
2nd May 2008

The Three Broomsticks

10 years. 10 years of peace, of happiness. You couldn't fit another person into the bar. The colours, the bustling, but best of all was the laughter.

And so much had happened that it was almost hard to keep up.

Heart pounding, his footsteps echoing along the corridor. Oh he was in trouble, but there was no way he was missing this. Sliding around the corner his sprinting came o a sudden halt, hearing screaming from inside the room.

"Oh you are in trouble" Sirius turned to see Arthur Weasley on a sat by the wall.

"I know" Sirius spoke, catching his breath back, turning back to the door where the screaming and shouting of various curse words were coming from. "Big trouble"

Since the end of the war it had become custom at this time to celebrate the end of the war, to celebrate the new world, and to remember those that had been lost. But as today marked 10 years since the battle started. The Ministry had declared a week long celebration.

It felt like a crucio curse running through her body. As the door opened and Sirius stepped through Sofia glared at him.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!" Her voice boomed, sure that the entire of St Mungos could hear. Inching closer Sirius grimaced.

"I'm sorry, i..i" Sirius was nervous

"You bloody should be sorry Sirius Black, by Merlins beard!" Sofia gripped the bed sheets fiercely, groaning as she leaned forwards. "You better have a good reason for nearly missing the birth of your first child!" Sofia shouted through the pain of her contractions. Sweat rolling don her forehead onto her shirt.
"I'm sorry Sofe, I'm here ow, with you" Moving forwards Sirius took her hand, letting her squeeze it, and squeeze it she did, pretty sure she broke a couple of fingers. But he deserved that.

The best thing that had come from this war, that had come from the past ten years was the families. So many coming together, growing bigger. When Harry and Ginny married, and Ron and Hermione. The Weasley family was possible one of the biggest wizarding families alive. But she was proud to be related to them also. Really, every family was connected somehow.

"Have you picked a name yet?" Molly stood at the end of the bed. The room was peaceful and quiet. Sofia lying on the bed, propped up by pillows, a tiny bundle in her arms, Sirius sitting by her side, an arm around the back of her, gently stroking the baby's head.

"Well" Sofia was quiet, tired, but she glanced to Sirius with a smile before looking at the little girl in her arms.

"Chara" Sirius spoke.

"Ahh a beautiful name" Molly smiled.

"Thank you Molly, she is a miracle" Sofia said, gazing at the beautiful baby girl in her arms.

Although the rain fell outside, hammering against the windows, that didn't dampen the mood inside. Drink was flowing merrily.

"Watch out!" Sofia ducked as a miniature broom flew past her head. Chuckling she moved around a table with a group chatting loudly. Finding herself in a bit of space she paused to look around the bar. Harry, Ron and Hermione, as always were stood together. They sure had grown in the last ten years. Harry was now head of the Auror office at the Ministry of Magic, Ron was now working at his brothers shop in the Diagon Alley and Hermione was working within the department of magical law enforcement at the Ministry. Although there were rumours that she would be pursuing the Minister of magic role. Kingsley was still Minister at the moment. But after the war, everything had changed at the Ministry, no longer ruled by corruption and pure blood bias. Helping to bring peace into this new world.

"You want to leave the Ministry to work in your brothers joke shop!" Hermione stared at Ron as they all stood in Harrys cubicle at the Ministry.

"Well yeah.."

"You have been here two years Ron, all the training, all the work you have done and you want to quit to be in a joke shop" Hermione repeated in disbelief

"Yes Hermione I want to work in a joke shop" Ron said. Harry was sat in his chair, listening to them both have a domestic. Ron had of course asked Harry for his advice on the matter but when it came to Hermione, Ron was on his own. "I love being part of the Ministry but it isn't me, the shop is our family and I want to be part of that. The shop is doing so well" Ron stated. Hermione just huffed and walked away from them both. "Well…that went better then I thought" Ron glanced to Harry who just shrugged and turned back to his desk.

Arthur and Moll Weasley were sat together at a small table, over 10 years the Weasley family had grown and the two of them were very busy grandparents.

