A/N: I wanna wish a huge happy birthday to jasongraceless! I'm sorry that this is a day late, but I hope you like it! I love you so much, Meg, and I wouldn't know what to do without you!

The title is taken from Favorite Record by Fall Out Boy.


"Could you write me a song?"

Percy looked down to Annabeth curiously. He couldn't really see her face, but he raised his eyebrows anyway, staring at her blonde curls. He said, "I write you songs all the time."

"I know," she said, shifting one of her legs to rest between both of his. Percy tried not to groan. "But I need one that I can dance to."

"Dance to?" He asked.

"Yeah," she said.

They were laying on the couch in his mom's apartment, snuggling and watching movies. Percy had his head propped up on one of the pillows and angled toward the TV, but he was paying more attention to the girl that was lying across his chest. Annabeth had her head on his shoulder, and every once in a while, her lips would graze his collarbone. She had one of her arms wrapped around his neck, threading her fingers through his hair. Her other hand was resting on his hip. She already had her fingers dipped under his shirt, and she was gently drawing circles on his skin. Percy thought he was in heaven.

Their relationship was a bit odd, but Percy loved every second of it. He was one of the punk rockers (for lack of a better term) at their high school. Everybody knew that he was in a band and played guitar. Everybody laughed at the way he dressed (all black and band t-shirts). He didn't care though. His band was getting more popular every day. It was just a matter of time before they were discovered.

Annabeth, though, was the complete and polar opposite of him. She had a perfect GPA. She had curly blonde hair that looked like a princess. She wore some very cute and adorable outfits. And the best part—she was a dancer.

That was really one of the things that led to Percy asking her out. Sure, he knew her before from around school and stuff, but he never talked to her. They were in two completely different social circles, not to mention the fact that they never even crossed paths. Annabeth was in all the Honors classes. Percy struggled to pass his standard classes.

Percy had been in detention one day at the beginning of the year (now he couldn't even remember why he had been there). At his school, the teachers all switched around for detention duty, and today Percy was the only one in there with the art teacher. He had always liked Ms. Robbins well enough, but she was extremely disappointed to see him in detention. But since she liked him more than the average student, she let him run errands for her instead of sitting in a desk and sleeping.

So Percy had taken off down the hall with a stack of papers, and when he had come back successfully a few minutes later, Ms. Robbins had handed him another stack and told him to drop it off at a dance studio just a couple of blocks away if he could manage to stay out of detention for a few weeks. Percy had agreed in a heartbeat, grabbing the papers and sprinting out of the school.

Percy had never been to the dance studio that Ms. Robbins had sent him to, but he found it easily enough. He even wandered inside and dropped the papers off at Ms. Robbins before he heard this really awesome music and decided to venture farther into the studio.

He had always loved music. Ever since he was little, music had been his go to thing. It had been there for him when things got too difficult to talk about. That's probably the reason that he loved it so much now. Music never went anywhere. Even then Percy had known that it was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life, so he bought a cheap guitar and played until his fingers bled. When he was in middle school and shoved into a music class for lack of a better elective, he met Jason, Leo, and Nico. After a few arguments and a few more fist fights, they had formed a band, and they had been best friends ever since.

He was nodding along to the guitar line when he rounded the corner into a big room. Percy didn't know what to call it (maybe this was the studio part?). It had hardwood flooring and rails along the walls. There was a kickass stereo system, and it was blaring a popular Fall Out Boy song that he recognized.

What really surprised him was the fact that he knew the pretty girl that was dancing in the room. She was moving gracefully, and Percy thought that it was the most beautiful thing that he had ever seen.

Percy's mom had always been really into dancing and ballet. Apparently, she had done some of it back in high school. So that meant that she was always dragging Percy to some recital or show. The thing was, he didn't have any patience for it. The best part about it was the music that they danced to, and sometimes that wasn't even enough to keep him entertained. He had gotten seriously lucky when her mom had met Paul, and they started going together.

But watching her was completely different. Percy felt like he could stand here all day. She made it look like something that was worth watching.

