Deep in the bowels of the forest there are caves home to specific kind of demon the Naga. Despite the fact that there are many caves, most of them are empty by now and only a few of the caves actually house the creatures that used to live in them. One particular cave holds the Naga Voldemort, one of the last of the great Slytherin line. There were many stories of Voldemort and his clan of Naga that remain in the forest killing any foolish creature that enters the forest. The stories told of how fierce Voldemort looks with his pale scaled head and snake like face with glowing red eyes the color of blood. His clan mates were nicknamed Death Eaters and as blood thirsty as the name suggested.

These stories were the reason that Harry was so hesitant to run into the forest in order to escape from the Order of the Phoenix. Harry Potter himself was a Naga and had never met another of his own kind, from what his godfathers had told him they were rather territorial and he'd rather not get on the wrong side of a territorial clan. Still it might be worth it if it got him away from the leader of the Order who had been using him to help fuel his magic since a young age. Harry's life was a rather tragic story in itself; Harry was born to a mixed couple his father a Naga and his mother a witch.

"Harry you need to make a decision, are you coming with Sirius and I or are you staying here?" Harry's godfather Lupin was offering him a chance to escape, a chance that Harry knew would never come again. Still there was the Naga.

"I don't know, isn't the forest dangerous?" Harry shifted in his seat human legs crossed in front of him.

"Harry if you stay here Dumbledore and his cronies will drain you of magic and life until there is nothing left. There are friends in the forest; my pack has allies in there that can protect you." Lupin kneeled down in front of him gripping Harry's arms. "Come with us; let us protect you in a way that we couldn't up until now."

Harry hesitated only for a moment longer. "When do we leave?"

Lupin smiled warmly at Harry and gripped his hand. "Tonight, we leave tonight. Gather anything that you can't live without and be ready to leave, try not to draw attention ok?" Harry nodded even though he doubted anyone would notice if he was preparing to leave. He only owned the bare minimum and his room was decorated with things that the order felt should be there.

"What do I need to do to be ready?"

"Just have your stuff and I'll come get you."

Dumbledore came to Harry's room later on that day, his kind smile and twinkling blue eyes. "Harry my boy I'm in need of your services today."

Harry's 'services' was lending out some of his magic to Dumbledore. Humans had a limited amount of magic and while wizards had a larger amount than normal humans they still could run out if they did something that would drain their core. This meant that Dumbledore could do larger amounts of magic but he needed someone to lend him magic to replace the magic that he was using. Today Dumbledore must have been doing some serious magic because his age was really showing. The lines around his eyes were noticeable and all his hair seemed to less silver and more of a grey and white color.

"If you say so Albus." Harry wasted no time trying to deny the man what he wanted. When Harry was younger he had tried to be stubborn refused to help the man, the torture that followed had been more than just painful.

Harry grabbed his hand and let his own magic seek out the elders core, Dumbledore's core was a disgustingly white and clear color that felt like blinded Harry every time he saw it. Currently the core was depleted and wasn't shining the way that it would be on a good day. Harry used one of his magic threads to connect to the core and give it the magic it needed to brighten up. The process would take a while this time which meant that Harry would need the rest of the day to recover. Hopefully his godfathers would be there later or he would need to be carried out of the castle.

Dumbledore seemed to notice the drain that Harry was feeling because he let go of the boy's hand before he collapse. "That will do for now Harry, thank you for your help."

Harry let out a humorless laugh "Because you give me so much choice."

Dumbledore must have been in a good mood because he pretended to not hear Harry and left without saying anything else. Harry sighed and moved himself to his bed curling up in the middle intent on napping before his godfathers came to get him.

When Harry woke up he was being carried through a hallway at a fast pace, lifting his head a little he could see Remus smile at him. "I see that you're awake. Do you think you can walk or should I keep carrying you?"

"I can walk." Remus slowed down so Harry could touch the ground. The stone was cold and Harry wrinkled his nose at the strange texture of the moss that was growing on it. "Where are we?"

"In one of the castles tunnels, it'll take us to the edge of the forest where we'll meet Sirius." They started walking again. "We need to be careful there are a few alarms up ahead that will tell Dumbledore we're leaving."

"I can get rid of them if you want." Harry was really good at removing wards and spells that were supposed to guard doors and such.

"No he would notice that, if you have a way of tricking the alarms into not going off that would be better."

