It has been a long time coming. And i apologise for taking such a long time. But i promised and i keep them.

This story is still being written so uploads will be a bit slower than the others. It will be all light and fluffy to begin with but things will change as the years pass and the war begins.

The story will follow through Harry's years, the war and beyond.

I hope you enjoy.

July 7th 1996

"Sirius, we were meant to leave half an hour ago. Am I not meant too be the one who takes ages to get ready" Sitting on the edge of the bed in the master bedroom of Grimmauld Place, Sofia spoke to the closed door of the bathroom.

It was the beginning of July 1996. Since the article in the Daily Prophet abolishing all the crimes that had been placed on his name and declaring his freedom, Sirius had been apprehensive about leaving the house. Which baffled Sofia. She had been thinking that she wouldn't be able to get him back inside. Sofia questioned Sirius a lot at first, but she saw something much deeper was wrong. Instead of pushing him, she let Sirius take things at his own place. But today was a big day for them both. They were travelling into central London and Diagon Alley. Sirius insisted on getting Sofia an engagement ring, also he wanted to get a birthday present for Harry at the end of the month.

With a heavy sigh Sofia stood from the bed and took the few paces to the bathroom door.

"Sirius?" Sofia whispered through the wood but was greeted with silence. "Sweetheart, please talk to me" She continued softly.

Slowly, testing the door, worried for his well being, Sofia opened the door. She saw Sirius leaning over the sink, staring at himself in the mirror.

"Sirius what's wrong? Don't you want to go?" She asked him.

"I do want to go, it's just..." Sirius paused and sighed, looking at himself in the mirror. Sofia watched him and she finally realised.

"It's about what everyone will think isn't it" Sofia said softly. "Sirius, when have you been bothered about what other people think" She laid her hand gently onto his arm.

"As soon as they see me they will see him, the prisoner, the crazed mad man" Sirius stared at his reflection.

"That's nonsense Sirius" Sofia spoke softly.

"No it isn't, seeing little kids hide behind their parents, running away in case I hurt them. I don't want to be seen as that man" Sirius' voice cracked and his head slumped forwards. Sofia sighed, listening to Sirius pour his heart out. "I want it to be how it was after school, it was easy, no worries, nothing, just us" Sirius whispered.

"It can't be like that, you know that Sirius, a lot has changed and a lot is happening. But, maybe a few things can change" Sofia said and Sirius looked to her.

"What do you mean?" Sirius asked.

"Well, you said you wanted it to be like it was after school. We can't change what happened, but we can change a few things. You are scared of what people will say and think, well, what if people saw someone else, someone different" Sofia suggested.

"Be someone...what like change myself in a different person? Like Tonks?" Sirius questioned.

"Yes and no, look, you want different, so change" Sofia whispered, running her fingers through his soft long hair. "Sirius, it's up to you, this is your life. I am not going to push you to do anything. But you can't stay inside for the rest of your life" Sofia said, stroking his cheek with her finger. "I will be downstairs" She said and kissed his lips before leaving the bathroom, hearing a heavy sigh from Sirius.

Walking down the stairs, Sofia sat at the table in the kitchen. Mug of coffee in her hand as she waited. She felt bad for Sirius, wanting to help him more but this was his choice.

15 minutes later and sill in the kitchen, there was a creak by the door. Sofia looked up from her mu and saw Sirius in the doorway.

"Wow" Sofia was shocked and she stood from the table, walking over she gazed up to him.

"Think people will recognize me now?" Sirius asked as Sofia reached up and ran her fingers through his now very short hair, which tufted up at the front. "Not quite like the school days, thought I was a bit past that" Sirius smiled which made Sofia chuckle.

"I like it, and you got rid of your beard" Sofia noted, running her fingers over his cheek. Instead Sirius had a short goatee.

"Do you like it?" Sirius asked her and she smiled to him.

"You look fantastic Sirius, handsome, and I can see your face." Sofia leaned up on her toes and pressed her lips to his. Sirius smiled in the kiss before breaking away.

"You're sure?" He asked again and Sofia laughed.

"Yes I'm sure, now come on, let's get to Diagon Alley and have some fun" She took his hand tightly and dragged him out of the door before he could change his mind.

