Hello my lovely readers, thank you for reading and reviewing the last chapter, its been encouraging. I'm very pleased with how this story is coming along, I'm also very glad that many of you are really enjoying it. I'll be switching things up and changing some things here and there to make this story work well because this is a father and son fanfiction. Remember that I'm not very good with fight scenes, so I might be fast forwarding pretty frequently.

Very sorry it was very late, I made it extra long to make up for my absences.

Dragon ball Z belongs to Akira Toriyama

This story is rate K, with minor language

Goku pov


Ugh, my head feels like it weighed a ton, what just happened?

"Come on Goku!, wake up!"

I'm lying on my back and I feel something shoving me. I blinked opened my eyes a few times to get use to the light on my face. My vision was a little hazy but I can make out the blue sky and some clouds. I feel a lot of pain on my lower stomach area and my head. I hear a women's voice calling out my name.

"Chichi...?" I groaned out loud

"Oh my kami!, Goku!", I turned my head but it wasn't her, it was Bulma, "Are you okay Goku!?" she said

"I'm alright..." I carefully pull my upper body up into a sitting position, then I really got a good look at her and she was visibly shaken, she's got a purple bruise on her right cheek for some reason, how did that happen? I looked around behind her and I see Krillin holding an ice bag over his head with master Roshi holding a first aid kit. "What happen, bulma?"

She got teary eye on me "I... I'm so s-sorry Goku" she pulled something orange from her pocket and gave it to me.

A tiny orange beanie hat with a puffy ball on top.

It all came rushing back like a vision, coming to kame house, meeting with Roshi, Krillin, and Bulma, the stranger who called himself my brother, the truth about my head injury, the truth about where I come from, the truth about my tail, the reason why I'm on earth... and Raditz knocking me out. Looking at the tiny hat made me want to cry but I held it back.

"He took him, didn't he" I said rubbing the soft fabric of the hat between my fingers, Raditz took my baby, my Gohan.

She nodded gravely, I dragged myself onto my legs and walk to Krillin and Master Roshi, they looked to me and gave sad smiles. Krillin waved a hand at me "hey buddy" he said, he's got a big bruise on his head, and few stitches on the side but overall he seems okay. Master Roshi nodded at me I nodded back, he doesn't seem to bad off, his cloths are ruffle up.

"Bulma, how long was I out?" I asked her

"Not very long..."

"You might want to get ice on that too" I gestured at her face, she shrugged. Roshi clear his throat to get our attention, he look very serious "Goku there's something we got to tell you" oh kami, I hope it's not another secret, I learned enough information for one day.

"That man, Raditz has offered a deal, you have a day to think about it, if you want Gohan alive either you will come to join him to claim the earth by first eliminating 100 people and have them here as proof or he takes gohan as your replacement and conquers the earth with his other comrades" Roshi said with dread, could this day get any worse?

They were looking at me, waiting for an answer, I clenched my teeth, I have to do something, I have to get Gohan back. "I'm not doing either of those, Raditz is incredibly strong so I'll have to outsmart him somehow" I said.

"Yeah, its you that he's after, he can't hurt gohan if he using him as leverage" said Bulma

We all put our heads together to make a plan. We're going to take him head on. Krillin will come to back me up but he'll have to be extra careful not to die because he's already been revived. Piccolo made his presences known, he's been here observing the entire thing with Raditz without anyone noticing, he declared a temporary truce because Raditz interferes with his plans to dominate the earth. It turns out that Piccolo has met raditz before me, while Raditz took gohan, Piccolo tailed him to where he's landed his ship, and then he returned back to the island. The plan was to grab Raditz at his weakest point: his tail, we take back Gohan, and then take him out in case things get bad. Bulma and Roshi wished us luck and we took off into the sky.

Krillin and I were zooming across the sky with Piccolo leading us to Raditz and Gohan "We're getting close, get ready" Piccolo announces. We all flew down and landed right in front of him.

