Like You Know Me…


I just.. had a lot of stuff to do and.. yeah..

Thank you all who reviewed, you help much cx

Sooo, yeah.. got nothing else really to say… soo… yep..

Enjoy!{If you can..}

Chapter 4:

Hiccup blinked rapidly as he fixed the collar of his uniform shirt, running his hands down the shirt to smooth the creases after he was done. It was the following Wednesday of…. that Saturday. Hiccup didn't leave the house once after what happened on Saturday. It had snowed till Sunday morning, making Monday and Tuesday be canceled for school- which was good because for the first time in his whole school career, Hiccup didn't finish the homework given to him on Friday. He usually finishes it on Sunday easily but so many things were on his mind…

Hiccup shook his head slightly, not letting that thought return to him. He sat on his bed to pull on his dress shoes, fixing the laces once that was done. Jack had visited him on Sunday. Well… not visited really… More like, he knocked on Hiccup's front door but didn't get an answer (Hiccup was actually eating a bagel Sunday morning, walking around in nothing but boxers and a shirt, when Jack knocked. He practically choked on his breakfast when he realized that it was the white haired boy from across the street…). Hiccup… wasn't exactly sure on how he felt about what happened.

First off, what did happen? Jack kissed me when I was about to head into my house! Maybe that was just a way to say goodbye- he did say he traveled a lot so maybe it's like… another state's way of saying goodbye? I don't know… What really upsets me is that… I didn't… hate it… But that doesn't mean I like him! I don't! I just have never gotten any attention from anyone… Not that I think he is giving me attention! Gahh! Why does this have to be so confusing!

Hiccup shook his head more furiously, his face feeling hot. He stood from his bed and made his way out to the hall, stopping abruptly as soon as the smell of breakfast rushed into his nostrils. He blinked multiple times before sniffing again, bacon being the scent that stuck out to Hiccup. Did… someone break into the house to make breakfast..? Hiccup hurried down the rest of the hall, peering around the edge of the wall to look at the kitchen door. He felt his nervousness increase. He backed away from the edge, turning and slowly moving a decorative shield off the wall.

The shield was heavy, really heavy for Hiccup, with a red and white design on the front of it. The white out lined the red, thick lines coming from this outline and meeting the middle of the shield in different ways. It was mostly wood but the extras, like the middle and the outer rim, were pure steel. Hiccup heaved the shield onto his arm, placing it through the holder so that he could hold it easier. For a decorative piece, this thing surely does seem like it's the real deal… Is this blood right here? He was pulled from his thoughts as a loud bang coming from the room he was fearing of entering.

Hiccup gulped before beginning his movement to the door. He made sure that he stayed quiet as he went, not wanting to make whoever was in there aware that he was ...well...there. He came to the door, taking long breaths in and then releasing them at the same speed. He went of his 'attack plan' in his head, which wasn't very good, before pushing himself through the door, his eyes instantly going in the direction of the stove, raising the shield defensively.

"You need to get ou-" Hiccup's 'threatening' voice stopped in his throat when the recognized the man that was in the kitchen. His father turned around and looked at him, his eyes rather wide. He was wearing a long, dull green shirt and tan pants that led down to his bare feet. He held a pair of tongs in his hand, his long beard in a huge hair net.

"Ah, good morning son. I see you.. were.. looking at our decor?" He tilted his head slightly to the side, his eyes still somewhat wide. Hiccup stared at him in silence, letting the shield hold stand on the ground. Hiccup's father blinked, looking away from his standing son after a moment of silence.

"So, uhm, do you want breakfast? I made some scrambled eggs here.." He grabbed a white bowl that was hidden from Hiccup behind his big body, turning back to Hiccup and smiling widely, holding the bowl out in front of him. Hiccup said nothing, making his father's smile falter; he then set the bowl back on the counter, his smile slowly pulling up again as he heard the bacon pop. "Or maybe, Bacon? Some pieces are.. a little burned.. but I guess they're okay.." He turned back to the fry pan that the bacon was cooking in. "I mean, I haven't done this in a while but …." He chuckled lightly. "Do you want any, Hiccup?" He glanced over his shoulder, noticing his son not there.

