"Astrid," Hiccup stared at her, conflicting emotions of delight by seeing Astrid so openly possessive, and fear at the apparent annoyance on her face swirling within him.

Heidi's somber look fell instantly and her anger flared up as she poked Astrid right back, "Who do you think you are!"

"I'm Astrid Hofferson, now answer my question!" She replied with twice the venom. Astrid's rage was building up and Fishlegs and Hiccup could foresee the explosion at any moment. They needed to diffuse the situation before they had a beheaded princess at their feet.

"She came to apologize!" Hiccup caught hold of Astrid's forearm's gently and she looked at him, a subtle look of ease passing through her angry glare. She shrugged off his hold and folded her arms once more.

"Please elaborate…" She ground out those two words with painfully evident annoyance.

"She wanted to apologize for being such a pain in the-" He looked back to Heidi who had calmed down as well and mirrored Astrid's folded arms and annoyed look, "And uh… I think that maybe… we should listen to what she has to say." Hiccup finished with tight shoulders and an apprehensive look towards Astrid.

She glared at him in response.

He sighed and slumped his shoulders but then felt Fishlegs beside him, "Yeah let's at least hear her out…"

Astrid rolled her eyes and then looked to Heidi, " Alright out with it then…"

The three of them looked back towards the small Viking princess expectantly as she twisted her boot into the ground.

"As I was saying to Hiccup… I'm sorry for being so difficult these past few days. I don't really mean a lot of the things I say about you…" It sounded as if she were spitting the last word out "Berkians… and we don't always come to an understanding but I hope that…" She sighed, "I hope that we can be more… friendly. From now on." Her eyes shone with what looked like sincerity and her voice seemed genuine enough.

They were all in disbelief; the larger than life princess, Heidi the Heavenly Horvath was apologizing to them. The three of them exchanged looks and understood that though she seemed sincere, they needed to take this girl's words with a grain of salt.

Hiccup spoke first after a long lapse of shocking silence, "Ok… Heidi…Um- We accept your apology. I hope that we can be friendlier from now on as well."

"Yeah" Fishlegs added on, "I guess we may have had some… misunderstandings… But I feel like this wiped the slate clean."

Heidi smiled at their responses and then turned to Astrid expectantly.

She eyed her up and down, "You lied about everything and almost started a war. Not to mention you've been openly insulting all of us and our home since you got here…."

Heidi winced at each allegation.

"You're lucky some of us Berkian's are so forgiving…" She bent forward an inch and leveled her eyes with Heidi's for a moment to complete her silent threat, "some."

Turning without giving a look to any of the three Vikings she walked out of the room preparing to re-mount Stormfly.

Hiccup looked from her to the other two Vikings then turned his attention to Fishlegs, taking a hold of his shoulder and subtly pulling him to the side.

"Were going to have a meeting tonight, just keep an eye on Heidi for the time being. I'm sure you know why."

Fishlegs nodded and turned back to Heidi, offering her a ride around Berk to show her all his personal favourite landmarks, in honour of her newfound respect for the village of course.

With Heidi, Hiccup was almost 100% positive that he had his prime suspect, no one has acted as inconsistently as her on this island. With a fleeting look towards the two of Viking teens mounting Meatlug, he turned towards the entry way and ran in Astrid's direction, hoping to catch her before she took off.

"Astrid!" He called out and caught hold of the side of Stormfly's saddle, stopping the dragon from making a move.

"Yes Hiccup?" Astrid asked without looking his way.

"Are you… mad?"

"Do I look mad?" Astrid looked down at him with pointed brows and narrow eyes.

"um… is that a trick question?" Hiccup tried for the humorous route and she just sighed and turned forward again.

After a few moments he reached up to her leg and placed a hand on it gently, "Are you upset…?"

"A little…" She admitted as she made a move to dismount.

Hiccup let go of the saddle and offered a hand to help her down, which she took slowly and used to hop down swiftly. Heidi and Fishlegs were already gone, having flew off on Meatlug a few minutes ago, leaving the two teens and their dragons in the arena alone.

When Astrid reached the arena floor she leaned against Stormfly and crossed her arms, her obvious defensive position. And when Hiccup looked at her face he could make out a faint red flush. He leaned on Stormfly beside her and slowly made their shoulders touch side by side. This time she didn't shrug him off and he let out a tiny sigh of relief.

After a few moments Astrid spoke with a low voice, eyes still averted, "I hope you don't seriously believe what that brat said…"

"You think I'm that stupid? I mean I may not be that bright sometimes but Heidi? actually feeling sorry about something? That's impossible." Hiccup replied in a light tone.

Astrid looked up at his eyes with a little bit of weight lifted off her shoulders, then looked back down at the arena floor, " Yeah…" She laughed a little, " You're right… I guess I was just mad that she-" She didn't finish the last part as she looked at her own hand.

