A/N: Happy New Year, loves. Please enjoy. Excuse any misspelled words. I just wrote this up and posted it.

Chapter 4: Need for His Witch (If These Wings Could Fly)


"You know in this day and age what you're doing is called stalking."

The Bennett witch was currently walking home once again from the Salvatore boardinghouse. After leaving the boardinghouse, Bonnie got in her car to head home for a much needed shower and rest, but for the umpteenth time her car wouldn't start. She already knew the reason why and it grinds her gears. When she stepped out the car, her reason for her continuous car trouble was leaning against the hood of her blue buggy.

"If I find out one of these days you've ruined my car, I'm going to take great pleasure in lighting your ass on fire."

"Now, now, Bonnie Bennett." Klaus tsked. "Is that any way to talk to a friend?" He smirked when he heard a loud snort. "So rude." He pouted. "Have you and your miscreant friends found a way to kill me and my siblings yet?"

"Nope." For the past month straight after school Bonnie was forcefully dragged by a doppelgänger and a blonde vampire to the secret-not-so-secret Salvatore bat cave to look over some spells from her grimoire that could possibly kill an Original. So far they found nothing…well, nothing that Bonnie was openly willing to share. "How unfortunate." She jibed.

"Cold words, little witch. Cold words. You must love breaking my heart."

"You must love getting a kick out of bothering me."

Klaus' brow arched comically. "Bothering you?"

"Yes," Bonnie twisted her body around to face him. "Bothering me. You bother me."

The hybrid placed a hand over his heart feigning hurt. "Is this the gratitude I get for walking a lady home?"

"I can take care of myself."

"And I'm sure you can, but how could this old soul that is set in his ways let a beautiful woman walk home in the middle of the night? You know what they say about lurkers in the dark along with the wicked that never rests."

"Are you a lurker or one of the wicked?" Bonnie asked coyly.

"I'm the worst of the worst, love. A creature of definition that goes beyond the comprehension of the word wicked."

"Like stalker?" Bonnie held in her laughter when she heard an exasperating sigh. "I'm just saying, it's been weeks. You've been finding creative –"

"Thank you –"

"Weird –"


"Vexing –"

"Aw, come now –"

"– ways to get me alone."

"You should be flattered that I seek your attention."

"I should be terrified." Bonnie quipped. "I feel like Little Red Riding Hood walking in the dangerous woods." Klaus grinned with amusement. He loved their daily banter. That and the fact he loved watching her walk.

Glowing blue eyes crawled up and down at the beautiful creature before him. She was wearing a crimson red hooded leather jacket, black jeans with boots to match. Eyes traveled down from her mahogany halo to her dangerously curvaceous hips swaying to and fro. He wanted to devour her.

"Am I the big bad wolf in this story?" Bonnie's ears perked hearing the change of tone in the Original's voice. The tone made something crawl in her stomach and her heart twist. Unknowingly, it faltered her sure steps to careful ones. "Are you waiting for me to eat you up, Little Red?"

The hybrid took delight watching Bonnie shiver. He licked his lips when he heard her heart beating harshly, making her blood run wildly in her veins. The action was causing the witch's natural scent become potent. His mouth began to water and tongue swelled with eagerness having thoughts of different ways to taste his temptress' nectar.

Bonnie took a deep breath to calm herself then turned towards Klaus. She ignored the glowering heat in his sapphire eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "Did you say that to your last victim you drained recently?"

The hybrid huffed in mocking frustration. "I mean really, Bonnie. Must you think so horribly of me?" He watched the small witch roll her eyes turning away from him, but he didn't miss the small smile that graced her face. "And to think I was doing you a kindness."

Bonnie snorted. "Is that what you call it?"

Klaus reached for her hand and brought her back to his chest. "What would you call it?" He whispered against her cheek. Klaus held in his groan when he felt his little witch tremble with excitement against his body.

"Klaus," Bonnie's voice was meant to be laced with a warning but instead became a breathy whisper. "Someone could be watching."

The Original turned her around pulling her into his arms once again. He stared down at her catlike green eyes glimmering under the moonlight. His little witch was simply breathtaking. "Let them look."