"Well, well, well... you decided to drop in little brother? oh and you brought green man and a midget, what a pleasant surprise" Raditz sarcastically remarked "I didn't think I'd see you until tomorrow, you really are foolish"

"Let's see about that!" I said

"Hmm, so what bring you here, Kakarot, it doesn't look like you met our quota of 100 corpses" he raise his eyebrow.

"I'm here to take my son back, where is he?" I demanded, "I knew you were going to ask, your also driving a great deal of my patience, I been generous enough to offer a deal and if your not gonna take it, I strongly recommend you to stand down"

"Forget it!"

He sighed deeply then smirk "You ought to listen to your big brother, you wouldn't like to know how vicious I can be"

I glared at him, my hands clenched hard into fists, raise my chin in defiance "You aren't. My brother" he snicker at that.

"...Alright then, I didn't came here to kill you but we can do this your way, its too bad though, we needed another saiyan on our side"

Piccolo's patience was also wearing thin "Enough talk, let's get on with this already" he threw his turbine and hat aside, wow, I didn't know he trained with weighted clothing, me and Krillin removed our weighted clothes too. Krillin flashed me a thumbs up.

Raditz laughed at us "Do you really think that's going work, who do you think I am? taking those weights off won't make a differences, I'm still stronger than you are" he boasted.

"That might true about strength, but its three against one" I said.

"My gosh, you so clueless... and to think that I considered you to join us, but you'll just hold us back" he shook his head "Your a disgrace to the saiyan race! get ready to die".

Raditz flew passed us at lightening speed, he used both elbows to knock me and piccolo on the ground, then he kicked Krillin's gut, it made him dropped to his knees. He surprised all of us, its obvious that he's really skilled and not just an average fighter. "I wonder how much pain you can take" he said, I need to get to his tail, its the best chance we got.

"Your efforts are hopeless, I'm not even warmed up"

His words gave me chills, how much power is he hiding?, I can feel Piccolo's frustration and Krillin's fear. "That's it, we'll charge him together" Piccolo suggested.

"Not yet, I need to where Gohan is" I told him, "Where my son!" I demanded to Raditz.

He scoffed "You think you can save him? don't get ahead of yourself, we need another saiyan on our side"

"Grrr, where is he!"

"Ugh, stop with the fatherly dramatics, he's inside my space pod in the giant crater on your right" he jerked his head to his right.

I had to be sure if it was true so I ran to the crater, spotted his spaceship, and there he was, just like Raditz had said, Gohan is inside. Gohan was certainly very distressed, he was lying on his back, flailing his arms and legs around, his face beet red and drenched in tears, and his mouth was wide open indicating that he's been wailing his lungs out but I couldn't hear his crying because the space pod blocked it out. I wanted rush down there to hold my baby so tight, I wanted take him away from this place so much, and it hurt me inside because I can't do that right now.

'Gohan... just give me a little more time, ok son?' I thought. My attention went back to the man responsible for ruining what could had been a nice day. I went back to my place with Piccolo and Krillin, this man is going to pay.

"You really should stand down, you won't be getting another chance" he said.

"No, I won't lose to you" I was not going to back down, "Get ready guys!" and the three of us charged straight towards him. We got within striking range and threw a flurry of punches and kicks at Raditz but he was very skilled and dodge each and every one. Raditz was extremely fast for man that bulky looking with wildly long hair. He flew up, extended his arms, and flashed a powerful Ki blast at us, we nearly couldn't dodge that. That Ki blast hit a random landscape and it created a huge explosion, it's probably how they purge planets.

During the explosion, I lost track of Raditz, but quick as a flash he appeared behind me and kicked me hard on the back that threw down across the ground. He laughed and commented that he was getting bored, I pulled myself up to call out for Piccolo or Krillin. It shocked me when I saw Piccolo standing up with his left arm gone, purple blood was seeping out of it, he said he was fine and that he can still fight. I look to Krillin and he was just as shock as I was, he seemed alright, no serious injuries.

