I hope you like the story so far. Tell me if you want me to change something. Anyway here is the next chapter.
Humphrey p.v
"Eve calm down he didn't mean to say it" I said. "but he will still pay" Eve said angry. "sir you really have to stop her" I said. "why don't you do it you are stronger than us" Winston asked. "I don't want hurt your family" I said. Then Winston knocked her out and brought her to the back of the den. "can you train us as well" Winston asked. "I can only train Kate and Sebastian" I said. "why can you train only us" Kate asked. "you are my mate so you can become and delta and Sebastian I only help him to get stronger I won't teach him new things" I said. "when will we begin" Sebastian asked. "we will begin now an we stop over five days" I said. "where are we going to train" Kate asked. "I don't know but it has to be a place where nobody can see us" I said. "in the forest is an open place" Winston said. "that is perfect can you lead us there" I asked.
He nodded and began to walk to the forest. When we reached the place I looked around and saw it was big enough and no one could see us. "thank you. You can't tell anyone about this and when you need us come here alone" I said to Winston. "don't worry no one will find you here" Winston said and walked away.
Winston p.v
I have been back at my den for four hours and then Eve began to wake up. "what happened" Eve asked. "I knocked you out because you were threatening Sebastian" I said. "and where is Kate now" Eve asked. "she is training with Humphrey and Sebastian" I said. "were are they" Eve asked. "I can't tell you because Humphrey can't show us how they train" I said. "how long have they been away" Eve asked. "four hours" I said. "can you get them for dinner" Eve asked. I nodded and walked to Humphrey.
Humphrey p.v
I was training Kate and Sebastian on different places because I couldn't tell Sebastian anything about training as well. I spend most my time teaching Kate but sometimes I went to Sebastian to see how he was doing. After four and a half hour training I heard someone coming. "go to Kate and stay there until I come and get you" I said to Sebastian. He nodded and run to Kate and I saw them talking. I stood in attack position. I heard some bushes rustling in front of me. I looked to see who it was and saw it was Winston.
"don't attack me I'm not an enemy" Winston said. "can you come the next time from another place where I can see you coming" I said. "how did you know I was coming" Winston asked. "I didn't know it was you but I heard footsteps and told Sebastian to go to Kate" I said. "where are they now" Winston asked. "they are in that bush" I said pointing to a big bush" I said. "how do you know that" Winston asked. "look closely and you see the bush moving" I said. After a while I saw that Winston saw it. "you have very good eyes to see that" Winston said. "I know but I will get them just wait here" I said an run to them. "you can come out" I said and they came out. "how did you know we were in this bush" Kate asked. "I have trained eyes but let's go back your dad is waiting for you" I said. And walked to Winston. "do you want to dinner with us" Winston asked. "we will but what about Eve" I asked. "I don't think she has a problem with it" Winston said. "then where are we waiting for" Kate said an walked to the valley.
When we reached the valley all the wolfs looked at us. "why are they all looking at us" Kate asked. "I told them you were missing" Winston said. "you could tell them we were training but not where" I said. "I told Eve you were training but when I was going to you she was following me. That's the reason why I came from a bush" Winston said. "I understand but let's find Eve" I said. "she is in the den. We always eat there" Winston said. "why did you take us here then" Sebastian asked. "we have to get a caribou" Kate said. We looked around and saw no caribou left. "we have to hunt one" Kate said. "don't worry I will get one, you can go to the den and wait for me" I said and run away to find a caribou.
Kate p.v
We saw Humphrey run away. "look how fast he is" I said shocked. "he is four time faster as me" Sebastian said. "let's go back to the den and wait for him there" Winston said. We nodded and followed Winston to the den. When we reached it we saw Eve waiting for us. "don't you have a caribou" Eve asked. "Humphrey is hunting one for us" I said. "why should he do that and why is Sebastian here" Eve asked. "I invited them for dinner" Winston said. "why should you do that" Eve asked annoyed. "because they will defend the pack for us" Winston said. I heard eve sight. "let's wait for Humphrey" Winston said. "no need for that" Humphrey said. "how can you hunt so fast" I asked. "let's just say I have my own way of hunting" Humphrey said smiling. "let's just eat" I said. We all began to eat, when we were finished we all went to our own dens and I went to Humphrey's den because my parents let me go with him. We both went to sleep.
