(One thing I forgot to add on the last chapter. Many thanks to v.t.7 for helping naming the rulers. Now then, on with the show!)
Chapter 10: The meeting of the rulers part 2.
Starlanders and their guide have arrive at the base of the mountain.
"So, the meeting chamber is on the mountain?" Kovu asked.
"Nearly right, your majesty." Ruka said.
"So, we just have to climb on rocky mountain?" Timon asked.
"Not exactly. Follow me." Ruka said.
With that, Ruka walk through the brushes by the mountain. Confused, the Starlanders walk through the brushes to see a cave hidden behind it.
"Wow." The cubs said.
They enter the cave and see a path that leads to the top.
"So high." Mufasa said.
A while later, they reach the top and there, is a cave. Ruka lead Starlanders through the cave. When they arrive at the exit of the cave which is like a tunnel, they can see a pure white lion, laying on high flat rock.
Ruka bow to the white lion, "Emperor Leo, I've brought the rulers and their cubs along with their friends."
The white lion now known as Emperor Leo, hop off and made their way to them, "King Kovu and Queen Kiara, welcome."
"How did you-"
Leo cut off Kovu, "Know your names, the Great Kings of the Past as told me in my dream." Emperor then turn to Ruka, "My dear, what do you have to report."
"The Star Lands are beautiful places under their way. They're even so kind to let me stay with them." Ruka said with a smile.
Emperor Leo smile, "Very well. Welcome to our kingdoms, fellow rulers."
The Starlanders was shock at this.
"What do you mean?! What about the meeting about it?!" Kiara asked.
Emperor and Ruka laugh, "There's no meeting about it. It was your test and you passed."
"I don't get it." Pumba said.
"You see, Ruka is my wife. She's to check your kingdom and test you to see if you good rulers by let her stay with you or bad rulers by sending her away. And you've passed. Well done." Leo said.
"Oh. I see." Kovu said.
"You mean we came all this way for nothing?!" Timon asked.
"Not really. There's a real meeting that you must be there. Now, we must wait till other rulers arrive." Leo said.
A few minutes later, th Joylanders arrive and King Ayo notices Kovu and Kiara before made his way to them. Then he grab Kovu's paw and shake crazy.
"King Kovu and his wife, Queen Kiara! The saviors of the new Star Lands. I'm so honour to meet you two!" Ayo said before let go of Kovu's paws...
Which it's still shaking for the while before his wife grab it and stop it. Ayo's wife join them.
"I'm so sorry about that. My husband is always like that. You two are quite the legends." Kiziah said.
"So, you know about us?" Kiara asked.
"The all Kingdoms heard about you. How you beat Claw and claim the lands you called Star Lands." Ayo said.
Just then, the Wiselanders arrive. Follow by Pridelanders and Darklanders. Simba and Nara along with Kion, notices Starlanders and Simba glare at Kovu.
"Now that's everyone is here. We must start the meeting. Follow me." Emperor Leo said.
With that, the white lion lead everyone to the doorway. Through the cave is a chamber with the only light shines is from the hole on the celling. At the centre of the Chamber, is a long table like stone.
"Now, the cubs can wait there while we have our meeting." Emperor Leo said as he point his white paw at the corner side where it look like a playground.
The cubs of Star lands look amazes before they along with other rulers' cubs run to the playground. The Starlander cubs' babysitters follow them.
The parents sit around the table with the emperor sit at the head side. Their bodyguards are sitting behind their rulers.
"Now my friends, before we begin the meeting, let give a nice big welcome to the new Star Lands ever first rulers; King Kovu and Queen Kiara." Emperor Leo said.
Kovu and Kiara wave nervously.
"So, these two are the new fellow rulers from Star Lands that defeated Claw the Tyrannt Leopard." Khari said.
"Well, I didn't really defeated Claw by myself." Kovu said.
"Oh, don't be so modest, dear." Kali said with the smile.
Simba glare at Kovu before he turn to his daughter, "Emperor Leo. That lion is no hero. He's Scar's heir. He also cubnapped my little girl."
Before Emperor Leo could say something, Kiara beat him, "Simba, I'm not a little girl as you called me. I'm the Queen of Star Lands and Kovu is my husband and King of Star Lands."
"Enough of this nonsense! Get on with this meeting! Why did you summoned us?" Zuberi asked.
Kovu lean to Ayo, "Who's this lion with bad mood?"
"That's Zuberi, the black lion. Emperor Leo's dark cousin. He's makes Scar like a nice lion." Ayo whispered.
"There's danger coming, men have return." Leo said.
Everyone gasps but Kovu.