Raditz laughed manically "Oh excuse me, has anyone seen my arm!" he mocked at Piccolo "You can miss it, its greeenn!" he continued laughing at him.

Piccolo muttered "Goku, any new techniques would be really helpful right now"

"Nope, I've been pretty occupied as you already know, how about you Krillin?" I said turning to him.

Krillin rubbed the back of his head "Ehhh, not really..."

Piccolo scoffed "Slackers, while you too have been taking it easy, I've been developing a new attack"

"Can you do it with one arm?" ask Krillin "Yeah, but the problem is that I need five minutes to gather enough energy and it hasn't been tested either " said Piccolo

I agreed to keep Raditz busy with Krillin, while Piccolo prepares his attacked, he told me that it was move he created to use against me but to his disappointment he's using it on Raditz. Krillin and I launched ourselves to attack Raditz and Piccolo begin to charge his energy. We kicked and punched but Raditz had dodge them all until he was throwing his attacks on us. I pulled back to blast a kamehameha attack at him but he cancel it out with the palm of his hand, Piccolo's plan better work. Raditz pull his arm back to charge energy to make big KI blast and aimed it at me.

The blast hit me pretty good, and I fell down from the sky and onto to the ground. Raditz appeared above ready to punch me but Krillin showed up and put himself in front of me to take the blow. That punch send Krillin away a few feet on his left, he fell on ground and groan in pain. Raditz was going to try to hit me again until he realized Piccolo is almost ready to try his new attack. Piccolo looked menacing with his two finger glowing brightly and him smirking in a way that shows his sharp fangs.

Raditz growl angrily "Alright then! show me what you got!"

"Special beam cannon!"

He blasted a bright swirling beam at Raditz. It was so bright that I was blinded for moment when it make an impact. The dust and debris cleared away, my vision came back, Piccolo was shuddering from its after effects, Krillin was shaken and staring wide eyed, my reaction was the same as Krillin. Raditz had dodge the blast by a few steps, the only damage he received from Piccolo was a bruise shoulder and a bit of armor was broken off.

Radiz smiled mockingly "Heheheheh, your aim need a little work, how about I show you a trick" he said, Piccolo was really peeved. Raditz raised his right arm up, gather energy on his hand, but just when he was about to use it on Piccolo, he was in shocked to find out that Krillin was quick enough to grab his tail.

Krillin laughed as he grip Raditz's tail with both hands "Aheheheh, you got careless, man"

"Nice job Krillin, I'll hold onto his tail, you go to his spaceship and get Gohan out" I told him, he nodded and passed on the tail to me, Krillin sprint to the crater.

"I remember how painful it was when somebody grabbed my tail" I told him, I squeezed hard enough to have him down on the ground, he growled in pain. "Hey Piccolo, can you try that again?" I called, he said yes but he needs another five minutes.


An ear piercing cry echoed though the land. Krillin has gohan in his arms, he was really uncomfortable as he tried unsuccessfully to rock gohan to stop crying. My poor boy, he should had never been the reason for this fight, he belongs at home safe with me.

"Goku, hold him tight, I could only do this one more time and that's it" yelled Piccolo.

"Kakarot, please tell me your not going to let this green man finish me off, your own brother" Raditz strain to speak up.

"Brother!? are you kidding me!? you were going to take over the earth, you almost killed me, and you took my son, how could you!? he's a baby!"

Raditz pleaded "I bluffed, you really think I hurt my flesh and blood, and I'm only following orders"

"Come on, Goku, he'll say anything to get away" Krillin yelled.

"You were gullible enough to believe that I would harm you or your boy, and if things weren't going to plan I was going to leave this planet" he plead

Raditz was telling me that he didn't plan to take Gohan and that he only use him as means to fulfill his orders to bring me to his comrades. He said he never did try to hurt gohan when he kidnapped him, and that if things did not go well here, he would of left. I was still pretty ticked off at him, but I believe in second chances, Raditz might be telling the truth and Krillin, Piccolo, and I won't have to kill him.

