Like You Know Me...

Hello everyone cx. Sooo, this is my attempt at my Second Fanfiction..

Please, Tell meh what I can do better! I feel like I rushed this… like there isn't enough detail at some parts…

Anyways, please leave a review.. if you want..


~Enjoy {If you can..}


Chapter One:

The small one moved down the hall, staggering slightly. He kept his head towards the ground, not wanting to step on others feet like he did last time. A small shudder went through his body as the auburn haired boy remembered the time he had, in fact, stepped on a much, much bigger boy's foot...Lets just say it didn't end well. The green-eyed one shook his head slightly as he maneuvered around other students, seeing the door to his class not to far down the hall. I might actually get to class without any trouble.. Then, he was one the floor.

"Hey! Watch where you're going, you stupid ass!" The remark came from above the boy now on the ground.

"Bro! Isn't that Hiccup?" Another voice came, somewhat further away, from what Hiccup could tell.

"Oh, youre right, Jason." The other scoffed. Now, Hiccup was being hoisted up, his backpack discarded on the floor. He was pushed forcefully onto the wall closest to where he had fallen. Hiccup's head was spinning, not to sure what was happening or how it happened.

"Yeah! Teach him a lesson,Garrett!" Jason's call was now closer. Hiccup blinked and stared somewhat wide eyed at Garrett, his hands finding their way to the ones that held him up by his shirt. His legs squirmed slightly in the air, hitting the wall he was pressed up to a few times. His eyes flicked from Garrett to the now gathering crowd.

"Well?" Garrett hissed, shaking Hiccup slightly, making his eyes instantly move back to the blonde. "Aren't you going to apologize to me, Fishbone? Or am I going to have to force you to do so?" Hiccup gulped and wrapped his fingers around the other's wrists, not that his fingers were long enough to go all the way around them.

"I'm sorry.." He muttered, meaning it only to the extent that he didn't really feel like getting the shit beat out of him today.

"No. Its 'I am so sorry Garret, all great and mighty. I shall never present my waste-of-space-self to you ever again and, if I do, I give you the permission to hit me however many times you wish.'" He sounded amused throughout his whole "speech".

Hiccup bit the inside of his mouth to stop himself from giving a smart remark to the stronger teen. He repeated what Garrett had told him to say, somewhat annoyed with himself. All you would have to do is become strong like your father but no! Of course he couldn't really blame himself for this, for, he couldn't ... help it. He was born with a small frame and fragile bones. But really, he wasn't that skinny. Yes, Garrett was able to pick him up with ease but that was because the blonde hair, blue eyed male was huge. He was stocky, standing at 6'2 easily, with 210 pounds of probably nothing but muscle. Hiccup, on the other hand, was again, small framed, 5'5 and 127 pounds. He had some muscle, but his weight didn't come from them like Garrett's. He wasn't the smallest boy in his grade, but he was probably a close,close close, second.

"Good boy, Hiccup!" Garrett said in a high-pitched, baby voice- the kind you used for a dog. "Now.." He let go of Hiccup's shirt suddenly, making him falter during his landing; somehow, he stuck it and caught himself before falling to the ground. "..Don't get in my way again.." Garrett finished, his voice now low and menacing. He gave Hiccup a shove, making him hit his head on the wall.

As Garrett turned and made his way down the hall away from Hiccup, the green-eyed boy picked up his backpack and brushed off his uniform shirt. He sighed heavily as he rubbed the back of his head that was now throbbing thanks to the "attack". He started making his way to his class again, knowing that any second now the bell would ring and he would be late to Astronomy. This bothered Hiccup extremly but he tried to "let it go".

Hiccup was a smart boy. He was, by far, each and every one of his teacher's favorite student- what teacher wouldnt love a boy who was A: quiet and B: does his work with no complaints? He kept straight, high A's with ease and he understands how to do something new rather quickly. He was a "teacher's pet", if you will, but, he would never admit this for Hiccup was.. well.. stubborn. He never liked taking 'no' as an answer and he was quite sarcastic. He liked to turn peoples' words against them when they were to talk, but, he would never hurt someone emotionally or physically. He knew that his sharp tongue could offend some people so he tried to keep his mouth shut but sometimes.. this just didn't work. He was a kind-hearted person and he cared for everyone, even if the person looked down on him.