Hiccup shut the door behind him in a rush, walking swiftly down the driveway and to the sidewalk, his eyes on the ground. He…. He expects me to know how to...respond to that? He's been distant ever since mom died five years ago.. And then, all of a sudden he makes me breakfast? What is this? Hiccup slowed his steps, his breathing increasing in speed. He slowly moves his hand to his stomach, clenching the shirt in front of his stomach. This is… so much and… I just… He shut his eyes tightly, his grip on his shirt doing the same. I'm probably just… over reacting but… but…

"...Are you okay Freckles..?" The voice was soft and filled with worry, a hand making it's way to the top of Hiccup's head. Hiccup's eyes instantly popped open and he turned, looking at Jack with his mouth slightly open. Jack stared into his eyes, his hand that was on top of Hiccup's head moving slowly through his hair. "You were just.. standing here and when I called.. you didn't say anything.. Is everything okay?" The worry in his voice stood out more than before.

Hiccup looked at him for a moment, his gaze faltering. "I'm fine.." He mumbled, stepping away from Jack and pushing the hand that was in his hair away. He turned and continued to make his way down the sidewalk, trying to ignore the burning in his cheeks. Jack sighed deeply before checking up to Hiccup in a jog.

"You know… You can tell me what's got you upset. I could probably help you know…" Jack walked with his gaze to the sidewalk, his hands in his pants pockets. "I'm good with.. dealing with hurt.. Ive had a lot of practice with it.." He brought one of his hands out of his pocket to rub the back of his neck, a sad smile appearing on his lips.

Hiccup glanced at him, biting his lip slightly because of his words. "I'm fine.." His words came out way too harshly so he continued. "T-thank you… But I'm really okay… I have a lot of practice for dealing it by myself so…" He made his voice softer. Jack went silent and Hiccup didn't try to start up any conversation. Hiccup stiffened when he felt fingers on his arm , glancing at Jack for an instant but he didn't say anything. Jack didn't stop at Hiccup's wrist this time; he placed his hand in Hiccup's, intertwining his fingers with his. Hiccup didn't move his hand away but he didn't… hold Jack's hand back {If that makes sense..}. He let his hand lay limp as they continued to walk, the school not to far away.

Hiccup's face was flushed.. badly. Hes actually holding my hand this time! This is not.. This is..! Gahh! What in the name of the gods is this person thinking! He makes me… nervous… No, not nervous… I just… I don't know how to-

"You know… you could hold my hand to…" Jack's words caught Hiccup off guard. His eyes widened and he stayed silent. His blushed deeper and took a deep breath, about to grip the others hand when he looked up, the school basically right in front of him. He pulled his hand away from Jack's instantly, his face still deathly red. Crap! I didn't know we were this close! What if someone had saw us? His eyes flickered around him somewhat frantically, heading up the small steps that led into the medium sized school.

Hiccup walked towards his first class, weaving around the students like he always does. He forgot that Jack was behind him, but was reminded when a tug on his bookbag brought him to a halt. "What the he-"

"I have to go meet with someone… I'll see you in class, Freckles.." The white haired boy's lips were centimeters away from Hiccup's ear, his words barely above a mutter. Hiccup shuttered slightly, continuing his walk. Jack turned with a small smile and headed in the direction that the two had just came in, sticking his hands in his pockets once more.

Hiccup finally made it to his first class, knowing that he still had many minutes before the class actually started. He really needs to stop doing that… And I need to stop acting like an idiot when he does! Hiccup shook his head, not helping his spinning thoughts. He took out the items needed for his class, setting them on his desk. He knew that his cheeks were still red but he tried to ignore it completely. Me getting all flushed over what a guy did is just… Is just…!

"Gah!" Hiccup couldn't help but say rather loudly. He ran his hands through his hair, pressing his forehead down on his desk. He makes me feel weird… And I can't decide if the feeling is good or bad… Thats what… scares me the most…

"Hiccup, sweetie, are you okay?" 's voice came from above Hiccup. The green eyed boy sat up, surprised to notice that the teacher had gotten over to him without making any sound. Her eyes were friendly and she was smiling lightly. Hiccup swallowed and rubbed the back of his head with his hand.

"Oh, I'm fine .. Just… A little confused is all…" Hiccup mumbled, he face continuing on it's 'blushing spree'.

"Well, what are you confused about? I may be able to clear up this confusion if you tell me about it.." Miss. Johnson said in her naturally friendly voice. She sat down in the seat in front of Hiccup's, her legs in the isle, not under the desk. Hiccup rubbed his arm. I should say something to someone at least… and I won't have to say his name.. or that it's a he!

