Yes, yet another Dramione mistletoe one shot. This takes place in their sixth year (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) during the holidays and Draco is not that cold or distant like he is in the book. He might be a bit out of character at the end.

Her nose buried in Hogwarts: A History as usual, the bushy brown haired Gryffindor by the name of Hermione Granger strolled through the halls of Hogwarts, ignoring the glares of the people she bumped into. She only looked up when she slammed into someone who didn't move out of the way. Everyone else had already left, leaving them the only two people in the once packed hallways.

A pale blond head that could only belong to none other than Draco Malfoy of Slytherin, looked down at her in disdain, his scowl deepening. "Maybe you should stop reading so much, Granger. You'll only hurt yourself," he sneered with contempt in his voice.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Oh, shut it, Malfoy, and move out of the way, will you? Since when did you care about my welfare?" she retorted, shoving him so she can get back to the Gryffindor common room. He was heavier than he looked and didn't budge an inch.

She promised her best friends Harry Potter and Ron Weasley that she would help them with their Potions essay. She bitterly thought that Harry didn't even need help because he had the silly Half-Blood Prince potions book and Professor Slughorn's favoritism, but she was happy to assist Ron. Ron had occupied her thoughts a lot lately and she always daydreamed of the day that he would dump that annoying Lavender Brown and claim his professing love for her for all these years they'd been friends. She sighed happily to herself as her mind took her away to her daydream land.

Draco stuck his arm out to prevent her from leaving. He leaned his hand against the wall and lazily studied his nails on the other hand.

Hermione huffed impatiently and took a step to the left to get past him.

He instantly matched her footing and smirked as she stamped her foot in frustration.

"What will it take for you to move? I need to meet Harry and Ron for a study session!" Hermione almost pleaded. She winced at the slight desperation in her voice. She wasn't going to beg and grovel for someone as irksome as Malfoy, but she knew that getting on his bad side would make this much harder than it needed to be.

"A 'study date' with the Chosen One and the Weasel King?" Draco paused with a smirk. "You sure it's just a study date? And not a, oh I don't know, a quick shag to satisfy your needs whenever you're not studying?"

"What the hell, Malfoy!" she shoved him hard and his smirk grew. Men - or boys, in Malfoy's case - were such perverted idiots. Hermione was always proud of the fact that she was a woman with a clean and innocent mind.

"I'm questioning your taste in men now. At least Krum had parents and money." He took out his wand and observed it absentmindedly, ignoring her silent fuming.

"Oh get over it, will you? I have," Hermione sniffed, folding her arms over her chest. "What is it with my past love life that people are so obsessed about?" Ron had brought up Viktor the other day too. The most they had done was exchange letters over the summer.

Draco continued as if she didn't say anything. "I also heard you were with McLaggen now too. He's a total prat but his family's big in the Ministry. That's a guy you should associate yourself with."

Hermione raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Are you telling me to date an egotistical, idiotic git because he has good connections?"

"Yes, that is exactly what I'm telling you," he answered pompously, glad that she quickly caught on. "Someone like me, but of course, not me," he paused as he thought over what she just said. "Minus the idiotic git part. I'm very clever and cunning, Key Slytherin traits, you know."

Hermione rolled her eyes again. "Yeah, the day I date you is the day hell freezes over. I'd rather snog the face off of McLaggen than you," she said sharply. "Now do you want me to hex you to get out of the way or do you want to do this civilly?" she growled impatiently, reaching for her wand in her robe pocket while still shoving him even though he continued to remain stationary the whole time.

"Funny how you should mention snogging," Draco drawled lazily, twirling his wand in his hand. The wand let out a few sparks every time he twirled it and she winced every time the sparks hit her since they were so close to each other. "All I need from you is a kiss right now so that I can let you go off on your boring 'study date' with the asinine Scarhead and idiotic Weaselbee."

She looked up at him, her mouth agape. For the first time in her life, she was speechless and didn't know what to say. She was usually prepared with a snarky comeback when it came to Malfoy, but she never expected this. Out of all the things Malfoy could want, he wanted a kiss. And out of all people, why her?

