Kanda didn't really try to get rid of Allen in the end.

He might have considered doing that, just to be a dick, but simply concluded he was too tired. They both were. So much that neither made a conscious attempt to fall sleep, but did anyway, eventually.

When Kanda woke up, Allen wasn't there anymore.

Or at least that's what he thought before he noticed him doing up-sided push-ups in the corner of his room. And what surprised him the most about that was the fact that the bean managed to move out of the bed without him waking up. Honestly, he was a really light sleeper, so that was quite an achievement. It almost impressed him.

"Good morning, Kan― oh God, your hair is so messed up." The next amazing thing he was capable of was pissing Kanda off in seconds. Allen swiftly switched his stance, standing upright in nothing but his underwear.

"And whose fault is that?," the swordsman growled, irritably trying to work a knot out with his fingers. He winced. What the fuck was this? What did that idiot do to his hair? Cleaned the floor with it?

"I can help you brush it." Allen smiled with a hint of self-satisfaction as he offered, suddenly appearing by his side.

"No. You can't," Kanda answered without hesitation. Though somehow against his wishes, really. He didn't like doing that by himself all that much.

"Well, too bad" was all he heard as Allen repositioned him.

Kanda didn't see him now, being with his back to him and all, but he realised the bean somehow found his brush as he felt it familiarly slide through his hair. A resigned sigh escaped his lips.

"I'll try not to tug too much," the idiot assured him, starting to patiently work the knots out one at a time. A chill ran through Kanda as he felt a breath against his ear, the brushing not stopping. "Though you seem to enjoy that, I noticed," Allen almost whispered.

"Fuck you" was all Kanda managed in response. Because well, yes, he did like it. Though he didn't really expect that from himself and wasn't sure he enjoyed the thought.

Allen only laughed shortly at his words and continued his task in silence. It wasn't awkward though. Thank God.

It didn't take too much time for Kanda to notice that Allen was pretty obviously uncomfortable. Movements of his hands were sure and embarrassingly considerate, but he felt the bean's body constantly writhe and shuffle behind him and it was honestly starting to bother him.

"Can't you stay still?" At that Allen just kind of― grunted with slight but obvious embarrassment. Kanda turned his head a bit to look at him. "What?"

"Well I― don't enjoy sitting that much right now," he admitted and the man scoffed at him with a hint of amusement.

"You can't blame me for that," Kanda pointed out, arching his eyebrow. Then he moved out of the bed without a word and Allen was about to protest that he was far from done yet, but the man just sat on a single chair that was in his room, looking at him expectantly.

"Come here or give that back to me, idiot," he hurried him, reaching out with his hand. And Kanda was of course also very very naked which was doing things to Allen, but he made himself just smile in thanks and moved to stand behind his lover, instantly getting back to brushing the long hair.

Kanda relaxed under the bean's care, even sighing once as fingers massaged his scalp. So it took some time before he actually wondered what time it was and looked out his stained window. He scowled.

"What the fuck, bean sprout? Why would you need to get up at three in the morning?," he asked, purposefully ignoring the fact that he woke up on his own accord, too. It's not like Allen had to rouse him. But, well, it was probably because the bed was turning cold, so he wasn't about to mention it.

"I don't. Not really," Allen answered, clearly pleased with himself. "And it's usually not like that anyway," he added cryptically.

Kanda tried to throw him an irritated look, but Allen just held his head in place, making him click his tongue.

"Stay still," he instructed, not at all thrown off by the man's attitude. "And I just thought it might be pretty useful if we woke up early."

"What do you mean?"

"Well―," Allen begun and he could just hear the very meaningful smile the albino surely had plastered on his face. "No one is really using showers at this hour, you know."

Kanda thought it might not necessarily be the case if someone was just back from a mission or couldn't sleep that particular night, but he chose to ignore it.

"And you're playing with my hair to give them all more time to wake up?," he scoffed, instantly getting up to dress himself. Fuck the knots, they weren't that important.

Allen successfully protected his own life by not commenting on the man's obvious impatience and then, when they got to the destination in pretty much record time, it turned out they were lucky, thankfully.

And as Allen later proceeded to fuck his brains out in the shower, Kanda no longer minded that they didn't get much sleep.


It should be embarrassing how little time has passed before they both ended up in the Hospital Wing yet again.

It wasn't anything really serious this time though. Actually, they would have probably ran away from the treatment without hesitation if the situation was normal. But it wasn't. In fact, Kanda was slowly forgetting what normal even meant. Ever since they― got together? Was that a proper way to call it?

Regardless, it wasn't easy to explain why they stayed. For Kanda it had to have something to do with the way Allen was looking at him.

Well, the Hospital Wing was probably never going to be the same for them again, taking into account everything that happened there. Though it didn't necessarily mean they had to go at it every damn time they slept there. For Kanda anyway. For Allen not so much.

"Hey," the albino called out to him in a hushed voice one evening.

Knowing too well what he was on about judging by his tone, Kanda initially tried to ignore him.

"Kanda, don't be a dick," he almost whined.

"What." The grumpy man quickly decided he should just shoot him down with words, straight to the point, if he wanted it to work. He has already learned ignoring his partner was just making him struggle for attention more.

"I'm hard," he stated bluntly.

"Yeah, and I don't care." Kanda rolled his eyes to cover up the obvious lie.

"Oh. Do you want me to take care of it myself then?" Allen smiled when that made the other man face him in surprise. "You know I don't mind you watching."

Fuck. Kanda should have really expected that. Too bad for Allen he, in fact, kind of wanted to watch. Not that he would have let him finish like that.

The moment was shattered by the Head Nurse marching into their room before anything even had a chance to happen.

"I'm surprised to see you're still here," she said with a hint of amusement, immediately getting to bandage Allen's newest fuck up on his leg. The panic he had on his face before she tore the covers away from him was priceless. But then he relaxed as she uncovered him only from knees down and his state remained unnoticed.

"I convinced Kanda we should behave ourselves," Allen lied shamelessly and the woman only smiled to herself. She tried really hard to be mad at the him after he ran away the last time, but she obviously knew more about the situation than she really should and couldn't keep her stern façade.

"That's good to hear," she laughed, shaking her head.

Kanda only scowled as she moved to the door right after fixing covers on Allen's bed. She obviously planned to ignore him. It wasn't of course like he needed any help or treatment at this point. It was just that the prospect of his lover catching on the fact Kanda was only still lying in bed to keep him company wasn't an appealing one. Apparently somehow knowing what he was thinking – as per usual, – she threw him a look.

"I vaguely know what you did to them last time, but the other nurses refused to come here. Expect me in the morning"

Kanda suddenly remembered the state he was in last time the other women saw him. Well, fuck.

"You heard her," Allen commented as soon as she was out and Kanda scowled.


"Well, okay. If you're not going to cooperate―" The albino only smiled impishly before resting his back on the pillow comfortably. Then, he pushed the covers down along with his pants, watching Kanda intently as he grabbed his own cock.

As his gasps filled the air along with a few quiet groans, the swordsman couldn't really take it anymore. He sighed before rising up.

He wanted to be alone, but ended up in a deep shit with the mushiest, clingiest, neediest and brattiest idiot in the whole fucking world instead. He wouldn't call it a job well done.

He had to admit it wasn't all that bad though.