nanolaminent laying every 1 meter of Titanium-A4 and consisting of .22 meter layers for even distribution. Making Titanium-A5 the strongest material for armour, it being able to ablate and resist thermal energy better than the pure Nanolaminent hulls whilst being one of the chemically hardest substances ever produced, being able to withstand a grazing shot from an S-MAC and sustaining no functional damage, but can also survive a direct hit from an S-MAC without being breached and thus not compromising the hulls integrity. The only drawback of the armour is that it must be applied in a minimum of 1.22 meters to be considered Titanium-A5.

Titanium-A6: Under development, Titanium-A6 armour and battleplate is the next generation of amour for all branches of the UNSC. Titanium-A6 is comprised of a number of different materials and alloys, the primary metal used in Titanium-A6 being titanium at 50% per volume, the second largest being Metallic Xenon at 40%, Unhexnilium and Unhexquadium being the last two taking an equal 5% each. The key difference in between the A6 and A5 is that the armours composition is homogeneous, doing away with layered armours as new industrial methods are achievable as well as the need for less complex armour rises, making repairs and refits quicker in the field and during operations. Field tests of the armour have proven the alloy to be at least 5x more effective against all known and encountered forms of weaponry. Frigate class MACs are unable to pierce a single meter of Titanium-A6 after 10 minutes of sustained fire, while S-MACs are unable to breach 8 meters or more without at least two consecutive hits in the same location. DEWs have yielded similar results when used against Titanium-A6, plasma for example, is nigh useless against the armour when used on small scales, in order to penetrate 1 meter of it requires a direct hit from an Energy Projector while being rendered utterly useless again at 20 meters or more. Hard-Light weaponry has been the only form of armament to penetrate Titanium-A6 all the way up to 40 meters when fired in high enough densities. Production of Titanium-A6 is currently not at a mass production stage as the forging process requires temperatures and pressures found usually in super novae. The homogeneousness is achieved by combining the various materials together as one when all the materials are at their required stages: The titanium being the simplest to forge is the base material that all the wrest are added to, while the Metallic Xenon is added to the molten Titanium as a gas along with Unhexnilium and Unhexquadium plasma straight out of the fusion forges, the mix is then immediately subjected to pressures exceeding 400GPa using Hard-Light barriers, the result ends with an even distribution of titanium, metallic xenon, Unhexnilium and Unhexquadium through out the finished products volume at their respective ratios. Appearance wise, Titanium-A6 is a grey much like previous generations of the armour though lighter in colour due to the incorporation of Unhexnilium and Unhexquadium, while having a sky blue iridescence from the Metallic Xenon.

Unhexnilium: Element 160, a transuranic metal that while possible to naturally occur, theoretically, was not discovered until synthesized in 2591. The metal is unique due to the fact that it exists within the second 'island of stability' and thus, has properties unheard of in any other elements. An example of its properties would be its ability to reform its metallic crystalline structure upon subjection to forces that would shatter all other metals crystalline structures, giving the metal a passive self healing effect while also making the metal incredibly strong as it forms and reforms its molecular structure, effectively giving the metal an absurd yield strength. The tensile strength of the metal is on par with high carbon steels. The other unique property is a half-life that extends past the hypothesised heat death of the universe, as do the other members of the second island of stability. The only drawback of the metal is that it is incredibly dense and heavy due to its massive atomic radii,
again a trait that belongs to most of the elements in the second island.

Unhexquadium: Element 164, like element 160 is a second island of stability element and so rarely occurs in nature. Discovered only a year after Unhexnilium, Unhexquadium has good yield strength though no where near its relative, but exceeds Unhexnilium in tensile strength by orders of magnitude rather than multiples, making it the hardest substance to bend or break in the known universe. Another property of the metal is that it is a phonon rejecter, in other words the metal naturally cools its self over time, able to drop to temperatures approaching absolute zero given the time, consequently, it is also a natural super-conductor.

Unhexoctium: Element 168, is a group 14 element, making it a tetravalent metalloid. While not utilized in most things due to its high density once produced into sizeable amounts and its tendency to cause spontaneous increases in energy level of the quantum foam, more specifically the presence of Unhexoctium due to the arrangement of its subatomic particles causes the virtual particles to be displaced, therefore increasing the total energy level of the quantum foam that immediately surrounds an atom of E168, enough so to draw energy from the resulting increased energy levels. Unfortunately the element when left chemically unbound will behave like a halogen, tearing compounds apart to attain a full covalent shell, due to the electrons having the energy to undergo quantum tunnelling. Fortunately, Unhexoctium commonly bonds to itself in a covalent manner usually in 2s or 4s, sharing the electrons amongst each other, both of which are utilized in standard Deuterium Fusion Reactors to decrease the required temperature and pressure levels required to achieve self sustaining fusion reactions, as well as for use in the newly developed SVK reactors.

XR4 Boglin Fields S108/N-PROTOTYPE DFR: Incorporation of Nanolaminent in the construction materials of the reactor and Forerunner Hard-Light generators allow the reactor to reach substantially higher temperatures while still maintaining safe levels of operation. The power plant is capable of achieving 400,000,000 Degrees safely while being able to 'over excite' the fusion reaction to 700,000,000 Degrees for short periods of time without causing a catastrophic wildcat destabilization of the reactor. Test have shown that bursts of over 1,000,000,000 Degrees are achievable, but only as a last resort as the reactor is unable to sustain the Hard-Light barriers for more than a few minutes at these temperatures, and will lead to the total annihilation of the vessel as the temperatures are able to overcome the required fusion temperatures for post-radium fusion.

