I Do Not Own One Piece


You slept next to a warm fire on a make shift bed gained 25% health and energy

I really need to get a bed it shouldn't be to expensive with the fact I can make my own bed frame. Now I need to go and check on the pirates to find out there habits and schedules. I head down to the docks pretending to check the wares of the local stall while constantly keeping my eye on the pirate ship. Eventually after seeing no activity I head to a nearby store which turned out to be a book store lucky find because it didn't look like one. I'll have to remember this place for later. I picked a random book and sit on a chair by the window which gave me a clear view of the ship. It wasn't for another hour before I actually saw some someone appear on deck and by the way he was holding head made me believe that he had a hangover. More people started to come out all of them looking like they had a hangover. So they have a tendency to party whenever they visited this town good to know. Looks like Owen and the captain are finally making their appearance. It seems like the captain handed over some kind of package to Owen guess that my cue to follow. I made sure to a keep a distance behind Owen so he doesn't notice plus the fact he's hangover like the rest of his crew makes my job easier.

A special skill has been created through a special act

Through your determination a skill Sneak LVL 1 has been created

I ignore the notice and keep following Owen until he finally meets up with none other than Commander Logan and hands over the package to him. After that I start to tail Logan which lead to what I believe is his house. I hurry and to the bushes right underneath his front room window and started to spy on him. He placed the package on the kitchen table which to my surprise the package was much larger then I first thought now that I can see it up close. He opened the brown package and I saw four big plastic wrapped bricks of money. I watched as he carefully unwrap the plastic bricks of money skim some money off the top of each of them before repacking them all nice and neat so you couldn't even tell the difference. He then grabbed the money he took and walked to the fireplace and kneeled down and removed some loose bricks inside the fireplace and stuck the money inside it.

Sneak level up by 1

After that he headed to the marine base making it so I couldn't follow him any more so I hurried and climbed the tallest tree I could find to hopefully keep sight of Owen. It worked I was just in time to see him enter the largest building. I start to look around the building until I spotted the window of captain Marquis Office with him still inside. I watched as Owen walked in and handed over the package of money to Marquis they seemed to talk for a bit before Owen leaves and then Marquis put the money into a safe. I'm not sure how long I stayed in that tree but I waited until Marquis left luckily enough he took the money out of the safe and took it with him. I shadowed him to his home where his brother Francoise was waiting for him out front of his door. Once again I found myself hidden in some bushes spying on them as they sat down at the front room table.

"I hope that you didn't have any trouble with taking out Aspatra Town now" said Marquis.

"No problem what so ever I attacked the village right as the idiots were having a celebration. You should have been there they were too drunk to even put up much of a fight I didn't even lose one man. I then let my men had their way with the towns folk to help boost mural" said Francoise.

"Good I also noticed there was more money than usually how did you get that" asked Marquis?

"After my men had their way with the women I found someone willing to buy them. By the way what did they even do to make them okay to attack not that I'm complaining it was fun" asked Francoise?

"They refused to pay the protection money had to make an example out of them. I want you to head out tomorrow and let the other towns know what happens to them if they refuse to pay" said Marquis.

"No problem Ill head out tomorrow and return in a month time like usual" said Francoise.

Sneak level up by 1

I quickly ducked into the bush so Francoise didn't see me and waited till I couldn't hear him any more before rechecking on Marquis. It looked like he hasn't moved at all just looking over the package of money still on the kitchen table. He suddenly stands up and grabs the package and start heading to a different room. I start to follow while peeking through the windows until I find the room that he entered which turned to be his bedroom. I watched as he walked over to a large painting of himself hanging over his bed. He takes down the painting only to reveal a large safe which he then recedes to opens in front of me which gives me a clear view of the pin code.

Sneak level up by 1

With the information I have gathered so far starts to form a plan that might actually work after a little bit more reconnaissance.


Gain Revenge on the People Responsible for Destroying your Town

Must not be found out that you're responsible

Completion Award: 1,000 experience points

Completion Failure: Bounty


I pressed yes while thinking that it was nice to finally get a quest that wouldn't result in death in case I failed it. Also I can't believe that this arrogant bastard didn't even check to see anyone was spying on him to see where he hid his safe let alone letting me see the damn key code for it. I ended up checking the bars watching how the pirates act around each other hoping to see to see two things. Whether or not I can I find a loner in there group that won't be missed and a loud mouth idiot that would like to brag to a kid about his adventures and his crew. I couldn't find anyone that met those criteria this night but I'll just have to wait until the next month. I ended up heading home trying to think what I should do the month the pirates are gone. Already deciding to spy further on the marines but maybe there are a few other places that I might be able to commandeer a few useful items. Once I made it to my home I remembered that I unlocked the illusionary fields and decided to check it out.

