So I decided to post this as a chapter instead of a one-shot. Anywya, will you agree or disagree if I make a third part to this? It might be a threesome. MIGHT being the keyword there XD

Anyway, I have a poll on what to write next. I really love Sakura, and I ship everyone with her except for Orochimaru. Even crossovers.

Please review and tell me what you think!

Warning: Dark themes, heavy lime content

Haruno Sakura wanted love. She needed it, craved for it.

And Uchiha Sasuke was the one who could fill the void and give it to her. Would give it to her. He would not have a choice.

He was everything she wanted; raven-colored hair that shone blue when touched by the sun, smoldering onyx eyes that sent delicious tingles down her spine, a lean body that wasn't too thin nor overly muscular, just the way she liked it, and pale, smooth skin contrasting greatly with his dark colors and enhanced his already too handsome countenance.

He was perfection wrapped in a hard and delectable package that was hers to do as she pleased.

Sakura gently smiled at the slumbering male encased in her arms, her fingers softly caressing his spiky hair and rubbing his sweat-tinged scalp. He was heavily leaning against her after their usual bout of furious love-making, and she giggled at the thought that she actually tired him out enough for him to pass out after their simultaneous release.

She lovingly trailed her knuckles along the skin of his strong jaw, marveling at his calm breathing. He looked so peaceful, so angelic, that Sakura felt her heart almost burst with affection for her raven-haired lover.

Unable to stop herself, she shimmied under the covers while adjusting Sasuke to lay his head on the pillow and wrapped her arms around his torso, pressing her cheek against the hard plains of his chest.

She loved him. She loved him so much that she knew that she would die if he was ever taken away from her. Taken, because she knew that he would never leave her. With that knowledge, Sakura reminded herself to remain in constant vigilance in case some unworthy female sank her dirty claws on her beautiful savior.

She would never let him go.

Sasuke was the only one who gave her the love she needed. Without parents since she was a toddler, she never experienced the love and warmth of a family. The people at the orphanage were nice, but it wasn't the same, as soon as she had hit the age of sixteen, she immediately signed the papers of her release and packed her bags. She had found a nice little apartment some ways from school, and she actually liked living there.

On another note, she had her fair share of friends, and Sakura knew that Ino, Hinata and Karin loved her in their own different ways, but as usual, it wasn't the same. They didn't give her the attention that Sasuke did. They didn't, couldn't, touch her like she was a queen like Sasuke did. They didn't, couldn't, make her see stars like Sasuke always, always, did.

He was hers, he was forever hers, and no One would change that.

Absolutely no one.


How dare she.

How dare that bitch touch what was clearly not hers. How dare she teasingly trail her blood red fingertips along his arms, her painted lips curled up in a seductive smile that Sakura ached to rip it off her heavily made-up face.

Sasuke wasn't paying attention to that desperate Ami, and Sakura felt triumph when he shook the girl off and glared daggers-no, swords, at the pretentious skank. It just showed the pink-haired female that he was loyal, worthy of her love.

But he allowed himself to be touched by another, now he was tainted with the dirt of another woman, and it made her see red. But she wouldn't explode. She wouldn't show him how much he angered her, how much she wanted to scratch his eyes out for even looking at that thing.

Sakura would plaster a beautiful smile on her face that she knew Sasuke loved and craved.

She pulled out her phone from her skirt and speed dialed the first number that she saw that wasn't Sasuke. Bringing up to her ear, she waited for the other line to be answered.

A click. "Sakura? I'm at the cafeteria, why the hell are you calling me?"

She slowly smiled wider, "Karin, is Junichi there? Can you send him my way?"

It was silent for a beat before Karin asked in a suspicious tone of voice, "Why? Did something happen with Sasuke? What are you planning?"

"Please tell him to meet me at the Biology lab this three in the afternoon, thanks Karin."

"I don't know what you're planning Sakura but be careful," her red-haired friend muttered before ending the call.

Sakura narrowed her eyes at Sasuke who was oblivious to her glaring as he didn't know she was there, and she debated to herself if she should walk over to him or not. In the end, she decided not to, and turned on her heels.

She had a mission to do, and she couldn't wait for the results.


The look on his face when he entered the Biology lab was absolutely scrumptious.

