Kirkland Mansion usually was such a quiet and peaceful place. Well at least when the residents got along or were all asleep. Or they avoided each other altogether. Yet today seemed to be one of those very LOUD days. England grumbled to himself as he tried to button his uniform up, it seemed as if his fingers were numb from the cold morning air. "Bloody hell… can't this thing just cooperate?!" he sighed with relief as he got the final one, "Thank you… now where's my belt?"

As he found the rest of his outfit he headed down the hall, snapping the buckle into place he glanced into his sister's room. "Ann we're leaving soon, are you ready?"

What he saw, practically made him fall over. The room was a complete mess for one thing. A lair of clothes seemed to liter the floor, empty mugs tried to balance on the nightstand, posters were the only thing placed neatly on the wall, and the bed had all of the sheets and the duvet was barely hanging onto the mattress. Then, there was Antarctica herself.

She laid on her stomach, computer on, and was clicking around lazily. Her elbow was used to let her hand prop her head up and she gazed at the glowing screen, not noticing the entrance of her older sibling. That wouldn't have bothered him if it wasn't for the face she was still in her sleepwear, a tank top with a blue jack and shorts. Yes, SHORTS. In the middle of winter. Well this was the girl who drank cups of hot chocolate throughout summer. But that didn't matter at the moment.

"Annabelle Elizabeth Kirkland!" he roared, slamming the door open all the way, "What the hell are you doing?!" She jumped slightly but glanced up at him with an unimpressed look.

"Well what does it look like I'm doing?" she said dryly. To that the Englishman scowled and crossed his arms.

"You know exactly what I mean young lady! We are supposed to be leaving to go the world conference in five minutes! You should be dressed by now!" he pointed to the laptop, "Not playing around on the internet! You probably haven't even gotten breakfast yet!"

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you," she yawned, "I'm not going." His left eye twitched as he struggled to control his anger.

"Excuse me..?"

"I'm. Not. Going," she repeated, glaring at him, "Why waste my time like that?" His hands curled into tight fists and he pressed them into his thighs as if to make sure he didn't do something he would regret.

"And may I ask," he said through his clenched teeth, "Who exactly gave you the choice of whether or not you would come?" He was already in a horrid mood due to lack of sleep, dealing with a bratty teenager wasn't high on his list.

"Myself," she retorted, a smug smirk on her features.

"I expect you downstairs in exactly five minutes with your uniform on, hair brushed, a new attitude, and a big happy smile on your face. EXCITED to go to this meeting! Keep all of this up and I'll make you take detailed notes and turn them into me the second the conference comes to a close! Do I make myself clear?" He tapped his foot as an anger release as she huffed and tucked a blonde curl behind her ear.

"Whatever old mad," she rolled her eyes, "Geez who spit in your tea?" Before he could make any rash decisions he stomped off and down the stairs. Many ungentlemanly like things filled his mind to say back to her, but he pushed them all away. He was the adult here, the mature one after all. He wasn't going to let her ruin the entire day because she was too lazy to get off her ass and get ready.

The five minutes went by, no Ann. This enraged him beyond his limits, he had given an order and yet she tossed it aside.

"Annabelle Kirkland I am warning you one last time! Get down here right now!" England yelled, hands on his hips as he glared up the stairs. Antarctica huffed and continued to type on her computer as she tried to block him out of her mind.

"NO! YOU CAN THREATEN ME ALL YOU WANT BUT I AM NOT MOVING FROM THIS BED!" she screamed back, her bad mood rapidly growing. The Brit growled dangerous, patient running thin, as America poked his head into the hall.

"Sorry to interrupt dude… but we really need to get going. At this rate we'll be late and you know how well that sits with Germany. Is she coming or not?" he asked, glancing up at the second floor. He could probably guess what was causing all the drama and honestly, he would rather not get sucked into the ferocious battle of two tsunderes. Ann was almost as bad as Arthur, not quite though.

"Oh she is coming whether she likes it or not!" England scowled, "I don't care if she has to meet the bloody president! These meetings are important!" Alfred sighed, head dropping a bit so he could stare at the floor.

"Yeah, yeah," he yawned, "We just need to leave soon. Don't take too long okay?" Arthur gave a sharp nod and he stomped back up the stairs, rolling his sleeves up a little out of habit. It still managed to make Alfred flinch slightly. The American hoped she quickly changed her attitude or else they wouldn't not only be late but she would have a horrid time sitting.

The Brit stopped in front of the door and was annoyed to see her in the exact same position as before, except this time she actually sat up. "Annabelle. Turn off the computer now and get dressed. Now."

"Go suck America's dick," she snapped, not even looking away from her computer screen. That was the last straw and England finally broke.

