Hey Everyone!

Before I go any further -WARNING: Boy X Boy story. It's no sexual related though it has emotional intimacy. So, there I warned you guys beforehand. (i forgot what I wanted to say before the warning.) XP

Now enjoy!

Watching Over U

Sasuke's POV-

It came as a surprise that when I got a letter from him. And by the looks of it, I could tell it's off the Konoha mail records meaning its personal and private and meant only for his eyes.

But what came next, well let's just say, I got a slap across my face that won't leave a mark on my cheek but certainly on my heart. My face remained emotionless like nothing has happened contradicting everything that going inside me. That time if anybody looks in my eyes, they would have been able to tell that I was in complete state of High Panic. That night I read that letter again and again. Every time hoping that it's NOT stating what I am reading and that I might be reading wrong, so I end up re-reading it. I read it so many times that now I have memorized the whole content.


I hope where ever you are, you are happy and safe. It hurts me to know that after all the things that we went through; I am nobody to you. I always wanted to be your family Sasuke, One way or other. And thus I always chased you because all the life while fighting you, you have become my life's meaning.

But now, since you so much wish to stay away from me and have nothing to do with me. I have made a decision; I'll respect your wishes. So, ... I Give The Chase Up.

P.S: You'll always have a home to return to, Sasuke. I'll be thinking of you.

And now here I am! In the oh-so-familiar-streets of my/our hometown, KONOHA. It's been one week till I got his letter, three days of following him (Kind of, stalking him. But Uchiha's don't stalk, no matter how desperate they feel. They Follow!), but I can't help it now!

I see him roam around like a dead person who cannot feel anything other than numbness. I see his friends worry about him. Sakura trying to talk to him, Tsunade threatening him that if he did not take a break from his missions she will demote him and ramen will be banned. I felt a stab when I learned that he has been going for A-ranks, S-ranks and few of Anbu Missions, back to back (what was he thinking? It's always considered suicidal like that! That Dobe.).

It went as far as even Kakashi couldn't help but get involve and both he and the captain of team 7, (what was his name again? Yamato! But I've heard Kakashi call him Tenzo sometimes; the other always used to scold him for calling that. Maybe it's some kind of Private-Joke-Nick name kind of thing between them?) starting to baby talk him into some 'Awesome- Super powerful- Thunder striking- Wonderbulous Jutsu'. (Sigh! Do they still think of Naruto as a small 12-year kid? There's no way he would fall for that! )

"'Awesome- Super powerful- Thunder striking- Wonderbulous Jutsu?'" I saw Yamato give him a nod and Naruto thinking over a bit.

"…Okay! Show me- Show me!"

… Huh?! … Okay, maybe I don't know my Dobe that well, the much I would like to think…. And it saddens me a bit to realize that.

I watch them work, talk, yell with excitement when they attain success and in frustration when Naruto seems to face some trouble, eat, take brakes, sleep (well since its Naruto's training, its mostly meant camping outside under starry night at their chosen training field.). Sometimes they tell stories of past missions, funny memories and scary stories. That was mostly Yamato's job to act scary and scaring the shit out of Dobe.

These all went for few months were Naruto refused to take a break for anything. He did all these rigorous trainings under Kakashi and Yamato alongside with his A- rank Missions. Tsunade and Others say that at least he is off from S-rank and Anbu missions. What were they thinking? Can't they see his body is breaking? There were dark patches under his still dull eyes; he hasn't smiled any normal smile that would not be related to some tiresome mission success or killer training regime. It's like he has been on Self- Destructive Mode since who knows when? Are everybody of his friends gone blind or do they don't care anymore?

There have been times when I am so very tempted to just go there stomping and question them. Many times I've gone inside his apartment to fix him some meal or clean up his apartment for him, though there was a huge risk on that I couldn't help but just do it. Of course I've been very much careful about everything from leaving notes to explain room's tidiness and prepared food with lame explanations to threatening Tsunade to wipe out everything she held dear if Naruto went out of Konoha or does any mission other than roaming around forest and/or offer his helping hand in academy and Konoha orphanage. (Smirk! She must have been terrified by that to force Naruto in taking on vacation and cause havoc in her shinobi force to find the culprit who broke all her sake stock and stole all the sake from Bars and Dealers nearby.).

It has been close to 6 – 7 months of me being here and I knew that a smile has found its place on my face when I saw him being childish from the few times he was forced to be around kids from the academy and animals from the forest when he was asked to take care of them. But Orphanage seems to be his new sanctuary, as he not only spends most of his time there but also spends and donates half of his earnings on the children and infrastructure there. And all these because he needs something to do with his forced long vacation. And as a bonus, he was getting paid for that too.

All this while, I've been stalking him. Keeping a watchful eye on him. Wondering; should I come out of hiding and enjoy these moments with him. Demand why he was taking on a suicidal mission in a self-destructing way? Would he answer? Better yet; would he will be able to forgive me if I say…(gulp) Sorry Naruto? He did say that he'll be my home … but will he want me back the same as before …and maybe more? I wonder if that smile was because of those kids and animals he has been taking care of ('coz if it is I feel jealous) or does he feel my constant presence with him somehow? Well at least by the look of others, my jutsu has been working quite efficiently. They didn't sense my chakra nor did my presence around them all these time over the months and neither did Konoha's security radar go off when I slipped past the Anbu barrier.

But Naruto has been different from everyone and any available logic does not necessarily apply to him. Plus he is a sage now; can perfectly do his Bijuu version of sage mode too. Also, there is the case of him being Jinchuriki too. I wonder can he feel my eyes on him or is Kurama giving him reports; as I saw him stop, turn halfway towards me and smile (not outright grin but a gentle, soft and small one) again.(Gulp) Let's hope not, I am not ready to face him yet!

Naruto's POV-

It's been eight months since I gave up on him. I still remember the day I sent him a letter telling him my decision; it hurt me so much that I felt numb for few days.

It's only a few months after that I started feeling odd; like someone's watching me, watching my every move.

I mean it's pretty scary to feel eyes on you when you cannot see the person it belongs to. I know that now I am the strongest shinobi in Konoha. Heh! Even Tsunade baa-chan had to agree with me. Actually, after 4th Shinobi war, all Kage agreed with me. But if you ask me how I feel? I can't deny that I feel empty now. Happiness and Joy surround me. Everybody acknowledges me but I feel hollow.

So when I started feeling eyes, that someone is watching me closely, I felt happy! This presence felt so familiar.

I knew it could be an enemy or an assassin, 'coz let's face it even after so many years of people accepting me, there will also be who will hate me from their very core. But I also know that I need to find this person. I have a feeling … that I am being protected, as someone's precious person.

Hey everybody!

Here is a one-shot that I wrote quite a while ago but then I got busy with life and forgot to post it. It's not my usual Sasu-Saku or Naru-Hina story so most people may not like it. But then again I wrote this for those who have no problem with boy x boy relation.

So, enjoy the story and review me, please. I really like them. :)