The moment they stepped out the front door, Sirius and Sofia disapperated from the step. Instantly re-appearing in the alley beside the Leaky Cauldron. Sirius walked forwards and opened the door for Sofia to step inside. Thanking him, Sofia walked into the pub, seeing a few sat at the bar, but no one turned to take notice of the newcomers. Taking hold of Sirius' hand, she guided him to the back alley. Pausing, she looked at Sirius.

"Are you sure?" Sofia asked him and he nodded.

"Got to jump in at the deep end" Sirius said and with a smile at Sofia, the brick wall opened. Taking a deep breath, Sirius stepped onto the cobbled wizarding street of Diagon Alley.

Looking up Sirius witnessed the vast beautiful sky. So clear and radiant, the stillness calming, a bird chirping a summer song as it flew above him. Sirius would dream of such simple bliss when he was alone in the darkness. A broad smile on his face, Sirius nodded before he walked down the street. There were a few witches and wizards gazing through shop windows as the duo headed to Gringotts. As they walked down the street, a wizard dipped his hat to Sirius.

"Afternoon" he said and Sirius grinned, turning to Sofia, squeesing her hand, so happy that no one was hurling abuse or running from him.

After getting a pouch full of galleons, Sofia looked at Sirius.

"Where to first Sirius?" Sofia asked him as they walked between shops.

"Something for Harry" He answered and looked at all the different buildings, thinking. "Well I got him a Firebolt, let's try in here" Sirius walked into Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment as Sofia followed.

Inside, Sofia looked at the crammed shelves. There were magical instruments in every nook and cranny, not a millimetre of space to spare. Sofia had no idea where to start looking, but Sirius walked straight to the back of he shop, the shelves were dusty, as were the objects sitting on them.

"What are you looking for?" She asked him as she inspected the objects. Eyeing a lot of different dark detectors.

"It will vibrate and glow bright green if a dementor is near" Sirius held in his hand a small golden cylinder with glass panel strips.

"Are you sure it works?" Sofia asked dubiously.

"I saw Mad-Eye have one. I know the Dementors affect Harry badly. He probably won't use it, but hey, it's a warning" Sirius said as he looked at Sofia.

"Okay, well maybe get himself something else as well" Sofia noted, patting his back and looked around the shop. Sirius scowled as he walked to the counter.

"Fine" he mumble, paying for the item he walked to Sofia. "Let's go get you a ring" He suggested and they both left the shop, back onto the cobbles. A smile returning to Sirius' face as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

Walking inside the jewellers, Sofia smiled as she saw everything sparkle. Now Sofia was not particularly materialistic, or very feminine, but like any girl, she loved a bit of sparkle.

"Oh now that's nice" Sofia admired the twisted silver band, gleaming diamond in the middle. Sirius meanwhile was hovering by the window, leaving Sofia to this part of the shopping. Listening to Sofia talking, he watched the sky. Moving closer to the glass when he noticed something odd. Dark clouds suddenly casted over, watching closer he then saw the shape of a skull. Rushing out he door he walked quickly down the cobbles.

Other witches and wizards doing the same.

"Sirius, what do you think of this one?" Sofia asked, reaching behind her as she examined the ring. When she felt nothing but air, Sofia stood up straight, turning to see nothing but air. "Sirius?" She called and moved to the door. Slowly opening it and stepping outside. Noting the dark sky. Seeing Sirius a few metres away and she approached him, placing a hand on his back.

"Sirius?" Sofia questioned but he didn't reply, he was just watching upwards. Turning her gaze to follow, she froze. Watching the snake burst through the mouth of the skull. "Oh no" She whispered and quickly took her wand from her waist.

Suddenly, screams erupted from behind them. Spinning around she felt herself pushed to the floor. Black smoke spreading over them. Getting back up, Sirius looking to her.

"Are you okay?" he asked, nodding she jumped when an explosion rang through her ears. Flames billowing out of the windows, glass shattering.

"No" Sofia whispered and ran with Sirius to the wand shop. Seeing the figures walk out, holding tightly to Mr Ollivander. But before they could even attempt to stop the deatheaters, they were gone.

Stopping in front of the shop Sofia watched Sirius run inside, she stayed on the cobbles, wand a loft as the Ministry workers came onto the scene.

