A/N :
Hey everyone! This is an edited version as I didn't like the first version of this chapter and I felt like I was rushing the story a little, but I hope you all like it.
Thank you all so much to those people who kindly reviewed and who've followed/favourited this story! It means a lot to me.
Special thanks to polly2010, deidaralover1234, anaylen, supagirl27, Guest, DisneyPotterPython, anaknisatanas, Guest, Alexandra (I agree, I know that I need to write a confrontation, it's just figuring out where to put it.) and Little Miss Penman Of Doom for reviewing chapter 14. Thank you all so much. :)
DisneyPotterPython: Thanks Disney! Don't worry about it and I hope you had a great holiday! And you're probably right as I've only been learning Italian for a couple of months now. :)
Please let me know what you think of this chapter - Enjoy!-x
Aro stared down at Chloe longingly, his eyes seemed to light up it's milky film; making them darken considerably with absolute desire. His hand raked through her hair, pulling tenderly at her loose strands. His fingers glided from her temple, all the way down her cheek until he reached her mouth; tracing the outline of her slightly bruised, but perfect pink lips. His other hand still restrained both of Chloe's wrists high above her head. He could smell the wanting desire radiating from her body in waves whilst she was still trying to free her wrists from his locking grasp. It made Aro desire her even more as she seemed to make his body tremble with excitement and anticipation. She made him feel human again, he could feel all of the emotions that were racing and surging throughout his body. But above all, it was love; love for the woman underneath his body. Aro still asked himself questions that only he seemed to be able to answer. How could this goddess make him feel this way? But most importantly, what did he do to deserve her?
Aro continued to gaze down at her, his demeanour becoming even more possessive; she was his and his only. Just as he only belonged to her in body, mind and soul.
"No other man will ever see you in this way" he growled out menacingly. She will always be under his protection.
He feared losing her when he has only just got her after a few years of only sneaking glances at her. His ruby lips sought out hers immediately in an almost desperate, but reassuring manner. His authority made Chloe shiver in his arms as she kissed him back with equal passion. His thirst for her was unquenchable.
She suddenly stood up, needing air as Aro stood up to join her; clasping his hands with hers. Aro wrapped his blazer round her shoulders as Chloe looked down at their intertwined hands with a soft smile on her face. She brought their hands up together so they rested in between them. Aro stared at their joined hands with curiosity.
"Your hands are so big, look, they can completely fold over fine" she stated as Aro's larger hand engulfed her smaller one.
Chloe leaned up to kiss him on the mouth. Aro immediately attempted to deepen the kiss, but couldn't as Chloe pulled away and ran from him. Her laughter followed her into the breeze as happiness rolled from her in waves.
Aro stared after her in confusion as he stood transfixed to the spot. He started to chase after her nonetheless, her laughter making his chest feel warmer. She was quite fast for a human, his figure then became a blur within the night.
Chloe kept running as fast as she could through the long grass and flowers. She couldn't see Aro anywhere until a figure suddenly appeared in front of her. Chloe didn't have time to stop as she crashed into his chest with an umph. His arms effortlessly lifted her as he spun her around in the air as she shrieked with laughter. His laughter soon joined hers as he gently set her back on to her feet. His arms coiled around her waist, making sure that she couldn't escape again.
"That's not fair, you cheated!" Chloe laughed at him.
"No I didn't, you weren't fast enough cara mia" he grinned teasingly.
Chloe pretended to look offended. "Why you…"
Chloe couldn't finish her sentence as Aro's lips connected with hers before pulling away.
"Forgive me" he breathed.
Chloe rolled her eyes at him. "Fine, I forgive you. Sometimes I forget that you're a king, that you think you can evade the rules".
Aro smiled at her. "I wish I had met you in my time, your fiery attitude would have made my unbearable days worth living. Forever will never be enough". Aro hugged her tighter to him.
"In your time I would have probably been convicted of being a witch and left to drown before confessing my sins".
Aro rolled his eyes at her. "You have a wild imagination my dear"
"Nevertheless true" she muttered.
After a few minutes of silence, Aro finally broke it as he took out his phone to check the time.
"Happy Birthday Chloe"
Chloe's brows knitted together as she looked up at him in confusion. "What?"
Aro's childlike laughter rang around the meadow as he stared at her amusingly.
"I can't believe you forgot your own birthday" he tutted at her. "It's gone past midnight, so it's officially September 21st. You're finally 20 years old".
"Ohh" Chloe breathed as she put the pieces together. It was weird how old she was getting, even though she still acted like a child sometimes.
"Reach into my blazer pocket" Aro stated, whilst trying to contain his excitement.
Chloe eyed him suspiciously, but she did as he said nonetheless. He always managed to surprise her. She searched each pocket until her finger tips gently brushed and came across something hard. She pulled it out in front of her to study it. It was a velvet blue box that was slightly bigger than the palm of her hand.
Chloe raised an eyebrow at him in question as she studied his smirk and the glow in his eyes.
"Open it" he urged her.
Chloe delicately snapped the box open. It's content made her stumble back a step as she almost dropped it. Her eyes were wide as she gazed at it. She should have known that Aro was probably the richest man in the world and would always get extravagant things. They were not necessary as she didn't care for extravagant things, family came first.
Inside was a silver bracelet encrusted with sapphires, each sapphire was surrounded with tiny white diamonds that was surrounded by the silver diamond bracelet itself.
"Oh my God" she whispered.
Aro grinned at her hopefully. "Do you like it?"
"I love it" she breathed. "But…"
In a move so fast for Chloe's eyes to see, Aro was stood in front of her; his finger pressed gently but firmly against her lips to silence her.
"No buts" he whispered. "It's sapphires, your birthstone. Happy Birthday amore mia".
Chloe was speechless to say the least. She pulled him into an embrace as she kissed him with so much built up passion for this man. She finally pulled away, but stayed within his comforting embrace.
"Will you put it on?" she asked him as she looked up at him from beneath her long lashes.
Aro smiled happily at her as he carefully took the bracelet from it's safe confines. Chloe snapped the box shut as she put it back into his blazer pocket. Aro gently clasped the bracelet around her left wrist as he turned her hand over to kiss the inside of her wrist in an affectionate manner.
The gesture made Chloe's knees weaken as she gripped him for support.
"I'm glad you like it" he murmured into her hair.
"Thank you Aro, for everything" she whispered as she placed her head into his chest. His arms pulled her body against him as he stroked her back contently.
"You mean the world to me Chloe. I want you to know that I cannot exist without you. I would happily give up everything I have" he whispered. "Even if that sounds unbelievable to everyone else" he added, his voice lowering slightly.
"I would never ask that of you" her voice was muffled against his chest.
"Would you do me the honour of letting me court you officially?" he asked her gently. "I apologise, I'm not very familiar with the modern expressions these days".
His eyes looked worried for a moment before they returned to their usual tint. He became nervous when she didn't saw anything, he was about to apologise when Chloe's gentle lips turned upwards into a smile. She rarely saw him so anxious before. "yes" she answered truthfully with a smile on her face.
Aro had never been so happy before, he spun her around in his arms again as she gripped his shoulders for support, their laughter singing together as they held each other in content.
After a while Chloe tensed in his arms.
"What is wrong" he asked, suddenly concerned.
"Wouldn't everyone be wondering where we are?" she asked him curiously.
"Let them, this is our night" he mused as he nuzzled her hair.
I've also began writing a new story called Eternity With An Ancient. It's an Aro/Bella if you're interested. Feedback would also be appreciated. :)