Bonnie gradually opened her eyes greeting the harsh light streaming through the blinds. She hissed cursing herself for not closing the blinds before she drowned herself in self-pity…and alcohol. The witch leaned forward but instantly regretted the sudden decision when she felt searing pain shoot up the back of her neck. A rough chuckle slipped from her chapped lips. She forgotten she fell asleep in the wooden throne chair. How pathetic.

Carefully she lifted her neck from the awkward position she put herself in. The Bennett witch rubbed the back of her neck trying to rub out the irritating soreness as she reached beside her to remove the bourbon bottle digging in her side. After getting rid of some of the throbbing in her poor neck, Bonnie braced herself to stand. When her hand touched the arms of the chair to stand, a sensation sent a shock through her fingertips.

Bonnie eyes slid down to the plush green covering on the armchair. She rubbed her thumb over the soft material. He was here, she thought. I saw him again. She swallowed the lump in her throat as her hand traced the dark wooden chair wishing it was his hands again. Her fingertips touched her dried lips remembering his taste and warmth.

Her eyes were beginning to burn as she remembered Klaus' touch on her skin. Her fingers brushed against her cheek. She felt him there. Her hand massaged her shoulder. And she felt him there. Her arms, her chest, her hands, she felt him everywhere. The stinging in her eyes worsen. Her gentle touch turned rough as she dug her nails into the palm of her hand. She felt him. He felt him and he felt so real.

"I am here with you, Bonnie." Klaus voice echoed in her head. "I'm really here."

Bonnie shook her head snatching herself away from falling too deep into his words. "Stop it." She buried herself into the palm of her hands as her nails dug in her skin forcing herself to stop thinking about Klaus' voice but it didn't help. She kept hearing him over and over again.

"Just stop…" She whimpered weakly. "Please…" She rubbed the heel of her palms over her eyes, shaking. She couldn't take this. "Please stop."

Finally, Klaus' voice quieted in her mind. After the trembling fell away from her, Bonnie wiped the traces of tears from her cheeks then stood from the chair heading upstairs to Damon's room. Going up the stairs, briefly her eyes made contact with the World Atlas sitting open with Damon's red scribble of the coordinates to Nova Scotia. She almost scoffed at the thing. She had no reason to find the cure. She cast her thoughts of the book aside and continued her journey upstairs.

The witch was in a desperate need of a shower. She needed to wash off the bourbon sweating through her pores and try to wash the ghost hands off her flesh. Bonnie had her mind set to scrub her skin raw washing away the plaguing memory of Klau – of him. But she couldn't take too long. Though it was her birthday, it wasn't time for celebrating. Not when she had a funeral to attend.


"Where is the atlas?"

"It's in the living room." Damon strolled into the playroom. "The atlas is lying on the table in front of the staircase." He paused to think for a moment. "That's if Bonnie didn't burn the damn thing in a fit of her witchy rage."

"If she still cares for…her," Klaus grudgingly turned to Elena who was standing next to the Salvatore. "She won't burn it. It is most likely she would have a soft spot for her troublesome childhood friend…" Klaus sneered "How unfortunate."

Elena stiffened at the insult. "Just bring Bonnie back. Whatever it takes, just bring her back."

The hybrid stared at the doppelgänger for a moment before turning back to Damon. "Love the sunglasses."

Damon fixed his black shades making sure to cover the black purplish-red marred bruises around his eyes. "These old things? Pfft, I only brought these babies out because it goes with my outfit." Damon shrugged his shoulders. "That and because a rabid dog tried to dig my eyes out, but mainly it's the outfit."

"Great heavens. Perish the thought of one trying to mutilate such mesmerizing blue peepers." Elijah jested from behind the elder Salvatore walking towards Klaus. "Such a sin."

Klaus tsked shaking his head. "A sin indeed, brother."

"Bite me, Balto." Damon sneered stepping up to Klaus. "Atlas. By the stairs. Bring Bonnie home. Alive!"

Soon as Klaus felt the wind cease and the sensation of his stomach dropping, he opened his eyes seeing everything was not as it once before. Everything in the living room was destroyed. Pictures and paintings were torn down. Couches and chairs either broken or flipped over. Pillow feathers and stuffing littered all over the floor.

Both he and Kai hands fell away from each other as they carefully stepped into the living space. Creaks and cracks of broken glass under their feet echoed through the boardinghouse. The destructive sight tore at Klaus' insides like the thousands upon thousands of sheared glass on the dark oak floor. He could literally feel Bonnie's hurt and sadness. His little witch was in so much pain.

