Disclaimer: I do not own Lab Rats.
Author's Note: My first Lab Rats fic... so... Let me know what you think.
My Baby Brother
When I was five, my baby brother relied on me for the first time. I didn't think much of it back then, but now it means the world to me.
My name is Bree Davenport. I'm a bionic superhuman with two bionic brothers. My older brother, Adam, has super strength, heat vision, plasma grenades, a blast wave, and pressurized lung capacity. My little brother, Chase, has super intelligence, a force field, super senses, an override app, a magnetism app, molecular kinesis, levitation, laser bo generation, and a few others. My powers are super speed, vocal manipulation, super jump, a mental navigation system, invisibility, and sticking to walls.
My brothers are absolutely incredible. I don't just mean because they're bionic. Adam's extremely sweet and very protective of Chase and I. Though Adam and Chase fight a lot, they're always there for one another. Chase, though he can get a bit egocentric, is also sweet and sensitive. I love those two. I'd be lost without them.
Anyways, as I was saying, when I was five, my brother relied on me for the first time.
It was really dark in the lab at night, only illuminated by a few technological devices here and there, and the soft blue glow from our capsules. It was comforting, really. It was the place that I felt safest. My capsule, when facing them, was placed at the far right. I have always considered it to be on the left, however, after spending countless nights asleep in it. Adam's is on the opposite side of mine, and Chase's capsule is between the two of us. Although I wasn't too pleased that I couldn't see both of my brothers clearly from my capsule, I was glad that I could at least see my younger brother.
One night, I was fast asleep in the middle of a thunderstorm. The lab was pretty much soundproof, so Adam and I couldn't hear it. Chase, however, heard it easily, since he had super senses. As a child it often scared him, sometimes to the point where he had to sleep in Adam's capsule with him. I never questioned why he never came to me for comfort. Adam was the oldest, and naturally, when Mr. Davenport wasn't around, Chase went to the next best person. However, due to some severe glitching, Adam was sealed in his capsule temporarily, and only Mr. Davenport could let him back out.
I was awakened from my slumber by a faint tapping sound. I rubbed my eyes with my hands as I yawned. There was no way it was morning. As I was dropping my hands, I glanced forwards to look at what, or rather, who, was tapping on my capsule door. What I saw broke my heart.
My baby brother stood in front of my capsule, tears filling his eyes and his bottom lip quivering. His arms hugged his smaller frame, and he appeared to be trembling severely. I immediately opened the door to my capsule and stepped out.
"What's the matter, Chasey?" I asked softly, using Adam's nickname for him.
"T-the thunder w-woke me up... and A-Adam's not al-allowed to open the door t-to his capsule, so..." He started sobbing again, and I rapidly ran through my mind as for what to do. I had never had to comfort my little brother before, as Mr. Davenport or Adam always took care of him when he needed comfort. Finally I remembered what they did.
"Shh... it's okay, Chasey. Do you want to sleep in my capsule with me?" I asked, wrapping my arms around him. He nodded and wrapped his arms around me as well, and I brushed my fingers through his short hair. I moved carefully back into my capsule with my brother, closing the door behind us and closing my eyes. Before I knew it we were both fast asleep.
Back then, I never thought much of that night. My brother was scared of the thunder, and I comforted him. My brother is much more independent now, and hasn't needed comfort from anyone since he was six and got in a fight with Adam. He hasn't needed comfort from me since that night when he was four.
I sigh softly and run a hand through my hair. I'm seventeen now, Adam's eighteen, and Chase is sixteen. He'll never need me again.
As we face the next challenge, a villainous person attacks my elder brother, knocking him unconscious. My little brother cries out before turning towards our enemy. His eyes narrow into a fierce glare, and he takes a powerful stance, preparing to destroy our enemy.
After our enemy makes his escape, my little brother and I run to our older brother's side. We check for breathing and a pulse, and each is barely existent. Chase is breathing a bit heavily, and tears are starting to fall from his eyes. He speaks quickly, and I can barely catch what he says. He begs our brother to stay with us, and I take a deep breath to calm myself. I can't help my little brother if I'm freaking out.
I place both of my hands on his shoulders, and he looks into my eyes. For a second I can see that four-year-old little boy who tapped on my capsule door in the middle of a thunderstorm, and I flinch slightly. A determination fills my eyes, and I pull him into a hug. He lets out a gasp of shock, but I don't let go.
Even though he's older now and doesn't need me to comfort him during thunderstorms, I know that he'll always be my baby brother.