Beneath the Blue

Zoro felt awed and startlingly small. The manta ray peacefully swimming by was easily twice his size, and it was a little difficult to wrap his brain around a fish that big that wasn't a damn whale. The ray looked like it was flying through the water as its fins flapped like wings and it banked into a turn. He only tore his eyes away from the impressive beast when an even bigger whale shark swam into view.

Beside him, his young foster-brother, Tony, was pressed up fully against the aquarium glass. The viewing window was absolutely massive. It looked at least two stories high, and was nearly as wide. The room behind them was large as well, and had a series of padded benches set up like an amphitheater. Zoro was aware of people gathering behind them, but with the window being so fucking huge, he doubted that the two of them and the other little kids standing up here would be a problem.

"Hey. I'll be over there down in front when you're ready. I think the show will be starting soon."

Turning, Zoro nodded at Ace, "Sure. Thanks for getting the seats."

"No problem! Luffy has been begging for a snack again anyway. It's easier to feed him when he's sitting down. Little brat can't make as much of a mess."

Zoro chuckled, "I wouldn't say that. He usually finds a way!"

"Accccccce! I'm 'ungreee!" The small four-year-old whined and nearly yanked Ace's shorts down trying to climb his leg.

"Shit! Luffy…!" Grumbling, Ace dragged Luffy to their seats while clutching his pants with one hand and ignoring the disapproving eyes of the parents around them. Zoro openly laughed at his friend's distress, glad that Tony was relatively well-behaved.

Turning back to the tank, Zoro startled when he found himself face-to-face with a diver. He took a half-step back as his wide eyes took in the air hose and the neon yellow diving mask that obscured the diver's features. His reaction hadn't been lost on the man in the tank, and he briefly removed his mouthpiece, displaying his white teeth in a grin so Zoro would know that the sneaky bastard was laughing at him. After a moment of prolonged embarrassment for Zoro, the diver broke eye contact and fluttered his arms to sink lower in the tank until he could pat at the glass over where Tony had pressed his little hand. Tony giggled shyly as the man gave him a playful 'high-five' through the glass before swimming over to where the next child was jumping up and down and vying for attention.

"Come on Tony the show must be starting. Let's go sit down." At least only that shitty diver seemed to have noticed his overreaction earlier. His step-brother nodded and took Zoro's hand.

Not long after they squeezed in next to Ace and a crumb-coated Luffy, a female diver swam into view and waved at the growing crowd, "Hello everyone! Welcome to the Grand Ocean Aquarium! This is the four-thirty diving show!"

The male diver completed his high-fives and righted himself so he could point out the aquarium logo on his chest as his partner greeted the audience. She continued with her introductions, "My name is Camie. I am a student of marine biology at the Grand University nearby. My friend here is Sanji. He is studying aquaculture at the same school. We are both interns here at the aquarium."

When his name was announced, Sanji removed his mouthpiece to give everyone a cheeky grin as he waved. At Zoro's side, Tony enthusiastically waved back at his 'friend'. Zoro couldn't help but chuckle - the little guy's excitement was pretty cute. It almost seemed like Sanji had spotted them when the diver's smile grew bigger and he looked in their direction before giving a thumbs-up. Tony grabbed at Zoro's arm, smiling even as he shyly hid his face in Zoro's shirtsleeve.

Camie's voice was slightly hollow-sounding and distorted from where the microphone must have been placed in the equipment encompassing her face, but she was still easy to understand, "Now we can't hear you in this tank. I know it doesn't seem like it, but this acrylic window is two feet thick! Isn't that amazing? Also the window is held in place by the pressure of the water. That means there are no nails."

Zoro was impressed as he looked at the huge pane of acrylic. He couldn't find a single nail. He never would have imagined that something that huge wouldn't be bolted in place.

"Ah! It's a shark! A shark!" Tony pulled at Zoro's sleeve and pointed at the enormous fish lazily swimming into view just behind the two divers.

Little Luffy swung his legs of the edge of the bench and laughed, "They're gonna be eaten up!"

"Luffy!" Ace scolded his cousin while Tony wailed in horror and Zoro tried to comfort him, "Don't talk about people getting eaten!"