Spotting Ginny carrying a tray of drinks, she set them down at the trios table. Ginny had had a very successful Quidditch career with the Holyhead harpies, until James came along that was. Instead she went onto work as a senior Quidditch correspondent at the Daily Prophet. Harry and Ginnys wedding had been a beautiful but quiet ceremony. And Ron and Hermione's had certainly been…fun, unsure if Ron remembered any of it he was so drunk.

Then the kinds came a long.

"Chara!" Stop tormenting your brother" Sofia shouted at her 8 year old daughter as she chased her 6 year old brother around the bar.

The streets of London were bright and bustling. Walking hand in hand with Sirius, she was so happy.

"Chara, not too far please" Sofia called out to the little girl running in front of them.

"Come on cheeky monkey" Sirius darted forwards and scooped Chara up into his arms. The little girl giggled and squealed with glee. Pausing, Sofia smiled. A hand on her large growing belly. She already knew they were having a boy and had picked a name out for him. Watching her husband and daughter she felt so happy to have them in her life. Taking a slow breath she glanced across the street to see she had not seen in years.

Malcolm Tucker. He was still alive, he made it through the war and his own demons. Though aged, clad in his usual suit, he looked good. Catching each others eye he gave her a rare soft smile, his face indicating to her belly before seeing Sirius and Chara approach. He nodded to her, unspoken words but none were needed. Just glad each other were happy.

"Asterion Alphard Black! Get down from those stairs now" Sofia shouted at her son. At 6 years old, Asterion was already showing showing signs of being just like his father. Dark brown almost black hair, a cheeky smile and a twinkle in his eyes. "Go and sit with Rose and James" Sofia scooted him along to the table the kids sat at, young 4 year old James Sirius Potter and 3 year old Rose Weasley.

"Neville, have you seen my husband?" Sofia asked the younger man after putting her son onto a chair.

"Behind the bar last I saw" Neville answered. Even Neville was doing well for himself. After the war he had joined Harry in becoming an Auror but he decided that Herbology was his greatest interest and so joined Sofia at teaching at the school, becoming the herbology teacher. Which had become a very popular class, the students always wanting to ask him questions about the war. After he started teaching it was then that he announced her was getting married to everyones surprise but also happiness. Neville and Hannah Abbott were so good together.

"Of course he is by the bar" Sofia nodded, patting his shoulder she moved towards the bar. Just after Chara was born, Sirius announced that he was taking over the Three Broomsticks. Something he was so excited to do. And since taking over, the pub had never been quiet. And Sirius had never been happier. Chasing after two kids and running his own business, this was what he dreamed of. The pub was beautifully decorated. It was a memory to the past but also hope for the future. The walls were covered with photos. From those that were lost, to the kids coming into the world.

Walking towards the bar she looked up at the biggest photo out of all of them, Lily, James, Sirius, Remus and herself. The Marauders, she would never forget those days.

"Hello my darling, can I get you a drink?" Sirius popped up from the bar. Sofia smiled at him. The past 10 years Sirius had seemed to age backwards. He looked younger, like he did back in school, face fuller, hair short and so handsome. Plus the kids had just made him a big kid again.

"Just checking on you darling" Sofia placed a hand on his cheek before kissing him, letting him get back to work. Leaning back against the bar she looked over the pub and it made her realise something.

"Looking back on it. I kinda think it was the best of times. Families, like life have a way of changing, never staying the same but they are family, this eclectic, deeply bonded group. So you evolve, you adapt. Now, as I look at my life and my new extended family. I think of a wonderful quote from an old muggle writer, George Elliott. It's never too late to be what you might have been."

The End.

*Chara- pronounced Kara, meaning Happiness, joy.

* Asterion Alphard Black Named after the star of two hounds, one named Asterion, the other Chara. Chara is the alpha star and Asterion the beta but brightest of the two

After 4 years i have finally finished this story and i want to thank anyone and everyone new and old who has kept with me. I have had my own trials and tribulations but i vowed to never give up on this and i haven't. I simply hope i have done them both justice. Thank you for the reviews, good and bad, i take them all into account. And i hope you have enjoyed this little world i made for Sirius.