Illusionary Field level 1

Would you like to activate tutorial yes\no

Finally something that's willing to explain something to me. I wonder if any different than The Gamer because in that the illusionary fields were a training area that produces multiple different types of monster to fight and gain experience. Well I guess there only one way to find out so I pressed yes.

Illusionary Field Level 1 last for one hour a day and gains an extra thirty minutes per level. It has the ability to let you fight passed enemies without the risk of dying. You gain no experience points or items from you kills but you do gain real life battle experience in a safe environment and doesn't cost you anything to use your ability's.

Available Fields

Sewer Rats

Vampire Bats

King Crabs

Sea Snakes

Wolf Pack

I look at the list and decide to try the easiest one which seemed to be the sewer rats. The walls around me to slowly morph into what look liked the sewers with smell and everything. I quickly equipped my harpoon and remove my jacket before I started to explore the sewer system. Walking around the first corner I can already hear the rats heading towards me. There were five of them I jumped over the lead rats and landed on the last rat impaling it through the head which caused it to instantly dissolve. Seeing that the rats were still turning around I lounged forward and stabbed another one in the neck killing that one as well. I quickly ducked as one of the rats jumped over my head than I slashed at the other two to keep them at bay. I lounged forward and tried to stab the one on the right in the throat only for it to jump out of the way of my attack. I hurried and swiped with my harpoon at the rat on the left giving it a shallow cut rights above its eyes. Forgetting about the rat still left behind me until I felt a sharp pain as my left leg buckled as the rat ripped a chunk out of my lower thigh. I bash it in the face with the end of my harpoon before turning around and stabbing the other rat charging at me killing it. Unfortunately I couldn't see the other rat until the first one started to dissolve and with my arm still fully outstretched I didn't have enough time to defend myself. It bit into my wrist making me drop my harpoon I quickly clenched my fist to extract the three inch claws before slugging the rat in the face taking out it one of its eyes. I looked behind me to see the rat trying to sneak up on me again so I try to kick it only for it to bite my pants leg and start dragging me. I reach into my harness and pull out my dagger and start stabbing the rat in the head until it finally died. Hearing the other rat charging me I turn around and stabbed the rat right through its remaining eye to the hilt of the blade killing it instantly. I put the dagger away and hobbled over to my harpoon to use as a crotch. I take out my revolver and continue on my way further down the sewer tunnels. As I head farther in I can start to hear another group of rat coming towards me. Well shit it seems like there four sewer rats along with two alpha sewer rats heading right towards me. I take my first shot nailing the lead sewer rat right between the eyes causing it to fall and the three other sewer rats directly behind it to trip over its remains before it dissolve. I quickly start unloading on them but since I wasn't getting any head shots it took the rest of my ammo to kill them. Seeing the two alpha sewer rats still charging me I drop my revolver and take out my blunderbuss and wait until there right on top of me before firing. I completely underestimated the kickback of the gun as it threw me off balance. Only for the last alpha rat to ram straight into my chest and knock me off my feet and land on my chest with a heavy thud knocking the air out of me. I feel a pressure on my throat before hearing a gurgling sound before finding myself in my room. After freaking out and checking my body I finally calmed myself down I realized that I was still wearing my jacket. I ended up checking out my guns and saw that they were still loaded. The entire thing probably all took place in my own head weird. I'm going to start doing that every night before I head to bed because if I can't even take out a small group of rats then how the hell am I going to take out a group of pirates. I deal with this shit tomorrow.

You slept next to a warm fire on a make shift bed gained 25% health and energy

I headed to town nice and early planning to check out the book store I found when I was spying on the pirate's ship. After searching the book store I only found four books that looked like they could prove useful.

Beginner Guide to Locksmithing. Cost 350 Belly

Book of Astronomy. Cost 350 Belly

Beginner book of Making Medicine and Treating Them. Cost 450 Belly

Beginner Guide to Blacksmithing. Cost 350 Belly

I take out a little money out of my inventory and head over to the counter to pay for the books. It came out to one thousand five hundred Belly I handed over the money without paying any real attention to the cashier I head out of the store and into a nearby alley to learn the books.

