Yes, I am sorry but this is the final chapter. Don't worry, I'm startin' on
a sequel. Well, here goes.
Heyana looked around the gloom of the cell. It was damp, and dark, and she was alone.
She gritted her teeth. She would bear with this.
Suddenly, she heard marching feet and clanking chains. She backed away into the shadows of her prison, crimson eyes straining in the darkness to see who was coming.
The guards came into view, dragging a prisoner in chains with them. As they passed a torch, Heyana saw the red hair, and the gleaming red eyes.
"Keni.chan," she whispered.
The guards stopped outside her cell, unlocked it, and tossed Kenren in. Heyana rushed forward to prevent him from falling.
He looked at her face, and tried for the ghost of his old, charming smile. "So, I see we meet again."
Tears streamed down the heretic's eyes. She carried him over to the rough seat, and sat him down on it.
She cupped his face with her hands and looked into his eyes.
"What happened."
She did not question him. She commanded him to tell her.
He sighed and began his story.
"After they took you, Goku went wild, you know, his head band dissolved, and tried to kill Li Touten. Luckily Kanzeon was there to give him a new control device, but from what I've heard, Tentei is thinking of some punishment for him. Knowing that old geezer, it'll be bad. Well, when they tried to take Goku, Konzen snapped. He tried to kill most of them and damn, he almost succeeded. Tenpou tried to defend the two of them. Not with force, but with words. You know him. Anyway, they cuffed him as well. Then I snapped and killed a few of them. Then I yelled a few things at Tentei to defend you and the others."
Kenren swallowed. "I think me, Ten, and Konzen are in big trouble now."
Heyana grabbed him in a fierce hug. "You idiots!" she hissed in his ear. "You bloody idiots!"
He grabbed her by the shoulders so that he could see her face. Tears ran down from both eyes, and for once, her eyes held no fire to live. Just sorrow, for ones who would suffer for her.
Kenren winked at her. "For a pretty girl, you know I'd do anything."
At that she smiled, something she had not been able to do for the past 24 hours.
This time, she leaned forward and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.
In a different cell, far from the red heads, Konzen was swearing and punching the walls. His cellmate, Tenpou, looked stressed out.
Konzen's fists were bleeding. That only caused him to swear even more.
"I swear, if those mother-fucking good-for-nothing bastards hurt Goku, I'll kill them!"
Tenpou looked at his friend, his eyes sad. "And how do you plan on doing so? An attempt at murder for a god means death, but the case of an heretic."
Konzen had a dangerous glint in his eyes as he turned to face his friend. "What are you talking about."
Tenpou sighed. "If an heretic tries to murder anyone, it's usually sealed away as punishment for a long period of time. Awake or asleep. Awake is the worst, because you have to watch everyday pass by and be unable to do anything."
Konzen asked, "Why not kill them?"
Tenpou answered, "They're too valuable. Sure, they maybe hated by most gods, but they're too useful when it comes to war. You saw Goku without the limiter device. He's a natural killer." He turned thoughtful for a second. "Come to think of it, we've never seen Heyana without her limiter rings, have we?"
Konzen shuddered slightly. "You've seen how strong she is even with them on. Without them," another shudder. "She'd be indestructible."
They heard footsteps coming. All of a sudden, Kanzeon Bosatsu came into view. Her expression was grave. She looked at her nephew, her eyes slightly sad.
"What possessed you to act the way you did?" she asked them. "Even I can't get you out of this mess."
Konzen looked disinterested. He asked her, "Where's Goku?"
Her expression grew graver. "He's been sealed at the ten fingered mountain as punishment to attacking Tentei."
Konzen's eyes grew hard. "For how long?" he asked her quietly.
Her answer, "For 500 years, and even then only when some one comes and frees him."
She looked from Tenpou to Konzen. "Tentei has ordered that you two and Kenren be executed at dawn."
Tenpou stared hard at her. "What of Heyana."
The woman sighed. "She is to be sealed away for 500 years as well, but she will be asleep, and far away from Goku."
A grim silence filled the cell.
The Goddess turned to leave, but before she could her nephew asked, "When will we be reborn."
She glanced back.
"After about 500 years."
That night Goku looked up at the star speckled sky. Tears trickled down both cheeks. He hadn't been so alone, for so long. It was painful.