Hiccup didn't really have any friends either, if you didn't count teachers that is. His best friend, Sandy, moved across the country just before he and Hiccup would have been freshmen. Sandy, or Sanders P. Hillman, was a short, chunky boy with tan skin. He had peach-tan hair and he really was rather quiet. He was smart like Hiccup but he was more.. 'street' smart than book smart. He could take care of himself way better than Hiccup could, only because he wasn't afraid to put people in their place if they stepped out of line.. He was level minded but his patience dwindled way quicker than Hiccup's. Either way, the two boys kept in contact with each other since Sandy's depart a year ago.

Hiccup finally made it into Astronomy, stepping into the room just as the bell rang. He let out a deep sigh of relief and limped to his seat, slipping off his backpack before sitting down carefully in his chair. He pulled his legs under the table part of the desk and bent his upper half over, grabbing his notebook and sketch pad out of his pack. He set it on his desk just as the teacher, Miss. Johnson, began the introduction into the new lesson. Hiccup fished out a pencil and took notes when he was instructed to do so. He glanced at his beloved sketch pad, dismissing the thought of drawing in class each time he did so. Finally, he decided to give in to his "needing" and flipped it open, turning each page carefully until he was on a clean sheet. He pushed his notebook aside, paying the lesson not even a snippet of his attention now. He ran his fingers on the page gently before deciding on what he was going to draw: a dragon.

Hiccup was an excellent artist. He had won many contests with his drawings as well as been asked many times by numerous companies and businesses to draw logos or to paint a design on a workplace's wall. He didn't mind this 'work' for he always liked to draw. He most favorite thing to draw, however, were dragons. For some reason, Hiccup loved dragons; they were his favorite 'mythical' animal. Even though some might say that this was weird, Hiccup often imagined himself riding a dragon. He knew that this would never happen but for some reason the image of him on a dragon seemed… right. It was hard to explain and even he couldn't really understand it himself.

Hiccup began to move the pencil gracefully, starting with the creature's head. He sketched out the ears of his dragon, following that line down to the slender back. Without lifting up his pencil, he drew a curved line around what would soon be the body of the dragon, making a tail. He then went back to it's head, beginning to make the body. He brung the chest of it out slightly, sloping it back in to continue on to its front foot.

About half way through his making, the door to the room opened, making Miss. Johnson fall silent in the middle of her lecture.

"Hello, ." Hiccup looked up at the sound of the voice of the principal, Mr. North. "You have a new student."

A boy stepped into the room, grinning cheekily. The first thing Hiccup noticed was that he was not wearing the school's uniform. He was wearing a white v-neck with a brown vest over it. This was followed with brown,tightish pants. He looked nice but the clothing didn't quite fit him..The second thing he noticed was the boys striking features. This boy was around 5'9, possibly 5'8, with white, handsome kind of messyhair. His eyes were a piercing blue and his teeth matched the color of his hair. He was lean and fit with the perfect amount of muscles in the right places. Hiccup could tell that this boy was the kind of person that no matter what face they made or 'what the weather was', they would be beautiful.

"This is Jackson Overland Frost." Mr. North concluded with a nod and a small smile. He shut the door behind him as he left the class, exchanging a small glance with Miss. Johnson before doing this action.

"Welcome, Jackson." Miss. Johnson said in her happy toned voice after a moment of silence.

"Please, ma'am." The boy responded, his voice cool and somewhat cocky in a way. "Call me Jack." His grin stayed on his face as he turned and waved somewhat to happily at the class. His eyes moved around the classroom, going from student to student, until his eyes landed on Hiccup. Hiccup found himself staring at the handsome boy stupidly and blood rushed to his face when he realized that the one standing in the front of the room was staring back at him. He instantly flicked his gaze back to his desk, continuing to work on his drawing. What is wrong with you, Hiccup!? He yelled at himself in his head, unable to make his blush disappear.

"Jack, take a seat wherever you would like. We will just...continue on with this lesson." She went on, looking somewhat awkward.

Hiccup sighed and toned her out once more, his dragon becoming more and more amazing with each move of his pencil. He had now finished the body of the dragon so he took a small break to look it over. He smiled to himself, satisfied, and continued on to detail, not noticing the white-haired boy watching him from a row over. He made the eyes of the beast intense looking, following that up with adding flaring nostrils. He drew in dull spikes running down its back, putting a few on its head as well. He finished the drawing by adding the shadow under its folding wings and under its body. He set down pencil and thought for a moment just to pick it up again and write the word 'Toothless' above the dragon.

