I do not own One Piece

I will be using characters from different animes but this will not be a crossover and this story will start about twenty years before canon story they will eventually intercede with each other but it will not follow the main story.


The night was like any other night I got off work at twelve and had to take my long walk home god my feet were killing me. I decided to take a short cut and run across the highway instead of walking around to the bridge the last thing I saw was the headlights of a truck. When I regained conscious there was only darkness I won't lye I panicked at first after I calmed down it was strange even though I couldn't see it was calming and warm. I'm not sure how long I was there for the most part it was like a daze sleeping most the time until the wall collapsed on me. Next thing I know is my air cuts off and feel a great pressure pushing me until it finally stops and the first times in ages I feel cool air. After that everything was a blur to my eyes I had no idea what was going on and it was absolutely terrifying the feeling of being passed around when you can't see what's going on. It took me a few days for me to relies that I was reincarnated only being able to see grey and black blurs makes it quite hard to figure out what's happening around you. For the next few years if was like my body was on auto pilot witch I didn't have a problem with because I didn't want to deal with the trouble of pretending to be a child. By the time I took back control of my body I was four years old I was a quiet child named Henry D Morgan my parents were very loving my new father was a kind but hard working man that's worked at the docks while my mother was a clerk at a clothing store. Life was different here for instance I was born on an island called Turtle Island in the South Blue things were less advanced here and almost everything relied on ships here and I even heard tales of pirates attacking and destroying towns. It wasn't until I was eight that I relised were I was when I overheard my parents talking about the Marines finally catching Gold Roger and they were going to execute him here in the South Blue on an island called Logue Town in a week. The day was finally upon ounce the news came out and confirmed his death it caused a huge uproar people start to party in the streets when something weird happened a blue window appeared in front of me.


Survive the pirate attack

Must hide and survive the pirate attack until dawn

Completion Award 500 experience points and survival

Completion Failure Death or Enslavement

Yes or NO

I hesitantly press yes and then hear what sounds like explosion's and then sheer pandemonium the once joyful celebration becomes nothing more the stampeding mob. My parents quickly grab me and we start running to the forest you can hear the screaming from all around you and smell the town burning. We can here the stomping of the feet behind us and I hear my father swear and pull out a knife he keeps on himself for work when he turns around and tells my mother and I to keep running. We are finally in site of the forest when a hand appears out of a dark ally and grabs my mother I turn around and see the man he is of average height with dirty ripped shorts and a torn and bloody shirt holding a rusty sword in one hand and my mother's hair in the other. I charge at him to try and get him to release my mother hair he swings his sword obviously not paying any real attention to me which makes dodging his swing not too difficult and I rammed straight into his leg which doesn't really accomplish anything but a swift kick to the stomach witch launches me into the wall. My mother screams at me to keep running witch shamefully I did straight into the forest were I know an indention into a tree is big enough for me to hide in hidden by thorn bushes. Throughout the night I can hear the screams of the town people and see the roaring flames consume the town until it is nearly dawn when everything becomes eerily quite. I wait till the sun comes out to hastily check the town all that's left are the charred remains of the once peaceful town when suddenly much to my shock the blue window pops up again.

Survive the pirate attack

Completion Awarded 500 Exp

Level Up

Henry D Morgan the Gamer would you like to update your Gamer ability

Yes or NO

All honesty I completely forgot about this damn thing with my new life being destroyed right before my eyes just like my original life I think I almost when into freaking shock. I study the damn window for a bit hoping maybe if I ignore it will disappear unfortunately didn't work. So I did the only thing I really could do and pressed yes.


Name: Henry D Morgan

Class: The Gamer

Title: None

Level: 2 Next Level: 0 out or 550 Experience

HP: 500\500

EN: 950\950

STR: 6

VIT: 5

DEX: 9

INT: 23

WIS: 19

LUK: 2

DEF: 5

SPD: 7

Status: reincarnated (gain previous life WIS and INT stats], Will of D (plus 1for every stat each level]

Henry D Morgan reincarnated into another world with limited knowledge of future events how will he decide to interact with the rest of the world.

Points : 10

Money: 0

After reading that I felt a little excitement despite the situation I was in being as a fan of The Gamer in my previous life I actually had an idea of how to use this ability. That thought made me a bit happy because while I knew about One piece I didn't personally follow it that closely only really knowing bit and pieces about the story line. The first thing I decided to check was to see if I had an item window witch appeared with just me thinking about it besides the empty boxes it had a picture of me with what I was were which was a black hoodie, white and blue striped shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes. I decided to search the remains of the town to see if I could scavenge anything still intact. I tried all the stores first after a few good hours I only found a blanket and meat cleaver with the bottom of the handle slightly melted. After observing the cleaver for a bit a notification popped up.

A special skill has been created through a special act.

Through the continuous observation a skill to find target information, Observe LVL 1 has been created.

Couldn't help but smile thinking how useful this ability is going to be. I look down at the cleaver and think observe.

Slightly Damaged Meat Clever: average clever with partially damaged handle plus 5 damage.

I equip the cleaver to be on the safe side and started searching the burnt houses while using the Observe ability I find a little food a couple of pots and pans and strange enough some still good matches. It wasn't until I got to the only house by the docks that I found something really good. While looking through the office I notice an unusual hole in the floor under a burnt rug I used Observe.

Observe Level has risen by 1

Hidden Cellar

Seeing this I toss the rest of the burnt rug away and lift the cellar door and tried to look in but I can't see a thing so I turn around and find a broken chair leg I take out my cleaver and cut the rest of the burnt rug into strips and rap some of the strips around one end of the broken chair and light it on fire.