He slammed the door behind him and in a few strides reached her bed, shut her computer, tore it from her hands, set it down on her desk with a thud, and grabbed her wrists firmly. Ann shrieked, startled by the sudden turn of events, and immediately started to kick and struggle. "What the fuck are you doing?! Let me go you perverted bastard!"

"Shut. UP!" he hissed, sitting down on the bed and forcing her over his lap. Something clicked in her brain, alerting her of just what her brother planned on doing. But she thought he might be bluffing, going to ask for an apology and make her obey his orders. No way would he really spank her, she was a teenager for heaven's sake!

Yet when a crisp SMACK sound echoed in the room and a sting shot through her rear. She let out a small gasp as more smacks from Arthur's hand landed. It wasn't any sort of left right pattern he usually tried to do, just pure annoyance and anger. No tempo, no warning, just hard blows. Yet, she was stubborn and bit her lip as the tingling in her backside built. "A little more to the left," she said dryly as he hit her right cheek hard.

Unfortunately, that just made him angrier. He lifted the back of her jacket out of the way and tugged down her shorts sharply giving her an even harder smack that hit both cheeks. She let out a shriek, kicking her leg a little. "England!"

"It's not," SMACK, "A punishment," SMACK, "If it doesn't," SMACK, "Hurt!" SMACK! He had to grab her hip so she would wiggle right of his lap and onto the floor. "I am SICK of your attitude! I am TIRED of you back talking! I can no longer handle you being rude! Your lack in respect to my authority is absolutely ATROCIOUS! You have grown lazy, ill-mannered, temperamental, and absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to approach! I do not plan on tolerating your flat out disobedience any further Annabelle! This room is one matter! When you get home you WILL clean it from top to bottom!"

"F-fuck off!" she cried out, trying not to break. He raised an eyebrow and he slipped a finger into the waistband of her panties.

"I guess it's time for these to come down then," he pulled them down swiftly, "That horrid language is another little problem of yours as well. Maybe if you keep acting like a child I should soap your mouth out once we get home." Before she could comment he started applying harsh smacks to her right cheek then to her left. He alternated between the two, the skin turning a darker shade of pink. "We are now LATE to the world conference because of you! I do not want to have to deal with Germany yelling at us for two hours because of that! What do you have to say for yourself?!"

"If y-you hadn't started spanking me we wouldn't be so l- OW! Late!" she clenched herself fistfuls of one of the blankets that laid on the mattress, "I don't want to go to that stupid meeting!" His eye twitched and he adjusted her position on his knee so her bottom was higher and he could get her sit spots, no comfort would be spared for this.

"I do not care if you don't want to come or not! You are! I am your guardian Annabelle! You are my nation in a sense and until you find some way to become independent from me you will listen to every word I say. This is my house, my rules, my food you're eating, my room you are trashing, my Wi-Fi you use, and my water you bathe in not to mention drink! As long as you are under my roof I expect you treat me with some damn respect instead of acting like a spoiled brat! Or so help me each time you do so I will bare your arse no matter who is watching and spank you until your butt it painted red!" he punctuated each syllable with a hard and well-aimed smack on the top of her thighs, "Understand?!"

At this point Antarctica couldn't help but burst into tears, no longer being able to deal with the pain any longer. "I-I'm sorry!" she sobbed, kicking her legs a little, "I-I'll go! I-I p-promise!"

Arthur finally glanced at her face and compassion filled his heart when seeing her crying. She had learned her lesson for now judging by how she was acting, no harm in closing this little punishment session. After the final few smacks he pulled her panties and shorts up carefully, not letting it rub against the red skin too much. He rubbed circles on her back, soothing her somewhat. "I am going to leave this room," he whispered softly, yet still firm, "In five minutes I expect you to be in uniform and downstairs, ready to go. Every extra minute you waste will result in extra smacks after the conference. No back talk, no eye rolls, and no glares. Got it young lady?"

Unable to form any words at the moment, she sniffled back a sob and nodded. He lifted her up and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Despite what you think I like this just about as much as you do." With that he stood up and left the room, closing the door slowly. She started rubbing her bottom furiously the moment the door hit the frame, dancing a little on the top of her toes and cursing like a sailor that stubbed his foot. Sure he was an old git, but he still hit hard.

Getting on her uniform alone was definitely a pain, literally. Her rather tight black pants made her hiss when rubbing against her burning skin. Sitting in those hard wooden chairs for hours didn't make her any happier either. She brushed her hair and teeth and headed downstairs, one hand still rubbing her backside. Alfred and Arthur waited at the door, glancing at her when hearing her footsteps. America shot Ann a glance that was full of pity and said, "Dude I know what it's like."

England gave a nod, pleased she had followed his order. "Well come on then, we have a meeting to get to."