Chapter two: "You look striking" "I'll show you striking"

Author's notes: I decided to add another chapter. I know it's not Valentine's Day but who cares? I just love these two and I'm really happy with this story so far. Fan fiction is back to letting me post, so here is a whole new chapter to celebrate!

Disclaimer: I don't own DC and I don't own Marvel.

February 13, 2029

Keystone, Kansas

My name is Iris West (Impulse), I am the daughter of Wally West (the Flash) and Artemis West (Tigress). My twin brother Jai and I are both heroes now, members of the new Young Justice team led by Damian Wayne (Robin).

I usually never know when Valentine's Day is coming up. Why pay attention to a holiday that only married people really enjoy? Mom and Dad use it as an excuse to leave us at home and go on a date, but other than that it is mostly a holiday full of sobbing singles. The only upside for me is the cheaper chocolate the week after. But this year I have something to look forward to!

Damian and I have decided that since last year worked out so well, we might as well make it a tradition until one of us has a date. The chances of Damian getting a date are little to none, I mean I love the guy but you would have to be crazy to go on a date with him, and I have absolutely no interest in dating any time soon. Our Valentine's Day movie night tradition is probably going to last forever.

I am lying across my bed on my stomach reading a book Dee suggested "Renegade X". Dee didn't like it but she said that I seemed like something I would read. Just as Damian, the protagonist, is discovering who his real father is there is a knock on my window.

"Damian" I groan.

Only Damian, the leader of our team, ever comes through my window. My parents know and they don't really care. Mom thinks he is wonderful since they bonded over having assassins for parents, and currently he is the only boy Dad is allowing in the house that isn't directly related. Dad is worried that if I hang out with boys then I'll want to start dating (not true). Damian is my Robin, every Kidflash has a Robin, and so he gets special privileges in the West house.

Damian slides in the window and studies me with a smirk.

"Is that a good book?" he asks.

I tuck the book under my body and pin him with a glare.

"What's up boss?" I ask.

Damian leans against the wall and picks the dirt out of under his fingernails.

"Are we still on for tomorrow?"

He came to make sure I'm not bailing out on him. Damian is so weird because he acts like he doesn't need anybody, like he would rather do it alone, but I get a call at least twice a week asking if I wanna join him on his night watches in Gotham. Here he is, the Prince of Gotham, making sure that I am not gonna ditch him for our V-day movie night.

"You know it" I assure him "I was thinking instead of romances, since you whined what if we have an Avengers marathon? We could start with the first Iron Man and end with Age of Ultron, since we don't have enough time to do all of them"

Damian smiles. I know he loves watching the Avenger movies, his favorite is Winter Soldier.

"Sounds good" he glances at the floor "I might be a little held up"

I narrow my eyes at him.


Damian sighs and gives me an irritated grimace.

"Bruce is making me go with him to a rather dull Valentine Ball tonight" he admits "I can sneak out after making an appearance but-"

"I'll go with you" the words are out of my mouth before I realize what I've said.

"What?" Damian asks shocked "No"


I didn't really want to go, but why wouldn't he want me to go? Would he be ashamed to be seen in public with me? I know I'm not gorgeous like Dee or Hestia, but I'm not revolting. I mean I run around town with him dressed as a traffic light.

"Because… I said no"

"That isn't a reason" I argue.

At this point I am off my bed, we are up in each other's faces and we might be yelling. Damian grabs my arm and shoves me into the window seat. Not harsh, just stern.

"Iris be quiet before-"

"Iris? Damian?" Mom calls up the stairs "Are you two alright?"

I yank my arm from Damian's grip and march over to the door.

"Yeah Mom, we're fine" I call back.

"I told you to be quiet" Damian says when I turn around.

"You are skating on thin ice bird boy" I growl.

Of all the people who shouldn't fear me, Damian should be the least afraid. Yet, he backs down immediately and raises his hands in defeat.

"Iris, I am going to this party as Damian Wayne, heir to the Wayne fortune and most eligible bachelor in Gotham-"

"So what? I'm not good enough to go to a party with Damian Wayne?" I bristle defensively.

Damian takes a threatening step forward and glares down at me.

"Of course not! Iris, the paparazzi will be all over me and I don't want to subject you to the offensive, degrading trash they call journalism" He nudges my arm with his fist.

"I can handle the paparazzi" I say confidently.

"Irey" he sighs almost defeated.