"Oh.. Okay.. Uhm.. so there is this person who… who has been… uh. doing like.." Hiccup searched for the right words, his hands moving in small circles. "..Things that I shouldn't like but when they do it I find myself not hating it so I…I'm not to sure if it's good or not and.. uh…" Hiccup's face was serious yet troubled.

still had the small smile on her face. "Hiccup, is this person doing.. how should I put this… relationship stuff with you, even though you both aren't in a relationship?"

Hiccup blinked a couple of time, nodding slowly. "Yeah.." Wow… she figured it out by just me saying that? Wow… talented woman… took a deep breath, looking to the floor. Her smile widened and she shook her head slowly.

"Hiccup, you obviously like this person like they like you. If you didn't, you wouldn't be confused and messed up about it." She looked at his bright red face with a warm smile before standing up. "Well, class is about to start in a couple of minutes. I hope what I have said helped you and your confusions." She turned with a small nod and made her way back to her desk.

Hiccup covered his burning face with his hand. I...I like him? No! That can't be! I'm not gay and even if I was, Jack would never like me back! I mean, yeah he has practically held my hand twice and kissed me on the cheek but that doesn't mean he likes me! Wait.. Hiccup.. that does sound pretty stupid.. But he doesn't like me! I swear it! Hiccup let his hand fall from his face; he then pressed his forehead to his desk gently, shutting his eyes somewhat tightly.

"He can't like me… He doesn't even know me…"


Hiccup walked into the lunchroom, his fingers wrapped around his backpack straps. The lunchroom was a big room with two sets of doors that we parallel to each other but about five yards apart. The room was brightly lit and the 'food line' was on the wall opposite of the wall of the doors. The tables that were placed in this room were circular, able to hold twelve students to each one.

Hiccup walked over to the table that he had sat in since the first day of school, Jack, who, of course, had followed the auburn haired boy here, walked after him. Hiccup sat down he stuff next to seat, Jack doing the same with his stuff, before heading over to the line; Jack stood behind him.

"I smell steak. Is there steak today?" Jack sounded way to excited about steak, his eyes were wide and a wide smile appeared on his face.

Hiccup rolled his eyes. " I don't know.. Do I look like a lunch lady to you?" He mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Nah.. You could never be a lunch lady Freckles.." Jack sniffed, his gaze moving from the plates of other students (to see if there was steak.. yeah…) to the boy who was crossing his arms.

"Oh, is that because I'm not a women, maybe?" Hiccup only half cared, and this clearly showed in his tone of voice.

Jack chuckled lightly. "No.. because lunch ladies are.. bawny." He said in his cocky voice, his white teeth showing. Hiccup stiffened, his brow furrowing. He turned around, meeting the white haired boy's now smirking face.

" I might not be the strongest person but.. do you remember what happened Saturday? Who got hit in the face with a snowball, Hm?" His voice was challenging. A small smile of satisfaction had formed on his face.

Jack's smirk slowly disappeared, replaced by a genuine smile. "Of course I remember Saturday.. How could I forget?" Hiccup blinked, taking in his words. He turned, his face becoming red. Really? I'm blushing again?! The line finally shortened to where Hiccup and Jack were able to get their food, and yes, there was steak. Hiccup grabbed the same things he usually got, peanut butter and jelly, an apple, and a roll, and headed back to his seat. After a moment, Jack sat down in the seat on the other side of the table, his plate piled high with two pieces of the small steak and two rolls as well.

Hiccup gave him a strange look. "Two? Really Frost?" His voice was numb.

"Hey, I got muscles to feed, Freckles. And plus the steak is wonderful. It has this seasoning and with these buttery rolls- Mmm!" He cut himself off by shoving a piece of steak into his mouth with his fork. Hiccup rolled his eyes before tending to his own food, opening his peanut butter and jelly.

Hiccup wasn't aware of Astrid coming closer to the two boys. For some odd reason, the rough looking girl sat next to Hiccup; she was to close. Astrid had a small smirk on her face as she looked across the table at Jack, her face in her hands and her elbows on the table. Jack looked up at her, his eyes flickering between her and Hiccup. Astrid pushed herself from the table and scooted closer to Hiccup,her gaze moving slowly to Hiccup.

"Hey Reese Cup. How has your day been?" Her voice was… different. It was light and fluffy, way different from her real voice. Hiccup cocked an eyebrow at the new use of name.