SVK0 ZP-DFR S11287/H-PROTOTYPE: The first hybrid reactor to utilize E168 as a primary energy source, or more precisely as a catalyst. Using a standard DFR to power Hard-Light barriers exclusively, the SVK0 uses near infinitely dense Hard-Light barriers to compress space-time around a Hard-Light shielded E168 core. The 1.96 centimetre of compressed space-time that surrounds the core is within the proximity of the E168s quantum foam displacement effects, thus creating effectively a field in which useful amounts of energy can be drawn, in effect, zero-point energy. The SVK0 is rated at S11287 for power output level meaning it can output over 100 times the energy of the XR4. Denser areas of compressed space-time will ultimately yield an increase in power output, as the 1.96cm space can be safely shrunk to 1cm without causing the reactor to automatically shut down. To note, the SVK0 is the only reactor design that does not have a manual or digital override for automatic shutdown, as in the event of a barrier failure, the compressed space-time will expand back to universal norms and in doing so will cause a GRB, a Gamma Ray Burst, an event usually restricted to super novae, neutron stars and black holes. Prototypes were tested on remote and uninhabitable planets, a few of which were safety tests, which ended in the obliteration of the solar systems and disturbing nearby star systems, the first GBR costing the lives of a majority of the research team at the time as well as an entire INF-101 and its entire crew. Warnings and precautions were taken more seriously after that.

INF-202: The second starship of the Infinity class vessels. It's measurements being slightly larger than that of the original INF-101, being 6143 meters long 1011 meters in width and 1283 meters in height. Most of the extra size goes to armour and critical components, increasing the already thick hide of the INF-101 from 4.9 meters of Titanium-A3 battleplate to 12.2 meters of Titanium-A5 battleplate, other components include small Hard-Light generators located along the entire length of the ship that provide protection to critical ship systems if the primary shields fail, the added size also accommodates a S108/N-PROTOTYPE DFR power plant as well as a new model Slipspace Drive, an improved version of Macedon Z-PROTOTYPE, that allows for longer jumps and more efficient and stable slipspace navigation. The one feature the INF-202 lacked as compared to its predecessor was that it removed the hangers for the escort frigates to accommodate a duel barrel S-MAC system that are normally only equipped on an S-MAC Orbital Platform, and accompanying ammo storage for the 3000 ton slugs.

DCS-101: The successor to the Strident-class heavy frigate. Virtually identical in form to the the Strident-class, its function is closer to a light destroyer/battleship. Unique amongst UNSC vessels due to its triple shield system, allowing the Discordant-class to absorb damage without risking operational capacity for extended periods of time. The DCS-101 is also unique in its array of armaments, carrying a single Mark V, Heavy Coil-10C9R2 that is capable of accelerating a 600 ton payload to 3% the speed of light, or 9 million meters per second. The Mark V is an adaptable platform and can fire specialized ammunition, ranging from standard ferrous cored tungsten-carbide cased slugs to a single nuclear fusion warhead and lithium triteride core with a ferro-aluminium case. Along side the MAC cannon, the ship is mounted with 4 Mark I Laser Emitters and retains the Strident-class Archer and Hyperion missile system as well as the Rampart 50mm PD network. The strength of the Mark V is found in its ability to be fired from varying levels of charge, from 0.005c to 0.03c, with lower speeds associated with faster rate of fire. The DSC-101 is also mounted with a reactive Hard-Light barrier system that will 'snap' a Hard-Light barrier in place over the predicted trajectory of the incoming projectile, further adding to the DSC-101 name as a 'bullet sponge'.

Universal Union: A space faring inter-dimensional empire spanning an unknown number of universes and with an unknown number of conquered and enslaved species under its domain. The UU are ruthless, efficient and cruel, using super portals to facilitate planetary pacification and are the primary means by which the UU conduct large scale operations involving anything from 'construction' to 'invasion'. The UU use Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter manipulation as the primary mode of power generation as either can be found in abundance in most universes and dimensions. Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter are also utilized by the UU in numerous other technologies, such as weapon systems as well as teleportation. The former being vastly powerful as Dark-Matter can be excited into a state that is akin to plasma while retaining some of its normal properties, specifically the non-interaction in between Dark-Matter and 'normal matter' effectively allowing the Dark-Matter pulses to pass through targets and deliver the thermal energy to them as they pass through, the Dark-Matter pulse once unexcited will return to normal Dark-Matter. The other use for Dark-Matter in terms of weaponry is converting the Dark-Matter into Anti-Matter that is the projected at a target, in most cases, unless the target has energy shielding, will result in the annihilation of the matter that comes into contact with the Anti-Matter, while not especially used in small arms it is used on heavy ground based platforms and starships. UU teleportation technology while functional, is highly inefficient and inaccurate, hence why 'super portals' are generated as small distances and small objects require similar amounts of energy to transport as generating 'super portals' leading to the general mentality of "Go big or go home". The UU are a long lived empire, their 'modus operandi' being "I conquered you, now go conquer another, then they will conquer as you have" and so on, the chain of conquering unbroken has led to the UU to become arrogant, though they have yet to bite off more than they can chew. The militarise of the UU while separated by civilisation and dimensions, do work together on certain tasks, such as the construction and operation of starships and citadels as well as invasions, though the distinction in between civilisations in the UU are not culture or ideology based but of how the UU has altered them to serve the UU, some receiving mild alterations while others undergoing massive change that ends in the species looking, behaving and functioning nothing like their former selves.