"Are you going to tell me I used the word 'asinine' wrong? I wasn't sure but it sounded right. Doesn't it mean 'like an ass', because that perfectly describes him," Draco casually said, as if he didn't just propose her to kiss him just now.

After a few moments of awkward silence, she found her voice. "Excuse me?" she squawked indignantly. "I- I'm not going to give in to your teenage boy hormonal desires just so I can get past you, Malfoy. If you're going to insult me or hex me, just get on with it! I'm not going to stoop down to your level." She mentally prepared herself to block any curse he could hit her way.

Draco let out a humorless laugh. "I don't want this as much as you do, Granger. Imagine me, an esteemed pureblood, locking lips with a Muggleborn. It's unheard of," Draco said, his voice dripping with venom.

"Then why -" Hermione began. She stopped as she noticed where Draco pointed with his finger.

Hanging above them was a small sprig of enchanted mistletoe. Hermione swallowed the bile coming up to her mouth in repulsion. Dumbledore, as intelligent as he was, made a crazy rule that insisted that students must kiss under the mistletoe, regardless of whether they wanted to or not, to "spread more love and holiday cheer." If the students under the mistletoe did not kiss, they were cursed with not being able to be kissed by anyone for a whole year. And obviously, none of the students wanted that so they just went with it, albeit reluctantly.

"Oh," Hermione said in a small voice. Just as she said this, she realized she was still leaning on him and she immediately pulled away, as if she got shocked from touching him.

"You should consider yourself lucky. Every girl in Hogwarts is dying to get a taste of this," he pointed to his lips as they curled into a smirk. "I would never let a Muggleborn, nonetheless you, near my lips. But now, I have no choice..." Draco's voice faltered then he cleared his throat. "So, er, a quick peck would do, I'm sure. Unless Dumbledore made another rule of it having to be at least 5 seconds long or something."

Hermione was just about to ask why he couldn't just get Pansy to do it, seeing as how they're dating anyway, when they heard footsteps approaching from behind Draco. Hermione's face paled as she saw who it was and she immediately straightened herself out to make herself seem presentable, rather than a feeble person who was just shoving an immovable, strong man.

"What an excellent idea, Draco! I should make a rule for that!" Dumbledore exclaimed, beaming. He waved his hand at the mistletoe, making it shake a bit before resting in its original position. "Good day to you both." Dumbledore walked away, waving as he went.

Hermione swatted Draco's arm and pummeled her fists on his sculpted chest. "You just had to open your big, fat mouth and say that!" she raged. She took out her wand, about to hex him, but he grabbed her wrist before she could and forced his mouth onto hers.

Draco's lips were soft and surprisingly inviting and tasted like butterbeer. Despite her mind telling her to stop, Hermione melted into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Draco tensed, surprised by her reaction, and slowly circled his arms around her waist.

Their lips seemed to fit perfectly, almost like they were a jigsaw puzzle and they were the last two pieces to complete the masterpiece. Hermione ran her fingers through Draco's soft and touchable hair. She hated to admit it to herself, but she has always wondered what Draco's hair felt like. He always styled his hair tousled and messy in a way that made him look like he just woke up, which was a complete turn on to all the girls in the school, as well as to herself. She wondered how much hair gel he had to use every day to get it that way. Knowing him, he probably used up a bottle or two a day.

Draco nibbled her lower lip gently and Hermione gasped against his mouth. Her fingers clenched his hair into her fist and before she could stop herself, she unintentionally moaned his name as he began to trace kisses down her neck.

"Malfoy..." her voice trailed off. She buried her face in his neck as he ran his fingers down her back.

"Call me Draco," he instructed smoothly. His hot breath tickled her neck, making her shiver.

"Draco," she tried. The name tasted weird on her mouth, like a new food that she wasn't sure she liked but then decided she did as the taste went down her throat.