"Do you promise to leave and never come back" I asked "Yes, of course I will" he begged again.

Piccolo and Krillin were yelling at me about Raditz lying and not to let go of his tail. Raditz was on the ground begging and pleading for him go and that he'll never come back. If I let raditz go he will either leave with his ship and never return or he'll go back on his word and attack me again.

If I don't let raditz go, we kill him. Piccolo, Krillin and I will have his blood on our hands, and its not like I haven't done it before but I don't feel comfortable enough to resort to that again. So I made my decision, I'm gonna take a chance to let him go and hope he's telling the truth.

"Krillin step back" I warned, just in case. Krillin look startle but he did what he's told. Piccolo got furious with me "No Goku, don't!" he yelled. Slowly I loosen my grip on Raditz's tail.

My worst fears came true. As soon as I let go of his tail, Raditz had sprung onto his feet and elbowed me to the face to knock me down. When I was down on the ground he slammed his foot on the same spot where he kick me back on Roshi's island. He kept pressing it enough to make cry out in pain, it hurt so bad that I can feel my lower left ribs about to snap.

Raditz was laughing sadistically, pressing his foot further into me, making me yell louder "Of course, your too weak to be recognized as a saiyan warrior!" he said.

"Damn you" I gasp out.

"Say whatever you like, unlike you, I am a first class warrior, I won't hesitate to kill, even my own brother!" and with that he repeatedly jammed his foot even harder on me, it broke about three of my ribs. I screamed in pain that was comparable to what piccolo did to me at the tournament a long time ago.

My screaming pain was louder than gohan's high pitched wailing right now. He's got his good pair of lungs from me, that's for sure.

"Come on, Kakarot! I can't hear you begging, scream louder!" he taunted. He turned to face Piccolo and Krillin "What are you waiting for, just try that little trick me, I dare you!"

Piccolo growled to himself "Ugh, its no use, I'll need more time" he's still gathering energy.

Raditz is still stomping his foot on me, yelling out crude remarks at me. I screamed even louder when I felt the forth rib snapped. All I felt was pain that spread through my torso, I wanted it to end so badly.

"Your such a disappoint brother!" he lifted his hand, ready for a Ki blast me when something unexpected happen. A something short has zoomed threw the air like a bullet.

it was Krillin!

His bald head was angle to give Radtiz an enormous headbutt to the face when he came speeding towards him. It caught Radtiz completely off guard, he fell backward on the ground with a giant thud, his hands were all over his face in agony. Krillin also fell, face first on the ground, he groaned painfully, clutching his head.

Krillin stood up shakily, he turn to me, his head was purple/black and swelling, his stitches were ripped open letting out some blood trickling down his face. He smile at me and wave "Hey, pal, you don't look so good" he asked.

"hehe, your not bad off yourself" I gave him a little half smile. Wait a minute, he was suppose to be watching Gohan, where's Gohan?

Raditz was getting up, when I looked at him, he had some blood running down his face. he look very shock to see it was Krillin who hit him. "How? nobody has ever done that to me" he said out loud. I don't know what went on in his head but he just starting walking towards Krillin now, it was like Raditz was a lion and Krillin was his prey.

Raditz was severely pissed now. When he got to Krillin, he landed a massive punch at him that threw Krillin several feet on my right. But that wasn't enough for him, he quickly got to Krillin, grabbed his Gi, and just beat the living crap out of him in rapid punches and kicks into the ground. It made me felt so horrible that this was happening to Krillin, my best friend.

My body was so broken that I wasn't to sure about it working to well. With every bit of muscle I had left, I ran up to Raditz and grasp his arms from behind him to stop his beating but he quickly wrap one hand around Krillin's neck making him choke and gasp for breath. Raditz was incredibly furious, he was struggling to free himself from me while Krillin was struggling to free himself from Raditz's grip on his neck.