In the tank, Sanji saw the shark first. Zoro saw him signal Camie and the two of them kept an eye on the six-foot monster as it glided past. "Oh my. He snuck up on us!" Camie turned back to the audience when the shark passed out of sight, "Don't worry though guys. We keep all our fish well-fed so they don't feel like they need to eat our divers or the other fish. But we would like your help!" She tapped her goggles, "We can't see behind us with these on so we need you guys to give us the hand signal when sharks and stingrays are nearby. Do you think you can do that?"

There was a chorus of 'yes' from the children in the crowd and the two divers proceeded to teach the kids some simple hand-signals. Zoro leaned back and enjoyed the hypnotic parade of fish swimming by. They would have to come here more often. He hadn't felt this relaxed in weeks - even surrounded by a roomful of excited, noisy kids.

The divers went on with their presentation and Tony happily gave the divers signals for every shark that came into view. Zoro patted his head encouragingly, "You're doing great, Tony!"

Zoro got the uncanny feeling again that the male diver was watching him throughout the show. Sanji waved and made a few other signs when Zoro stopped watching the fish and gave him his attention. He had no clue what the guy was trying to say though. When The diver didn't see the response he wanted, he swam closer to Camie and interrupted her monologue about the live reef environment in the tank. She watched him sign for a minute before laughing breathily into her microphone, "Sanji and I know some more sign-language to make it easier to communicate in the water. He wanted to add that our giant sea anemones that I was describing would normally look like big, green sunflowers - like the gentleman's hair sitting down in front. But they are scared because we are swimming too close so they are closed up and you can't see them very well."

Zoro slumped in his seat as he felt every eye turn to stare at him. He blushed up to the roots of his damn green hair as Ace chuckled beside him. "That guy is definitely into you."

"Well he's a shi-ah a big idiot!"

Ace hummed thoughtfully, "I'd sleep with him."


"I've always had a thing for hot blondes in skin-tight suits."

Zoro groaned while his best friend chuckled deviously and tried to hide his embarrassment behind one hand, "Oh my god please shut up. There are KIDS here!"

He was saved from further humiliation by a giant ray coming into view. "It's so big!" Tony's eyes were huge with amazement.

It was a striking sight. The fish dwarfed the two divers as it glided nearer. Luffy bounced in his seat and chortled, "They're gonna get eaten!"

"LUFFY!" The kids nearby began to cry - including Tony. Ace groaned in misery under the weight of parents' angry looks. "Let's go get some more mozzarella sticks from the cafeteria before you start a riot..."

Zoro sent his friend a sympathetic look, "We'll meet you guys after the show."

Ace nodded and unceremoniously threw his cousin over his shoulder, "C'mon you terrible pirate! Let's go invade the food stand!"

The pair of them wandered off making 'pirate' sounds. Grinning at Ace's antics, Zoro soothed Tony's sobbing by bringing his attention back to the divers and the ray, "Look! It's a nice fish. They don't look scared of it."

As if on cue, Sanji swam closer to the ray and lazily rolled in the water so he was under the fish looking up at its belly. Camie introduced the gentle giant with a wave at her partner, "That big guy is Bubba, our biggest manta ray. He is seventeen feet wide from fin to fin and he weighs over two thousand pounds. He's very sweet and he only eats teeny tiny krill and small fish, just like whales. Our aquarium is one of the few with a tank big enough to have manta rays because they need a lot of room!"

Zoro was fascinated as Sanji skillfully performed a half-somersault and playfully rolled a couple of times as he swam back to join Camie near the middle of the viewing window. He made it look easy, despite his awkward tank and gear. Zoro couldn't help but agree with Ace when the blonde's tricks provided him with an excellent view of how that wetsuit stretched over his ass like a second skin. The jury was still out about his face - being obscured by goggles, but Zoro had to admit that the bastard had a nice body. He was all lean and long and reminded Zoro of the powerful sharks that circled in the tank.

The show concluded with the divers posing for pictures before Camie told the audience that she would be available for more pictures in the next room. After blowing kisses and waving goodbye to the crowd, she swam off to the side and out of sight. However, Sanji lingered, his short, blonde hair floating around his head like a small, silky cloud. He patted at the glass until Zoro cocked his head in confusion. Wasn't the show over? Sanji pointed at him then pointed in the direction that Camie had left. Zoro blinked. That looked like a request to meet... The diver repeated the gesture and this time Zoro nodded in answer. He got a thumbs-up and a huge smile in reply before Sanji replaced his mouthpiece and swam after Camie.