"If you think that would be better then sure." Harry grabbed Remus' hand before he walked right into one of the alarms. "Give me a moment."

For the second time Harry reached out with his magic and felt around, the alarms were rather simple and it took a little tweaking to make them think that the next two creatures to go through them were simply mice. Once he was done Harry pulled Remus to get him moving again.

The end of the hall turned into a tunnel and finally let them out at the edge of the tree line. Remus walked straight into the forest while Harry hesitantly followed, still not quite sold on the idea of going into the forest that was rumored to be deadly to anyone that walked in. Once they were a little past the tree line a man with shaggy black hair and warm eyes stepped out into their path. "Harry!" The man, Sirius, rushed forward to hug his godson.

"Hello Sirius" Harry let his arms wrap around his godfather loosely still not entirely used to being around either of the men.

Harry had met the two men once with his parents before he was taken by the order; it wasn't until he had been with the order for 5 years that they found him again. Now at 15 Harry was still wary of everyone that approached him, the only reason that Harry trusted the two men enough to run away with them was because he knew that if it came to a fight he would win.

"I'm so happy you agreed to come with us pup. You'll be so much happier where we're going I promise." Sirius gave Harry a few more squeezes before finally letting him go.

"I know how you feel Sirius but we need to go right now. The Order will notice he's gone soon." Remus was shifting from one foot to the other over in the corner looking like he was ready to run at any moment.

Finally Sirius let Harry go and nodded.

The walk wasn't all that eventful there weren't any attacks and it seemed that they had gotten away without anyone following them from the castle. Once Harry got over his initial fear of wandering into a forest in the middle of the night he found that it was actually quite pretty. The moonlight, a half-moon thank goodness, lit up a path for them to walk down without tripping on roots and grass grew on the sides of the well beaten path making it easy to follow without getting lost. It wasn't until they had been walking for what felt like hours that the path started to disappear and the trees started growing closer together.

"Harry we're almost there so we need you to stay close and quiet. Let us do the talking ok?" If that wasn't ominous, Harry nodded his head disputed the warnings going off in his head. These were his godfathers they wouldn't take him somewhere he wouldn't be safe, right?

Remus moved to the head of the group and pushed through the bushes that were blocking a clearing that lead to a cave. A cave, that's where his godfathers had led him, because there that was obviously the safest place they could think of, caves filled with creatures that were rumored to drink the blood of children for the fun of it. And of course if Harry tried to turn around and leave he would be lost with only one technically safe destination to go to.

During Harry's internal panic attack Remus and Sirius had walked to the mouth of the cave "Are you coming?"

"Do I have to?" Maybe Harry should take on his true form, at least then he would be ready for an attack.

"Harry you don't need to be scared, we're here." Sirius didn't seem to be lying about having nothing to fear so Harry walked forward ready to go into the dark of the cave.

The Cave wasn't so much a cave as a large entrance tunnel that lead to an underground city. The Underground chamber was huge with a ceiling that turned reflected the actual sky outside; right now it was dark and filled with stars shining down at them. The city was like a normal human city but it had an older feel to it and was built to accommodate a large number of creatures. The path that led into the city was guarded by a red haired man who seemed to recognize Remus and Sirius immediately. "Your back!" the man started walking towards the group smiling "I hope you have good news the boss has been in right tizzy with the stress that he's been going through lately. Can't seem to understand the lack of activity lately and you know how he ha- who's this?"

The man stopped right in front of them.

"This is our godson Harry." The answer was short and sharp like Remus didn't want to talk about it.

"I see, you know you can't bring him in until he's been approved by our fearless leader." The man seemed to be trying to joke but Harry could feel the tension in the air.

"We realized that Arthur." Sirius seemed to tense up like he was offended.

"Just checking." Arthur sighed "Well then shall I escort you there." It wasn't really a question.

"If you must." Remus was tense too, now Harry was starting to get worried again. Maybe being lost was the better plan?

The man, Arthur led them around the city to a larger house that was separated from the rest. The house was dark and despite how creepy the general feeling it gave off was seemed to call out to Harry in a way that most places couldn't. There were snakes decorating the door and wrapped around the torches that lit up the entrance to the house, Harry reached out to touch one of the snakes that was at eye level but Remus grabbed his hand.