"Hermione," he breathed. His lips moved over her ear then her cheek then slid down to her lips. His fingers touched her shoulder, then her collarbone, and she trembled at his cold touch on her bare skin.

Draco then suddenly grabbed her face with both hands and collided his mouth with hers once again and she leaned on him, eager to explore and learn more about the paradise that is Draco's mouth. He softly pushed his tongue into her mouth to meet hers and she hesitated for a second before doing the same. She tasted the sweet taste of butterbeer on his lips and he kissed the edge of her mouth, edging closer to her neck. His hands trailed down to her lower back and he made circles with his fingers, to tease her.

Where did the Ferret learn to kiss like this and make her feel this way? Surely, he couldn't have done this with Pansy. The thought of Pansy's obnoxious mouth on Draco's was enough to make Hermione snort out loud which ruined their heated, intimate moment.

Draco pulled his face away from hers but his arms still encircled her waist. She suddenly felt stuffy with the closeness and pushed him away. He hesitantly let go of her, took a step away from her, and stared at the ground sheepishly, with his pale cheeks reddening.

"Well, that was... interesting," Hermione mumbled. And lasted a lot longer than five seconds, she quietly thought to herself. She quickly bent down and gathered her book, which fell from her hands as they were... busy.

"Yeah, interesting," Draco echoed. He glanced at her and gave her a small smile. His heart raced in his chest and he wondered if she felt it when she was pressed against him. He bet she did because they were practically smothering each other before.

The feel of Hermione in his arms was unlike anything he has ever felt before. He loved the way she closed the space between them and fit perfectly and the smell of her hair was intoxicatingly sweet. He knew there wouldn't be a chance in hell for them to do this again and he dejectedly began to walk ahead to the Slytherin dungeons, sidestepping Hermione.

Draco ran over scenarios in his head of how he would confess that he'd like to be with her now, despite their enmity and differences. One unintended kiss left him blown away and turned him into a completely changed man. He could just imagine the horror on his friends' and family's faces once he tells them that he's beginning to fall for a Muggleborn. And not just any Muggleborn, Hermione Granger.

Draco suddenly didn't care that he was a revered pureblood in Slytherin and that she was a know it all Muggleborn in Gryffindor. They belonged together. He could feel it. That kiss just proved it. He always suspected there was sexual tension between them, disguised as hatred. He realized he didn't even have a valid reason to hate Hermione. He actually admired her, for her intelligence and growing beauty over the years. He was only cruel to her because of his rivalry with Harry and Ron. If Harry and Ron weren't in the picture and if his parents weren't picky about blood type, he and Hermione could have been dating for years now. His hatred for Harry and Ron prevented him and Hermione from even getting a chance to know each other. Forget about getting together. He envisioned a future with her and a sappy smile hung on his face. Then he suddenly remembered where he was and snapped back into reality. He strode down the halls quickly, shaking his head. He bet she didn't feel the same. Although it felt like she did. The memory of their heated make out session would always leave a permanent smile on his face.

As if in a movie, he heard her call his name and the sound of her light footsteps rushing to him and he whirled around with open arms, expecting them to be filled with her once again. He already felt himself giddy with excitement, longing to hold her close to him.

"You dropped your wand, Malfoy," Hermione informed him as she placed it into his hand. Her fingers lingered on his palm for a second and he held in his breath at her touch. Her fingertips were so soft and he was remembering how they felt when they were around his neck, pulling him closer to her.

She then spun on her heel and walked off, leaving behind a confused and disappointed Draco.

I know Draco's a bit OOC but let's just go with it for the sake of this story. I don't think Hermione would really return Draco's feelings that quickly. She's the type to think it through and is sure of how she feels then she acts on it. She's probably still adjusting to the fact that she just made out with Draco fucking Malfoy, the boy who tormented her all these years, so of course she's unsure of what to make of it.

I also included some "British" words such as git and prat and I hope I used them correctly.

I'll stop talking now. Thank you for reading! Please review if you want and let me know what you think!