
Long ago in another realm, known as the Enchanted Forrest, there lived a king and Queen. The King and Queen fought long and hard for their rightful place on the thrown, and for their family.

The Queen became pregnant not long after their wedding, but sadly she fell ill. The King searched high and low to find a cure for his True Love and eventually heard from the Blue Fairy about a magic golden flower.

Quickly as he could, he sent his men to retrieve the flower and make the potion that would save his Queen and unborn child.

It worked.

And for a few short months they were a happy family, finally able to enjoy their lives they fought so hard for.

However, the Evil Queen, Regina, had other plans. Fueled by a personal vendetta against the Queen, Snow White, she looked for a way to make Snow White suffer and she found it. She took away her daughter.

The Evil Queen locked the baby princess in a tower near her castle and took care of her with her Heartless Huntsman to help.

In Snow White and Prince Charming's kingdom, there was a sadness that descended over all. Every year on their daughter's birthday they released thousands of floating lanterns into the sky to show that they would never give up and would find their daughter eventually.

And on her seventh birthday, Emma went to her window as Regina slept in the other room and watched the lanterns in the sky, as she did every year, but this time with her new book of stories in hand. It was a gift from Graham, the last one he would give her. And this book was the greatest gift she could get, because it gave her hope.

In another corner of the realm, a young boy was found by his brother, giving him hope for his future too.

Chapter 1: In Which a Pirate Meets a Lost Princess

Emma Swan awoke with the sun glaring in her eyes. She looked around her small round room, sunlight coming in through the window on the pitched ceiling lighting up the walls with her paintings. They were cute paintings depicting her on the adventures she longed for. The ones like she read in her book that Graham gave her a couple of years ago. Out of all the books he gave her, the one with the various tales of adventure, magic, love, and family that had the words 'Once Upon a Time' on the cover was her favorite. They gave her hope, even though Regina and Graham had both told her that those stories were not true to the world outside her tower. Graham was never quite as convincing as Regina was about that, but she hadn't seen him in 4 years now, so Regina must be right.

Emma went about her morning as usual, getting dressed and brushing her hair that was so long it trailed a long ways behind her. She took great care in brushing it out. It was of course, the most important thing about her. It made her feel like she had a purpose. With the right words she could heal people and help Regina with her potions.

But there was something different about this morning that put a pep in her step, while also filling her with a nervous uneasy feeling…

Today would be the day Emma left the tower. She couldn't take it anymore. Yes, she saw Regina basically everyday so she had some company, and yes, Regina said the world was dangerous and everyone would be out to get her for her magic hair. But she couldn't stand being locked up, or as Regina put it, staying in the one place that could guarantee her safety.

Everything lately reminds her of Graham, who left her. There are no new books for her to read, no one to have interesting conversations with, no one she felt truly cared about her happiness as well as her well-being. Emma was going stir crazy for quite some time now. It's a wonder how she didn't lose her mind.

As Emma descended the stairs to the larger room below hers, she heard Regina call from the open window. Quickly she jumped down the rest of the steps, nervous excitement filling her being as she fixed her hair to throw down to Regina. This is it - this is when she'd ask her. She's been thinking about it non-stop for weeks now. She felt Regina tug on her hair, and she pulled her up. Emma grabbed her hand as she made it into the window.

"You could be little faster," Regina said in greeting as she straightened out her plain dress. "Here is your breakfast," she continued, holding out a basket of muffins to Emma.

"Thanks." Emma grabbed the basket giving her a smile, and led them over to the table. Her nerves were getting worse with every passing second, so she just went for it.

"So, I was wondering, my birthday is in a couple of days, and I know we haven't really celebrated it the past few of years, but I was wondering if well.." She was wringing her hands in front of her trying to get out what she wanted to say.

Regina fixed her with a look that said, "spit it out," as she pulled out her chair and sat down at the table.

"Can I go see the floating lights?" She spat it out as quickly as she could with more words tumbling form her mouth. "Just a little trip, you and me, and we can stay away from anyone who could hurt us and we can be back-"

Regina laughed at her, effectively shutting Emma up. "You do have quite the sense of humor." Emma just looked at her, face blank not sure what to feel. " There are no floating lights."

Her stomach dropped just for a moment before responding. "Every year on my birthday I've seen them out the window…"

"Those are stars dear, you see them any clear night." Regina mindlessly picked at the muffin in front of her.

"But here's the thing, they aren't stars, I've charted stars-"

"Emma you're being ridiculous."


"Emma you are not leaving this tower. There are countless dangers out there, and people who would jump at the chance to take you, and sell you for your hair! Is that what you want?"