Four days later, Humphrey p.v
I was training with Kate and Sebastian. We have been doing every day the same. We began running three miles, after that I learned Kate some attack move, then I learned her to dodge enemies attacks and predicting the attacks he would do so she could counter them and I made her faster. I didn't learn Sebastian anything I just made him faster and stronger. Kate and Sebastian were now fighting each other, one of them had to attack and the other had to block or dodge.
They were doing this for one hour but then I heard something behind us and I could smell wolfs. I turned around and saw five wolfs hiding behind the bushes but they weren't from our pack. "go back to the pack and tell Winston that the pack is under attack" I said. "what do you mean" Kate asked but a wolf jumped to her but I saw him coming and knocked him to the ground and then I killed him. "run and tell them the plan we made five days ago, I will hold them of for ten minutes" I said. They nodded and run to the pack as fast as they could. "what are you doing here" I asked angry. "we want you death" a wolf said and attacked me but I countered his attack and killed him by breaking his neck but before he died he let out a howl to inform his pack.
Kate p.v
We were running but we then heard a wolf howl. "we have to go faster" I said. After two minutes running we reached the pack and saw all the wolfs look at us. We run to my parents den and saw them looking outside. "you have to call the pack and warn them because we are being attacked" I said. "you told me they would attack tomorrow" Winston asked. "I guess they decided to attack earlier but hurry Humphrey will return in five minutes" Sebastian said. We then heard Winston howl for the pack.
All the wolfs were here within a few minutes. "all alphas and omegas get in my den because we are being attacked" Winston said. They all looked scared because they have never seen Winston talk like that but they all nodded and walked to the den. When everyone was inside we waited for a few minutes and saw Humphrey running to us.
Humphrey p.v
I saw that all the wolfs were in the den luckily. I run to them. "Kate you stay here for if any wolf will get throw. Sebastian and me will fight them" I said. We walked halfway down and waited there for the enemy to come. We saw them coming to us with angry faces. "that are more than thirty wolfs" I said. "they would send thirty wolfs to kill you but now they know that I joined you they send almost fifty" Sebastian said. "you go and stand a little higher" I said and he walked a little back. I saw all the wolfs running to me and start to attack me but they were weaker than me so I could kill them easy without getting hurt. I saw five wolfs coming to me but I could see that they were stronger than the other wolfs. I started to attack them. After I killed two I felt a wolf hit me in my side and was bleeding bad but I still could fight but not as good as the beginning. they were all attacking me but I couldn't them all.
Kate p.v
I saw that Humphrey was hurt bad. I wanted to help him but my dad stopped me. "I'm sure he will survive" Winston said. We watched for a little longer an after five minutes he killed them but he was hurt very bad. There were only twenty wolfs left and they all run to Humphrey to attack him because he had to die.
Humphrey p.v
I killed the five wolfs but saw then all the remaining wolfs come to me and they all started to attack me. I saw that Sebastian was trying to help me but I told him to go back and stay with Kate. I killed two wolfs and injured six but then a wolf bit my front leg until I heard it break and fell to the ground in pain. They all walked to Kate and the others and began to attack them but they were holding them back. Until one wolf hit Kate and knocked her unconscious and I was filled with anger. I stood up ignoring all the pain I had and run to Kate and killed the wolfs who attacked her after I killed eight more someone grabbed me by my throat and threw me of the cliff. When I hit the ground I yelped for a few seconds but then everything went black.