"Uh, Reese Cup..? What is.. a Reese Cup?" Hiccup was rather confused. He had never heard of the term 'Reese'. He knew what a cup was… but the first part was a mystery to him.

Astrid made some sort of pfsh~ sound. "You don't know what a Reese Cup is? Have you even lived?" She shook her head, rolling her eyes slightly. "A Reese Cup is this candy that has a milk-chocolate coating with peanut butter in the middle." She explained, her fingers making a medium sized circle . "It's about this big. They are, by far, the best candy I have ever had." She smiled somewhat widely.

Hiccup was still confused. "But.. why are you calling me that?" He tilted his head to the side slightly. Astrid smirk appeared again. She leaned closer to Hiccup, a hand reaching up. Her finger gently set in his cheek, her smirk still on her face.

"Because, Hiccup, you're my little Reese Cup~" She breathed. Hiccup blinked multiple times, his eyes wide. He expected a blush to appear on his face but nothing came.



Hiccup turned his gaze away from Astrid to where the sound was coming from. Jack was now standing, his hair covering his eyes. He picked up his tray and turned, making his way over to the trash cans. Hiccup watched him go, noticing that one and a half steaks were on his plate. He can't be finished… He was so excited about eating them a moment ago… Astrid moved away from Hiccup, removing her hand, the smirk still on her face. Hiccup blinked and turned his gaze to her for a moment, tilting his head slightly once more.

Jack came back, but he didn't sit. He grabbed his bag, flung it over his shoulder, and headed out of the lunchroom, not giving Hiccup or Astrid another look. Astrid stood once he had left the room and headed back over to… where ever she came from, leaving Hiccup there alone. Hiccup blinked. What.. just happened… I feel like I did something wrong… He rubbed the back of his neck, now not feeling very hungry. I'm sure.. I didn't do anything… but… I'll ask… just in case…

For the rest of the day, Jack said nothing to Hiccup, and Hiccup was hating it. Yes, Jack usually talked too much and some of the things he says makes Hiccup rather… flustered… Hiccup just… didn't like him being silent. Usually, he would go on and on about things that happened in Band right now.. Hiccup glanced behind him at the other. The two boys were walking home; Jack was walking behind Hiccup, like he normally did, but Hiccup noticed that he was.. further away than normal. Hiccup sighed heavily, looking back in front of him.

Now I know I did something wrong… But what could it have been? I didn't say anything that rude to him today.. did I? No, I didn't… Hhe has no right to be mad at me then! So I shouldn't worry about it! Hiccup nodded once, his chin moving upwards slightly. He began to take more confident strides but slowly went back to his normal steps, he chin moving back down. I tell myself that yet… yet I can't shake the feeling that I did do something wrong… He let out another sigh, noticing his and Jack's houses were rather close now.

Hiccup slowed to a stop right before he had to turn down his driveway. His gaze went to the other boy who was crossing the street, his hands in his pockets. Hiccup opened his mouth to say something but shut it. Maybe… I should just let him be mad at me… Itll make me… get irritated at him again… then these.. these feeling would.. disappear… Hiccup turned, the front of his body now facing Jack's house.

"Hey, uh…" The words came out of his mouth hesitantly, his cheeks growing warm. Jack stopped and looked over his shoulder at Hiccup. He was still in the street but he was closer to his house than Hiccup's. Hiccup stared at him, his eyes growing wide. He shut his mouth and looked to the ground. He rubbed his arm slightly, continuing. "Uh.. I can tell you're.. mad at me or something and you need to tell me what I did cause I'm not to sure what I did.." The words came out in a rush.

Jack looked at him, turning slightly to face him. "Why should I tell you?" His words weren't harsh.. the were said softly and somewhat quietly.

"Uhm.. okay.. you dont have to tell me.. But is there something I can do to make it up to you or something like that?" Hiccup was surprised at how.. small his voice was. Jack just stared at him for a moment, his face blank. A small smile slowly appeared on his face.

"You can make it up by coming over for dinner tonight. Be there at eight." He turned back forward and continued to walk to his house, stopping abruptly after about four steps. He glanced over his shoulder at Hiccup. "Oh and, wear something nice." He added before turning back and started heading toward his house again.

Hiccup blinked, watching him head up his stairs and enter his house. Come over? For dinner? He'll stop being mad at me? Hiccup turned back to his house, gripping his back pack strap in his hand. His expression was blank as he entered his home, dropping his bag down on the floor. He headed back to his room without a word, shutting the door behind him when he entered.