He stood just inside the door until the end of the song, watching like a complete creep. He probably should have felt weird doing it, but he couldn't help it. He was in complete awe standing there and watching her. He felt like he couldn't breathe while she danced.

After her song ended, she stood still, and she finally looked up. Her eyes met Percy's, and she looked at him challengingly. She tipped her head over to the side, and stared at him. Percy could almost hear her shouting What the fuck do you want?

But she hadn't said anything. She had just turned around and stretched, going back to her dance like him standing there didn't mean a damn thing.

Which, in her world, it probably didn't.

A miracle had occurred the next week though. Percy had been always struggled with math, so when he got a new tutor, he didn't complain. Probably because of the insanely beautiful girl that was sitting across the table from him. Probably because he knew that she was an incredible dancer, and that was literally the only thing in the world that he cared about.

Annabeth proved to be just as difficult to be friends with as Percy first thought. It took a long time of their study sessions for them to even ask each other about things that weren't math or school. After almost a month, she had asked Percy to give her a ride home since her car was in the shop. Another three weeks after that, Percy had asked her to eat dinner with his family after they studied. She had given him a kiss on the cheek a fond eye roll after he dropped her back off at her house.

Somehow after that, they just became a… thing. Like, Percy would walk her to class. Annabeth would hold his elbow or hand when they walked down the hall. He would pick her up for school. She would kiss him on the cheek when he dropped her off at home. It was nice. Percy really liked her.

Of course, it took a while for him to be able to tell her that though. But when he did, Annabeth had just smiled and kissed him, like she had been there the whole time, waiting on him to catch up.

"Percy," Annabeth said, jerking him out of her thoughts. She had rolled over on top of him, and now she was straddling his waist and tapping her hands against his chest. Her skirt was bunched up around her hips, and Percy's heartbeat skyrocketed. She smirked at him and said, "Are you even paying attention?"

He let his eyes flit down to her legs as he ran his hands up her sides. He grinned up at her, "Of course I am."

"So?" She asked. She rolled her hips, drawing a pathetic moan out of Percy and making his eyes flutter close. "Are you going to write me a song?"

He nodded frantically, jerking her head down to kiss him. He murmured against her lips when he said, "Yes. Just come here."

Annabeth was laughing then, ghosting her hands up his chest. Percy smiled against her and pulled her closer.


Percy was biting his lip, which was strange because there were very few instances that made him nervous.

Usually (and this is in order), anything with Annabeth (because, well duh) and showing his band a new song that he had written made him act like this. Today is was the latter.

And it was like doubled because this song was about Annabeth.

"So," Percy started, picking at his guitar strings. "What do you guys think?"

Jason was grinning, and Leo and Nico were both nodding and smiling too. They were all hanging out in Jason's basement where they usually practiced, and Leo was sitting at the keyboard while Nico had his place at the drums. Jason was hanging off the side of the pool table. They had all been nodding along to the music as Percy played the guitar line and sang the words to his new song.

Normally, he wrote all of the songs that they played. At least, he wrote them, and then they all messed around until they felt comfortable with it. And of course, he had written songs about girls before (okay, for Annabeth, but sue him) but this one was really heavy. Percy could feel it when he wrote it. Even if he didn't say it in the song, he loved Annabeth.

God. What was he going to do? When she heard it, what as she going to think?

"I know that it's really heavy, so maybe it's not that good so—" Percy stammered when they didn't say anything.

"Percy loves Annabeth!" Leo shouted, interrupting him. "Percy loves Annabeth!"

He could feel himself blushing as he half-heartedly objected, but it was useless because Jason and Nico were already laughing.

"Oh, Percy," Jason laughed. "Don't even bother. We already knew that you loved her, but that kickass song just made it obvious."

Percy frowned, "You guys liked the song?"

"I think it's awesome," Nico said.

"Yeah?" He asked, shooting Nico a look.

"It's a good song, Percy," Jason said. "Annabeth is going to dance to it at her recital?"

"She wants to, yeah."