"I am going and you are gonna accept it"


February 14, 2028

Gotham City, New Jersey

Mom made me Zeta tube to the Bat Cave instead of run, she said running would ruin all the work she put into my appearance. Mom did pretty good. Instead of looking like a little girl, I look like the sixteen year old that I am. Instead of my signature pigtails, my hair is pulled to the side and curled into waves. My dress is something called a Navy Blue Capped Sleeved Swing Dress, it belonged to Grandma Paula, with black four inch heels. Not my usual, but I need to look nice so I don't embarrass Damian.

Uncle Dick answers the door. He smiles real big and winks at me.

"Well look at you Irey" He compliments "You're gonna knock Dami off his feet"

I laugh and follow him into the second living room, its Bruce's favorite, and Uncle Dick gestures for me to take a seat.

"I'm gonna let Dami know you are here" he says before slipping out of the room.

I am only alone for about half a minute before Alfred walks in.

"Ah. Mistress West" he smiles warmly "How are you this evening"

I hurry over to hug the old butler.

"I'm pretty nervous" I admit "just don't wanna embarrass everyone"

Alfred hugs me back.

"Impossible Mistress West, Master Damian could never be embarrassed of you" he promises.

"Why would I be embarrassed-" Damian skids to a stop and stares stoically at my attire.

"What's wrong?" I ask worried "is it my dress? Is it wrong? Should I have worn a pink or red? I should have, should I? I guess I could run home and change-"

Uncle Dick follows Damian into the room and chuckles good naturedly at Damian's frozen face and my mile a minute mouth.

"Dami say something. You are scaring her" he teases.

Damian quickly gathers himself and clears his throat.

"Sorry Iris. You look… lovely, I was unprepared for this change in appearance" he admits.

"Did you think I was gonna show up in running shorts and a tee shirt?" I ask.

Damian stares committedly at the floor and shrugs.

"I wasn't thinking"

When Bruce enters the room I throw myself into his arms. Bruce isn't the biggest fan of speedsters, but he loves me. Alfred says only Uncle Dick and I can get Bruce to accept our hugs so readily. I guess I forced myself into his affections.

"Hi Bruce!"

"Good evening Iris" Bruce chokes out "Glad you could join us tonight"

I glance back at Damian.

"Well at least someone thinks so"

Uncle Dick laughs and Damian rolls his eyes.


"Nope, don't wanna hear it"

Now even Bruce and Alfred are chuckling at Damian's discomfort.

"Let's just go" he mutters and stalks out of the room.

On the ride over I sat next to Damian and swayed him back to a better mood. He may have been peeved at me but no one can resist my speedster charm, especially not Damian.

As we pull up in front of the Gotham art museum, where the ball is being held, I feel the first sprouts of fear growing in my belly. I grab Damian's hand and he gives it a reassuring squeeze.

"If you are too anxious, we can leave" he promises.

"No" I straighten my shoulders and raise my chin "I can totally handle this"

Bruce gets out with his date, some business partner of his. Uncle Dick gets out alone, Kori wasn't thrilled about a ball and he didn't want to make her come. That leaves us.

Damian steps out like a prince, confident, sure, and at home in the spotlight. He eyes the crowd looking for any threats before reaching back into the limo for my hand. I grasp his hand and listen as the crowd falls silent, holding their breath to see what girl the Prince of Gotham has brought with him tonight.

I was not what they were expecting.

"Who is that?" one reporter asks.

The flash of the cameras are almost blinding.

"Who is she wearing?" another demands.

They press against the ropes and try to get a closer look.

"Give us a smile" a man commands.

Damian wraps his arm through mine and leans into my ear.

"Don't let them get inside your head. Keep your chin up and smile a little if you want" he whispers.

I wink at him and turn toward the man who demanded a smile. I smile and wave sweetly to the crowd, ignoring their questions. Damian leads me up the stairs, where Uncle Dick is waiting patiently for us. Once we reach him he smirks and saunters off to find Bruce.

As we pass through the large ornate double doors, Damian leans into my ear again.

"Very good" he praises "now there won't be a velvet rope between us and these social piranhas"

"Promise?" I smile.

Damian leads me straight to where Uncle Dick and Bruce are talking with an older couple.

"Mr. and Mrs. Willingham" Damian supplies "they are old money and they think they are family friends"

The woman spots me immediately and her lips press into a very plastic smile.

"So this is little Damian's date" she coos.

"Iris" I offer.

"Mrs. Maria Willingham" she says as she studies my dress "Who are you wearing?"

Damian tries to step in but I beat him to it.

"This was my grandmothers" I say with a sweet smile I usually reserve for sweet talking my dad "but I love your earrings"

She is easily distracted by the subject turning to her.