"Does he mean suit nice or just… nice nice? I don't think I own a suit so…" Hiccup sucked in a breath when he remembered. He cautiously walked over to his closet, hesitating before opening the door. He pushed some of his clothing over, the grey-purple box now being seen. Hiccup stared at it for a moment and took a deep breath before picking it up gently. He fell to the ground, ignoring the small pain on his rear because of this. He crossed his legs, the box now in front of him. He ran his fingers carefully on the edges of it, finally lifting the lid with a gentle motion.

The suit sitting in the box was folded rather nicely. It was a black suit with a Cal Poly Pomona green* tie. Hiccup knew that his shirt and vest was under the jacket itself, but all he did was stare at the contents in the box. He took another breath, shaking his lightly. I promised I would never wear this again… This is what I wore at the.. funeral.. That was the first and last time I would ever wear it… He nodded his head once and hesitated with putting the lip back on. He bit his lip before carefully pulling out the green tie out of the box, shutting it once the tie was safely placed the box back in it's spot in his closet before rummaging through his clothing.

" It's fine.. I know I have least a vest in here… I won't were a full suit but.. I'll look nice.." He muttered to himself as he continued to go through his closet.

Hiccup stepped out of his room, running his hands through his hair- I mean, it has to look at least a little better than it normally does, right? He had finally found the things needed for his outfit in his father's closet. He was wear a white shirt with a light grey vest over it. The green tie he had taken out of the box was tucked neatly under his vest; his trousers were the same color as his vest. Hiccup decided that he hadn't grown much since he was younger because he didn't remember where he had gotten these item…

Hiccup shook his head, adjusting his vest with a small tug. He looked at the rather old looking clock that was in his living room, noting that it was around seven fifty eight (7:58). Hiccup decided that since it was only across the street, he would leave at seven fifty nine (7:59). He sighed and started to pace right there, crossing his arms over his chest. I'm getting so worked up over this when I shouldn't.. It only Jack's house! Ive been there before! Only… this time.. it's not for school work or anything school related… Hiccup felt his cheeks heat up. He patted them with both of his hands, wanting them to just.. stop.

"No.. No blushing Hiccup! You are acting like such a girl…" He mumbled, trying to ignore the fact that it wasn't going away. He looked back at the clock, realizing that it was now eight. Shit! He practically ran to the door, opening it in a hurry and stepping out of his house, shutting the door behind him. He took a deep breath before stepping away from his door, heading down his driveway.

He came to the street separating him from Jack's house. He crossed with ease, his pace somewhat slowing as he grew closer to his house. You just… need to calm down Hiccup… It's only dinner.. It's not that big of a deal.. He was climbing the other's steps now, her heart beating out of his chest. He breathed in deeply again, letting it out slowly. He stood in front of the door for a moment before slowly extending his hand and pressed the doorbell.

After a few moments of nothing happening, the door opened, revealing a fully suited out Jack. He was smiling slightly as he leaned on the door frame, looking Hiccup up and down slowly. Hiccup stared at Jack, not able to tear his eyes away. Jack's jacket was dark grey, lighter grey, thin lines running down it vertically. His undershirt was a light blue and his tie was a dark, deep blue. His hair, instead of a messy type of part, was moved to one side, making him look much more older than he was. The suit fit Jack perfectly; it followed the teen's lean body with such precision.. When Jack's smile changed to a cocky grin, Hiccup saw his pearly white teeth flash. This… was a horrible… horrible idea...

"Wow, Freckles. You look really nice. And, I know I do too so, you don't have to stare." Jack's tone was slightly more cocky than his regular voice was. Hiccup flicked his eyes to Jack's blue one's, meeting his gaze for a moment before tearing his eyes away, now looking at the porch below him. His cheeks {Of course..} lit up with a red tint. Dammit Hiccup! Being way to girly! Jack smirked and stepped back, gesturing for Hiccup to enter. His hand was holding open the door for him, his other held outwards in the gesture.

"Well, come in. You know where the dining room is.." His voice was still in the same tone. Hiccup muttered a thanks, still not looking at Jack, before heading into the house that he had only been in once. He climb up the stairs carefully, running his hand on the rail as he went. He got to the top of the steps in no time, Jack not to far behind him. The scent of food filled his wrapped around him, making him take a long whiff in.