Zoro sat for a little while longer, watching the fish with Tony as they waited for the crowd to thin. They laughed as a small stingray nibbled at the window until it was chased off by a slow-swimming whale shark. "Hey let's get a picture with it!" Zoro dragged a giggling Tony over close to the big fish and crouched down next to him before pulling out his phone to take a selfie. They got some cool photos before taking a couple of sillier ones with their tongues out and their eyes crossed. Turning around to look at the fish again, Zoro remembered the diver's invitation. "C'mon. Let's go see what's next."

"Okay!" Tony slipped his little hand into Zoro's and they casually strolled into the next room. Or at least he hoped he looked casual. His heart was beating fast as he wondered if maybe he was reading too much into the blonde's teasing. Maybe the guy was just wanting to make sure he didn't sue the aquarium for being mocked...

There was still a fairly long line of people waiting to take a picture with Camie. She was still in her wetsuit and most of her gear, but the teenage girl she was currently posing with was wearing her goggles. Zoro had to wonder if she was cold as he watched her ponytail drip on the floor. He didn't see Sanji though.

"Hey there. I was starting to think you weren't coming."

Zoro turned and came face to face with a familiar grin. Sanji had changed into a blue tee with the aquarium's logo, sandals and khaki shorts. His damp, curling blonde hair framed sparkling grey-blue eyes as his grin broadened into a full smile. Little droplets of water were dampening his shirt and clinging to the fine, light hairs of his eyebrows. Looking close, Zoro thought that he could see the little hairs at the end of the blonde's eyebrows growing in mirror images of a curl. He was so busy trying see if those strange eyebrows were for real that he didn't realize that he'd been openly staring until Sanji cleared his throat, "So, uh... Do you bring your son here a lot?"

Zoro looked down and met Tony's curious eyes, "Actually this is my little brother. This is our first time here." He was rewarded by a big smile and a squeeze to his hand. Even more than a year after moving in, Tony could be insecure about the acceptance of his foster family and Zoro never missed a chance to let him know that he belonged.

"Oh?" Zoro met Sanji's warm gaze once more, "I can give you guys a special tour... I mean... If you're interested?"

Zoro found that he actually was interested - more so in the man than the tour. Sanji was attractive, and Zoro couldn't help but feel flattered by the blonde's obvious flirting. He opened his mouth to accept Sanji's offer, but Ace called his name, interrupting with his family's trademark bad timing, "Zoro! Hey, who's this?"

Sanji raised his eyebrows and looked curiously between the two of them. Zoro could practically see the wheels turning in the blonde's head and he quickly explained, "Ace is my friend. His cousin, Luffy, likes to play with Tony a lot too."

"Just a friend, huh?" Zoro blushed at Ace's pointed tone as his friend wrapped his arm around Zoro's shoulders. He gave Sanji an approving look, "You must be the hot diver!"

Sanji smirked at Zoro's stricken expression and offered Ace his hand, "I'm Sanji. I was just offering your friend here a private tour..."

Ace shook the diver's hand while giving Zoro a sly, sidelong glance, "It's nice of you to offer a tour, but the little guys have to be home by seven-thirty. Besides isn't the aquarium closing soon?"

Even as Ace was speaking, a friendly female voice gave a reminder over the speakers that the facility was closing. Zoro could see that Sanji was disappointed. He was too, but he had to get Tony home. Ace suddenly tugged him to the side and spoke softly so only Zoro could hear, "If you want to do this I can bring Tony back with me. We can have a sleepover and shit. Luffy will love it!"

"Really?" Zoro looked over to where Sanji had crouched down and was talking animatedly to Luffy about sharks. When he noticed Zoro watching he flashed that stunning smile and Zoro's heart fluttered in answer.

Ace must have noticed something in his expression because he patted Zoro's back with a grin, "I'll tell the kiddos and I can call your dad. You go have fun. You gotta tell me all the details later though!"