He promised himself and to Bonnie then and there when they leave out this retched dimension, he would make it up to her. He would make it up to her by taking care of her and make sure she wants for nothing. He promised that he would never leave her again. He promised that he would never let her leave him. He promised that he would shower her with unconditional love as much as his black heart could give. He would promise this because Bonnie deserved it. She deserved everything and the Original would not try, but would do everything in his power to make Bonnie happy.

Klaus turned from the horrific sight and headed towards the staircase. The table Damon mentioned was toppled over and there beside it laid tattered pages of the atlas. He kneeled down with a hesitant hand touchimg the torn pages.

"Where's Bonnie?" Kai said from behind him.

Klaus ignored the witch picking up the scattered pages of the atlas. From the corner of his peripheral vision he seen the slanted red script written on across one of the pages. He turned towards it seeing the coordinates to Qetsiyah's voodoo rock, as Damon elegantly put it, in Nova Scotia. "This is it."

Kai was ready to comment until something caught his attention. He lifted his nose in the air taking quick sniff. "Do you smell that?" He took another deep breath and coughed from the intake. "It smells like burnt car…tires…"

Before he could finish his sentence, Klaus was already off the floor and out the living room with the coordinates gripped tightly in his hand. He knew exactly where Bonnie was and if his mind knew what she was planning to do, he had to move quickly.


Bonnie leaned herself against the door of Damon's car listening to the mumbling from the engine. Glassy eyes wander around the closed spaced seeing the ocean of grey clouds ghosting around her. A barraged of coughs broke from her lips enabling the smog to enter her mouth, spewing more coughs. Bonnie pressed her hand against her chest feeling the rush of her blood flowing through her veins as her coughs refused to stop. Every inhale and exhale she took, Bonnie felt the raw burn in her lungs and slowly spreading throughout her insides.

After she got her fit under control, Bonnie held up the camcorder in her hand facing her. She pressed the power button and watched her face fill the tiny screen. Staring at herself appearing ragged and tired in the tiny screen made her flinch. She was a mess. Bonnie swallowed her discomfort and pressed the red record button. When the red light glowed beside the screen, only then Bonnie opened her mouth to speak. This was it.

"This is probably a waste of time recording anything," Bonnie cleared her throat before continuing. "But Damon…Elena…or whoever…you find this and figure out how to work this stupid thing…" A rush of air rushed from her mouth as sickness churned in her belly. This was happening. This was really happening. "If…you find out how to work this camcorder, tell everyone I'm sorry." A cough emptied from her but she continued on. "Tell them I tried. I tried to hang on, but this place…" She looked around her then back to the camera. "This place…being stuck here…alone…" She took a steady breath willing herself not to cry. "I miss too much."

Standing in the corner of the garage was Klaus staring down at Bonnie. He didn't hear the beginning of her speech, but he heard enough and couldn't stand it.

"I miss too much and it hurts." Tears ran hot down her cheeks. "It hurts me and I can't take it."

Klaus was already stooping low before her. His hand reached out to touch her cheek, but the limb went through her. "Bonnie."

"I can't take this," More tears fell and her body trembles terribly feeling the guilt clawing at her body. "And I'm sorry I can't take more." Bonnie leaned heavily against the door mentally shaking herself to stop cry. "Going weeks without speaking, because no one there…it does something, you know? It does something in here." She pointed to her head. "And it's not…" These damn tears. She just wanted them to stop. She had been hearing herself cry for months and she was sick of it. "It's not a nice place to be in when you're alone. There is no one to snap you out of it, to bring you back."

"Bonnie." Klaus called out to her.

Bonnie shivered from hearing the voice and hope wastefully grabbed at her, but she turned herself away. There was no one there. "It's just…whispers of you guys' voices in my head. Some are louder than other and it's…constant. I can't get away from it. I hear the voices then I started to see things…" She pressed her palmed to her head as her mind races back to Klaus' annoyingly handsome face or his smug grin or cute pout. "And that's hurt even more because I know you're not there."

"Bonnie, I'm here!" The Original caged his little witch legs in between his parted knees. "I'm right here in front of you. Look for me. Think of me!"