Jason grinned, "Then let's get it recorded for her."

"Yeah, so Percy can confess his undying love to her," Leo sang, standing up in his chair and grabbing at his heart. His voice was a cheap imitation of Percy's when he said, "Oh, Annabeth, I loooooovvveeee yooouuuuu."

The guys were laughing, and Percy was still blushing. Somehow they managed to get it recorded, and they didn't change one word or note from the original.


Percy felt like he was going to throw up, but it was too late to turn back. He had already handed Annabeth the CD with her song, and she was already shoving it into her computer excitedly.

He sat down on the edge of her bed when he heard the beginning notes and Jason's voice. He watched Annabeth carefully. She was still standing at her desk, with her back to him. Her blonde curls were pulled up into a loose bun at the base of her neck. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, and she was slightly bent at the waist, giving him the perfect view of her tanned legs. Her hips were moving slightly with the beat of the drums, like she was already planning her routine.

Too bad his heart was beating too fast for him to enjoy it. His hands were sweaty too. He could probably make it to the door before she turned around. He could be out of here before the song was finished. Then he wouldn't have to—

He took a deep breath and made himself be still.

Annabeth turned sharply when his verse started in the song. She knew that he never sang in any of the songs that they had played before, and Percy wondered what she was thinking. Did she like it? She was staring at him, and her eyes never left his.

When the song finally ended (and when Percy thought he was going to have a heart attack), she turned and hit replay.

Then she threw herself at him.

By the time Percy realized what was happening, he was on his back on her bed. She was straddling his chest, kissing him roughly. Her hands were pushing up his shirt and raking his ribs and stomach. She sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, and Percy groaned against her lips. He settled one of his hands on the back of her thigh, pulling her leg higher, while his other hand was buried in her hair, tugging the rubber band out of her curls.

He pulled back when he felt something drip onto his cheek.

She was hovering over him, her hair hanging down around her shoulder. There were a few tears in her eyes though, and some of them were dripping down her cheeks and onto his. Percy frowned in confusion and brushed her tears away with his thumbs before he framed her face and pulled her closer.

"You didn't like the song?" Percy guessed. His heart dropped to his stomach.

She pulled back in surprise and sat up on his chest. Percy's hands fell from her face and grasped onto her legs, gently rubbing circles into her skin. She wiped her own eyes and smiled down at him.

"Percy, I loved the song," she said. Her voice was wobbly and watery, and Percy was worried because he had only seen her cry a very few times. "I loved it. Thank you so much. It's so perfect."

"Yeah?" He asked shyly, and god, what was he turning into?

She nodded and leaned back down to kiss him again, "Of course I love it, you idiot. It's perfect."

He let out a sigh in relief against her skin, and Annabeth laughed.

She shifted so he could see her gray gaze, "You're coming to my recital, right?"

Percy pressed a kiss to the shell of her ear while she laughed. "I wouldn't miss it for the world, Annabeth."


They stood up, clapping and shouting at the end of the song.

Annabeth seemed to know exactly where they were sitting because she smiled in their direction even though the lights were probably blinding her. She took two more bows before exiting the stage.

"You're blinding us with that grin, Perce," Leo joked from his side.

Percy was smiling insanely big. Annabeth had done great. She was perfect up there, and her routine to go with the song was amazing. He was just so fucking proud of her, and he couldn't help but smile.

He rolled his eyes, "Shut up. She was amazing."

"Jesus, I'm going to throw up," Nico said, but he was grinning too.

"She was awesome, Percy," Jason agreed. "And she didn't show you any of it before now?"

He shook his head as they made their way down toward the stage. Luckily or unluckily, Annabeth had been the last of five girls in the recital, which meant that they had to sit through four other girls first, but Jason or Leo hadn't complained. And really, it hadn't been bad. Of course, Annabeth had been the best out of all of them, but Percy was just a tad but biased.

"No," he said. "She told me that she wanted it to be a surprise."

Jason hummed as they stood against the wall of the recital hall, just outside of the crowd of people.