Hiccup jumped out of his 'world' as the bell rang. He stood, gather his notebook and sketch book and stuffed them into his bookbag. He slung it over his shoulder, waiting for the other people on his row to stand and leave. He finally made it out of the room, trugging to his next class, Gifted Advanced Algebra. He noticed a small tugging on his backpack, like someone was hanging on to it, but he ignored it, thinking it was just his imagination. Hiccup snaked around the students, getting weird looks from everyone he passed. Why are they looking at me like that? They usually do look at me but not like..this. He began to hear murmurs coming from the other students that he past. He moved his eyes to the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with any of them.

He felt a tug on his backpack again. Now...This is getting annoying.. It couldn't be his imagination if it happened again and when it did, in fact, happen again, the tug was much more harder. Hiccup finally had enough. He turned around swiftly, his eyes flaring. He was greeted by the wide, surprised blue eyes of the new guy. His eyes… are beautiful… Hiccup thought before clearing his throat and shaking his head slightly.

"What the hell do you want?" he muttered to Jack, eyes flicking to the ground again.

Jack held up two hands, a smile crawling onto his face. "Sorry, Sorry! I didn't mean to tug! I just.. didn't want to get lost." His cocky voice was still being used and he dropped his hands, eyes looking Hiccup up and down.

"You shouldn't tug on someones bag.." Hiccup retorted in a mutter, still unable to look at him. As his eyes stayed to the ground, he noticed something odd about the lean boy in front of him. Where are his shoes? Hiccup couldn't believe he hadn't noticed it before! The guy didn't have any shoes! When is this guy going to get a uniform! Its irritating! "And why do you not have shoes on?" Hiccup added, taking a step away from Jack and moving his eyes up the white haired boy's body until they were on his still grinning face.

Jack shrugged slightly, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. "I just.. don't like shoes.. Oh, but, can you tell me how to get to.. Mr. Belch's class?" He let the last part of his words out with an amused puff. Hiccup narrowed his eyes, getting slightly more annoyed with this person. He opened his mouth to say something but shut it instantly, biting the inside of his lip.

"He is my next class.. Follow me. Oh, and, don't tug on my bag ever again.. its irritating.." Hiccup finished, turning around on his heel.

"Really? Great! Whats your name? I'm Jack." Jack said way to excitedly as he walked somewhat behind Hiccup, his head up scanning what was in front of them.

"Hiccup.." the auburn haired boy muttered back, his brow furrowing. When I saw him, I didn't think he would be this annoying…

"Thats a unique name. I like it just like I like you, Hiccup." Jack said back in his cool, cocky voice. Hiccup glanced at him, his irritation beginning to grow some more. His next class was close now, to Hiccup's relief. He picked up his pace only slightly, not wanting to seem rude.

"You dont know me, so dont say you 'like' me.." Hiccup muttered, finally coming up to Mr. Belch's class. He stepped in, his instincts moving him to his seat which was placed somewhat in the middle of the room. To his disappointment, Jack followed him, sitting down in the seat behind Hiccup's. Hiccup let out an annoyed huff before taking out his Algebra book as well as his sketch pad. He tried to tone the boy behind him out as he continued to talk.

" Oh, but I do know things about you, Hiccup." Jack said with a matter-of-fact tone. The boy leaned forward. "I'm good at knowing a person as soon as I meet them..." His voice was low now, his breath hitting the back of Hiccup's neck, making him lean forward.

"Dont do that!" Hiccup hissed, his hand now placed on the back of his neck, rubbing it lightly. He looked at the smirking face of Jack, his own face redder than a ripe tomato. He shifted in his seat, the blush still on his face. "Why in the name of the gods would you do that?" He asked in the same hushed, sharp voice.

Jack shrugged, leaning back in his seat. "To get your attention really.." he sneered, his eyes rushing with mischief.

"Leave me alone…" Hiccup muttered, turning his face back around but not pressing his back against his chair- doing that would just be asking for it again! His heart beat had quickened from the other boy's action but Hiccup couldn't really understand why.. He's really pissing me off.. The bell rang and Hiccup looked up, seeing Mr. Belch stumble into the room with his goofy looking smile. This was his favorite teacher; not because they both had names that was also the name of an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm- don't get him wrong, that was a plus!- but because Mr. Belch was just.. uplifting. He made Hiccup feel happy at some points of time and even made him the captain of the Math Athletes, which made Hiccup feel needed.