"What happened here?" Came a voice behind Sofia and she looked to the new Minister of Magic Rufus Scrimgeour.

"Deatheater's Minister" Sofia told him as Sirius re-appeared by her side.

"They have taken Ollivander" Sirius looked at the Minister.

"Why would they do such a thing?" Scrimgeour questioned but Sirius shook his head.

"No idea" Sofia sighed, wand still by her side.

"Well you can go, this is a Ministry matter now." Scrimgeour stated and Sirius took Sofia's hand, fastening her wand back to her waist. Walking with Sirius away from the scene.

"Why the hell would they want Ollivander?" Sirius asked as they walked slowly.

"He's a wandmaker, maybe Voldemort wants to use him for that purpose" Sofia suggested but it was all just guesswork.

"Maybe" Sirius said and they stopped outside the jewellery shop, but they looked to one another.

"I'm not really in the mood for ring shopping now" Sofia said quietly, just thinking about Ollivander. Was this just the beginning. Sirius stroked her cheek, gazing down to her.

"We're getting married in two weeks, we need the rings. You need a dress, we haven't got a place for the ceremony" Sirius said and Sofia smiled.

"Okay Mister organised" She whispered. "Let's go home, I suspect Remus will be waiting for us" Glancing back to Ollivander's...what was Ollivander's.

"Actually that's something else I wanted to talk about" Sirius said as he walked and Sofia looked to him curiously.

July 20th 1996

Sirius took a deep breath, fiddling with his cuffs. When he was in his cell he would imagine this day, the happiness. The thought of finally marrying the woman he adored. But he was full of nerves. Taking a deep breath, trying to keep calm, wiping the beads of sweat from his brow.

"Never seen you look so nervous" Harry's voice drifted from the doorway.

"Oh you wait until you are in this position. Marrying someone who is far too good for you. Merlin's beard. Why the hell is she marrying me..." Sirius stared at his reflection.

"Don't be getting cold feet Sirius. And Sofia loves you, maybe she is a bit crazy too, but she does" Harry tried to calm him.

"Is she here?" Sirius asked and harry nodded.

"Mrs Weasley is with her, no doubt saying the same" Harry said with a smile.

"I highly doubt she has such high praise for me" Sirius looked to Harry, his smile faltering.

"We need to get in place" Harry spoke and walked out of the tent. Sirius waited a minute before he followed.

Walking out into the bright sun, the heat making him pull at his collar. It had been Sofia's decision to have the wedding here. She explained it had become their place. The hill side in Italy, they would come and watch the stars, be at peace. And so they had decided to get married here. It was small, only a select few, they both only knew those in the order anyway.

He looked to Remus, sat beside Tonks and Kingsley, Arthur and Molly Weasley sat on the other side, the rest of the Weasley family spreading amongst each side. Ginny sitting beside Hermione on Sofia's side. Meanwhile Ron, Harry Fred and George had chosen the opposite to the girls. Sofia had invited her own family, but she had not received a reply, which had upset her. But she was gaining a new family member now.

"Have you heard anything from Ollivander?" Remus whispered to Kingsley, but he shook his head.

"The Ministry have a team searching, but the Minister has no clue" Kingsley replied. Sirius listened to the conversation but he just waited.

Then she appeared, he froze, listening to his heart pounding, sure it would burst out of his chest. She put the pictures in those wedding magazines to shame. She was the most beautiful woman, wearing a radiance and joy he had never seen before. Flooding his mind were the memories of their younger days, crashing into her after flooding the toilets. That smile the moment they met. She was beautiful then. But now...he had to hold himself together, he couldn't get teary, not now. As she reached him he took her hand, squeesing it, letting her know she was always there for her, but also to calm his own nerves. Kissing her cheek he grinned.

"You look...utterly indescribable" Sirius whispered and Sofia laughed.

"I'll take that as a compliment" Sofia smiled and they turned to the vicar to let the ceremony get under way.

Several Hours Later. Grimmauld Place.

"Molly relax, go sit, have fun, everyone is sorted" Sofia insisted to Molly Weasley, she had been running around the kitchen getting in a fluster to make sure everyone had food and drinks. Taking a deep breath she nodded.

"I'll just have five minutes" Molly agreed.

