Do you understand what it's like to be so scared in a single moment that you physically feel sick? Armin did; right now the blonde looked behind him to see Jean hit the grass; he had failed in trying to kill the titian- Armin didn't expect him to win, his plan was just to stall the female titian until the stronger one's in the team could kill her.

That's when Armin saw her, running straight for him, he urged his poor mare on as fast as she could gallop but it was no luck, he knew he was in danger. That didn't mean he would get himself killed, he tried to serve the monster but she was far to fast.

That's when that feeling came about in the pit of his stomach, churning whatever little food he had consumed in that same morning.

The ground rumbled and every object around him was sent into a bount of tremors and his legs turned to jelly as he was flung off his horse and flung into the cold air that cut his face and his small frame transformed into nothing more that a tatty, old ragged doll.

He forgotten quite just how to breathe as his body smacked against the ground, once, twice three times. Armin cried out as pain shot through his entire body and his vision blurred. He slowly pushed himself up, resting on one arm, trying to reach down to his blade despite the agonising pain but it wasn't there anymore.

Armin's ears rang and his head banged, he couldn't understand why he couldn't reach his blade, he was sure he had it a moment ago and he always triple check he had all the right gear when they where on the outside, otherwise his anxiety would have taken captive of his mind and he always needed to keep a clear mind, it was the only valuable thing about him, if he didn't have his mind he became disposable and he wasn't ready to die yet.

He could hear someone shout his name but he could focus on who screamed his name. Armin just understood that he had one chance to test out his half-hatched theory on who this titan was.

He watched as she froze at Eren's nickname that Jean gave him. He saw as Riner was squashed to a pip in her hands as if he was nothing.

Armin shivered thinking that if she could do that to the strongest one in the group than what in the world could she do to a worthless human like him?

He started to pass out, he tried to stay awake, he didn't want to die this way but he was so tired, he was swept up into someone's arms, he managed to open his heavy eyes for a second to she the brut of a blonde staring down at him, concern masked on his face.

Arnin wondered how awful he looked to him because he knew if it was anything like he felt then he must look like death dug up.

Armin heard that soothing mummer come closer to the pair, he wondered what was making that noise but he didn't care to entertain that idea because it was using all his energy that he had left and he had to stay awake, that much he was sure of. He didn't want to be a burden to anyone anymore.

Although his mind repeated this his body yearned for comfort, to be protected. At one point he was sure he was floating in the air but than he was returned to reality, however, these arms were different, not better or worse just more soothing as he felt something comb threw his hair. Armin whimpered and moved into the touch before the darkness washed over him and dragged him further into the abyss.