Mr. Belch called roll, introduced Jack to the class, and began teaching. Hiccup sighed deeply, putting his head in his hand. He let his thoughts take over, replaying what had happened this morning. No doubt Garrett would give him trouble till he got bored with him... Thats what every other bully did. Hiccup tried to convince his dad that this school was no good; not only were the students here unkind, but the classes were to.. easy for him. He didn't feel challenged at all with any class he took- he was even in the highest class you could be in at his grade level! Without a doubt, Hiccup's favorite class was art. I can't wait till seventh period. Thats when I can transfer my drawi-


Hiccup moved forward slightly in his seat, the foot of the person sitting behind him running into his desk. Hiccup glanced over his shoulder at Jack, his face pulling a 'Did you just really..?' look. Jack was leaned back in the seat, just like Hiccup had last seen him. His white teeth were showing, forming a side smile, and his arms were crossed over his chest. He winked at Hiccup in a rather flirtatious way, making Hiccup snap his attention back to the front. Hiccup felt his face grow hot as he tried to listen to what Mr. Belch was saying. What the hell? He just kicked my desk! He is going to get me in trouble and when he does, I seriously am going to-


Hiccup didn't look back this time. He gripped his pencil hard and practically stared at Mr. Belch. Treat him like you would a dog. Don't give him any attention; he will get bored and stop what he is doing if you don't give him the attention he is craving for. He clenched his jaw, ready to do just that.

It didn't stop. For the rest of Mr. Belch's class, Jack kept on kicking Hiccup's desk. And even after that class ended, Jack wouldn't stop being a pest. Apparently, Jack had everyone of Hiccup's classes with him- well, almost all of them. So far, Six of Hiccup's seven classes he had attended, Jack had at the same time he did. In each of these classes, Jack always picked the desk either next to or behind Hiccup. This made Hiccup quite irritated, but he was overjoyed when he discovered that Jack didn't have his art class with him. He actually got to calm down in that class, and he spent the whole time transferring his 'Toothless' drawing onto a professional sheet of art paper. It looked nice and formal and he wanted to work on it the rest of the day but he knew he couldn't. As if on cue, the bell ring for them to leave seventh period and head to eighth. At least I have one more period..

Hiccup shook his head and put up all of his supplies, making sure to place 'Toothless' into a safe drawer. He grabbed his pack on the way out, heading towards the gym. He felt his stomach flip over itself at the thought of going to this horrible class. Hiccup didn't mind the class itself, but more of the people in the class with him. For some reason, he was put in the class with every single athlete that just loved to mess with him. Hiccup let out a sad sigh as he headed out of the school building; the gym was a separate building that wasn't far from the main building.

Hiccup looked up at the cloudy sky. He was greeted by a gust of cold wind as the doors to the gym came closer to him. Right.. Fall is here… A small smile spread across his freckled face. Hiccup's favorite season had to be autum. It was neither hot or cold.. it was just right. He loved the sound of leaves rustling and wind making the trees sway. Hiccup snapped back into reality when he realized that he was now in front of the gym doors. He took a deep breath before opening them and stepped inside.

He made his way to the boys' locker rooms, walking inside and grabbing his shorts and shirt out of his bag. He unbuttoned the shirt every boy was required to wear to go to this school, taking it off and pushing it into the pocket that his gym clothes came from. He pulled the regular t-shirt over his head before doing the same thing with his pants, putting on shorts after he put the pair into his bag with his shirt. He ran his hands down his hair, flattening it out as he made his way out of the locker room. He went to the gymnasium floor, looking around for the teacher, .

Hiccup rubbed his arm as other students filled the gym, most of them giving him a nasty look. He looked to the floor, wanting this class to be over. Where is the teacher.. If he doesnt get here soon, Ill be pick-

"Hey, Fishbone." -ed on. Hiccup finished in his head before looking up at the one and only Garrett. He took a small step back, not breaking the look he was sharing with the tall male.

"It totally slipped my mind that you were in this class. This is going to be too fun!" Garrett laughed rather loudly, his eyes looking at Hiccup like he was a piece of prey. Come on you stupid Bunny, you need to get here now! Hiccup glanced at the gym doors, hoping that the teacher would just suddenly appear.

"Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you…" Garrett hissed at him, stepping closer to Hiccup so he was looming over the smaller one. Hiccup took a gulp, his eyes back on Garrett.

"I uhm.. Sorry.." He stuttered, wanting to disappear.