A dull throb webbed through Bonnie's head. When she looked up from the camera, images of Klaus' face flicked in and out in front of her. "No." Bonnie shook her head. "Please, stop."

"Bonnie, I'm right here! I'm right here with you. You have to look at me."

"Leave me alone." Fear gripped Bonnie. Hope was blooming in her chest and she didn't want it. Hope hurts. Hope ruins her. Bonnie violently pushed the useless emotion down to the bottom of her heart and deepest recesses of her mind…but that damn face. The more she pushed her hope away the more it grabbed at her making her see him. She could see her love's face so clearly. "You're not here." Bonnie said in a steady voice. "Leave me alone."

"Bonnie…please." Klaus begged. He reached out to touch her. He could feel her warmth radiating from her skin. He was really here with her. All he need to do was touch her and she would know. She would know that he kept his promise. She would know that he came back for her. "I'm right here, love. I'm right here." He inched in closer to her. "I come to take you home."

"No." Bonnie moved away from the hand instantly making the warmth in Klaus' hand run cold to feeling nothing. "I need to get you out of my head." She pinched her eyes closed willing this figment of her imagination to go away. "Leave me alone."

"Bonnie love, look at me." Klaus leaned in closer with their noses almost touching. "Bonnie, you have to look at me. Open your eyes and look at me, please." He could feel the connection to Bonnie growing weaker. He was running out of time. "Bonnie, look at me!"

"Leave me alone!" She screamed with all the strength she could muster. After a moment of silence, she opened her eyes. There was nothing. No Klaus. Not even his voice. It was only the humming of the car engine and the racing of her heart.

When Bonnie got herself together, she glanced back down at the recording camera. "Sorry you had to see that." She chuckled humorlessly. "You see what this place does to me?" She shakes her head. "These voices…I hear him…" Bonnie shakes her head again telling herself to stop. "I hear them," She corrected herself. "I hear them so clearly and I can't stand it." She takes a deep breath as more tears continue to fall. She hated it. She hated it. She hated it all. Even when death was near, she still couldn't stop crying. "And I only know one way to turn it off." Bonnie bangs her head against the car door as she started to hearing Klaus' voice screaming for her to stop.

Bonnie took another breath but it came out as a hurtful moan. "I'm sorry."

Klaus was sitting directly in front of her. Eyes to eyes. Nose to nose. Lips to lips. "Bonnie, you have to stop. You have to stop this now. You don't want to do this." Another moan escaped her lips and Klaus could briefly feel the warmth of her breath. He was nearly there. She could hear him. "You have to stop this. I can take you home. I can take you home. I can take you home with me. Everyone is waiting for you."

"Nik." Bonnie couldn't see him but she could hear him. It was driving her insane. "Please…stop –"

"Don't tell me to stop!" He roared. Slamming his hand against the car door. None of them noticed the large dent in the car. "I'm here. I come back to take you home and you don't want to! You don't want to believe I'm here with you!"

"Jeremy," Bonnie started looking back down at the camera. This was going on far too long than she liked. It was time to put an end to it. "I hope you live your life to the fullest. You deserve to be happy. Live with no regrets."


"Elena… never give up on yourself. Go to college. Get your degree. Become a doctor and save lives and all that good stuff." She smiles briefly then her fern green eyes hardens. "Don't become Damon's shadow. Live…for yourself. Be happy."

"What about your happiness? Hmm." Klaus questioned. "What about Bonnie Bennett's happiness? What of her happy ending? What of her life? Bonnie!"

"Damon, the biggest drama queen in existence, I know you will be the one holding this camera." She smiled genuinely into the camcorder. "These past few months with you have been…" The witch puffed out her cheeks. "Interesting and kind of fun." She bit the inside of her cheek thinking how to put her rambling thoughts into words. "We kept each other safe. We kept each other sound. We…just kept each other. I've seen Damon, the real Damon. The Damon that is not so much as a jerk and asshole but Damon that can be unselfish and caring…with a dash of jerk-ish asshole-ness." She tapped the screen. "To my enemy to semi-budding friend to being my best friend." Bonnie wiped her damp cheek. "Be safe Damon. Tell everyone I love them. And please keep out of trouble"

Rage rattled through Klaus as she listened to the drivel nonsense coming from Bonnie's mouth. He couldn't understand. Through everything these people put her through, how could she be the way she was now? On death door but still could be caring towards the ones who hurt her the most. Still loving towards to the ones who were the authors to her endless tragedies. He simply couldn't understand.