Sebastian p.v
We were fighting them but it were to many and they overpower us but when someone hit Kate I saw Humphrey coming but he was hurt badly. There were only five wolfs left and it seemed like we were winning but then a wolf picked Humphrey by the throat and threw him of the cliff. When he hit the ground we could hear him yell in pain but he was left unconscious after a few seconds from blood lose. I killed the remaining five wolfs without getting hit.
Winston p.v
I ran to Kate to look if she was alright. When I reached her I saw she had only a few small cuts on her body. I called a healer to heal her, I then looked to Sebastian and saw he wasn't here anymore. I saw that he was crying next to a body and then remembered it was Humphrey and run to Sebastian. I sat next to Sebastian and looked at Humphrey and saw that he was in the worst shape I have ever seen a wolf but I saw he was still breathing but slowly and he was losing a lot of blood and he had probably an internal bleeding because of the fall he made. "I will get the healers" I said. He nodded and I left to find the healers and saw them working on Kate. "she will be alright follow me now" I said. "she is your own daughter how can you say something like that to her" Eve yelled. "did you forgot about Humphrey" I said angry because no one cared about him. "but where is he" Eve asked. "he is down the hill and he will die if we don't help him" I said. "why didn't we remember about him. How stupid can we be" Eve said. "just take all the healers and follow me. We have to bring him to the healers den" I said. They all followed me but Lilly stopped me. "why aren't you helping Kate she is your daughter remember" Lilly said sad. "are you all blinded. She isn't hurt bad, if we don't help Humphrey he will be the one who will die" I said angry. "I want you to stay with Kate and come to us when she is awake" Eve said.
When we reached Humphrey we saw a pool of blood around him and if we didn't hurry he would die from blood lose. "we have to stop the bleeding before we bring him to the healers den" Eve said. They all tried to stop the bleeding but he had so many wounds it was almost impossible to stop the bleeding. They first began to put leaves on the biggest wounds and then on the smaller wounds. After twenty minutes they stopped the bleeding. I put Humphrey on my back but when he touched me I heard him whimper in pain but he was still unconscious so I didn't understand how he could feel it. I started to run to the healers den with Humphrey on my back.
We reached the healers den and when I dropped Humphrey I could see he was in a lot of pain but I didn't know how bad he was injured because it was night and he was covered in leaves. The healers told me to leave and wait outside the den until they were done with Humphrey. I walked outside the den and waited for the healers to come out the den. After thirty minutes one healer came out the den. "we can't fix his wounds because we can't see how bad it is so we have to wait for tomorrow morning" the healer said. "is there really nothing you can do" I asked. "I'm afraid not, one healer will stay awake tonight so if something happens to Humphrey she can work on her. if Humphrey will survive this night without something bad happen to him there is a possibility that he will survive but it is a small one" the healer said. "can I get Eve to tell her that we have to go back to the den" I asked. "I will get her for you because I don't want anyone to see Humphrey in his state" the healer said and walked back in the den. I saw Eve come out alone and saw that she was sad. "I think he won't make it this night" Eve said sad. "how will tell this to Kate" I said. "I don't know but we will tell her tomorrow let's go back to the den and get some sleep" Eve said. I nodded and began to walk back to our den.
When we reached it we saw the whole family there. "will Humphrey make it" Lilly asked. "I think he won't but we can still hope he will" I said. "I thought you went to him an heal him" Lilly asked. "we did but we can't heal him if we can't see him in the dark" Eve said. "if he will survive this night he has a small chance to survive" I said. "we will go to him tomorrow and see if Humphrey survived" Eve said. "can we stay here for the night because I don't want to walk back to the pack" Tony said. "you can but don't make any noise" Eve said. They nodded and we all went to sleep.
