SPN100 Challenge: WOW - freeze (froze). Dean should stay well away from the bunker's vaults. Something's happened, but Kevin needs to test a theory before he can say what.

Disclaimer: Nope, don't own them.


Sam was in the library when he heard Kevin dashing up from the bunker's vaults.

"Sam," he yelled; "it's Dean - there's been an accident."

"What happened?" Sam gasped.

"Well, it's … uh … hard to say," Kevin mumbled breathlessly; "but, well, Sam - d'you reckon Dean's handsome?"


"Dean," Kevin repeated sheepishly; "y'know, like … is he handsome?"

Sam gaped helplessly.

"Just humour me," pleaded Kevin.

Sam shrugged; "I guess so," he grunted uncertainly; "well, he thinks so, anyway."

"Well, I think that explains a lot," Kevin sighed; "you know that old spinning wheel you took when you iced that witch yesterday …?"