"Now…what I'm about to say to you is very important and I need you to do what I say." Klaus ears perked. A few coughs sputtered from her but she went on. "I need you to pause this recording and give it to Stefan." Another cough, this time with blood. "I need you to do this for me…please."

Klaus leaned his forehead against hers and placed his hand over shaking one, still unable to feel her. "Bonnie…please."

"Stefan, hey…" Bonnie started. "I know I promised you that I wouldn't ask you for any favors involving…him," She swallowed the lump in her throat. "But I need you to send Nik a message."

Klaus shook his head not believing what he was hearing. His hand gripped tighter over her hand. Why was she doing this? "Stop this."

"Tell him I'm sorry. I'm sorry for walking away. I'm sorry for not trusting him. I'm sorry for hurting him." Tears fell down her cheeks and Klaus swore he felt the little droplets on his own. "Tell him to keep the family safe and keep them close. He's going to need them no matter how much he pretends he doesn't need anyone. He needs you too, Stefan. You both were friends before, brothers from what Nik told me. He's awful and manipulative and cruel –"

"Hey now." Klaus huffed against her lips. He refused to acknowledge the thickness in his voice. "What is this about now?"

"– but there's more to him. He can be difficult but he's there. I know he is and I've seen it so many times I can't count," Bonnie took a shaky breath. "And it's so beautiful and it's warm and there's so much of it, Stefan." She frustratingly wipe at her cheek. "I'm not telling you to babysit him. I'm not asking you to get involved with his life. I'm not asking you to forgive him. I'm asking you to keep your eyes open and see for yourself. If you can't see it, then fine. If you can…then that's fine too."

The Original was pressed against little witch's side, leg crossed over hers. His face was buried between her chin and shoulder. He was imagining her scent filling his nose. Milk and honey with dash of vanilla. The scent would forever be imprinted on him. His big hand now covered both her small ones. Chest alongside her arm. He just need her to feel Him. "Bonnie…you frustrating woman." His hand gripped her tighter. "Feel me…"

"Tell him I love him."

"Open up to me."

"I've always loved him."


"And I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to tell him face to face."

"Bonnie, try!" A tremor shook through him, then the familiar drop in his stomach came. "No…" He whispered to himself. He felt his insides being pulled back to the present world. "No!"

Before he could reach out for Bonnie, he was already back lying on floor in the Salvatore playroom. He turned to the side of him seeing a commotion in the next room. He rose from the floor and stomped his way to the living area. Entering inside, he was seeing a blonde haired woman flying across the room from some type of explosion. From the corner of his eye he could see Kai badly hurt holding his neck. Across from him Elijah, Marcel, and Davina were escaping some sort of invisible hold they were placed in. Elena and Damon were coming down the stairs.

Vampires, hybrid, and witches were heading in the same direction. Without uttering a word, Marcel handed Elijah the sword lying on the floor. Elijah in kind tossed it to Damon who was the closet to Klaus. The furious wolf already had the treacherous Gemini witch in his clutches. He took the long blade from Damon's hand and pierced it through the Parker witch's already gaping wounded shoulder.

Liv let out a blood curdling scream as the blade kept going through her shoulder without hesitance. Klaus didn't stop pushing the blade in her until he reached the gold hilt of the sword. Liv met bright yellow eyes that screamed maddening rage. Behind she could see the same vicious glare from the vampires and the witch she never seen before. Liv went to open her mouth to speak but was cut off from a hand cover her mouth. She clawed at the hand desperately trying to get away. Klaus never budged.

"Are you alright?" Klaus asked Kai without looking at him.

"I could be better." Humor was left from the Gemini Coven leader.

"Can you take me back?"

Kai gaze left his sister's for a moment to stare at Klaus' back. "I think I can." He turned back to Liv. "Without interruptions, of course."

"There won't be." Klaus promised viciously.

"I'll keep her bound." Davina came forward having everyone's eyes on her except Klaus'. "I won't use too much of my magic since I have to use it for the spell, but I can handle her."

Klaus hateful gaze never left the wild haired blonde woman's. "If I go back to that dimension and I see something I don't like, I'm going to tear you apart." Fear sparked into the witch's heart hearing the promise of the Original. Klaus let her go but kept the sword embedded into shoulder. He turned to Elijah. "Make sure she stays right here."