"If we go together we can-"

"Enough!" She gave Emma a look that could melt stone. All Emma could do is look at her, scared and broken. "Oh great, now I'm the bad guy. How many times do I have to tell you there is nothing good out there; the world has gone to ruin."

Emma looked down and played with her hands as she sat. "Sorry," she said in a whisper.

"It's all right. Come now, eat your breakfast and we can get to work."

They ate in silence with a few attempts at small talk. Emma was crushed. When they finished up they went through their normal routine. Emma sang the incantation that made the magic flow through her hair, and Regina harnessed it for her potions.

"There, now I'll be back for dinner. I want to try something new, it's called lasagna."

Emma gave her a tight-lipped smile. "Okay."

"Remember, I am just doing this for your own good. When I found you all those years ago, I knew you were so special. You had to be protected," she reminded her, trying to placate the girl as she stroked her hair.

"I know, I'm sorry."

Regina moved for the window and Emma got her hair ready for Regina so she could scale the length of the tower. As she watched Regina leave the gulley, she knew she had to find another way out.

"Come on Mr. Smee! Don't dally, we don't have all day!"

"Coming Capt'n!"

Killian stiffens upon hearing horses after them. "Over here!" He grabs the shorter man's arm and quickly ducks behind some bushes to hide from their pursuers.

"Capt'n, what are we gonna do?" Smee asks out of breath.

"Here's the plan," the captain responds as he takes out his flask, quickly taking a swig before placing it back in place on his belt. "You head towards the Snuggly Duckling, lay low there for a day or two, then go to the Jolly. I'll take the long ways round back to port. And at that time, I will have made the trade," he says as he pats his satchel by his hip as he lets out a chuckle.

"You sure you don't want my help?"

"They didn't see you, and I'll be faster on my own. No offense," he says holding up his hand and ducking his head slightly.

Smee nods it off. "Aye Capt'n, I'll see you in a couple days time then."

Killian gives a curt nod and claps his shoulder before quickly getting up, hurrying in the other direction. The forest is lush and so incredibly green as he quickly makes his way through ducking some of the lower branches. He hears a horse again, not far off this time, so he runs, the uneven ground tripping him up. Before he knows it, he is at the bottom of a very large hill, dizzy and lost.

"Damn." Every way he turns looks the same. He hopes all of this is worth the trouble, and that the stolen crown in his satchel will fetch him enough money to fix his ship. Though running through the castle, and the town surrounding it, was quite the rush. It has been a nice change, working on land. But the sea is his home, and he cannot wait to set sail again, especially now that the Queen Anne's Revenge won't be harassing the Jolly Roger anymore. His ship may have taken some hard hits, but the Revenge is worse for wear, if it's even still sailing. That put smile on his face.

Quickly taking out the old compass, which bore the initials L.J., he got his bearings. He may have been a bit off of his original path, but north is north, so he set off quickly just to find a place where he could whip his map out. He proceeded forward, until he found himself in front of a vine-covered cliff. "Oh bugger off," he let out in a hiss. He kicked a rock near him toward the vines; only it didn't bounce off, but rather it went through with a rustle.

With a raised eyebrow and a curious look on his face, he moved the vines, only to find a short cave that led to a field. Cautiously, Killian entered the dark cave. As he moved through he got a better view of what lay in front of him. The cliff surrounded an open field on all sides. A small waterfall, flowing peacefully into a pond, rested behind a cheerful looking tower.

"Huh." Seeing this as a good place as any to get his bearings and hide, he grabbed a dagger from his boot. Immediately, he started to climb the tower with the assistance of his dagger and hook.

As he reached the top, he fell into the tower in sweet relief of his aching muscles. He got up, looking around the dimly lit room, which proceeded to darken as soon as he stood.

Emma was pacing all around the living room going through various scenarios. She could just leave. But, were she to leave, she would be facing unknown dangers all alone. And were she to stay she would surely go crazy. She looked at all the pictures she had painted on the walls, all the dreams she's had up there for her to imagine. It sent a pain through her: would she ever get the chance to live?

Suddenly, Emma heard a noise from outside. Quickly she ran to the window and peered out, only to find a dark figure working its way up the tower. For one fleeting moment, she thought it was Graham, but then reality set back in, as did fear.

"Okay Emma, you've got this. You've thought about how this could happen before," she muttered to herself. She quickly extinguished any candles and grabbed a pan for protection, as her incredibly long hair followed her around the room. She hid out of sight from the window, but remained close enough to spring into action as soon as the figure would appear.

The shutters creaked open and light streamed in. The figure grunted as he fell through the window. She watched from the shadows as the dark figure got up and looked around. With his back to her, now was the time for her to act. She lunged forward from her hiding place, smacking him in the head with her frying pan. He fell with a thud to the floor.

