My heart was pounding as I rushed out of the foliage, the leaves battering my face and my body. I didn't care. I had to get enough food before the careers came back.

I absently wondered which stupid tribute would light a fire that big, but only briefly. Of course, it was a trap. No one would be that stupid. Or at least I hoped not.

District 3 had his back to me, and I leaped onto the ground, sticking to the pattern that I had burned in my brain. I would not do a single misstep. Going as fast as I dared I lithely did my little deadly dance.

A rustle behind me. I ignored it as much as I could, but not before I slipped, a little squeal escaping me.

Blood rushed to my face as I kept as still as possible, knowing I was stood right beneath an active mine.

Oh god.

Was I going to blow up?

I forced all thoughts of death out of my mind.


Must not think of that.

I straightened myself up, and took as much as I could that wouldn't be noticed. I also slipped a little knife in my belt.

I know I had promised myself that I wouldn't kill, but what is wrong with a little self-defence.

Leaving the area in a little whirlwind of red hair, I leave the encampment, no one else knowing the wiser.

I started to trot back to my base at a quick pace before my thoughts halted me.

What was that rustling behind me?

As quick as I could, I stashed my food and returned to my previous spot. I watched at the food pile, waiting for something I knew was going to happen. Someone had watched me climb into the pyramid of food. I was sure of it.

But who?

I grimly thought of how I moved too quick for anyone to memorise my steps. Who ever tried to copy me would surely misstep. Get blown to bits, their cannon drowned out by the chain reaction of the explosives.

After a while, I tire of observing.

I creep back slightly, every intention of going back to my base when I see her.

Katniss Everdeen, girl on fire.

I immediately crouch down, knowing this girl is a threat. I haven't survived this long without knowing who to run from. That time I bumped into her, I only escaped because she was startled. Like me, she was smart.

I knew her game plan.

The fake romance was ingenious. I had to admire her for it. I watched thoughtfully as her form creeped slowly out from the foliage, her bow raised.

She shoots one arrow at the burlap bag of a bag of apples.

Clever girl. I think smugly. She worked it out.

As I said. She was smart.

I leave silently before the explosion takes place. I am safely out of range when I hear the earth quaking explosion. Still, I feel a little dazed and my ears don't stop ringing with a little buzz.

I revisit the scene, and quickly hide behind some bushes as I see the crumpled form of Katniss, slowly, agonizingly, crawl her way into cover.

A brief wash of pity overcomes me. I should help her.

A squash it almost as quickly. No. She would kill me in a moment's notice. I wasn't innocent and in need of protection from Rue. I was smart, and she would see that as a threat.

A smug smile tugs on my lips. God, she knows nothing. I knew about her alliance with Rue, the reason the careers needed District 3; I knew where Peeta was, and where Thresh was. Katniss may have killed, but who is on top now?

I silently leave the broken girl in the dirt, smirking to myself.

Oh this was just too easy.