Kate p.v
I woke up in the morning and didn't remember what happened. After thinking a while I remembered that I was knocked out by a wolf and that Humphrey was hurt badly but I know he won't die because of the wounds he had. I looked around and saw that my dad was the only one who was awake. "I guess we won the fight" I said with a smile. "we did but there is a big chance Humphrey will die" Winston said sad. My smile disappeared, "but he wasn't that bad injured to die" I said. "he wasn't when you were knocked out" Winston said. "but I saw that he couldn't even walk but I'm sure he won't die from the wounds he had" I said. "after you were knocked out Humphrey was so anger that he didn't feel the pain in his body but after he killed some wolfs he was grabbed by another wolf and he threw him of the hill" Winston said. "how big is the chance he will survive" I asked sad. "not very big but we can go to the healers den to see if he survived the night" Winston said. I nodded and walked out of the den with my dad behind me.
When we reached the healing den we walked inside and saw the healers working on Humphrey. "we have to go outside until they are finished" Winston said. We walked out of the den and waited for the healers to come. We were sitting there for five minutes and saw my mom and Lilly coming. "I'm glad to see that you woke up" Eve said and they both sit next to us.
We waited for two hours and saw one healer coming to us. "he is still alive but is in a bad shape" he said. "how bad is it" I asked. "he has three broken legs, all his ribs broken, an internal bleeding and a few more bones broken" the healer said. "when will he wake up" Winston asked. "I don't know but if he will wake up he will be in a lot of pain" the healer said. "can we see him" I asked. She thought for a bit but she let us in. we walked in the den an saw Humphrey laying there with a lot of blood on his body. "can I ask you a question" Winston asked the healer. "what do you want to know" the healer asked. "when I picked Humphrey up last night I could hear him whimper from the pain but he was unconscious the whole time so how could he still feel the pain" Winston asked. "we don't know because nobody has ever done that before" the healer said.
We stayed there for a hour and then walked back to our den but then I remembered something. "I will go to Sebastian" I said. "why do you want to go to him" Eve asked. "I thought he was a healer as well and that he knew more than our healers" I said. "you are right. You can go to him and ask him" Winston said. I run to Sebastian's den and saw him laying there. "I see you finally woke up" Sebastian said angry. "why are you mad at me" I asked surprised. "because you were only knocked out and Humphrey was dying but still everyone was worried about you and not Humphrey" he said. "they didn't even pay attention to him" I asked shocked. "no they did when I told them about Humphrey" he said. "I will talk to them about that but I have to ask you something" I said and he nodded. "I thought you were a healer but why don't you heal Humphrey like you did the other day" I asked. "because I had some special berries and other stuff but I took them with me. I used the last of them the last time because I thought he wouldn't get hurt again but I was wrong" Sebastian said. "why don't you get them again" I asked. "there are only two places to find them and that is in my old pack and the other place is one month away from here" he said. "that's all I want to know and thanks for your time" I said and walked away.
I walked back to my den and saw my parents and Lilly waiting there. "what did he tell you" Eve asked. I told them everything he told me. "but I have to ask you something to" I said. "what do you want to know" Winston asked. "Sebastian told me when the fight was over you all ignored Humphrey and only looked to see if I was right why was that" I asked. They all looked at each other. "uh… we forgot about Humphrey" Winston said sad. "how could you forgot about him when he was the one who saved us and almost died" I yelled angry. "we are really sorry but we hoped that you would be alright" Eve said. "I wasn't even hurt" I said still angry. "we really are sorry" Winston said. "I don't care, I hope that Humphrey will wake up or I will never forget what you did" I said and walked out of the den angry.
I went to the healers den to see if Humphrey had woken up. when I reached the den I saw that Humphrey hadn't woken up and saw that he was breathing really slow. I would say he was breathing three times slower than another injured wolf an five times slower than me. "I'm sorry for what I did to you" I said with tears. "I hope you will be alright" I said and walked back to the exit. "it wasn't your fault and whatever happens I will always love you" Humphrey said. I looked around but saw that Humphrey was still unconscious. I guess it was my imagination I thought. I walked back to the den and saw that only my parents were there. "where is Lilly" I asked. "she left to find Garth but what were you doing" Eve asked. "I visited Humphrey" I said. "I think that he still didn't wake up" Winston asked. I nodded and tried to get some more sleep.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Leave a review to let me know what you thought about this chapter.