All she could do was stare at the motionless body. She had no clue where to go from here. Should she throw him back out the window? Take his weapons and force him to leave? Maybe she could just tie him up, take his things, and force him to take her to the floating lights.

Well, there was an idea.

Emma quickly searched his person for something valuable to blackmail him with, which turned out to be far easier than she originally thought. In his satchel she found a luxurious crown, embellished with pearls and crystals. She also took his sword, his dagger, and his hook. She hid the jewelry under a broken step, and stashed the weapons in the wardrobe before dragging the unconscious man aside. She took him over to a chair, where she tied him up with nothing more than the ends of her hair, for she didn't have any rope.

She heard him stir, and that's when she stood up tall, schooling her face into a look of confidence, her frying pan in hand at the ready.

"Ugh, wha- What the blazes?!" The man said as he got his bearings and looked at his confines. "Is this hair?"

"Yes, it is. A-And struggling is useless," Emma said rather confidently (and for that she was proud.)

His head snapped up to her and he gave a curious look as he scanned his surroundings.

"Who are you and how did you find me," she spat, pointing the frying pan at him.

The man looked directly at her. She noticed his face had a look of false sincerity, and listened cautiously as he cleared his throat. "I know not who your are or how I came to find you, but May I just say... Hey, beautiful. The name's Hook, Captain of the Jolly Roger. Maybe you've heard of me." He spoke with a raised eyebrow and a cocky grin.

"Hook... Really?"

"Fitting moniker, don't you think?" He gave her another dashing smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. Then his face fell at the realization of his present predicament. "Wait, where is my hook? Where is my satchel!?"

"I've hidden them." Emma said proudly as she cocked her head to the side, giving him a once over. He was good looking, as far as she could tell from her experience, not having met many men before. But a pretty face wouldn't fool her.

"Well, if you'd be so kind as to give them here, I'll be on my way," he said, patience growing thin.

That caught her off guard… He wanted to leave? Not use her hair?

"Wait. What?" Okay this could potentially work out for her, if he was telling the truth.

"Give me my things, and I'll be getting out of your hair. Literally. That is if you let me," he gritted out.

"You don't want my hair?"

"Why the bloody hell would I want your nonsensically long hair?"

"Who else knows my location, Captain?"

"Alright Blondie-"


He just stared at her in disbelief of the situation. "Emma," he corrected, with a smile that sent a slight shiver down her spine. "I was in a situation, gallivanting through the forest, being chased when I came across your tower. So, I climbed it to buy me-self some time. "

"So, you don't want my hair?"

"No!" He let out completely exasperated.

"You're telling the truth?" As she looked at him, she didn't see any lies, and boy was she used to seeing them.

"Yes." He looked intently into her eyes and she saw things there that did not want to think about right then. She backed down a bit, lowering her frying pan. He continued on speaking. "So, my things…"

"Oh, I'll give them back, if-"

"If?" He let out tersely, looking at her with is brows down low. Any trace of amusement that may have previously been on his face was gone.

"If, you take me to see the floating lights."

"You mean the lantern thing they do for the princess," he said utterly bored with the entire situation.

Lanterns… She knew they weren't stars. "Well, in a few days time they will light the night sky. I want you to take me to them and bring me back safely. And then I will give you back you're precious satchel."

"Why do you need me to do that, why not go on your own?"

"Because, I don't know my way around, I need a guide… Are you in or not?"

"No can do love. I'm not on the best of terms with the kingdom, so I won't be taking you anywhere."

Time to change tactics a bit. "Something brought you here. Fate…destiny..."

"An armed chase?" He deadpanned with one eyebrow up.

"So I have made the decision to trust you."

"A horrible decision."

"But trust me, even if you tear this tower apart…" She got close to him, too close, and made her voice as threatening as it could be, all the while pulling his chair so that she kept it upright, "…there is no way in hell you will find your precious satchel without me."

"So, let me see if I've got everything in order. I take you to see the lanterns, bring you back home, and you'll give me back my satchel?"

"I promise. And when I promise something I never break that promise."

Killian just stared at her, thinking. "All right. I didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice." He then gave her his best smolder, the one that made all other women throw themselves at him. Emma was apparently not one of those women, though, and frankly, she wasn't quite sure what he was doing.

"I'm having an off day this doesn't usually happen… Alright I'll take you to see the lanterns!" He declared his agreement before Emma let go of the balanced chair in excitement.

"Really?!" She finally felt like things were going her way. Then she noticed him on the floor groaning. "Sorry," she said with a wince.