Hiccup made his way over to the dining room door, opening it with his hand. As soon as Hiccup opened the door enough for his face to be seen, Emma was running at him with her arms stretched out. She hugged him tightly, making the green eyed boy make a small mff sound due to her tight squeezing.

"Hiccup! I'm so glad you came!" Her voice was very joyful. "When Jack came home and told me that he had invited you to dinner, I practically screamed I was so happy!" Her smile widened. "Oh! Look at my dress!" She stepped back, grabbing both sides of the skirt part of the dress, pulling it to one side and then to the other, making it swish slightly. The dress was mainly white, it's top and it's bottom had a fancy lace pattern; a black ribbon wrapped around the waist of the girl made a small bow closer to the right side of her body than the left side. Hiccup nodded multiple times while he stepped into the dining room, Jack moving around the two and heading to a door on the far end of the room.

"You look very nice Emma. And you put your hair up! It looks very good like that.." Hiccup couldn't help but smile as Emma beamed up at him, her smile somehow growing wider. She twirled in a circle, her pony tail hitting her ear gently when she stopped.

"Thank you! Jack said that I needed to look nice… But, he probably spent more time on his appearance then I did.." She looked at him and, after a moment, nudged him with her elbow. "I wonder why.." She emphasized 'wonder' when she spoke. Hiccup could feel his face heating up so he looked away from the girl, turning his gaze to the table. Three chairs had silverware placed on the table in front of them. Hiccup slowly moved over to the table, standing behind one of the chairs. He picked up the knife laying in front of it, running his fingers on the piece of silver. Emma sat down in the chair at the end of the table, the one between the two other chairs. She fluffed out the skirt part of her dress and gestured for Hiccup to sit as well.

"Every month, we have a 'fancy dinner' night sorta thing.. Usually we do it when our parents come home- they come home once a month for two through five days before leaving for their next project- but we got a call from them yesterday and they told us that they wouldn't be coming home this month…" Emma trailed off, picking up her fork to mess with it. "Which sucks because it's December…" She trailed off once more, her gaze moving up to Hiccup. "..They won't be here for Christmas or Jack's birthday.."

Hiccup took a quick breath in, this information running through his head. Jack probably is… hurt in some way about this.. I mean, I know he isn't the kind of person that would actually tell someone that he was hurt but... His eyes traveled to the door Jack had disappeared into; he jumped slightly when the door was pushed open, revealing Jack who held two plates. He walked over steadily, setting one of the plates down in front of Emma and the other one in front of the still standing Hiccup.

Hiccup looked at his plate, realizing that he had been right. The plate held a mound of spaghetti with-what Hiccup guessed- Alfredo sauce covering the whole thing. He smiled lightly when Emma made small mmm sound. Jack went back through the door only to reappear almost instantly with his own plate. He made his way over to his seat that was across from Hiccup's, setting his plate on the table before sitting down in his chair. Hiccup finally sat as well, still looking at his plate.

"What? Have you never had pasta like this?" Jack's cool voice didn't scare him this time. Hiccup shook his head slowly, looking up at him cautiously.

"No, I have, I just don't see you making this…" He trailed off, his eyes going back down to his food. He picked up his fork, stabbing the pasta lightly before beginning to twirl his fork with his hand.

"Oh, yes! Jack is a rather good cook. He makes me dinner every night!" Emma exclaimed, her mouth full with the noodles. Hiccup glanced at her with a slight smile before turning back to his food. He sniffed at it before placing the small amount into his mouth. His eyes went wide because of the amazing taste that filled his mouth as he chewed. He looked at Jack, noticing the blue eyed boy watching him.

"Do you like it?" Jack asked softly, his eyes not moving away from Hiccup's face. Hiccup nodded slowly, hastily trying to get another bite on his fork.

"It's amazing! I didn't know you could cook like this!" He exclaimed, his gaze now focused on his food.

Jack snorted a bit, his smile still showing. "Yeah? You never asked." He said, small humor in his voice. Hiccup didn't respond; instead he stuffed his face some more. The three ate with little conversation between them. The small conversing that did occur, however, was between Jack and Emma; Hiccup didn't say a word. By the end of the meal, they all were filled to the brim. Jack was the first one to stand. He gestured his hand at Emma.

"You know the rules.. I make, you clean. Come on. The sooner you get started the sooner you will be done." Jack said, quite amused when he got a groan in response to this.