A special skill has been created through a special act.

From your ingenuity a skill to create things Crafting LVL 1 has been created.

Shoddy Torch: one hour of use to light the dark.

I quickly put out my torch and gather the rest of the materials and create three more torches before storing them in my inventory.

Crafting Level has risen by 1

I relight my torch and head into the cellar the first thing I see is a barrel filled with harpoons for whaling. They were long spear like weapons with barbs on them and chains so you could reel them back in.

Harpoon : well-made harpoon plus 20 damage.

Need 15 STR to equip

I start to put the harpoons into my inventory when I hear scurrying down at the bottom of the stair so I through my torch down there and see the three largest I have ever been so unfortunate to see.

Large sewer rats Level 3

HP: 100\100

Large sewer rats contain a large amount of rotting flesh from previous meals which makes their bites lethal from the bacteria if left untreated for the next 24 hours.

Observe level up 1

I quickly go to my stats and put 9 of my 10 into STR which raises it to 15 and the last into DEX which raises it to 10 and then equip a harpoon. I watched the rats for a while to see if there is a pattern in their movements which im lucky because there was too. Two of the rats passed under me on opposite sides of the stairs at different time while the last rat stays on the other side of the room. Since I haven't practice throwing the harpoon yet I decide to try and jump down and kill it. I brace myself and jump feeling momentary weightlessness until a jarring impact I hurry and check rat only to relies i pierce the rat right through the head.


150 exp gained

A special skill has been created through a special act.

Through your cunning a skill to quicker kill things Sneak Attack LVL 1 was created.

I hurry and climb back up the stairs and wait for the other rat when it finally underneath me again I try the sneak attack again but this time I knew something went wrong because I can feel the damn thing trying to through me off so I roll to side but before I can do anything I feel a sharp pain in my face and taste blood. I look up to see its tail swinging right at me I barely dodge in time feeling rush of air against my face from the close call. I tighten my grip on my harpoon while the rat charges me I thrust the harpoon forward with satisfaction as I pierce it through the throat.

150 exp gained

Sneak Attack level up 1

A special skill has been created through a special act.

Through your bravery a skill Harpoon Mastery LVL 1 was created.

Now that the adrenaline was wearing out I can feel my heart beating a mile a minute I take a deep breath and I went go to grab my harpoon only find the bloody thing stuck. It took a while to get it out along with a few good power words to help out when I hear something knocked over a chair. When I looked behind I see the final rat about five to ten feet away and blocking me from the stairs when I realized well shit this one twice the size of the others.

Alpha Sewer Rat Level 6

HP 250\250

Alpha sewer rat naturally stronger than other of its kind and has the tendency to go into a berserker state when it see others of it kind killed.

I looked the thing in the eyes I could see its eyes going bloodshot from its rage and I just knew it was going to charge me so I decided to meet it half way and lounged with my harpoon the jarring from the impact made me stumble when I heard.


When I looked I notice it glanced the right side of it face taking out one of its eyes and lodging into its shoulder before I can react it swings its tail around and nocks me of my feet and I slam into the ground which dazes me. When I look up I notice the damn rat snapped the handle to my harpoon and charging right at me I tried to run but I was still dazed from earlier and tripped I reached out try to grab something to defend myself and I felt something wooden and realized it was the chair the rat knocked over earlier. I put the chair in between us and the thing started to push me across the room all the way to the wall on the other side of the room. I tried to find something to use as a weapon but no such luck. I can hear the chair cracking about to break when I remembered about my inventory and tried to grab another harpoon when the rat takes a few steps back for its final charge I hurry and take the harpoon out and place the harpoon between the wall and charging rat. Once it is nearly upon me I kicked out with the chair watching as chair burst into pieces with its mouth wide open I angle the harpoon right down its throat.


300 exp

Level up

Harpoon Masterly Level has risen by 1

Name: Henry D Morgan

Class: The Gamer

Title: None

Level: 2 Next Level: 50\600

HP: 440\510

EN: 960\960

STR: 16

VIT: 6

DEX: 11

INT: 24

WIS: 20

LUK: 3

DEF: 6

SPD: 8

Status: reincarnated (gain previous life WIS and INT stats], Will of D (plus 1 for every stat each level]

Henry D Morgan reincarnated into another world with limited knowledge of future event how will he decide to interact with the rest of the world.

Points : 10

Money: 0

I decide to place my points later in case I need them and then I tried to think of a way to get my harpoon out of the dead rat when it started to dissolve and I realized it left behind loot. First thing I found was 5,000 belly then a leather suit and two different colored potions one red the other green.

Light leather armor shirt plus 10 DEF

Light leather armor jeans plus 15 DEF

Minor health potion restore 250 HP

Antidote potion cure poison

Observe level up by 1

I equipped the light armor and started searching the rest of the cellar I find a couple of fishing poles with bait, a net, a tool box, rope, extra fishing strings, then finally a lock box. I take a hammer and a flat head screwdriver and pry the lock box open to find 50,000 belly and flintlock handgun with ammo and gunpowder which I didn't know how to load so I just put all that stuff in my inventory. I leave the cellar and head outside with a decision to make wait in the town were we only have people come here for the fishing season which is still five month away or go to the city on the other side of the island through the forest filled with dangerous creatures I start heading to the forest.

Quest Alert

Survive the forest and make it to Turtle City

Completion Award: 1,000 experience points

Mystery Bonus

Completion Failure: Death