"Don't touch anything." Harry pouted but nodded his head anyways.

Arthur led them into a sitting room with black leather chairs and told them to wait there while he went to get whoever was supposed to be approving Harry. It only took the time for Harry to sit down for Arthur to come back.

"He said that he'll meet you in his office." Arthur looked a little pale like he had received a fright. Harry's godfathers just nodded their heads and lead Harry up some creepy yet elegant stairs, down a dark hall, and into a room that had books. No it wasn't an exaggeration the room was literally filled with books and a simple dark wood desk.

In the room there was a rather handsome man, he had dark neat hair that complemented his pale skin. His high cheekbone helped bring out his most startling features a pair of red eyes that had slits like a snakes. This brought Harry too two conclusions one this had to be Voldemort the rumored Naga of the Caves and that he needed to get out now.

Harry wasn't sure how to get out without drawing attention to who or what he was but he knew he wanted gone two minutes ago. Taking a step back Harry tried to hide himself behind Remus and Sirius, not that it was hard considering Harry's small stature and petite body type.

The sound of the other Naga's voice made Harry shiver and freeze at the same time. "Who is this? I don't remember telling either of you that you could bring back a guest." Both of the other men flinched but it was Sirius who stepped forward to explain.

"My lord this is Harry, our godson. He was being held by the Order of the Pheonix for the last 10 years after they murdered his mother and father. We came across him during one of our missions and we couldn't leave him there any longer. They were draining him of his magic sir." Sirius' voice took a more pleading tone at the end of his explanation.

"And why did you bring him here?" If looks could kill Sirius would have died very quickly. "That just means that the Order will come looking for him, you may have led them right to our doorstep."

"But my lord." Voldemort held up his hand stopping whatever might have been said.

"It is too late for me to tell you not to do bring him here so I will let that slide with a warning and since I am a merciful lord I will even allow him to stay here," Both of Harry's godfathers relaxed ever so slightly. "But since you are both supposed to be on missions at this time you will be forced to leave, what do you plan on doing with the boy during the times that you are gone?" Now both men had sheepish looks on their faces.

"We had not planned that far my lord." Remus seemed to be testing out his words "I suppose we will ask some of our friends to care for him until he is integrated into our way of life."

Voldemort stood up out of his chair and walked around his desk. "You'll need to leave as soon as this meeting is over so I will find someone to look after him until you return to find someone to help you." Harry could feel Remus tense up in front of him but the man nodded anyway.

"Thank you my lord."

"We will talk more once you two return now go." Harry's godfathers started walking out the doors but when Harry went to follow them Voldemort stopped him "Not you Harry, you'll wait here for them to come back."

Now don't let anyone tell you that Harry Potter is an easily intimidated in fact it was very rarely that Harry felt intimidated by anyone. This happened to be one of those times.

"Feel free to sit down." Voldemort gestured to one of the chairs in front of his desk that Harry hadn't noticed when he first came into the room. Once Harry was sitting Voldemort fixed his red eyes on Harry. "So Harry tell me about yourself."

If there was any expectations of what Harry's first conversation alone with this man might contain that was not one of them. In fact that was the last thing Harry thought that he would say.

"Ah well . . . um" Harry shifted uncomfortably "My name is Harry Potter and I'm 15" Harry didn't usually have this much trouble talking to people but then again he didn't talk to very many people.

"I'm actually much more interested in why Dumbledore was keeping you captive." Harry fixed the man with a stare of his own.

"I find it rather rude that you dived into something that personal and didn't even give me your name in return." Harry huffed a little bit even though he was cursing his big mouth on the inside.

Rather than be offended though Voldemort chuckled, "Yes that was rather forward wasn't it. My name official name is Voldemort but you may call me Marvolo." Harry smiled ever so slightly.

"Well Marvolo, I have creature blood and so my core can replenish its magic quickly unlike Dumbledore's core, he uses my magic to give himself more magic." Marvolo nodded his head in understanding.

"That sounds like something he would do. Do you know if he was using anyone else for their magic?" Harry shook his head no.

"He'll be looking for you then." Marvolo nodded his head to himself like this confirmed something to him.

"I guess. Um I don't mean to be rude but I'm a little lost as to what's going on right now. My godfathers didn't explain anything to me on our way here and well I mean there have been rumors about you and the caves and well I mean." Harry fidgeted looking down at the carpet.