"Aw, But Jaackk-"

"No buts. Go, go." Emma grumbled some more but got up and started collecting the plates and silverware. Once that was done, she headed over to the door Jack had came out with the food- Hiccup guessed that that door led to the kitchen. Hiccup pushed his seat out and stood after she left.

"I can help her. I mean, I was an extra plate so.." Hiccup trailed off, glancing at Jack who was moving closer to him.

"No, it's her job. You were no trouble.. And plus, don't you want to know why I was mad at you..?" He smiled coolly, now standing in front of Hiccup, rather close to him. Hiccup looked at him for a moment, his face growing red due to his closeness. He looked to the floor, taking a step back only to make contact with his chair. Do I.. want to know? I do.. but.. I can't really.. think straight right now… Hiccup blush deepened.

"Uh… Yes please…" He mumbled. Hiccup! Holy gods pull it together! Jack took a small shift forward, becoming even closer to Hiccup. He leaned down, his lips brushing the shorter boy's ear, causing Hiccup to shutter slightly. Jack's hand snaked it's way to the other's, gripping it gently.

"I wasn't.. really mad.. just… jealous." Jack's breath hit Hiccup's neck in wisps. Hiccup instantly reacted to this. He pulled his hand away from the other's pushing on his chest slightly as he forced himself backwards, landing on his rear in the chair. He kept his gaze to the ground, his face drowned in red.

"..What were you jealous about.? And.. and why would you even be jealous..?" Hiccup's thoughts were spinning, his stomach folding in knots; his heart beat was quickened dangerously. He placed one hand in his lap and the other one on the table, clenching both of them into fists.

"Astrid." Jack's voice was soft as he stood in front of the now sitting boy. He was watching Hiccup, not helping but to smile as he caught a glimpse of the shorter boy's red face.

"Why would you be jealous of Astrid..? She wasn't.. doing anything.." Hiccups voice was wavering as he spoke. I'm all.. flustered and nervous and just… It's his fault..

"Oh, many reasons." Jack sniffed, glancing at the door to the kitchen. "She can call 'Reese Cup' without being told 'Don't call me that' but I can't call you 'Freckles. She can get close to you without you.. 'freaking out' and wanting to move away and.." Hiccup blinked multiple times as he listened to Jack's words. But those things… they… he shouldn't be… if he… ".. she can also show her emotions for you without you flinching away or being 'weirded out'.."

"But I have never flinched away from you so how could you jealous of that!" The words escaped Hiccup's lips without the green eyed boy's permission. Hiccup's eyes widened when he realized what he had blurted out; he turned his head to look at the wall. What the hell are you saying Hiccup! "When you.. do those things.. I never flinch away!" Shut. Up.

Jack was looking at him with somewhat wide, surprised eyes. ".. This morning you didn't hold my hand when I tried to and just a moment ago, you pushed me away.." He muttered somewhat conclusively.

"I was going to but.. but then when I realized the school was so close I.. freaked out.. And just a moment ago, I only did that cause I just.. don't know what to do and I'm so confused and why do I continue to say stuff like this!" Hiccup shook his head , his voice staying quiet throughout his entire speech. "I.. didn't mean to push you away.. I just.." His shook his head again, still not looking at Jack. The white haired boy's hand moved to cover Hiccup's clenched hand on the table.

"Prove it.." Jack muttered, his voice now low.

"..Prove .. what?" Hiccup mumbled back, his face still very warm.

"Prove that you didn't mean to pull away just now…" He continued, leaning down so that he was closer to Hiccup's face.

"..How am I suppos-"

"Don't pull away now…" With the hand that wasn't covering Hiccup's hand, Jack reached up and grasped Hiccup's chin gently, turning his head so that Hiccup's face was facing his. He then leaned down the rest of the way, closing the gap between him and the green eyed boy, his lips pressed against the others tenderly.

Hiccup's eyes were wide, his thoughts coming to a halt. The kiss sent a fire through his body, making him feel numb. The world seemed to stop spinning as Jack continued to kiss him; Hiccup closed his eyes slowly, being pulled into the kiss even more. His lips… are cold yet soft… He felt Jack's hand that was cover his own grip it. The kiss felt.. right.. Yes, Hiccup knew that he was kissing a guy but, right now, he didn't care. All he felt was his crazily fast heartbeat and the others cold lips pressed against his own.