"Do you remember what you said this morning, Shrimp? You said that I could beat you if you got in my way again.. I think this counts.." Garrett smiled evil, his hand forming into a fist. Hiccup shut his eyes, his hands going up in defense, as Garrett's knuckles hit the left side of His jaw. Hiccup fell back, pain shooting through his face. He caught himself with his hands before covering the wound with his hands. He rolled over to his side, bringing his legs up, bending his knees. He felt tears of pain swell under his eyes but he refused to let them fall. He let out a small groan of pain and his body trembled slightly.

Garrett snickered, turning and moving in a prideful motion back to his friends, receiving many high fives. Hiccup heard laughs coming from all around him as he stayed on the ground in his ball he had created with his body. His chest burned as he continued to choke back his tears. Garrett had hit him hard.. Harder than Hiccup has ever been struck before. He knew there would be a brush, a big one at that.

After another moments of cowering in pain, Hiccup sat up, slowly removing his hand from his wound. He stood up shakily, his eyes wide. He took many uneven breaths, not noticing Mr. Bunnymund finally enter the Gym. The teacher with weird tattoos running up his arms looked around the big room, eyes stopping on Hiccup. He tilted his head slightly before heading over to the boy, gently taking his chin in his palm to inspect his jaw.

" 'nd how'd you get that one, mate?" Hiccup was asked, grimacing slightly at the Australian accent. He pushed his hand away, leaning back away from him.

"I'm fine.. Just.. hit a pole." Hiccup mumbled, rubbing the aching point gently with his thumb. Mr. Bunnymund knew this wasn't true but he didn't pry. He nodded once, turning to the rest of the class to make sure everyone was here. After he completed this, he made his way swiftly to the supply closet, pulling out the bucket of dodgeballs.

" 'lright you youngins.. We are going to play Dodgeball." He said with a small smile. He picked teams quickly, setting out the balls in the correct places. He looked from one side to the other, counting the members of each side to make sure they were balanced.

Hiccup was glad he was put on the team with Garrett. He was pretty sure that it he wouldn't have been, Garrett would have given him some more bruises to go with the one that was displayed on his face. Mr. Bunnymund blew a whistle, and the game started. Hiccup didn't rush for any of the dodgeballs or even 'ready up'. He walked slowly forward, moving closer and closer to the half-court line. He looked at each of the players on the opposite team, noticing a girl on the opposite team holding a ball closely to her chest. Hiccup stared at her, which he knew was weird.

The girl finally took notice to him. She turned to the two other girls that stood with her and giggled, turning back to face him. She then jogged towards Hiccup, throwing the she was holding at him with little force. It hit Hiccup on the arm and with that, he was out. Hiccup walked to the side lines, satisfied that he didn't have to play this round. He smiled slightly as he sat down on the bleachers.

"Isnt that cheating?"

Hiccup jumped at the voice, not noticing the white-haired boy sitting on the bleachers. He looked at Jack, moving his whole head. Jack's amused face turned to one of slight confusion. He looked at Hiccup's bruise, his eyes darken for a split second before grinning widely.

"I bet you would be good at if you tried, Hiccup." He continued, pulling his bare feet up on the bleacher in front of him, the one Hiccup was sitting on. Hiccup blushed slightly, turning back to the game.

"No, I suck at sports." Hiccup muttered, rubbing his arm with his hand. "And why arent you in the proper clothing? And why do you still not have shoes on?" he asked in a rush, his face still red.

Jack gave a chuckle and shook his head. "You worry too much.. I would have brought clothes if I knew I had this class. Mr. Kangaroo over there told me that I could join the game next round, so, you better watch out for me.. I love dodgeball.." He said with his cocky voice.

Hiccup furrowed his brow. Kangaroo? What? "Ill just get out like I did this round.." He said back, noticing that his side was losing. Jack fell silent. Hiccup glanced in his direction only to find Jack now sitting right next to him, rather close to.

"Youre right. You couldn't get me out even if you tried.. Puny boy.." Frost said, eyeing the green-eyed boy with challenging eyes. For some reason, his words got under Hiccup's skin more than the others' words. He clenched his jaw and looked forward again, not saying anything. Jack grinned and looked forward as well.