"Yes. They are 10-carat diamond stud earrings, they cost $500,000" she says like my mom talks about a sale "not my best pair, but they are my favorite"

"They are beautiful"

"We should leave the men to talk" she decides.

Before I can say that I would rather not, Mrs. Willingham grabs my arm and drags me away from the males. Damian raises an eyebrow to ask if I need him, I wave him off and follow Mrs. Willingham. I can handle an older woman for twenty minutes or so.

"So dear, how did you and Little Damian meet?" she asks.

"My Dad is friends with Mr. Grayson" I answer smoothly.

The Flash Family lives by the simple motto, if you don't have to lie to keep your secret then don't. I know Damian usually lies, he is more secretive then most though.

"How old are you?" she studies me "Sometimes those Wayne boys date girls that are much too young for them"

"Sixteen, but-"

"Ah, Damian is what…"

"Eighteen this year" this woman doesn't even know how old Damian is.

Mrs. Willingham waves to a woman across the room "Ms. Lowe. She never married"

I study the woman across the room and decide I would very much like to talk to her. I steer Mrs. Willingham toward Ms. Lowe despite her whispered protests.

"Hello" I greet cheerfully "My name is Iris"

The woman nods.

"You came with Damian, you're Wallace's little girl aren't you?" she asks.

"Yes ma'am" I nod "You know my father?" I seems very unlikely that anyone for this area would know Dad.

Ms. Lowe smiles.

"He used to come to these old things with Richard way back when, quite a spirited boy" she studies me "you look like him, have his spirit"

"Thank you"

"I heard he married a beautiful girl from here in Gotham, He certainly has a beautiful daughter" she compliments genuinely.

"Thank you"

Ms. Lowe looks behind us and smiles.

"Your young man is looking for you, shouldn't keep him waiting"

I slip out of Mrs. Willingham's grip and thank the women for their time before spinning to find Damian. I spot him near the food table with a plate full of food. I make a bee line for him, his eyes stay glued to me.

"She wasn't pushy was she?" Damian asks once I'm within hearing distance.

"Willingham? I handled her easily" I grab some grapes off his plate "I got to talk with Ms. Lowe, I like her"

"She is a friend of Alfred's. She used to come around when Grayson was younger" Damian explains "She is a family friend"

Damian looks very handsome in his suit and I can't help but wonder what kind of pair we make. Damian is taller than he used to be, his hair is short and spiky as always, and he has grown into the Wayne strong good looks. I am the same height as mom, my hair is still very red, and I have my mom's face. Where Damian is tan, I am pale and freckled. His eyes blue and mine green. We are total opposites and yet, we are so similar.

"That reporter over there" Damian nods toward a woman walking around the dance floor "She is coming around to talk with us. Do you want to dodge her or-"

"We can handle her" I say confidently "no one is a match for Kidflash and Robin"

The reporter heads straight for us, determination burning in her eyes.

"Damian Wayne" she greets "and…"

"Iris West" I offer sweetly "you are?"

"Kassandra White"

Aunt Iris has mentioned her. She said that Kassandra White was a rather nasty tabloid reported who will do anything to get a story. With that warning in mind I wrap my arm around Damian's and squeeze his hand.

"Good evening Ms. White, can we help you?" Damian asks frigidly.

"Just wanted to meet Damian Wayne's newest conquest"

I laugh.

Damian and Kassandra turn to me with shocked expressions.

"I… I am so sorry" I muffle my laughter "please… please continue"

Kassandra is thrown by my outburst and takes a moment to collect herself.

"How did you and Ms. West meet?" Kassandra asks.

"Her father is a close friend of my brother's. We have known each other a long time" Damian doesn't smile.

Kassandra nods, still looking for her scoop and getting a little irate that we aren't giving her anything juicy.

"How long have you two been together?" she digs.

"Iris and I are just friends" Damian says formally "She is my date tonight as my friend"

Kassandra eyes our interlocked arms. I know letting go now would only seem suspicious so I just lean against his shoulder with a bored expression. This conversation is going nowhere fast and I decide that I am done.

"Ms. White, do you happen to know my Aunt?" I ask "Iris Allen?"

Kassandra freezes. I got her.

"I thought you looked familiar, you are tanner than your aunt" she says.

"Yeah, well my mother is tanner. I'll tell my aunt that I saw you tonight" I promise/threaten with a smile "such a small world"

Kassandra stalks away quickly and Damian shakes his head in amazement.

"How do you do it?" he asks "and what were you laughing about?"

I place a quick friendly kiss on his cheek "newest conquest? How about only conquest"

He rolls his eyes.

"If we are being technical, I have no conquests" he says with a superior tone.