"Wait!" Everyone watched Tyler Lockwood step into the room holding his hand out in a surrendering manner. "Let me take her away and you won't have to worry about her or me interfering with any of you."

Klaus eyed the once hybrid up and down then turned to Elijah. "Keep them both here until I return." He faced Kai. "You look weak."

"Thank you for telling me that." Kai rolled his eyes.

"Are you sure you're able to go back?"

"Well," Kai sat on the floor next to his sister. "With a little help from my little sissy pooh, I will." He grabbed her bloody hand feeling her magic become his. "I'll be right as rain."


Instead of entering into living room like before, Klaus was right back at the garage. He found Bonnie at the same place where he left her. Thankfully, Bonnie was alive but that wouldn't be the case if he didn't do something. The churning anger he felt from before slammed back into him full force. "Get up, Bonnie." Nothing. "Get up, Bonnie." Still nothing. "Get up, Bonnie!" He moved in front of her. "You have to get up, do you hear me? Get up, Bonnie!" He slammed his hand against the car door. "You need to move. If you don't move, you will die. Do you understand? If you don't move, you will die here alone. Is that truly what you want? You want to live? Then you have to fight for the life you want!" Klaus leaned his forehead on hers staring into her glassy green eyes. They were lost and full of anguish. He couldn't stand it. He couldn't stand seeing her this way. Damn this frustrating women "You need to fight, Bonnie. You have to. I know you've been fighting all this time. I know you're tired and you had enough, but I need you to do this, love. You have to fight. Come on."

He waited for her. He waited for her to say or do something, but she just wouldn't –

"Come on! Fight, Bonnie! Fight! Remember who you are. You are a Bennett! You are a Mikaelson! You fight. You never give up on yourself. You stay strong. You need –"

"Stay strong…" Bonnie whispered to herself. "Stay strong…that's what Grams said." She coughed into her hand feeling the smoke fill her lungs. "Stay…" Cough. "Strong." Cough. Cough.


"I have to move." She twisted her body readying herself to stand. "I have to go."

"Get up, Bonnie." Klaus inched away from her but didn't go too far. "Come on, Bonnie. Get up!"

Bonnie pulled herself up holding on to the car door handle. "I have to stay strong." Her hand slipped from the hand making her fall to her knees. "I'm going to stay strong." Determination swelled inside her. "I'm not going to die in the place."

Fire ignited once again in the Bennett witch. The same fire Klaus fell in love with when he first met her. The fire that set him and his dead heart aflame. His witch was coming back to him. "Move, Bonnie. Get up." Beside him, he found the button to open the garage. He went to push the button, however the door remained closed. "Come on." He pushed it again. "Come on!" He turned back to Bonnie who was crawling towards him, coughing. On the floor he noticed splats of her blood. "Bonnie, get up. You have to get up!" He turned back to the garage door. "Bonnie!" He turned back to Bonnie seeing her lying on the floor clutching at her chest. "Bonnie, come on!"



With a click, the garage door finally opened letting the daylight brightened the dark smog room. As the door opened, the gas began to clear letting in the clean oxygen Bonnie needed. The witch pulled in deep breaths. She was going to be fine.

Bonnie lulled herself to the side to look up at the opened garage door. For a moment there was nothing and then –


A small smile pulled at the hybrid's lips. "Hello, love."

"Nik," Bonnie swallowed the lump in her burning throat. "You're here…are you here?"

"Yes, Bonnie, I'm here. I'm –" The sudden drop in his stomach came and the whistling of the wind in his ear. "Wait! Not yet."

The familiar pull pulled Klaus back into the present time lying on the floor next to a pale looking Kai. "Give him blood. We have to go back."

Elijah stepped forward to pull him up from the floor. "Niklaus,"

"Heal the witch. I have to get back to Bonnie. Davina, we're doing the spell now."

"Niklaus, we can't do the spell."

Klaus cut his piercing eyes to his brother. "What do you mean we can't do the spell? We have everything to get Bonnie."

"Kai's magic needs to replenish. Davina doesn't have enough magic to keep you there. We need something else. A different power source."

"Then find it! I don't care what you have to do. I don't care who you have to threatened or kill to get more magic! Just get it!"