"Thanks Ace..." Zoro smiled back at Sanji who stood and straightened his shirt, "It's been a long time since... You know..."

Nodding in agreement Ace gave his back a quick rub, "I do know. It's about time you moved on... Oh! I have a gift!"

Zoro watched curiously as Ace dug around in the bag that held Luffy's extra pull-ups and snacks. His grin was triumphant as he found what he was looking for and he pressed a couple of condoms and a tiny tube of lube into Zoro's hand. He gave Ace an incredulous look, "Really?!"

Ace shrugged, "Girls like babies. Now scram!"

He gave Zoro an encouraging push before striding over to Tony and squatting beside him with a serious expression, "I have a special mission for you. It's a pirate mission."

"A pirate mission?" Tony's eyes were wide and shining with excitement.

"Yep! I need the dread pirate Chopper. Will he help me?"

Tony nodded eagerly and Ace grinned, "Good! Your mission, pirate Chopper, is to find a present at the gift store and then come to my house for a sleepover party!"

Tony squealed happily and followed Ace as he led the rambunctious children to the gift shop. Even when they were out of sight, Zoro could hear Luffy yelling and laughing and Tony's shrieks of delight. He owed Ace big for this.

"So..." Sanji moved closer, watching him with hopeful eyes, "Are you up for it? The tour I mean..."

Zoro nodded, feeling a flutter deep in his gut when Sanji gave him the biggest smile yet, "Yeah, I'd like that."

"Okay! First let's get you a shirt..."

Sanji gestured for him to follow and led the way to a door marked 'staff only'. Zoro followed him down a series of hallways - almost getting left behind a couple of times when he stopped to stare into spaces that opened into rooms full of lights, support poles, and ladders leading up the backsides of enormous aquarium tanks. They reached a room full of lockers, and while Zoro looked around curiously, Sanji went straight for one and skillfully spun open the combination lock. "I have a spare shirt you can try on. No one will bother us if you're in uniform."

Zoro took the shirt offered him and eyed Sanji skeptically, "Are you gonna get into trouble for this?"

The grin on Sanji's face was mischievous as he waggled his eyebrows, "Only if we get caught!"

Snorting Zoro peeled off his shirt and shifted Sanji's soft, blue tee until he found the opening at the bottom. Pulling the shirt over his head, Zoro felt it stretch across his shoulders and chest. The fit was snug but not uncomfortable. As he tugged at the hem he became aware of Sanji's intense gaze. The blonde licked his lips absently as his eyes trailed up Zoro's body. There were a few pulse-skipping moments where they just looked at each other before Sanji commented in a delightfully husky tone, "It looks good on you... Are you ready?"

Not trusting his voice, Zoro gave a curt nod and followed as Sanji took him down yet ANOTHER hallway. He wrinkled his nose as they entered a room that smelled strongly of fish. A young man with short, pink hair stood at a counter chopping up small tentacles. Zoro couldn't stop himself from pulling a disgusted face at the assortment of unidentifiable fish-parts surrounding the young man.

Sanji casually picked up a small, plastic bucket packed with little food fish. "I'm taking care of the rays on the second floor."

"Okay, Sanji." The young man adjusted his glasses with the relatively-clean heel of his palm as he gave Zoro a curious look.

Zoro didn't stick around to introduce himself as Sanji swept out the door. Fish-boy could just come his own conclusions. He jogged a little to catch up with Sanji, "Are we seriously going to feed the fish?"

Sanji hefted his bucket, "You don't want to?"

"No, it's not that..."

Giving him a knowing grin, Sanji took him up a flight of stairs and out into the largest room on the second floor. It was completely empty, and the lack of people made Zoro more impressed at the size of the facility. It just felt so much bigger with only him and Sanji.

"Over here!"

Zoro joined Sanji by a special tank in a side room that resembled a shallow wading pool with walls made of fake rock. A nearby sign advertised this tank as a place to touch stingrays and to hear lectures about them at certain times. By the time Zoro had read the sign the blonde had already kicked off his sandals and stepped over the side of the enclosure. "C'mon. I promise it's not too cold!"

Watching the energetically circling rays in the tank apprehensively, Zoro shook his head, "I don't think so. I'll just stay here and watch you work."