"Excuse me, what are men?" Kovu asked.
"WHAT ARE MEN?!" Everyone asked.
Nala then, calm down, realizes that Zira haven't told Kovu about men. Nala got up, walk around the table stone and sit down next to Kovu.
"Men are dangerous creatures we know. They not like us. They wears somethings that they called 'clothes'. They also have a stick that makes thunder sounds and when you heard that, you're dead." Nala said.
"...But I'm sure there might be some men that might not be dangerous." Kovu said.
"There are. But I'm afraid they may not be enough to stop them. Now a quick reminder or in Kovu's case, let know, men always set a trap nearly around your kingdoms. So be aware." Leo said.
After return to her sit, Nala look at Kovu who looks worry, "My Emperor, Kovu may not know any different by his kingdom. I mean if he haven't be told about men, he may not be more aware as we are." Nala said.
"...I see your point. Then I would suggest, King Kovu, that you should take a helper from different kingdom to teach you, your family and pride about the traps. Anyone like to volunteer?" Emperor asked.
It would seems that no one would volunteer cause they have their own kingdom to look after. Nala look at the playground where the cubs are playing. See her grandcubs, Nala looks worry for them and Kovu.
"I like to volunteer!" Nala said.
"Really. Why is that?" Leo asked with an hidden smile, knowing why Nala did that.
"He's my son-in-law and my grandcubs' father. I can't let anything happen to them." Nala said.
"If you love your former daughter then why did you throw her away to the Outlands?" Khari asked.
"I didn't! Kiara was blind by Kovu to follow the Outsiders." Simba said.
"I went with them on my free will!" Kiara said.
Just then, they heard a dark laugh. They turn to Zuberi.
"As you can see, Simba, this is what happen if you don't put those useless females in their place." Zuberi said.
"Which is where?" Kovu asked, not like it what dark lion saying.
"At the bottom of us males' paws, of course." Zuberi said.
"WHAT! That's not true. Mufasa told me that males and females are one." Kovu said.
"That old king who died by his own brother. He's a weakling of all us males." Zuberi said.
"Mufasa is the wisest as I am." Leo said.
"Wise to be weak, of course." Zuberi said.
"My father is not weak!" Simba said.
"Whatever. I'm out of here." Zuberi said before he, his sl- I mean wife and his br- I mean daughter glow and disappear.
(During the meeting, at the playground)
Mufasa and his sisters run around till they stop by Abioye.
"Hi, you three must be King Kovu and Queen Kiara's cubs. I'm Prince Abioye, son of King Ayo and Queen Kiziah of Joy Lands." Abioye said.
Zarina join in, "I'm Princess Zarina, granddaughter of King Khari and Queen Kali. Just don't ask why my grandfather is still king." Zarina said.
Kion join in as well, "You ready know me."
"Nice to meet you all, I'm Mufasa and these are my two sisters; Ashy and Kira." Mufasa said.
"Mufasa? Like former king Mufasa?" Zarina asked.
"I don't know. He's our great grandfather and my dad named me after him." Mufasa said.
Mufasa then notices a lone black cub hiding behind the rocks. Mufasa made his way to her.
"Hi. I'm Mufasa. What's yours?" Mufasa asked.
The black cub turn to her and then low her head while mutter.
"Sorry. What was that?" Mufasa asked.
"...It's Zina." Zina said shyly.
"That's a nice name. Do you want to play?" Mufasa asked.
"You want... to play with me?" Zina asked.
"Yeah. Why?" Mufasa asked.
"Because the males... are better than... us females." Zina said.
"That's stupid. My dad told me that males and females are equal." Mufasa said.
Slowly, thge shy black cub come out of hiding. Soon, she and her new friends have fun together.
Suddenly, Zina is glowing black, "It time for me to leave. It was fun."
With that, she disappear along with her parents.
(Back with the rulers)
"We can't let them do this to the lioness!" Kovu said.
"I agree with my husband. Let's go and free these poor lionesses and put a end to that black monster." Kiara said.
"He's too strong. Right now, we need to deal with men." Leo said.
Kiara look at her former mother, "You really want to help us?"
Nala nodded, "I understand you don't trust me, but with me and the Lion Guard teaching you, your kingdom and family will be safe. Once the men trouble are over, we'll leave and never bother you again."
Kiara stare at Nala for the moment before she sigh, "Very well. We'll wait for you at the boulder of Star Lands."
Nala smile brighter before she bow and went off to get her son.
(And done. Now Kovu and Kiara had two problems, one are men and two is Zuberi, the evil black lion. Will they survive? Stay tune to found out.)