The ways his onyx eyes widened and the pupils dilating in shock, before rage overtook his whole being and Sakura had never been this excited in her whole life.

She had been straddling poor Junichi and seducing him to touch her chest, his dull grey eyes fixed on her naked breasts and a deep blush staining his cheeks. When he hesitantly massaged them, she admitted that it felt good, but Sasuke was better. She kind of felt bad using this shy male to get what she wanted, but he was nothing compared to Sasuke, just dust that needed to be swept away.

When the door burst open to reveal the latter, she predicted that someone was going to die.

With an inhuman growl, Sasuke charged towards them in long strides with his fists tightly clenched and his body stiff with tension.

Sakura calmly got off Junichi's lap, watching the latter's eyes widen in fear at what he knew was going to happen.

Sasuke grabbed Junichi's collar, his face now eerily blank, but she could see the mixed emotions swirling around his eyes and the most dominant one was hate. Absolute loathing for the innocent boy whose head he was currently slamming onto the ground repeatedly with a force that could possibly crack a rock.

She fixed her uniform shirt, not taking her green eyes off from the violence in front of her. Junichi was feebly gripping at the raven-haired male's biceps in a weak attempt to stop him but Sakura knew that he knew everything that he was going to do was futile, as what Sasuke wanted, Sasuke got, and Sasuke wanted was for him to die a painful death. The brunette tried to scream but all that came out from his mouth was a fountain of blood as he obviously bit his tongue.

Sasuke was silent as he reached for something in his pocket and took out a small retractable knife. Junichi was in tears now as the raven-haired male slammed a fist to his mouth to muffle his sobs, and Junichi closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable.

He didn't even whimper when Sasuke plunged the blade in his forehead.

Sakura waited, but her lover just knelt there, staring at the body with a hollow expression, but she was patient. She was merciful. When he finally moved, it was to slowly position himself on his knees and to turn his head towards her with a face full of anguish.


His broken expression coupled with his cracked whisper was beautiful, just like the rest of him. She sweetly smiled as she walked towards him, placing both palms on his cold cheeks.

"You were supposed to be mine, Sasuke-kun," she whispered, her eyes boring into his, "but you allowed yourself to be touched by another woman."


She cut him off as she pressed her lips to his, forcing her tongue into his mouth. Sasuke immediately responded, winding his arms around her waist and pulling her closer, as if trying to mold her into his own body. Her tongue desperately weaved itself inside his mouth, tasting everything that his delicious cavern had to offer. Her hands gripped the back of his head harshly, yanking him back to have even more access to his mouth. Their saliva was dripping uncontrollably every time they separated and she felt herself growing wet at the sight of his lust-filled eyes and their fluids dribbling down his chin.

"Sasuke-kun," she moaned as she gently pushed him from his haunches into a sitting position on the floor, ignoring the bleeding corpse beside them as he automatically spread his legs to accommodate her. His back hit the wall as she lifted her thighs to straddle him, her skirt already bunched at the waist as she unbuttoned his pants with her skilled fingers. His erection sprang free and Sakura was amused to discover that he wasn't wearing boxers. She mischievously smiled at him and she vaguely noticed his member swelling larger at her impish attitude.

Sakura pressed her clothed mound to his quivering member and let out a whine as the tip slipped through her folds but unable to fully sheathe itself because of the thin barrier created by her panties.

"So big," she moaned as she rubbed herself up and down from side to side. She felt her juices soaking her underwear as the male under her groaned, his hips jerking upwards, the both of them dry humping each other.

An idea sparked into her lust-hazed mind and she pulled Sasuke's necktie without loosening it which made him let out a pained choking noise. She maneuvered him so that his back leaned against the pole holding the fake skeleton model used in class. She grabbed his wrists and tightly tied them to the pole with his necktie, ignoring his hard gaze and the scowl making its way to his flushed face.

"Sakura-" he was once again silenced when she caught his words with her mouth, giving him a slow grind that made his hips lift to take more but she refrained from just bouncing on top of him. She released him and he hissed, "What the fuck are you doing?"

"I'm punishing you, Sasuke-kun," she nonchalantly stated, unbuttoning her blouse and watching his eyes travel to her breasts as they bounced free from the tight confines of her uniform. She easily unwound her own necktie then proceeded to bring them to his disbelieving eyes, "Sasuke-kun has been a very bad boy."