He clenched his fists and cried himself to sleep. It was almost the same way he would for the next 5 centuries.
It was dawn. Somehow she could tell. And Heyana was afraid.
She heard guards coming and she woke Kenren up.
"Kenichan, wake up."
He opened one eye, then the next and sat up. He heard the nearing footsteps. His eyes grew dark.
He whispered to the girl, "We don't have much time."
Tears began to trickle down Heyana's cheeks.
He saw the tears and kissed her passionately. Their last kiss.
As soon as they broke the kiss, the guards came, with two sets of shackles.
When the cell door opened, two of the guards went in and grabbed the two prisoners. They were shackled and led out into the sunlight. Having been kept in the dark for so long, the light blinded them.
Heyana felt someone grab her roughly and drag her away from Kenren. She could hear him yell at the guards to leave her alone, and some less kind obscenities.
When her sight finally returned, she could see that they were in a courtyard in front of the palace. Konzen, Tenpou and Kenren were chained on one side of the bare ground. Heyana had been chained to the ground, and it stopped her from moving very far.
That was when she saw Li Touten arrive. A wide smirk was on his face. Heyana heard her blood begin to pound in her ears. She wanted to kill him.
He walked over to her. "Well, well. What do we have here? A disgusting heretic!"
He spat on her.
Then he turned to the other prisoners. His face grew malicious.
He sauntered over to them. "So oh all mighty ones, I see that you aren't so tough after all!"
He kicked Kenren in the stomach.
No one expected the next thing that happened.
A loud metallic sound was heard across the courtyard. They all turned to stare at Heyana. Her rings were breaking, one by one.
In a flash, she was transformed. Her red hair turned a deep aqua blue and freed from it's usual ponytail, it reached the ground, but her eyes seemed to have been made out of blood. Her ears lengthened and pointed at the ends, and her nails grew long and sharp.
She was beauty and terror all in one go. A merciless smile grew on her face.
Everyone was shocked. This was the true form of Rin Taisen, as the Western army had named her during the war.
Her blood red eyes shifted over to Li Touten, who had shock etched all over his face. Her smile widened, and the others could see fangs.
Suddenly, she disappeared. Li Touten looked frantically around for her, but could not see her any where, then a blow with the force of a mountain hit him square in the face.
He saw her face flash with triumph.
She held her hands up above her head, crossing one another. A bright light flashed from her, and then she held paranriu, gleaming and battle ready.
She first started killing a few of the guards, and in the space of a few seconds the yard was strewn with blood. The guards that she didn't cut down, were strangled by her hair, which seemed to have a life of it's own. One of the guards managed to get two luck hits, both on her cheek. The cuts would leave her two scars to last her a life time.
Her face smeared with the blood, she turned to Li Touten. He was still cowering on the ground. All of a sudden, paranriu disappeared.
Heyana pounced on Le Touten and began punching him, hard.
Kenren had seen brutal fights, but this wasn't a fight for Heyana. It was a game, one that no one but she managed to win, and survive. They could hear her gleeful laughter.
Kanzeon appeared with Tentei, and three golden lights erupted from the Goddess of Mercy. The lights wound around Heyana's fingers, and were replaced by three rings, identical to the ones she had had before.
The girl's hair color and length returned to normal, as did all the other changed parts of her body. The blood on her disappeared, but the two scars on her cheek remained.
Then she fainted.
Her friends struggled with their chains as they tried to get to her, but Li Touten pulled out his pistol and shot them.
Their eyes registered their shock as they fell to the ground. With darkness closing around him, Kenren managed to reach out and touch Heyana's hand, and with one last smile for her, he died.
Tears threatened to spill from Kanzeon Bosatsu's eyes, as she stared at her beloved nephew's body, and those of his friends.
She then heard Li Touten reload his gun. He pointed it at Heyana's still body, but Tentei barked out, "Don't you even dare Li Touten!"
Kanzeon walked over to the redhead's unconscious body. With no effort whatsoever, the Goddess picked her up, and cradled her to her chest.
She turned to Tentei.
"I will choose the place for her to be sealed in. And you had better get rid of that rat," she lifted her chin in the direction of Li Touten.
And with a flash of light, the Goddess of Mercy disappeared with Heyana.