"Not according to Ms. White" I tease.

"You are such a brat" he mutters.

"Spoiled rich boy" I shoot back.

"Flash Girl" he grins.

"Wonder Boy" I lean up on my tip toes to get up in his face.

"Irey" he leans his fore head against mine.

"Dami" I wrinkle my nose.

"You two are adorable" Uncle Dick says as he passes by.

Damian sends him a Bat glare and takes a step back.

"Go away Uncle Dick. I was winning that insult war" I smile cockily.

Uncle Dick grabs me around the neck and places a fatherly kiss on the top of my head.

"You are doing extremely well" Uncle Dick compliments "You're a natural"

Damian scans the crowd looking to see if anyone was watching our little scene. Once he is satisfied that we were fully ignored he turns back to me.

"When do you wanna skip out?" he asks.

"Have you made all your appearances?" I ask doubting.

"There is one more person I have to talk to but… we could just leave"

Uncle Dick shakes his head "Bruce said you have to talk to him, it would be suspicious if you didn't"

Damian sighs and glares at his older brother.

"What is suspicious about it?" he growls "I hate him and he hates me, which should be good enough reasons to ignore each other"

Damian glances at me.

"Iris stays here"

"Nope" I respond immediately "no can do boss. Where you go, I go"

Damian looks to Uncle Dick for back up.

"She is your date" Uncle Dick says.

"She is your best friend's daughter! Isn't that a good enough reason to keep her away from him?"

Uncle Dick laughs "I let her hang out with you"

We start across the room, I am still not sure who he is. Damian is like a dark cloud, grumbling and mumbling across the dance floor. He doesn't care if there are dancers in his path, he marches on and they move out of the way.

"There you are!" Mrs. Willingham's shrill voice cries.

I watch helplessly as she grabs ahold of Damian and drags him in the opposite direction. Damian unable to fight this little woman off like the villains and thugs that he fights in the night is dragged away like a child. I decide to continue across the dance floor and just wait for Damian, I could go find him but that might cause Damian to have a fit and as fun as those are we don't really have the time.

Turns out he found me.

"Hello, you look striking" a male voice says in my ear.

I have to physically stop myself from hurting the invader. His large hand is wrapped around my wrist, effectively trapping me. This boy knows all the tricks, too bad for him so do I.

I stomp down hard on his foot.

Note to self: heels make an excellent stealth weapon.

The boy barely chokes down the cry of pain.

"You shouldn't have done that Gorgeous" he growls.

I spin to face this handsy loser and come face to face with Gotham's second most eligible bachelor, Ryan Keller. He is handsome in a way that is the exact opposite of Damian. He sports blue eyes, blond hair, fair skin, and an easy smile. Despite my attack on his foot (that will require medical attention) he is smiling flirtatiously.

"Get. Off." I threaten.

Ryan steps closer.

"But we were just getting to know each other" he pouts.

"I know you well enough" I yank my wrists free and square my shoulder "besides, I have a date"

"I have a hamster" he says quickly.

I know what he is trying and don't dignify him with a response.

"Since we are talking about things that don't matter" he adds.

I turn to scan the room for Damian and come up empty. I can't find him, or Uncle Dick, or Bruce. There is no possible way that that is a coincidence. Ryan had to have tricked them into leaving.

"Looking for someone?" he asks cockily.

"Yes my-"

"Boyfriend" Damian says as he throws his arm around my shoulder "She was looking for her boyfriend, which would be me"

Damian and Ryan stare at each other for a moment, sizing each other up. Apparently Damian won because Ryan is the first to look away and he isn't happy about it. Damian leads me away without so much as a good bye to Ryan.

"Iris-" I am prepared to fight him if he tries to say that was my fault "I am so sorry"

I was not ready for the Boy Wonder to apologize.


"I am sorry that he got all over you like that" Damian apologizes again "Although I've got to say I am relieved you didn't judo flip him into the punch table"

Damian leads me into a back hallway and out the back door.

"Wouldn't do to have made a scene, especially since we are sneaking out" Damian continues.

Alfred has pulled one of the more discreet cars around to the back entrance and Damian is ushering me inside. Once we are in Alfred speeds toward the nearest Zeta tube.

"So…" I turn and smile at Damian "You're my ninja boyfriend huh?"

Damian laughs and so do I. the night didn't go exactly like I had hoped, but we had fun. And I guess when Kidflash and Robin are together, nothing ever goes as planned.

End notes: Here is a new chapter. I have written, erased, and completely rewritten this chapter like six times, I wasn't happy with the first few tries. I guess this one is acceptable J