Sasuke tried to struggle but Sakura clamped her thighs around him tighter and his limbs visibly weakened as pleasure devoured most of his senses. Sakura smiled in delight, loving his submissive side. After she tied the knot twice, she leaned in to give him a sweet kiss, tracing his lips with the tip of her tongue while pulling her bra down to expose her chest. Releasing him with a pop, Sakura pressed her naked breasts to his face, nudging one mound to his waiting mouth.

"Suck me," she commanded and he eagerly complied, taking a hard pink nipple into his wet mouth. She moaned and arched her back, embracing his head towards her and almost suffocating him. She raised a hand to massage the other neglected mound, rolling the tips in-between her thumb and index finger.

Sasuke growled low, loving the way her skin felt against him, her sweet aroma filling his heightened senses and making him want to enter her warmth. He could smell her arousal and he groaned out her name.

Sakura hummed before backing away from him and ignoring his soft protests. She pulled her panties down, letting it dangle from her knees as she went on all fours, green eyes fixated on his large erection, the tip leaking with pre-cum. Without further ado, she enveloped his penis with her mouth and she felt herself drip down onto the floor when she heard his swift intake of breath and felt the sharp buck of his pelvis. She bobbed her head up and down in an imitation of sex, his heels digging into the ground with the amount of pleasure that he was receiving. Her tongue swirled around his length and she moaned, Sasuke cursing rapidly as the vibrations of her throat sent uncontrollable shivers down his entire body.

"Fuck, Sakura!" he gasped out loud as she went faster, her breasts bouncing. Sakura panted, her hands diving into her panties and sticking two fingers into her wetness. She rode her hand as she continued sucking Sasuke dry, and the room was filled with the harsh sounds of labored breathing. Sasuke was panting hard now, about to urge his lover into going faster so that he could come when the door burst open and an intake of breath echoed.

Sasuke stilled, his teeth gritting and his jaw clenching from the disturbance and the loss of the hot mouth around his member as Sakura released him.

The pink-haired female calmly sat on her haunches as she turned to see who dared barge into their private time. Her eyes easily brightened, pleased with the identity of their unannounced visitor.

"Itach-nii!" Sakura happily exclaimed, "What a surprise!"

"Aniki," Sasuke gave a nod of his head despite not seeing anything, his tone indifferent, "what are you doing here away from the university?"

Itachi automatically replied, "I was tasked to deliver-"

Sakura raised a hand to stop him, "Wait for a moment please, I have to finish."

Itachi stared as the beautiful pink-haired vixen covered Sasuke with her body before she wrapped her small fingers around his brother's dripping erection. She nuzzled his cheek before licking his earlobe, whispering something that he couldn't hear, then in front of his very eyes, Sasuke groaned out loud as he exploded all over her hands and skirt, his member twitching harshly as he spurted out his essence without restraints.

After a few rather tense moments with only Sasuke's heavy grunts and Sakura's tender whispers, Itachi decided to break the silence.

"Sasuke, Sakura. What is the meaning of this?"

Sakura lightly giggled as she buttoned up Sasuke's pants, then crawling forward to loosen the tie around the latter's hands.

"We were just playing."

"With a dead man sprawled on the floor?" his voice came out more furious than he intended but the younger duo didn't as much as flinch. Sasuke glared at him after taking off his blindfold, standing up and pulling his girlfriend with him.

"None of your goddamned business, aniki."

"Sasuke-kun's right," Sakura said, pulling up her panties and Itachi couldn't help but follow the way the flimsy material trailed up her legs, "what we do doesn't concern you."

"But it concerns the both of your reputations as well as the family's," he stated, his brows furrowing, "if word of this gets out-"

"It won't, because no one will tell," Sasuke interjected, a smirk forming its way into his flawless face, "you won't tell."

Itachi continued to just stare at them, completely at loss for words. Sakura finished fixing herself up before pressing herself against Sasuke and placing a hand to his chest, a hooded look upon her perfect features.

A challenge.

But he didn't take it, because he knew that he couldn't win.

He sighed. He just couldn't deny his brother and his girlfriend.

"I won't."

Itachi couldn't help the heat that coursed through him as Sasuke smirked wider and Sakura smiled sweetly.

They were going to be his downfall.