Harry was starting to regret helping Draco escape. Maybe Tom had made the right decision in keeping the poor idiot in that cramped basement. At least there he's highly unlikely to get lost.


Here it comes…

"I think we've still got a long way to go," Draco said, scratching the back of his head.

Harry stared at him incredulously. They've been walking for hours, going around in circles. He could literally count the number of times they've passed by the same apple stand around the corner. If it was even remotely possible, Harry swore he would've seen his own footsteps engraved into the cold hard cement.

"Don't look at me like I don't know the way. I'm not stupid."

Harry sighed mockingly. "You don't say..."

His patience was wearing thin. Of course it was, he was practically roaming around town in his most dashing disguise so far.

If Tom caught a hint of this, he'd probably be making that arrogant and annoying face he always does when he's taunting Harry.

Too bad, Harry wasn't letting him have that chance. The disguise was, although undeniably disturbing, actually quite smart. It was mortifying, but he was desperate to stay hidden.

Ohh… he can't imagine what his parents would say if they saw him all dolled up and dressed as a lady. Well, how could they? They're dead for god's sake.

"I'll ask around, see where we could stay the night…" Draco said before leaving.

It was getting late, and they still made no progress. Even worse, they ended up becoming stranded on a very shady place. From where Harry was left sitting alone, he noticed a few lights going off and less people roaming the streets. Eventually, there came a time when Harry was accompanied by nothing but the cold freezing air.

Well, he wasn't entirely alone.

A pretty lady, all by herself at this time of the night… an easy target, alright.

Harry was vaguely aware that he was being watched. When he did notice a group of old men eyeing him from around the corner, his eyes searched for Draco but it doesn't look like he was coming back any time soon.

He abruptly stood up and walked briskly, not really paying attention to where he was going. When he began to run, the old men trailed him, relentless.

Unfortunately, Harry's life seemed to be composed of an endless cycle of hiding, escaping and then getting caught.

Harry shivered, his knees were trembling from running. The sudden downpour didn't help either. He could barely see through his big foggy spectacles.

And then he tripped.

Of course, that had to happen.

Harry wasn't really a lucky person to begin with, on the contrary it was actually quite the opposite. He cursed himself for it… for being weak, for wearing a terrible disguise, and for tripping on his own feet.

Still…things could get better…

Harry had to make the most of this escape, he had thought this through. Although things weren't really falling into place and going as planned yet.

He scrambled to his feet and just when he was already prepared and motivated to outrun his persistent pursuers, something came over him.

Probably fear, a little bit of stress and an enormous carriage.

If he was being specific, it was actually a horse. They're the one that pulls the carriage.

He literally didn't see that one coming. It's not every day, a person gets hit by a fucking horse.

Harry came crashing to the floor. He felt a sharp pain on his forehead, and when he touched it, he realized that he was bleeding… a lot.

When he glanced to the side, he saw the figures following him run back into the dark alley. His vision was hazy and he couldn't think straight. It was a pain to move, so he gave up on that too.

He heard a pair of footsteps approaching. It was too dark and his head felt like it was burning so he couldn't see the face of the man in front of him.

Things could get better… did he say that earlier?

At least, now, he knows for a fact that the only thing he was getting better at was being dreadfully terrible at life.

How bad could that be, right?

A/N: Horses will be death of me! OTL