5 years later…

It had become some sort of demented inside joke between Mai and Oliver that whenever she wanted time off or couldn't do something, she would provide him with a letter from her doctor with a distinct lack of details as to why. Oliver had no idea how she had gotten her doctor to agree to play such tricks on him. The whole thing was nonsense really as Madoka was really her boss. But he would then have to spend the next few days wheedling information out of her as to why she needed the time off.

So far she had used it for when she had received her degree, and for her doctorate based on the research she had started all those years ago. She had even used it for her Hen night.

But when Oliver's wife walked into his office at around 11am on a Monday morning clutching a letter in her hands, he was put off slightly. Mai had genuinely been sick for the last week or so and as a result, Oliver did not know if this would be another silly little thing or a genuine problem.

Without speaking so much as a word, Mai handed him the letter and he sighed. Oliver slit the envelope open and glanced over the contents.

"You cannot come on cases for the next year? And will want time off in approximately six months?" He asked sceptically. Mai and Madoka had often joined the rest of SPR on bigger cases if their own work allowed. "I did not think your current research would require so much extra time."

"It won't." Mai said and it concerned Oliver that she was not smiling at all. She looked, if anything slightly worried. "Go on, use psychometry."

Even more puzzled by this, Oliver sat back in his chair and gripped the piece of paper.

Mai watched as her husband went limp in the chair. She could see his eyes moving rapidly under their lids and she waited with baited breath.

Eventually his eyes opened and met her gaze.

"Really?" He asked in a low voice and she nodded mutely. Oliver stood up from his chair and strode around the desk still clutching the letter. He took Mai in his arms and held her tight.

"Are you angry?" She whispered.

"Why on earth would I be angry?" He replied. His wife really did ask some stupid questions sometimes.

"I don't know just…" Mai pushed away slightly so she could look up at him. "Are you crying?" She asked incredulously.

"No." Oliver replied quickly. But Mai had already reached a hand up and wiped away a tear. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Dust in my eye." He explained away.

"I don't think I've ever seen you cry." Mai commented. "Have you ever cried?"

"I'm not crying." Oliver repeated coldly and pulled Mai back into a tighter embrace. "And for your information, my eyes became somewhat watery when I first saw you in your wedding dress. But I did not cry."

Mai giggled against his chest.

"Just like you are not crying now?" She teased.


They stood like that in silence for a few minutes.

"Who's telling the others?" Mai asked.

"You are telling my mother." Oliver replied. "I don't care about the others, though if we tell my mother first, she might tell the entire world for us." Mai giggled again. "And you better tell Monk."


"Last time he thought I'd got you pregnant, he tried to kill me."

"I distinctly remember those being slightly difference circumstances. But who exactly do you want to tell?"

"I'll tell my father and Lin. You can deal with the rest." Oliver said.


"Well you can tell everyone if you want to."

Mai scowled, but agreed.

"I better start helping you with your English too."

"My English is fine!" Mai complained.

"Well I plan on making this child bilingual, so unless you want us talking about you in another language…"

It took Mai a few moments to translate what he had said.

"She will like me more." Mai retorted.

"She?" Oliver asked, frowning. "You already know?"

"Just my intuition speaking." Mai smiled and Oliver returned it before glancing at the time.

"How about I take you and our daughter to lunch then?" He offered.

"Yes, we need to discuss who the godparents are going to be…" Mai said. "And I have this weird craving for wasabi and mango with crisps." Oliver sighed in an amused sort of way.

"Well it is certainly not going to be any of these idiots…" He held opened his office door for Mai and together, they left the building.

Author's note: Well this is the final chapter! I hoped you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please leave me a review because it will make me very happy! And if you enjoyed my writing, don't hesitate to check out my other stories! Thank you :)