"I'm guessing you're talking about the ones that Dumbledore spread, my group and I killing anyone who comes close to our caves." Harry nodded his head "Those are lies. Obviously I don't look like a hairless snake creature. And anyone that has died here was a treat to our way of life."

"What do you mean?"

"All of the creatures that live here are creatures that have nowhere else to go that they could be accepted. Everywhere else people will treat them like dirt because they aren't human." Marvolo seemed to be more than just a little passionate about the subject because his eyes lit up with a fire that you only see on someone who was on a mission.

"That's . . ." Harry was impressed to say the least. It was true that most creatures that couldn't blend in with humans were persecuted because of something that they couldn't help like werewolves and giants; they looked different or changed into something dangerous and were hunted for it. "That's a lot to take in."

"Yes I suppose it would be." Marvolo and Harry sat there for a while enjoying the silence before Harry yawned. "You have to be tired you had to have walked almost all night to get here from Hogwarts."

Marvolo stood up and walked to the door gesturing for Harry to come with him.

"You'll be staying here until your godfathers return so I suppose we'll have to set up one of the guest rooms for you." As if on queue a house elf appeared in front of them. Marvolo didn't miss a beat.

"Have the emerald room set up for Mr. Potter." Marvolo paused for a moment looking over at Harry. "Have you eaten anything?"

"Not since lunch." That had to have been hours ago because Harry's stomach growled at him.

Marvolo nodded his head thinking before looking over at the house elf "Prepare us a meal while your at it, I'm feeling rather hungry myself." The house elf bowed low before disappearing.

"Let's go to the dining room the food should be ready soon." Marvolo led Harry down the hall and stairs and back into the entrance hall that he had first come into. Rather that going to the left were the sitting room was he went to the right. The dinning room had a large black table with snake engravings along the edges and legs. Harry couldn't help but think that almost everything in the house had some form of snake on it.

Marvolo sat at the head of the table and gestured for Harry to take a seat next to him.

"I forgot to ask but you don't have any aversions to any types of food right?" Harry shook his head. "Good. I would hate for you to turn out to be a vegetarian or allergic to some kind of food."

Harry laughed lightly "No, but I'm touched you would think of those things."

Marvolo smiled and Harry felt his cheeks heat up a bit "Well I would be a rude host if I didn't think of my guests needs."

Before Harry could respond the food appeared in front of them.

"Well then let's dig in."

The food was delicious, much better than what Harry was used to, and the company was nice. Marvolo talked to Harry like he was an equal, something that not even his godfathers did. They were nice but they thought of him as a child, and sometimes even talked down to him.

Once the food was gone Marvolo lead Harry back up the stairs and to a door with a green eyed snake on the door.

"This will be your room; my room is just down the hall if you need me. The house elves are at your beck and call so don't feel too shy about calling them." Harry opened the door to his room while Marvolo hovered by the door for a few minutes more.

The room lived up to its name; the main colors were all black and green. The floor was a dark wood covered by an intricate black and green carpet. In the middle of the room there was a large four poster bed with dark green blankets. For Harry this room was one of the most amazing rooms he had ever stayed in. His room in Hogwarts had started off as a small room with a cot and had been changed to a larger room as he got older. The colors that Dumbledore had chosen for his room had been almost as atrocious as his taste in clothing, honestly a room of red and orange for 24/7 almost gave Harry a headache every day.

Harry turned around finally noticing that Marvolo had not left yet. "Thank you the room is lovely."

"Yes I like this room. Your eyes made me think of it," Marvolo was looking very intently at Harry's eyes when he said this and Harry found himself captivated by the stare. Finally Marvolo blinked and looked away. "Good night Harry." He closed Harry's door with a soft click.

Once Marvolo was gone Harry walked over to the large black wooden wardrobe in the corner of the room and opened it finding clothing that looked to be his size. On the other side of the room there was a door that lead into a bathroom. The bathroom was made out of dark marble with a deep bathtub on the far side. Harry was tempted to take a bath so he could wash the forest off of him but he was so tired that he would likely fall asleep and drown himself. Walking back into the bedroom Harry found himself a nightshirt. Throwing his cloths from the day into a hamper Harry climbed into the bed. It was soft and warm which made Harry's inner snake hiss in pleasure. It didn't take long for Harry to fall asleep.