Disclaimer: The Mortal Instruments and its characters belong to Cassandra Clare.
For all the Sizzy shippers who need some fluff after the first installment of Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy.
I like when you smile
Being a Shadowhunter sucked. Well, at least when a certain blond slave driver called Jace Herondale made you train until your legs felt like jello and your heart beat so fast that it hammered in your chest.
Simon Fairchild felt exhausted, absolutely exhausted and aching, which also made him incredibly lazy. His head was comfortably resting on Izzy's lap – being with Isabelle Lightwood was definitely one of the best things about being a Shadowhunter – and he had actually managed to persuade her to feed him apple slices. It probably wasn't the best position to eat in but Simon didn't care. The apple had the right mixture of sweetness and tartness but what was even better was Isabelle combing her fingers through his hair. She occasionally wrapped her index finger around a curl before letting go of it again. It made him feel like a drowsy and content cat although he doubted that Izzy would be up for rubbing anything on his body.
Their relationship was back on track, had been for a while now since his memories were fully back but his Izzy was still a little careful around him. He understood her though, he knew that he never wanted to be without Izzy again and that the past months had been incredibly hard for her. They were taking things slow; Simon didn't mind… much.
He was happy with Isabelle, so in love with her that sometimes he had to pinch himself to truly believe how lucky he was. Everything was better when he was with Izzy. His mood improved instantly, butterflies fluttered in his stomach and he couldn't help but smile which made her smile in return.
One night, just before they had fallen asleep, Isabelle had confessed how much she loved Simon's smile so he made sure to smile often and widely, not that it was really hard when he had everything he had wanted.
One smile in particular was his secret weapon which he only used rarely. Given the circumstances, Simon thought that it'd be useful to use it on Izzy. Maybe she would be up to rubbing his sore muscles after all.
"Iz?" The fingers in his hair stopped.
"Hm?" She looked at him curiously, her dark eyes reflecting the same love and contentment Simon was feeling.
He felt the muscles in his lips twitch before he turned on his "just for Isabelle Lightwood" smile; one corner of his mouth lifting up before the other.
Izzy smiled right back at him, a little bashful and just when she wanted to lower her head to hide behind the curtain of her glossy hair, Simon cupped her cheek and gently told her, "Don't. I like when you smile."
She bit her lip and her pale skin flushed with colour. "Thanks," she answered softly before clearing her throat and focusing on his hair again.
Yeah, she was definitely still careful around him.
Simon shrugged it off – for now – and moved on Isabelle's bed until they were both lying on their sides, facing each other. He made sure to huff and puff which wasn't that hard because some of his muscles screamed in protest when he moved.
He brushed Izzy's hair behind her ear before dropping his hand on her waist. His head rested comfortably on her pillow which actually started to smell like his shampoo since he spent a lot of time in Isabelle's bed. Granted, they weren't doing the things that Simon wanted to do but it was still nice just be with her. To hold Izzy while she slept, to listen to her soft breathing when she had already fallen asleep whilst he was still awake, to be somehow completely wrapped around her when they both woke up in the morning. He didn't even mind having her hair in his face or his mouth because the way all of her soft curves were pressed into his by now hard body was, simply put, all kinds of amazing.
Simon could see how Isabelle's dark gaze wandered over his face, her own softening again and giving him a content smile. She rested her right hand on their collar of his T-Shirt, tangled their legs together which brought them even closer and then traced the rune on his neck. Her touch was so gentle, so loving that a shiver ran down Simon's spine.
"This feels nice", he whispered. He wasn't sure why he was whispering but it seemed appropriate in this moment.
Her hand stopped moving and just when Simon was about to protest, Izzy brushed her lips over his.
This felt better than nice.
She pulled him closer, settling her leg over his thigh which made Simon inhale sharply through his nose. Their kiss remained sweet and tame with no one making any attempts to coax the other's mouth open. Her slender fingers were stroking his neck again and when they slipped underneath his collar, he wasn't sure if their closeness was such a good idea because his sweatpants were awfully thin. Simon's lips left hers momentarily to clear his throat. The sound he intended to make turned into a groan due to Isabelle's fingers suddenly sinking into his sore muscles. She firmly massaged his left shoulder which felt insanely good after his brutal training session with Jace.
"This feels incredible, Iz," Simon hummed, "thank you."
She kissed his cheek, "Don't think I didn't notice your not so subtly hint, Simon Fairchild."
He gave her another "just for Isabelle Lightwood" smile which earned him a smile in return and another kiss.
Isabelle continued to rub Simon's sore muscles, occasionally kissing him until his breathing evened out and he fell asleep, warm and content like a cat.
Reviews/favourites are appreciated :)