"Piccolo! use your attack, now!" I yelled out.

Piccolo was smirking as he finishes up charging energy into his fingers for another attack "Alright goku, hold on tight!" he yelled.

"Argghhh, you little..." Radtiz was struggling harder and Krillin was almost loosing conscientiousness "Fool! how are you gonna hold onto me and dodge that beam?" he said. That was a good question he asked but I now know how this was going to end.

"Your right, I can't, we'll both go" this was the only way "What?! you'll be killed too" Raditz yelled.

"Yes, and it will keep you from ever laying a hand on my son again!" I told him "Now Piccolo! my ribs are broken!"

Piccolo shot his special beam cannon, straight at me and Raditz. I felt his beam pierce clean though Raditz and then though me. It knock us both on the ground, and it got Raditz to let go of Krillin's neck, he dropped to the ground coughing and wheezing for air. When I fell on ground, I look at my stomach and there was a huge gaping hole. I lay there on the floor, bleeding, my body is completely spent of all energy I had left, and then I remember something very important.

"Krillin..." I called out "Please... bring Gohan to me" he nodded and stagger to some direction to get my son. I really need my son with me, I just really need to hold him.

Radtiz was saying his final word with Piccolo.

Krillin came back with Gohan (who's still crying). I mustered up a little energy to extend my arms to reach out so Krillin can pass gohan to me, where I placed him on top of my chest and held him. "shh... shh... its ok-k, no more c-crying... d-daddy here now" I whispered soothingly, stroking his head and back kissing him. It didn't matter to me how injured I am, Gohan always comes first. Surprisingly he did calm down somewhat, he's stop wailing like a banshee.

I can't believe I'm dying after I swore to myself that I wouldn't for Gohan's sake. The Ox king says that the first years of gohan's life are important. But I'm about to go away, I can feel myself slipping away and I hate that I'm slipping away from gohan, the one person who needs me the most. I didn't want a battle today, I never wanted gohan to be in the middle of it, I just wanted and day out with my son and friends.

As I'm laying there as the ground I overhear Raditz saying two more saiyans who are stronger then him are coming to earth in a year, after Piccolo finishes him off. Then Bulma and Master Roshi finally appeared from her flying car, when they got out they rushed toward me, Krillin and Piccolo. Bulma was crying, Roshi stood stiff, Krillin sat be my side holding my left hand, and Piccolo was only standing. They were telling me that everything is fine and that I can make it but its plain obvious that I'm dying.

"Goku... y-your going to pull through... aren't you buddy?" croaked Krillin, I can only smile to hide the unbearable pain of my broken body.

"G-guys.. I need y-you... t-t-to do me... a f-fa...vor..." I spoke, they all listen carefully.

"After t-this... t-take... go...han... t-to Ox... k-king... for m-me..."

"We will, but... your going to ok!, you going to live too!" Krillin wheezed out, "No... n-not this t-t-time... friend" I said, I'm almost losing mobility in my body.

"We'll wish you back soon, I promise!" tearfully krillin said, I nodded, there's one last thing I have to do.

"B-Bulma..." she stopped crying and sat up straighter "My b-bag?" she nodded and sprinted to her flying car and to retrieve it and ran back at us. "Ok, now what?" she asked.

"Bottle..." I whispered inaudibly. She rummaged around until she found a half full one and held it up for me. I let go of Krillin's hand to grab it, and then I pointed it to Gohan's mouth for him to feed on, he sucked vigorously until the milk was all gone.

'that's my boy, daddy loves you' I thought to myself 'at least I got to do this one fatherly thing before I go'

And then I died with a smile.

so sorry, how late this chapter was, I been dealing with unnecessary issues.

hope you guys hadn't gave up on me.

I've turned into such a recluse, please forgive me, write any feedback to me and tell me what you thought of this chapter and my new story idea on my profile

thanks for reading my lovely audience