Beginner Guide to Locksmithing would you like to learn yes\no

Book of Astronomy would you like to learn yes\no

Beginner book to Making Medicine and Treating Them would you like to learn yes\no

Beginner Guide to Blacksmithing would you like to learn yes\no

Without a second thought I pressed yes to all of them watching as the all turned to ash.

Locksmithing level 1 has been gained

Lock picking level 1 has been gained

Astronomy level 1 has been gained

Navigation level up by 1

Blacksmithing level 1 has been gained

Crafting level up by 1

I couldn't help but give a little jump of joy for the new abilities I gained from those books. I started to head to the marine base when I hear a woman's scream. When I looked over I saw a middle aged woman on the ground with a thief wearing a black ski mask running away with her purse.

Bonus Quest Alert

Catch Purse Thief and return Purse

Completion Award: 100 experience

1,000 Belly

Completion Failure: Nothing


I quickly press yes and start to chase after the thief he leaded me through countless alleyways and areas that I missed the first time I explored the city. After a while it started to really piss me off this bastard always managed to stay one step ahead of me. Well let's see how he likes me using this Burst Step I slammed straight into his back knocking him to the ground. I pulled out my dagger and jumped on top of the thief pinning him to the ground with my dagger pressed to his throat before I ripped of his mask.

Charles Peace Level 4

HP: 675\700

Charles is a up and coming thief that is well connected but has a love for taking unnecessary risk for the thrill of it.

I raised my fist back to knock him out only for him to start begging for me to let him go.

"Wait, wait, wait lets be reasonable here we don't have to resort to any violence now. I'm sure we can come to some sort of agreement here for you to let me go" said Charles.

Game Alert: Catch Purse Thief and return Purse Updated

Return Purse


Take Thieves Bribe

Well the reward for returning the purse isn't really that tempting and I could gain something quite useful. But at the same time it would be morally right to return the purse and for all I know that women could be important. I ponder this for a bit before deciding to get up and offer my hand to let the thief up.

"For a second there I thought you weren't going to accept my offer there. Now what is you want for my safe departure" asked Charles?

I would like a few good sets of lock picks and to make some connections to this city less savory populace and enterprises. Charles gives me a surprised look before he started to laugh.

"That's it I have to do business with you more often. No problem here I already have your lock picks on me. Just follow me and I will show you exactly where we need to go" said Charles.

I ended up following him back to the main shopping district to what appeared to be an upscale clothing store.

"Do you by any chance know the difference between a raven and a blackbird" asked Charles?

"No do you by any chance know the answer" asked the clerk?

"There is no difference they are the same bird" said Charles.

Okay was that so pose to be some kind of secret phrase or something. Well I'll be damned she's opening a secret door. I follow them through the secret door until we reach what looks like a large basement filled with multiple different items.

Notice you discovered the Black Market

"Well this is what I promised you and if you want to find out any information you can buy it at the counter so I'll be on my way" said Charles.

I watched him walk away before I started to look around this store checking out its wares. They actually had a lot of interesting things including things like Kairoseki stones and Kairoseki weapons. They were way out of my price range though they also had a ton of different types of explosives. Why interesting they were too flashy to accomplish my goals I needed something with a little more finesse. It wasn't until I found some unique looking grenades by some gas masks that I found what I need.

Gas Mask: Full face gas mask with a detachable eye lenses. Cost 20,000 Belly

Knock out Gas Grenades: the have a fifty foot radius and the effects last for six hours. Cost 15,000 Belly per grenade

I take out all of my money and then I grabbed the gas mask and six of the knockout gas grenades and head to the counter. I looked at the person at the counter and he was a tall man with shoulder length brown hair and sharp features that looked to be in his mid thirtys.

Calico Jack Level ?



Damn another one too strong for me to get enough information on him through my observe ability. How much will all this come too?

"That will come out to 100,000 Belly" said Calico.

Well this guy seems way nicer then Yamamoto. No problem here you go by way do by any chance have any useful information for sale on Captain Marquis and his brother for sale?

"None at the moment but if you come back later after they return I can find out something good for you" said Calico.

I told him thanks then left the store after that I kept watch on Marquis and Logan for the rest of the day finding out more about their habits. After that I headed home and use the illusion barrier again before heading to bed.


Notice one month time skip next chapter