"We all want Bonnie out of there, Niklaus. Not just you!" The Original moved in front of him. "We love her just as much."

"Then why are you still standing here? Do something useful for once."

Both brothers stared at each other menacingly not noticing a guest walking into the Salvatore boardinghouse. Damon was the first to see them. "Uh…guys…"

Both of the Mikaelson brothers turned towards Damon and Elena seeing their eyes were on someone behind them. When they followed their line of sight, instant dread entangled. Why was he here?

Black veins protruded around his face as his eyes glowed yellow. "What the bloody hell are you doing here? I will only ask once."

"Watch yourself, boy."

"Why are you here, father?" Elijah came forward walking towards Mikael. "How are you here?"

"Elijah." Mikael nodded his head towards his son. "Never mind how I got here. All you need to know is I came to help your bastard brother."

"I don't need you." Klaus pushed past Elijah to stand in front of his father. "I don't need you anywhere near me or my family."

"I think that you might want to reconsider that, Niklaus."

Everyone turned towards the door seeing for the millionth time an unexpected visitor entering into the Salvatore home. Once again Damon was the first to speak. "Who the hell are you?"

"Her name is Freya." Elijah spoke for his sister.

"Hello, brother." Freya walked fully into the living room to stand in front pf the small crowd. "And Niklaus." She then turned to the bleeding witch pinned to the wall with Tyler by her side. She looked above her seeing the birthday balloons and streamers. "Looks like I made it to the birthday party."

"You have exactly one minute to explain why you're here before I do something unkindly, dear sister."

"Niklaus, your threats nor your antagonistic customs are needed. I only came here to help." She stood next to her father. "We came to help."


Back in the 1994 dimension, Bonnie found herself out the garage. When she was able to move about and her lungs weren't on fire, only then she searched for Klaus. Her mind was screaming with relief. Klaus was there. The real Klaus was there with her and he was there to take her home.

"Nik! Where are you?" Bonnie burst through the kitchen door. "Klaus! Nik, are you here?" She ran through the kitchen to the dining area seeing no one. "Nik!" She entered the destroyed living room. "Klaus, are you here?" She yelled above her. She didn't hear anyone upstairs. "Please. Please tell me I'm not late." She entered the playroom and still no one.

Defeat settled in and the loneliness raked at her heart irritatingly. "He was here." A spark of something lit in her. "He was here." Bonnie told herself again. "I know he was here." Ghost sensations of Klaus' touch from before brushed all over her skin. "I touched him." She touched her lips. "I felt him."

A slight chill ran up her spine and a pressure laid heavy on her chest. She felt this before. "Nik."


Hearing him say her name made her heart flutter and her stomach twist. The pressure on her chest increased. "Klaus..." She turned around finally facing the one person she wanted since she'd been here. "Nik.."

Standing only a few feet across from her, Klaus stared longingly at the woman before him. "Hello, love."

Bonnie licked her dried lips. "Are you really here?" She took a careful step towards him, eyes burning with anticipation. "Are you really here with me right now?"


"No tricks?" She took another step. "No hallucinations?"


"And before…that was you." She was inches from him. Inches away from his touch. Inches away from his lips. Inches away from his love. Inches away from finally being home. "You weren't like the other Klaus' from before. It was different. You're different" The burning behind her eyes was becoming itchy. "Tell me that was you. Tell me that was you, Nik."

"It was me. I was here. I was here, Bon –"

Words fell away as he watched Bonnie run into him. Once he felt his little witch's body collide into his, he wasted no time to lift her into his arms. Bonnie in kind wrapped her legs around his waist and arms tightly around his neck. Nails raked on his clothed back. Lips pressed against his neck. Wetness dampening his shoulder. Warmth radiating from his plush skin. She was here. Bonnie was here with him. Finally he had her.

"I got you. I have you, Bonnie."

"I knew it was you. I knew it. I felt you." Words rushed from her mouth. She moved from Klaus' neck to look at his face. Bonnie's eyes wandered over his face taking everything in. Her hands traced ever line and dip on Klaus' face. "It was you. It was you." Tears continued to fall as she pressed her lips against his dimpled cheek. "I saw you. I felt you. I touch you. You were real. You were real. I had you." With each word, she kissed a part of his face. "You found me. You found me."