Hiccup smiled and the feeling of delight from before emerged as he silently joined their hands.

"Remember what I said last night?" Hiccup asked with a tender voice.

Astrid smiled to herself as she though back to the night before.

I can't see myself with anyone else but you Astrid.

Astrid's train of thought was interrupted as Hiccup laughed at his own thoughts, "Wow I never thought I'd live to see the day that Astrid Hofferson was jealous. Of Heidi the Hellish Horvath no less."

Astrid's smile dropped and she punched him in the stomach, of course lighter than she would've if she was actually trying to injure him, but hard enough to make a statement.

"Ow!" Hiccups hands flew over his stomach and he bent over in slight discomfort but gave out a short chuckle as he stood up straight again, " Hah, I guess I may have deserved that… But you have to admit-"

Astrid held up her hand again, but Hiccup caught it, " It's pretty funny that the most beautiful woman in all of Midgard, the fiercest warrior with the most truest heart could ever be jealous of someone like Heidi…" Hiccup finished smoothly, with the most genuine voice. He really did mean it.

She gave a blushing smile and relaxed her fist, opening it to intertwine her and Hiccup's fingers. She scooted to the side a little bit so that her shoulders pressed more into his and continued to smile to herself. She'd gotten quite a few compliments in her time, most of them combat related, but no one had ever said anything like that to her before. The fact that it came from Hiccup made the warmth inside her flare up even more and sent her heart racing.

She was violently pulled out of her romantic thoughts when Hiccup went straight back to business.

"Speaking of that little monster Heidi, what should we do with her?" Hiccup questioned.


"After what I saw earlier I'm almost positive that Heidi is our prime suspect." He clarified.

"Yeah your right," Astrid said in thought, " And that means Hedvig and all of the Glunky Gunnsons are in the spotlight now…"

"We know who, now we just have to figure out what, when, where, how, and why…" Hiccup listed off.

"Yeah, that really narrows it down Hiccup…" Astrid commented with a dry tone.

"Hey, at least we know what we're looking for!" He said in defense.

"Okay, so we focus our attention on the Gunnsons?" She proposed.

"Yeah. Heidi specifically."

"why?" Astrid questioned with a slight look of disgust on her face. Half of the reason was because of her dislike for the Viking princess and the other half because of her rationale. Heidi seemed to be some sort of distraction, not worth the time and concentration because she doesn't have much strength behind her. What could she possibly do?

"Well," Hiccup began with an eager tone, one could tell the wheels in his head were already turning. They always were, "I know what your thinking; tiny girl, Obviously a diversion, but what if she's responsible for more than we give her credit for?"

Astrid raised an eyebrow, "like what…?"

"Earlier when you saw the two of us together-" Hiccup could feel Astrid tense slightly at that, "Nothing happened! Of course- But, what I'm trying to say is… she was already here before I arrived, and looking at the papers too."

"Well that changes things…"

"Yeah, and I have a feeling she's been doing more snooping around than that. I think because we know whatever kind of thing is being built Is an offense attack on the dragons we need to come up with an excuse to re-locate the dragons. That way, we can keep them safe, and if an attack were to happen on the island it would keep us safe too." Hiccup explained.

Astrid nodded, "Whatever it is, it needs to be convincing, We can't have whoever is behind all this finding us out and putting us back in the dark."

"True…" Hiccup pushed himself off Stormfly who had been standing there as a make-shift wall with such loyalty all this time, and strode back to the room with all the papers. He looked through some drawers on a desk nearby and rummaged through them a bit before pulling out a wide rectangular folded parchment. By this time Astrid was behind him and clearing the floor for him to set the paper down. He nimbly unfolded it and smoothed it out, and after studying it for a moment, he made some quick markings along one region of what looked to be a map.

"Down here towards Dragon Island, " Hiccup drags the charcoal across the parchment as he lists off the islands he rolls by, "Past Thor Rock, and even Sunstone, and Crescent to… here. Here looks good." He looks up to meet Astrid's eyes, "What do you think about here?"

"As a Refuge, until we figure all this out?" She asked, and Hiccup nodded in confirmation.

"Well," She continued, "what's over there anyways? Why here?"

"Well it's north west of Berk, the exact opposite of Gunge Guck, and there are tons of tiny scattered Islands here to separate the Dragons and decrease the effect of an attack since we're spread out. Plus, it's pretty far out, maybe a days and a half of full speed flight at most, with islands to stop at and rest of course and little chance of successful pursuit on the Gunnson's side of the table."

"Sounds like a good enough location but how are we going to get all the dragons over there without raised suspicions?" Astrid still wondered about that part of Hiccup's plan.

"Yeah that- I have yet to figure out, so I'll go ahead and give us until tomorrow to come up with something."

"Any time wasted is time in their favour…" Astrid stated, mostly to herself.

