Losing Grip: Trouble    

Engrish Spy

Rating R

Disclaimer: I do not own the song trouble by Coldplay and I do not own Gundam Wing other. All I own is this computer, some clothing and a kick ass CD player that no one can have. On with the show.

I claimed the body from the institute the day before Christmas. That was someway to celebrate my third sons first Christmas. I was picking up the body of my dead best friend. I sighed as I signed the waiver and then motioned for the flag draped coffin to be loaded into the hearse and then gave directions to the driver to the space port.

            Arriving at the space port, the Preventer guard gave a peaceful salute to their dead companion. He was still a Preventer, even if he was mental after Princess' death. I followed the pallbearers as they took the coffin up the shuttle ramp and secured the coffin. I sighed again and then motioned a salute and then takeoff.


Oh no, I see,

A spider web is tangled up with me,

And I lost my head,

The thought of all the stupid things I said,

Oh no what's this?

A spider web, and I'm caught in the middle,

So I turned to run,

The thought of all the stupid things I've done,


            We arrived at Earth, about twenty minute to midnight. I pulled out my cell phone and then made a quick call home. I received greetings and mentioned that I would be home in the morning. I smiled and then hung up. Though it was a grim event that was taking place, I still had stuff to smile about.


I never meant to cause you trouble,

And I never meant to do you wrong,

And I, well if I ever caused you trouble,

Oh no, I never meant to do you harm.


            I placed a hand on the coffin and let a single tear slide down my cheek. I shook my head and then whispered a soft prayer to the air and left the coffin in the cold room for the night.


Oh no I see,

A spider web and it's me in the middle,

So I twist and turn,

Here I am in my little bubble,


The funeral was after Christmas and before New Years, Zechs let us burry him next to her, seeing as that he had finally given up hating the man he thought was at fault for killing his sister. He sighed as well as we watched the coffin lower as it was placed next to hers. There was a solemnity in the air as we stood there.

            His tombstone was engraved with the best the rest of us pilots could think of, 'Deer Friend, Protector of Peace and One Hell of a Pilot.' I smiled as they started to burry the coffin. We left the plot and as we did, it began to snow. I then thought back to the Eve Wars and the Mariemaia Coup de 'ete. I then hugged Hilde closer and let her lead me back to the awaiting limo.


Singing, I never meant to cause you trouble,

I never meant to do you wrong,

And I, well if I ever caused you trouble,

Oh no, I never meant to do you harm.


I had lost my best friend, dumb as he might have been. I also lost the person I looked up to the most ten years ago. They will be missed and their tumultuous lives were hard for both of them, they still were heroes in love and in life. I will remember them as friends, lovers and great heroes. I will never forget their legacy no matter what.


They spun a web for me,

They spun a web for me,

They spun a web for me.


The End…