Before he knew it, Annabeth was threading through the crowd of people toward them. She had thrown a t-shirt and sweatpants on over her black unitard, and she was carrying her bag behind her. Her smile was gigantic, and her eyes were sparkling happily. When she got close enough, she dropped her bag and threw her arms around Percy.

He was laughing when he grabbed her in his arms, slipping one hand into her curls. At the beginning of her routine, her hair had been in a tight bun, but when Percy's guitar solo had hit, she had yanked her hair down. Now, her curls were thrown over her shoulders.

And she looked so damn beautiful. Like, she was literally glowing. She was smiling, and she was laughing, and good god, she looked amazing.

She pulled back and kissed him.

It was short, but Percy was smiling too big anyway. She pressed another kiss to his cheek before she moved over to hug Jason. They were all complimenting her, and Percy stepped forward to grab her bag from where she dropped it on the ground.

"I think we need to take you out for a victory dinner, Annabeth," Jason said.

She nodded, "Yeah, I think so because I'm starving."

Percy laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, smiling down at her when her arm wrapped around his waist. They led the way out of the recital hall, and Percy pulled her closer once they were outside.


"Percy," Annabeth moaned, gripping the pillow tighter from where she was laying on her stomach.

He bit back a grin and dug the heel of his hand into a knot on the back of her thigh. He was sitting in between her legs, massaging the sore muscles away so she didn't have cramps in the middle of the night. He had a pretty amazing view from where he was sitting: Annabeth's tan legs were bare, and Percy kept skating his hands up farther until his fingers slipped just under the seam of her black panties. Her breath was coming out in long, relaxed sighs of his name, and she was driving him crazy.

They were on her bed in her room. Her dad was gone on a business trip, and Percy had dropped her off and followed her upstairs so he could tuck her in.

Which of course ended up with both of them laying on her bed kissing until she convinced him to give her a massage. (It didn't take that much convincing on her part.)

He laughed lightly when she moaned again. He could tell that she was trying to stay quiet, but she wasn't managing it very well.

"Shut up," she grumbled. "Dancing is hard."

"I know," Percy said. "You did great tonight."

"You think so?"

Her voice was small right then, like she didn't believe it. Percy rolled his eyes because of course she was awesome.

He grabbed her hips and flipped her over so she was laying on her back. She was wearing a t-shirt, and it pushed up slightly so he could see a strip of her tank skin above her panties. Percy smoothed his hands up her thighs and hips again, brushing over her stomach until he ran his fingers over her collarbone and neck. He scooted up until he was straddling her waist, but he kept most of his weight off of her. She groaned again, and Percy knew that it wasn't because of his awesome massage skills. She squirmed underneath him, and Percy took more of his weight off of her, grinning when she pinched his legs through his jeans because of the loss of contact.

Percy leaned down until his face was less than an inch away from hers. She looked so beautiful spread out underneath him. Her hair was splayed over the pillows. Her chest was heaving with breath. Her pupils were dilated so far that he could barely see a ring of gray around them. Her eyes fluttered close and her mouth fell open slightly when he pushed one of his hands into her hair. A little noise came from her throat, and Percy almost groaned too by just looking at her.

A rush of feelings hit him all at once, and three little words dropped out of his mouth before he could think anything else about it.

She was staring at him and smiling and saying it back, and Percy thought that he was in heaven.

Annabeth ran her hand up his chest and fisted his t-shirt, yanking him down until his lips hit hers. He sighed against her lips, and he felt her hand press against his heart.

He pulled back just enough so he could see her face. He said, "You were so amazing during your recital tonight, Annabeth. I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you," she whispered. Her eyes were glinting happily, and she pulled him back down for another kiss.

They stayed like that for a long time, laid out on her bed, kissing and whispering to each other. He probably stayed too long. His mom was definitely going to think that something was up, which means he would have to be extra quiet when he snuck in tonight. She would be able to tell what had happened by just looking at him.

But it was definitely worth it, and Percy wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else than hovering above the girl that he loved, kissing her and smiling all night.

A/N: Thanks for reading!