"Well we can only do so much, I just hope enough isn't too late…" Hiccup agreed, " Were going to have a meeting tonight, maybe we can see what we've come up with at the end of the day."

"Alright, I'll see you later then Hiccup. I have to go help my mom with some stuff." Astrid concluded, she hadn't had done any of her daily tasks all morning and she needed to get them done or she'd be held up well into the evening. Not to mention her mother might not be too happy about it and give her an earful in return for her absence.

"Alright, later then." Hiccup nodded. But neither of them moved.

"Yup." Astrid smiled.

"Later…" Hiccup drawled out and then let out a chuckle at the evident awkwardness. It was painfully obvious that neither of them wanted to part just yet.

Astrid finally made a move to leave and Hiccup looked up to meet her eyes, but without warning she leaned in and placed a quick peck on his cheek.

"See you Hiccup." With that she turned and walked off towards the exit of the room.

"See you Milady…" Was the last parting words Hiccup said before she was out of earshot and off into the air. His hand brushed his cheek a little bit and he smiled to himself. Shaking his head out of his thoughts, he folded up the map and stuffed it into his pocket. He could've placed it back into the drawer but he didn't want to risk Heidi or any other person snooping around and exposing that they had a plan in the works.

Meanwhile, Near the Docks Heidi was trying to stay awake while Fishlegs railed off historical facts about Berk, more specifically The Ingerman's part in Berk History.

"Now Really, a lot gets passed down by word of mouth, so this information about the Ingerman Legacy is only the tip of the iceberg. Sadly we have no written records of the many events the Ingermans played a part of with their Mariner expertise and Intelligent prowess, but I digress-"

"This is the 5th time you've said 'I digress' When will it be over!?" Heidi cut Fishlegs off with an exasperated tone. After moment though she sat up straight again and put her hands in her lap, "Uh… I mean, Why don't we do something else?" She finished with an eerily pleasant tone.

Fishlegs raised a brow and held up his hand to speak, but something pushed him from behind.

"Excuse me! Make way!" Snotlout came out of nowhere and shoved Fishlegs out of the way, taking a knee in front of the seated Viking princess. " I heard the news!"

Heidi jumped back a little in surprise and eyed Snotlout from head to toe, "What are you talking about…?"

"The news!"

"What news!" Fishlegs asked in an irritated tone as he brushed himself off.

"I was walking around the village, and I heard some people saying that an Angel had fallen down to our island, I just had to come see…" Snotlout sat next to Heidi on the railing.

"What are you talking abou-" Fishlegs complained but Snotlout continued.

"I rushed over to the docks as quickly as I could and I wasn't that surprised to find you were what everyone's been talking about," Snotlout snatched up Heidi's free hand and planted a firm kiss on the back of it, "Tell me princess, did they kick you out of Valhalla because you were just making the place…too hot?"

She turned up her nose and pulled her hand away, "That is about the worst pick-up line I've ever heard in my entire life…" She said with a sour taste in her mouth but then stopped and petted one of the braids that slung over her shoulder, "And trust me I've heard a lot."

"I'm sure you have princess, but no Vikings passion is as fiery as a Jorgenson's, " He winked as he leaned in closer.

"Eugh.." Heidi scrunched up her face in disgust and looked as if she had just swallowed a baby barf, quite undignified for a Viking princess, but there was no helping the vile intensity of Snotlout's desperation and failed attempts to win her heart. Though, Heidi pondered for a moment, maybe this boy could be of some use to her afterall.

She flipped her braid over her shoulder, practically slapping Fishlegs who still stand behind her in the face and leaned suggestively closer to Snotlout, " You know Snotty, some people may take your strong, almost swine-like body odor as vulgar and distasteful, but I find it makes you seem Brusque and manly."

Snotlout was completely blindsided by that remark and let his schmoozing expression fall into one of complete shock and slight confusion.

She giggled at his slack jaw and pushed his mouth closed gently, "It must be my attraction towards you…" Her eyes widened in feigned shock, "Oops, did I say that out loud?" Her delicate finger rested on her chin as she finished with, "How embarrassing."

After a few moments, Snotlout recovered from his surprise, surmising that the 'Jorgenson Charm' had been working all along, and Heidi had just been concealing her true feelings. Straightening his posture, and puffing out his chest, Snotlout took up a proud position, his supposed success quickly getting to his head, "There's nothing to be embarrassed about my princess, There's no use in fighting attraction."

Heidi let the edge of her lips curl up slightly at her success, if she didn't have him before, he was undoubtedly hooked now. Unbeknownst to Her though, Fishlegs was keeping a close eye and noticed spark of Mischief twinkling in her eye. He had seen that look many times before on the twins, but hers had definite intent behind it rather than the twin's motive for entertainment. Fishlegs did not like where this was going.