"Take this with you, we are celebrating" Sofia passed her a champagne flute which she took and went out to the garden. It was full of people , music blasting loudly, drinks flowing, everyone with a smile on there faces. She had changed out of her wedding dress into a dress more comfortable.

Standing at the steps she watched Sirius at the bottom of the garden, talking with Remus, Kingsley and Mad-Eye, cigar in one hand, Firewhiskey in the other. She caught his eye and Sirius smiled to her. Returning it she inclined her head to the house and walked back inside. Sirius excused himself from the group, jogging up the steps and into the kitchen.

"Sofe? You okay?" He asked as Sofia stood by the table.

"I'm fine, more than fine" Sofia smiled and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I just wanted a few moments with my new husband"

"Ahh I see, well I'll go find him" Sirius pulled away but Sofia grabbed his arm, tugging him back.

"Come here you idiot" Grinned Sofia and she kissed his lips. Sirius gently took hold of her waist and picked her up onto the table, stepping between her legs as the kiss deepened.

"Woah, ho ho sorry" Fred called and Sofia broke away but she didn't look from Sirius, his eyes alive with lust. "Toilet calls, carry on" Fred quickly left the kitchen and Sofia smiled.

"We can carry this on tonight" She whispered stroking the bottom of his back.

"Don't know if I can wait that long" Sirius grumbled and Sofia chuckled, pecking his lips before she got off the table and led him outside. Reaching the bottom step everyone turned to them.

"Speech! Time for speeches" Arthur called and she heard Sirius groan. The music falling silent, Sofia walked into the centre, Sirius standing just behind her, seeing Fred come back outside.

"Well first off I just want to thank everyone for coming today. It had been a long time coming to be honest, and it will take me a while to get used to being Mrs Sofia Black. But it won't be difficult." Sofia smiled and grinned to Sirius who was watching her. "Me and Sirius have been, well we have been though a lot of shit together, if you pardon my language" A chuckle reverberated over everyone listening. "But without this man, I don't know where I would be. I love him so much that he gives me strength, and that he loves me gives me courage" Sofia spoke softly and Sirius smiled kissing her. She stepped back now and let Sirius say a few words.

"As Sofe said, we have been through a lot together. Meeting at Hogwarts during my first year, losing James and Lily" Sirius' voice quietened and he looked to Harry who gave him a comforting smile. "I know they would be watching now, cheering us on, telling us it was about damn time" Sirius chuckled and everyone else laughed again as well. "But I finally did it, I married her. A woman I am so lucky to have, she kept me going in that cell, without her, it's not a thought I want to have." Sirius turned and looked at Sofia. "I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you, not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me" Sirius finished and Sofia smiled, wiping her cheek before she moved to Sirius, kissing him.

"Always have to out do me" She whispered and kissed his lips again before Sirius hugged her tightly.

"Of course I do" Sirius grinned coming away, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"All right love birds, let's get the party started" George called and the music started.

"Hey, newly weds here" Sirius said to George before looking back at Sofia. "I meant every word" he whispered.

"I know Sirius, me too" She said before seeing the back of the house open and two people step out. "Oh my god" Sofia whispered and breaking from Sirius she rushed to the duo. "Daniel, Luce, I thought you wouldn't come" She hugged her brother and sister tightly.

"You think I would miss my big sister getting married" Lucy grinned to Sofia.

"We're just sorry we missed the ceremony" Daniel added.

"It's fine, you're here now" Sofia was just happy to have them here. Sirius watched them all before he got himself a drink, rejoining Remus.

August 10th 1996

"It's beautiful" Sofia gazed at the building. Herself and Sirius had moved out of London. Sirius had signed Grimmauld Place over to Harry. They wanted to get out of the place. It was Sirius' childhood home, full of everything he hated. So a fresh start, that's what she said. They searched hard for the right place, but they found it. A quaint little cottage on the coast of Cornwall, white walls with a thatched rood and a sweet light blue door. Beautiful flowers lining the garden, shining colours in the bright sunshine.

Sirius wrapped his arm around her waist, kissing her temple.

"It's perfect, new start, new life, new everything" Sirius said quietly before looking back to the house.

"There's something else as well" Sofia looked at Sirius, arm around his back as Sirius looked at her curiously.

"I'm Pregnant."