"This is totally going to rock." Leo said as he waited for the elevator, Percy and Thalia along side him. "Are you guys ready?" Percy asked them both. Thalia grinned wickedly. Leo wore a similar expression. The elevator arrived. "Let's do this." Thalia said before the doors opened and they walked in.

The elevator was larger than usual and consisted of four other people. The trio pretended like they didn't know each other. Leo secretly activated a small camera on his belt. Thalia did her role for this 'round', walking to the corner. She faced it with an emotionless expression and didn't move or say anything. The people glanced at her strangely. Percy pushed the wrong floor button twice on purpose. He smiled sheepishly and apologised.

Leo started to stare and grin creepily at the passengers. They looked uneasy under his gaze, and some tried to back away without him noticing.

They rushed off at the next level, despite the fact that it wasn't the one they were looking for. Thalia turned back from the corner and started laughing.

The doors opened again. Five more people got on and squeezed in. The doors closed, and Thalia tilted her head so she was slightly facing them. "Don't panic everyone. They open again." She reassured them. They looked at her, confused at her statement as they pushed their desired buttons.

The elevator ride was deathly quiet when Percy spoke up. "Did you feel that?" He asked with fake concern. They glanced around. A guy turned to him. "No." He said. Percy scrunched his eyebrows in question. "Hmm, strange. That mental institute didn't help after all." He mused aloud. A women glanced at him in worry.

Leo started swatting 'flies', waving his hands around strangely. He then 'accidently' smacked a man on the back off his bald head. He turned around and glared at him. "Sorry man! There was a fly.. And, I was trying to do you a favour! I'm really sorry!" Leo fake-apologised, holding his hands up in surrender. The man still slightly looked like he wanted to rip off Leo's elf ears, but he turned around anyway.

Percy turned to Thalia and Leo. "See you in a couple minutes." He whispered, planning his next prank. The elevator stooped at a floor and Percy and three others got off.

They waited until all of the already traumatised people left. Three more got on at various stops.

Thalia pulled out a pen from her pocket. She innocently dropped it, and it loudly hit the ground. After she didn't pick it up, someone bent down and picked it up for her. Thalia gasped. "That's my pen!" The person looked confused and shocked, but they ignored the obvious deduction and handed her the pen anyway. "Yeah, um, sorry. Thought it was mine." He lied, trying to hide his humiliation.

Leo turned to a middle aged woman next to him. He grinned at her. "What's your name?" He asked. She looked wary, but she spoke anyway. "My name's Angie." "Hey Angie, I'm Leo." Angie looked a bit weirded out by his actions. She cleary wanted to end the conversation and get away from him. "Okay." She said cautiously. "Guess what?" Leo acted oblivious to her vibes of negativity towards him. "What?" Angie replied, twice as cautious. Leo's grin expanded. "I bought new socks today and I'm wearing them right now." "That's nice." Angie said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Do you want to see them?" Angie looked like she couldn't wait for her stop to come. "No thanks."

The stop came, and Angie hurried off. Percy strolled past her inside. "This reminds me of being buried alive. Ah, those were the days." He loudly announced. He turned to a man that was looking at him like he had grown another head. "Don't you agree?" Percy asked him. The man didn't answer him, however, and just settled to staring at him in shock.

Thalia looked at her phone secretly and dialled Percy's number. After it started ringing she put it back into her pocket, the phone still on. Percy's ringtone blared loudly. He had picked a song especially for this act.

"If you like piña coladas.."

"And getting caught in the rain.."

Percy ignored the phone and continued to stare at his hands, thinking, who in their right mind makes a song about piña coladas? People were strange. The mortals started to take notice that it was Percy's phone that was ringing. No one really wanted to talk to him after the 'buried alive' comment, but a man nudged him anyway.

"Hey, man, your phone's ringing." Percy glanced down at his pocket where his phone was located. "Oh! Didn't realise.." By the time he had the phone in his hand, it had stopped ringing. "Oops, silly me."

Meanwhile, Thalia was slightly swaying and her eyes drooped. After some more swaying, her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she slumped onto Leo, 'fainted'. Since they were standing in the center, everyone noticed. A woman gasped and put her hand to Thalia's forehead. "Is she okay?"

Thalia stirred and her eyelids squeezed tighter, like she was having a dream. She gasped and woke up. Wide eyes frantically looked around. "Demons!" She shrieked. Thalia 'tried' to wriggle out of Leo's grasp, but she failed. "D-demons!" The same concerned woman tried to comfort her.

"Miss, don't worry. There's no demons, we're not going to hurt you, okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?" Thalia took a few breaths and then calmed down. "No, no. I'm fine."

Percy got out his phone to start texting someone.

Are you ready? Percy sent.


Nico got out his phone at the alerting sound.

Are you ready? Percy had sent.

Nico cursed his stupid self, again. It was beyond him as to why he accepted to do this. Apparently Percy had gone off to torment some mortals in elevators with Leo and Thalia. They needed him to do something 'funny'.

He already looked like a complete retard - a black cloak and completely covered his face and body along with scythe. Now he had to go into an elevator and say something creepy. With Percy, Leo and Thalia watching him.

What have I gotten myself into?

Yes, but you owe me. He replied back.

Fine. It's the elevator by the fountain.

Sighing, Nico strolled over to the fountain and the nearest elevator. He pushed the button.

Moments later he heard a bing sound and the doors opened. Inside was a grinning Leo, an amused Thalia, and a smirking Percy in the midst of some baffled mortals.

As casually as he could Nico went over to the emptiest spot - next to Percy, great.

The elevator ride was silent, that was until Percy nudged Nico. Nico turned to a middle aged man. He stared deep into his eyes, and the man stood still and didn't say a word.

"Your time..." Nico started, and the man gulped. "Won't come for quite a while." He looked slightly relieved as Nico turned to another person - a woman. "As for you... I can see that you will live to a ripe age." Nice faced the last person and peered at her. "You, hmm. I'm not sure. It's unclear. But not to worry."

They stared at Nico strangely as they eventually got off. Leo stopped the small camera and his grin widened.

"That," he said, "was pretty awesome."

This story kind of sucked and wasn't funny. I don't really know why I wrote it, it seemed like a good idea at the time. I've come to the conclusion that I ship Percadite. Like, wow. Anyways,

Peace out.