Heyana was still unconscious as the Goddess appeared in an icy passage. It lead to the exit of the Ice Maze, as the mountain was so called.
Kanzeon gently laid the girl on to the ground. She turned to the opening filled with light and raised her hand.
Instantly the exit was covered by a wall of ice.
The woman turned to the still body of the heretic. She lifted her up, and pressed her body against the newly formed wall.
Light erupted from the ground, and Heyana was frozen behind a thick layer of ice, a guardian of the exit. Her hair had lifted up and off her shoulders as if she had jumped in to deep water.
Kanzeon summoned up some more strength, and created a girl, who looked very much like a jester. The little girl's eyes flew open to reveal clear amber eyes. (* Think Harlequin from Chrono Cross, just replace the red with dark blue.)
She turned to face the Goddess.
The elder woman smiled. "Your name shall be Yuriong, and you will guard this heretic, until a man who looks like this comes." She handed Yuriong a photo.
The jester/guardian took a closer look at the picture.
It showed a well-muscled man with red hair, and wine colored eyes, and something about the man's face marked him to be brash, bold, and a womanizer. At the edge of the picture, there was some writing.
Yuriong squinted her eyes to read the small writing. It read, 'Here's a photo for you, Kenren Taishou.'
Yuriong looked up at Kanzeon and inquired in a sweet melodic voice, "Does the man that has to come have to look exactly like Kenren, from the picture?"
The Goddess smiled. "No, but there will be certain similarities that will set him apart from others."
The woman looked over to Heyana's frozen body. "I made you also to comfort this girl. You have the ability to communicate with her mind, so you shouldn't be lonely, and neither should she."
Yuriong stared at the girl behind the wall of ice. "She's very pretty. What's her name?"
Before she disappeared, Kanzeon answered, "Her name is Heyana, Rin Taisen."
Yuriong- In Korean means ghost.
lol, I know this was a depressing chapter, so to make it up to you, I'm gonna write a sequel to this story, about what takes place 500 years later. K? ^_^; REVIEW PLEEZ! Oh, and if any of you know how to get a picture on to, or on hotmail, that'll be really helpful, 'cause then, I can post my picture of Heyana, past and future. So if you know how, email ta me pleez! ^_^ a-h
Heyana looked around the gloom of the cell. It was damp, and dark, and she was alone.
She gritted her teeth. She would bear with this.
Suddenly, she heard marching feet and clanking chains. She backed away into the shadows of her prison, crimson eyes straining in the darkness to see who was coming.
The guards came into view, dragging a prisoner in chains with them. As they passed a torch, Heyana saw the red hair, and the gleaming red eyes.
"Keni.chan," she whispered.
The guards stopped outside her cell, unlocked it, and tossed Kenren in. Heyana rushed forward to prevent him from falling.
He looked at her face, and tried for the ghost of his old, charming smile. "So, I see we meet again."
Tears streamed down the heretic's eyes. She carried him over to the rough seat, and sat him down on it.
She cupped his face with her hands and looked into his eyes.
"What happened."
She did not question him. She commanded him to tell her.
He sighed and began his story.
"After they took you, Goku went wild, you know, his head band dissolved, and tried to kill Li Touten. Luckily Kanzeon was there to give him a new control device, but from what I've heard, Tentei is thinking of some punishment for him. Knowing that old geezer, it'll be bad. Well, when they tried to take Goku, Konzen snapped. He tried to kill most of them and damn, he almost succeeded. Tenpou tried to defend the two of them. Not with force, but with words. You know him. Anyway, they cuffed him as well. Then I snapped and killed a few of them. Then I yelled a few things at Tentei to defend you and the others."
Kenren swallowed. "I think me, Ten, and Konzen are in big trouble now."
Heyana grabbed him in a fierce hug. "You idiots!" she hissed in his ear. "You bloody idiots!"
He grabbed her by the shoulders so that he could see her face. Tears ran down from both eyes, and for once, her eyes held no fire to live. Just sorrow, for ones who would suffer for her.
Kenren winked at her. "For a pretty girl, you know I'd do anything."
At that she smiled, something she had not been able to do for the past 24 hours.
This time, she leaned forward and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.
In a different cell, far from the red heads, Konzen was swearing and punching the walls. His cellmate, Tenpou, looked stressed out.