When Jack finally pulled away, Hiccup forced himself back down to the earth. He blinked open his eyes, being greeted by the other's blue ones. Jack, after a moment of gazing, gave a small smile smile.

"..You proved it.." He said softly, making a small huff sound with his breath. Hiccup's face lit up once again {not that it had.. 'died down'..}. He looked to the floor once again, not saying a word. He… just.. kissed me. Does.. that mean he ..likes me..? I mean.. he might.. be messing with me or.. or something like that.. But… if he does then.. then will be .. considered a...a.. coup-

The door to the kitchen swung open, making Jack take a step away quickly. Emma entered the room with an annoyed look on her face; she stopped about two feet into the room and set her hands on her hips. Hiccup looked at her, his face still red.

"Jackson, there was extra dishes in there from you actually making the meal so you have to wash up next time." She said with a sassy voice, her eyebrows raising slightly. Jack chuckled and nodded, agreeing with Emma's request. Hiccup glanced from Emma to Jack before standing slowly and shakily, his legs feeling like they wouldn't hold him up.

"Uh.. Thank you for dinner, it was really good.. I might as well get out of you guy's hair.. And plus, I have things I have to do at the house before tomorrow so.. Uhm.. again, thank you for having me over." He stammered, his hand rubbing the back of his head.

"Aww, and I didn't even get to see you really!" Emma complained. She came over to Hiccup anyway, wrapping her arms around him a little more gentler than she did before. "Well, I don't know when I'll see you again but don't let it be long." She said after she pulled away. Hiccup smiled at her and nodded.

"Okay Emma.." He muttered, the smile still on his face. Jack stepped forward, his eyes on Hiccup, grinning in a cocky way.

"I'll walk you home, Freckles." He said in his normal voice, already heading towards the door. Hiccup shook his head, jogging slightly so that he pasted Jack on his way to the door and stood in front of him.

" I mean.." He looked to the ground for a moment before looking back up at Jack. He squared his shoulders and lifted his chin slightly upward. "I can cross the street by myself; I'm not a small child. Ii don't need someone to walk me across the street…" His voice had some irritation embedded in it but not that much. He nodded once and turned towards the door, pushing it open and walking towards the stairs.

"Hiccup." Jack's voice came from behind him.

"What?" Hiccup felt arms wrap around his waist, making him stop in his steps. He was pulled till his back pressed against Jack's chest and torso. Jack leaned over Hiccup's shoulder, kissing him sweetly on the cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow.." He said quietly into Hiccup's ear, the smile on his lips being detected in his voice. Hiccup grew pink but didn't move until Jack released him. He made his way down the stairs, glancing back at Jack once he was in front of the door.

"Yeah.. I'll.. see you tomorrow.." He mumbled, noticing the boy who was standing at the top of the stairs in a suit smirk slightly. "..Jack-ass.." Hiccup finished before heading out of the door. He crossed Jack's driveway and the street swiftly, standing in front of his door in no time. He stared at his front door, the events that had taken place rushing through his head. I.. kissed a guy.. and that guy was Jack! He stepped closer to the door, leaning against it, letting his forehead rest on it gently. He face was a deep red as he studied the end of his door. I .. liked the feeling of our lips together- Ah! Talk about girly!... But.. I am not to sure where.. we are right now.. Are we.. dating or… is he just playing with me or…

Hiccup shook his head roughly, finally turning the knob and heading into his home. His thoughts were filled with the white haired boy as he made he was back to his room, unbuttoning his vest as he went. It's not like I can ask him if we are...together.. that would be to.. to.. He let his vest fall to the floor as he shut his bedroom door behind him. He kicked off his shoes, walking aimlessly over to his bed and plopping down on it.

"I'll.. worry about this in the morning.. I'm.. so tired.." He wrapped his arms around his pillow, pulling it close to him and resting his head on it. I do- I hate to admit- ...Jack… I just.. don't know what is running through.. his mind… I'll ask.. him… tomorrow… I guess…

His thoughts trailed off as the auburn haired boy fell into a soundless sleep.


Sooo, tell meh what you think! cx

If you hated it.. tell me.. please cause, I NEED TO KNOW IF I JUST TOOK A HORRIBLE TURN DOWN THE WRONG LANE {.. I'm a little weird.. sowie..}

Again, sorry about the rather late update.. I just.. with school and everything else.. yeah..

Thank youz for reading!

~TheFuzzyKitten c: