Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or the Heroes of Olympus. I don't own anything written by Rick Riordan.
Author's Note: So... I'm really sorry? I know that doesn't cut it, but I am. My wrist was really bad - I couldn't do anything with it. And then, smart person that I am (note the sarcasm), I stressed it again once it was on the mend, or else I probably would have been able to post last year. So, yeah, I'm super sorry about all the suspense and worry about me dropping the story, but I never will, so no worries.
I want to thank every single one of you for your support and for the fact that you've kept by me these past three months. I'm sure some of you were looking forward to more frequent posts since it was summer - I know I was - but it was not to be. And I can't even say that I'll be able to make up for that, since school does come first for me.
Also, several people seem to think that The Sea's Recovery has been pulled off the site. I haven't done this purposely, but if it is gone, please let me know.
Anyways, I'm guessing that many of you have forgotten the whole story up till now - I know I forgot a lot of the details till I read it again. So I've prepared a summary for you all so you don't have to read it again - unless you want to so that you can catch all of the details:
In The Sea's Recovery: Ares and Percy form a great friendship that eventually deepens into a loving relationship. We also discover that Percy was physically abused by Gabe. Anthony had cheated on her with Lavinia, but after talking about it, they regain their friendship. Percy also becomes an Olympian goddess.
In The Sea's Battle: Ares and Percy have been together for 3 years. Percy is possessed by an eidolon blessed by Tartarus and kills six Greek demigods including Thalia and Clarisse. The gods unanimously banish her to Tartarus for 100 years. She leaves without informing her mother. Ten years later, Chaos informs the gods of their mistake and they pull Percy—now known as Seph—Iapetus, and Damasen out of Tartarus. Seph is very unforgiving and is occasionally prone to flashbacks. She's finally received her mother's forgiveness for leaving her without warning. Seph goes to the Roman camp where she finds that she was always supported. Rachel works with the Romans now. Nico has come to visit Seph and Camp Jupiter and says he has news on Tartarus.
Okay, wow. So many reviews! I loved reading through them all! Unfortunately there are so many, I can't take the time to reply to each one individually like I have been doing, but I'll start doing that again next chapter.
So I'll give a mass response instead:
Thank you to everyone who inquired about my wrist. I'm happy to say that it's totally healed now. Thank you for all the encouragement and advice. As far as applications like Dragon Naturally go, for some reason apps like that just don't work for me...
What am I forgetting? Ooh! In terms of other pairings, this will be a PercyxAres fic. After I finish both this and Golden Droplets, I will likely start a new fic with a different pairing. Also, for people favoring Jercy, I'm trying to write a one-shot about that—and utterly failing...
As far as lemons go, I won't be writing any. At the same time, I can't stop any of you from doing so while using my story as a basis. If you do that, though, I expect to be given credit in the summary and the Author's Note. Also, I would like to be PMed before you put the lemon up.
And without further ado, please enjoy!
Chapter XI: Giants Awakening
Seph sat next to Nico on the banks of the Little Tiber.
"Do you know which Giants Tartarus is awakening?" Seph asked, fists clenched.
Nico shook his head. "No, unfortunately."
The goddess took a shuddering breath. "What are the gods doing about this?"
Nico scowled. "Father refuses to tell them, and I can't risk going behind his back. Son or not, he'd vaporize me."
"But you told me," Seph noted.
Her cousin smiled grimly. "Because I can trust you to keep me safe, Seph."
The woman threw her head back, laughing. She sobered quickly and promised him solemnly, "You can. You always can."
Nico treated her to a rare, true smile. "What are you going to do about this?"
Seph stormed into the Council meeting, arrayed in her full battle regalia. It consisted of her drakon-hide clothing from Tartarus along with several melded Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold bands in places she often took blows to. Iapetus and Damasen followed behind her, a bit more calmly.
"Persephone?" questioned Zeus. "What is wrong?"
Her eyes blazed. "What's wrong is that your imbecile of a brother has been withholding crucial information from us."
"What?! What are you speaking of?" questioned the king.
"Hades hasn't bothered to inform the Council that Tartarus is awakening some of the Giants." She sneered. "And, what's worse is, he's threatened his son, Nico di Angelo, with vaporization if he tells anyone about this. We're just lucky that Nico thought he could trust me to protect him from his own father!"
Zeus turned to Hades. "Is this true, brother?"
The god of death scoffed, turning to Seph. "Did the boy forget to tell you that I had a reason not to tell anyone? I'm dealing with the issue. I've had cages fashioned that will hold the Giants. There was no need to alert the Council!"
Seph scowled. "Be that as it may, we had a right to be told that Tartarus was already moving against us. And on the count of Nico not telling me your reasons, did you ever tell him your reasons? No! You just assumed that because he's about to become your lieutenant, he would know everything!"
Hades just scowled guiltily and looked away.
Ignoring the drama, Zeus pulled everyone's attention back to the important issue. "You are certain these cages will hold the Giants, Hades?
The god of the dead nodded. "As certain as I can be. After the Giant War, I had them made in case of another such uprising. I intended to be prepared should the Giants ever rise again."
Poseidon nodded grimly. "Good. When will the Giants rise?"
Hades shook his head. "The rate of their reforming keeps altering. Sometimes, it seems the Giants could rise within the month; other times, it seems it will take a thousand years."
Zeus sighed wearily. "We will leave you to monitor the situation, brother. Let us know if you need our aid."
Hades nodded in agreement.
"If that is all, this meeting is dismissed."
Seph turned towards Iapetus and Damasen. "What do you think of a movie-night? Neither of you have ever had one. I think you will enjoy it."
A/N: Short chapter, I know. But this is all I could think of. I'm thinking about doing a bunch of drabbly time-skips now. What do you think?
I hope you all enjoyed this... Please leave reviews as always.