Konzen's fists were bleeding. That only caused him to swear even more.
"I swear, if those mother-fucking good-for-nothing bastards hurt Goku, I'll kill them!"
Tenpou looked at his friend, his eyes sad. "And how do you plan on doing so? An attempt at murder for a god means death, but the case of an heretic."
Konzen had a dangerous glint in his eyes as he turned to face his friend. "What are you talking about."
Tenpou sighed. "If an heretic tries to murder anyone, it's usually sealed away as punishment for a long period of time. Awake or asleep. Awake is the worst, because you have to watch everyday pass by and be unable to do anything."
Konzen asked, "Why not kill them?"
Tenpou answered, "They're too valuable. Sure, they maybe hated by most gods, but they're too useful when it comes to war. You saw Goku without the limiter device. He's a natural killer." He turned thoughtful for a second. "Come to think of it, we've never seen Heyana without her limiter rings, have we?"
Konzen shuddered slightly. "You've seen how strong she is even with them on. Without them," another shudder. "She'd be indestructible."
They heard footsteps coming. All of a sudden, Kanzeon Bosatsu came into view. Her expression was grave. She looked at her nephew, her eyes slightly sad.
"What possessed you to act the way you did?" she asked them. "Even I can't get you out of this mess."
Konzen looked disinterested. He asked her, "Where's Goku?"
Her expression grew graver. "He's been sealed at the ten fingered mountain as punishment to attacking Tentei."
Konzen's eyes grew hard. "For how long?" he asked her quietly.
Her answer, "For 500 years, and even then only when some one comes and frees him."
She looked from Tenpou to Konzen. "Tentei has ordered that you two and Kenren be executed at dawn."
Tenpou stared hard at her. "What of Heyana."
The woman sighed. "She is to be sealed away for 500 years as well, but she will be asleep, and far away from Goku."
A grim silence filled the cell.
The Goddess turned to leave, but before she could her nephew asked, "When will we be reborn."
She glanced back.
"After about 500 years."
That night Goku looked up at the star speckled sky. Tears trickled down both cheeks. He hadn't been so alone, for so long. It was painful.
He clenched his fists and cried himself to sleep. It was almost the same way he would for the next 5 centuries.
It was dawn. Somehow she could tell. And Heyana was afraid.
She heard guards coming and she woke Kenren up.
"Kenichan, wake up."
He opened one eye, then the next and sat up. He heard the nearing footsteps. His eyes grew dark.
He whispered to the girl, "We don't have much time."
Tears began to trickle down Heyana's cheeks.
He saw the tears and kissed her passionately. Their last kiss.
As soon as they broke the kiss, the guards came, with two sets of shackles.
When the cell door opened, two of the guards went in and grabbed the two prisoners. They were shackled and led out into the sunlight. Having been kept in the dark for so long, the light blinded them.
Heyana felt someone grab her roughly and drag her away from Kenren. She could hear him yell at the guards to leave her alone, and some less kind obscenities.
When her sight finally returned, she could see that they were in a courtyard in front of the palace. Konzen, Tenpou and Kenren were chained on one side of the bare ground. Heyana had been chained to the ground, and it stopped her from moving very far.
That was when she saw Li Touten arrive. A wide smirk was on his face. Heyana heard her blood begin to pound in her ears. She wanted to kill him.
He walked over to her. "Well, well. What do we have here? A disgusting heretic!"
He spat on her.
Then he turned to the other prisoners. His face grew malicious.
He sauntered over to them. "So oh all mighty ones, I see that you aren't so tough after all!"
He kicked Kenren in the stomach.
No one expected the next thing that happened.
A loud metallic sound was heard across the courtyard. They all turned to stare at Heyana. Her rings were breaking, one by one.
In a flash, she was transformed. Her red hair turned a deep aqua blue and freed from it's usual ponytail, it reached the ground, but her eyes seemed to have been made out of blood. Her ears lengthened and pointed at the ends, and her nails grew long and sharp.
She was beauty and terror all in one go. A merciless smile grew on her face.
Everyone was shocked. This was the true form of Rin Taisen, as the Western army had named her during the war.
Her blood red eyes shifted over to Li Touten, who had shock etched all over his face. Her smile widened, and the others could see fangs.