"I will always find you." Klaus pressed Bonnie tightly to him, chest against her ample breast. "I will always be there for you, Bonnie. I will always have you. You're mine. You're mine and no one can take me away from you. Ever." The Original wiped away her tear stained cheeks. "You coming home with me. You belong with me." Same as Bonnie, with each heart filled word vacating his mouth, Klaus made up for lost time kissing every part of Bonnie he could reach.

Finally, he kissed her lips. Her lips were rough but sweet. They were lusciously sweet and Klaus wanted more. How much did he miss this? He thirst for this? He wanted to drown in it. When Klaus felt Bonnie mouth open slightly ajar, his tongue sought hers. A moan tore through his little witch and Klaus ached to hear more. He was an insatiable wolf, starved from the cold for so long. He knew he had to speak to Bonnie about Nova Scotia, Qetsiyah's magic, New Orleans, their relationship, but he needed this more. He needed Bonnie right now.

Klaus promised he would have more. He promised he would take more and he would have it all now.


"How long do they have?" Elena leaned into her boyfriend.

"Four days." Damon answered without removing his gaze from the two Originals lying on his Persian rug. "The maybe crazy sister said this no limit time spell…thingy takes a lot of magic, magic they don't have."

"But they're using two Originals. Isn't the magic with them infinite?" Elena asks.

"No." Marcel answered before he took a sip of his glass of whiskey. "They might be a thousand years old, but within time that's not long. The longer they stay in 1994, the harder it will be for them to wake up." He cast his attention to Mikael and Elijah grey and lifeless. Then he moved to see Freya and Davina hands clasped together within a circle with black and red candles surrounding them. "If they stay too long, Mikael and Elijah will be dead dead. Four days is enough."

"Yeah, well let's hope Bonnie will be back before then." Damon took off his sunglasses showing his healed eyes. "In the meantime, we have put all this party stuff away and save it for when Bon Bon comes back." He turned to Marcel. "Pick a room. Food in the kitchen. Alcohol in the study. Don't touch my bourbon." He then turned to Tyler and his witch. "If I see her anywhere near here, I'll kill her. Get her out of here. Now." Damon pushed Elena towards upstairs. "You call Caroline and let her and my brother know what's happening." He bent down to kiss her lips then the top of her head. "I'll be up in a few."

He watched his girlfriend walk upstairs to their bedroom. When he heard the door close, he turned to the Mikaelson witch. They were finally alone. "She can come back, right?"

"You're worried about the witch." Freya peek her eye open. "You care for her."

"Yes. I do and if anything happens to her –"

"Relax, vampire. Bonnie is in safe hands."

"With Balto? Sure." Damon scoffed.

"You don't trust my brother?"

"Hell no! I don't trust any Mikaelson."

"Then why are you trusting me to get your friend out of the prison world? After all, I am a Mikaelson."

"I don't trust you but I have to try something." The Salvatore rubbed his forehead. "I can't…I can't leave her there. I can't disappoint her again."

Freya nodded her head understanding what was being said. "Niklaus will get her to Nova Scotia and bring the witch back."

Damon nodded. "Good." He pointed upstairs. "Going to take a long nap."

"You do know he's taking Bonnie with him…right?"

The vampire stopped in his tracks. "Excuse me?"

"The Bennett witch, I'm sure you know Niklaus is going to take her with him. After this, she won't be let out of his sight."

"Bonnie is not going anywhere. She's staying with us."

"It's precious that you think so."

"Listen –"

"I think you should listen, Mr. Salvatore." Freya interrupted him with a clipped tone. "He's not letting her go…and I'm sure after seeing my brother, Bonnie is not going to let him go. I think you need to prepare for her departure."

"I think you need to mind your damn business." Damon hands were clenched at his sides. Who did this witch think she was? "Bonnie is staying with us!"

Freya stared at him for a moment before closing her eyes again. "You're fooling yourself Mr. Salvatore if you think Bonnie will stay here with you."

Damon turned away from her, heading upstairs. "She's staying."

"And you're an even bigger fool if you think my brother will let her go." A smug smile pulled at the witch's lips. "Prepare yourself, Mr. Salvatore. Your little bird is leaving the nest."

I really hope you liked it guys. I wanted more for this chapter but everything didn't mesh well. So, I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter. Ugh! I missed writing Klonnie.