Garrett was the last one on Hiccup's side now. When he was hit, Mr. Bunnymund called the game and started resetting it. Hiccup got up with a sigh and moved back to his side, watching Jack do the same thing but going to the opposite side of him. He was still grinning and looking at Hiccup with his challenging eyes when the match started. Hiccup did the same thing as he did the first time, moving to the front and hoping that the girl would get a ball and get him out once more. He found the girl and looked at her, happy that she did, in fact, have a ball. His attention was on her, not the ball coming straight at him with great speed.

It zipped by Hiccup's head, hitting the wall a ways behind him with a huge smack. Hiccup blinked, his eyes moving to where the ball was thrown from. Jack stood there, his face serious. When their eyes met, Jack gave Hiccup a small side smile.

" I told you.." Jack bent down, grabbing a dodgeball that was rolling towards him. " Watch out for me.. Puny boy." Rage rushed through Hiccup as Jack threw the ball he had just picked up at him. Hiccup side stepped, dodging the ball that was thrown at him just barely. His gaze darkened as he watched Jack move for another ball that was rolling to his side.

He really.. really gets under my skin.. Hiccup thought to himself as he took a few steps back. I don't understand it.. Every other guy in here can do something to me and I wouldnt give it a second thought.. Yet when he does, I get so irritated.. Hiccup felt his face heat up with his thoughts. Why in the gods names am I blushing? All I want to do now is get the ass out…

Jack finally picked up a ball, moving around his team mates till he was directly in front of Hiccup on his side. He smirked, meeting Hiccup's stare before beaming it at the auburn haired boy. Hiccup gritted his teeth, holding his ground. He pushed most of his weight forward, letting the ball smack him right in the chest. He wrapped his arms around the ball as it tried to richetche off of him, catching it. He stood up straight, bring the ball into his hand.

"Youre out.. Frost." He said in the strongest voice he could muster up, smirking slightly. Jack still was grinning as he made his way over to the bleachers, sitting down with a shake of his head.

"Great catch there, Hiccup!" Mr. Bunnymund practically yelled across the gym, jumping in the air vaguely. Hiccup, even though he was quite pleased, rolled his eyes. He dropped the ball, knowing for sure that he wouldn't be able to get anybody out by throwing it.

After that match, and Hiccup's team winning, Mr. Bunnymund told them to change to go home. Hiccup entered the locker room, changing as swiftly as possible. When he came back out of the locker room, Hiccup headed straight for the exit; since it was the last class of the day, Mr. Bunnymund left every student that walked home leave early.

Hiccup lived somewhat close to the school, not even a half mile away. His father thought it would be plain stupid for him not to walk home when he lived this close. Hiccup didn't mind much either, mostly when it was his favorite season. He shifted his book bag on his shoulders, looking up towards the sky once again. He got developed into his thoughts.

So I just let that Jackass- I'm hysterical- pester me all day. I have every class with him except for art! I swear, if I have to go through one more day with him I'm going to kill myself… Hiccup sighed heavily, the feeling of annoyance coming up again. He thinks he knows everything.. I also think he knows hes getting under my skin… Thats probably what he trying to do. I keep on reacting so he must be having fun with it.. Hiccup looked to the ground, kicking at it as he walked on. And why do I always get flustered around him! I don't understand it! Its probably because he irritates me so much…

Before Hiccup realized it, he was in front of his home. His house was fair sized, a one story house with three bedrooms and two baths. The outside of the house was a dull grey color with a single door garage. The window panes that you could see from the outside of the house needed to be repainted but the yard was cut nicely. Hiccup blinked and headed towards the front door, hearing a loud screech of wheels behind him. He looked over his shoulder, seeing a huge Uhaul {Moving truck} pull up into the driveway of the empty house across the street. Oh yeah.. we are getting new neighbors…

Hiccup turned back around and opened his front door, entering his home. He shut the door behind him, dropping his backpack down beside him, out of the way. He took a deep breath in and let it out before walking into his living room which was just the right of the doorway.

"Dad? I'm home." He called into the house, not getting an answer back. Hiccup shrugged it off, heading to his room. Tomorrow will be fun… he thought with a hefty sigh. Ill have to see Jack again which I'm not happy about.. Why does he have to be in every class I have? How is he as smart as I am? Hes a complete idiot who thinks he knows how to get under my skin when really I'm not at all affect by hi- Hiccup stopped, stand in front of his door and staring at it.

"Why the hell am I even thinking about Jack-ass!"

Thank you for reading cx

Tell meh if you want another chapter of this.. I have a plot forming I think…. hmmm….

~TheFuzzyKitten cx