Suddenly, she disappeared. Li Touten looked frantically around for her, but could not see her any where, then a blow with the force of a mountain hit him square in the face.
He saw her face flash with triumph.
She held her hands up above her head, crossing one another. A bright light flashed from her, and then she held paranriu, gleaming and battle ready.
She first started killing a few of the guards, and in the space of a few seconds the yard was strewn with blood. The guards that she didn't cut down, were strangled by her hair, which seemed to have a life of it's own. One of the guards managed to get two luck hits, both on her cheek. The cuts would leave her two scars to last her a life time.
Her face smeared with the blood, she turned to Li Touten. He was still cowering on the ground. All of a sudden, paranriu disappeared.
Heyana pounced on Le Touten and began punching him, hard.
Kenren had seen brutal fights, but this wasn't a fight for Heyana. It was a game, one that no one but she managed to win, and survive. They could hear her gleeful laughter.
Kanzeon appeared with Tentei, and three golden lights erupted from the Goddess of Mercy. The lights wound around Heyana's fingers, and were replaced by three rings, identical to the ones she had had before.
The girl's hair color and length returned to normal, as did all the other changed parts of her body. The blood on her disappeared, but the two scars on her cheek remained.
Then she fainted.
Her friends struggled with their chains as they tried to get to her, but Li Touten pulled out his pistol and shot them.
Their eyes registered their shock as they fell to the ground. With darkness closing around him, Kenren managed to reach out and touch Heyana's hand, and with one last smile for her, he died.
Tears threatened to spill from Kanzeon Bosatsu's eyes, as she stared at her beloved nephew's body, and those of his friends.
She then heard Li Touten reload his gun. He pointed it at Heyana's still body, but Tentei barked out, "Don't you even dare Li Touten!"
Kanzeon walked over to the redhead's unconscious body. With no effort whatsoever, the Goddess picked her up, and cradled her to her chest.
She turned to Tentei.
"I will choose the place for her to be sealed in. And you had better get rid of that rat," she lifted her chin in the direction of Li Touten.
And with a flash of light, the Goddess of Mercy disappeared with Heyana.
Heyana was still unconscious as the Goddess appeared in an icy passage. It lead to the exit of the Ice Maze, as the mountain was so called.
Kanzeon gently laid the girl on to the ground. She turned to the opening filled with light and raised her hand.
Instantly the exit was covered by a wall of ice.
The woman turned to the still body of the heretic. She lifted her up, and pressed her body against the newly formed wall.
Light erupted from the ground, and Heyana was frozen behind a thick layer of ice, a guardian of the exit. Her hair had lifted up and off her shoulders as if she had jumped in to deep water.
Kanzeon summoned up some more strength, and created a girl, who looked very much like a jester. The little girl's eyes flew open to reveal clear amber eyes. (* Think Harlequin from Chrono Cross, just replace the red with dark blue.)
She turned to face the Goddess.
The elder woman smiled. "Your name shall be Yuriong, and you will guard this heretic, until a man who looks like this comes." She handed Yuriong a photo.
The jester/guardian took a closer look at the picture.
It showed a well-muscled man with red hair, and wine colored eyes, and something about the man's face marked him to be brash, bold, and a womanizer. At the edge of the picture, there was some writing.
Yuriong squinted her eyes to read the small writing. It read, 'Here's a photo for you, Kenren Taishou.'
Yuriong looked up at Kanzeon and inquired in a sweet melodic voice, "Does the man that has to come have to look exactly like Kenren, from the picture?"
The Goddess smiled. "No, but there will be certain similarities that will set him apart from others."
The woman looked over to Heyana's frozen body. "I made you also to comfort this girl. You have the ability to communicate with her mind, so you shouldn't be lonely, and neither should she."
Yuriong stared at the girl behind the wall of ice. "She's very pretty. What's her name?"
Before she disappeared, Kanzeon answered, "Her name is Heyana, Rin Taisen."
Yuriong- In Korean means ghost.
lol, I know this was a depressing chapter, so to make it up to you, I'm gonna write a sequel to this story, about what takes place 500 years later. K? ^_^; REVIEW PLEEZ! Oh, and if any of you know how to get a picture on to, or on hotmail, that'll be really helpful, 'cause then, I can post my picture of Heyana, past and future. So if you know how, email ta me pleez! ^_^ a-h