"Chicken." Sanji snorted and gently nudged away a stingray that was flapping against his leg.

"I'm not scared! I just don't want to get wet and slimy..." Zoro watched as Sanji held a fish under the water and waited until a small ray swam over his hand before withdrawing and petting the fish's smooth back.

Looking up and meeting his gaze, Sanji grinned before wading over, "Won't you just try feeding them once? For me?"

Zoro rolled his eyes but gamely held out his hand, "Just once."

"Hold the fish between your fingers like this..." Sanji's fingers were gentle as he arranged the fish in Zoro's hold so that it stuck up above his knuckles. Zoro made a face and Sanji laughed as he tugged Zoro's hand into the water. "Just keep your hand still and let go when you feel one tug on the fish."

Zoro startled slightly when a stingray slid under his palm. Sanji's thumb rubbed calmingly against his wrist, "The cownosed rays are especially friendly."

A large stingray settled over their hands and Zoro felt a pull on the fish between his fingers. He let the food go and pulled his hand back with a laugh of amazement, "It ate it!"

Sanji rolled his eyes and petted another ray as it swam by, "What were you expecting it to do? Now do you want to feed another one or not?"

"Gimmie the bucket, blondie!"

They playfully squabbled over the fish, laughing as the excited stingrays splashed them with their fins. It didn't take long to finish feeding all the rays, and Sanji carefully climbed out of the tank. "Next time you should come in with me."

Zoro shrugged as he watched Sanji shake the excess water from his feet before slipping back into his sandals. Had Sanji just offered a second... whatever is this is? A date?

"Like hell I'll agree to that. You'll probably try to talk me into the damn shark tank too!"

Sanji laughed, "You caught me! Come on, dumbass. Let me show you my favorite spot in the whole aquarium."

After washing up, they strolled casually side-by-side through the exhibits. Sanji told him a funny story about the one time an aquarium worker tripped over an octopus that had figured out how to open the door on its tank. At one point Sanji had grabbed Zoro's hand to keep him from accidentally wandering down the wrong hallway by himself. Both men had been unwilling to let go, and Zoro was enjoying the warmth of Sanji's shoulder bumping his and the slim fingers entwined with his own.

"This is it! This is my favorite place in the whole aquarium!"

Sanji pulled him into a hallway that was built like a tunnel. The acrylic walls let them see the fish swimming all around them - even above them. Zoro had seen this part of the facility earlier with Ace, Luffy and Tony. He had liked it then but it wasn't his favorite exhibit, and he told Sanji that. Sanji snorted and informed him that it was totally different without all the other mouth-breathers fogging up the glass. He led Zoro to the middle of the tunnel before lowering himself to the floor and settling with his hands pillowed behind his head. He melodramatically rolled his eyes at Zoro as he stood staring down at the blonde, "Get down here. Your seaweed hair is blocking the view!"

Zoro grumbled as he got on the ground beside Sanji, "Why the fuck do you like to pick on my hair? There's nothing wrong with it!"

Chuckling, Sanji rolled on his side and reached out to roll a lock of Zoro's hair between his fingers, "It suits you - even though you chose to dye it a color not natural to the human species." He thoughtfully stroked his fingers through Zoro's hair before gently tugging on a few strands, "Anyway, it's fun annoying you! Your expressions are just too entertaining...!"

Scowling, Zoro pushed the blonde's hand away, "You're an asshole. I hope you get eaten by a shark!"

"I'm hurt! Here I am giving you my special tour and you call me names!"

Zoro rolled to face Sanji and scoffed, "You started it by making fun of my hair! And what's so special about seeing the same shitty tunnel I saw an hour ago?"

Sanji gave him a sly smile and scooted closer, "Well since you put it that way I guess I better do something to make this more memorable..."

His gaze caught on how Sanji's tongue wetted his lips and how the blonde was staring at his lips with half-lidded eyes. An eager shiver ran through his body when the blonde cupped his neck with one hand. Sanji's thumb was rubbing light circles against his jaw when the blonde moved in to place a light, fleeting kiss on Zoro's lips. Pulling back, Sanji's face was intent and slightly flushed as he searched Zoro's expression, "Better?"

"Better." Zoro agreed and leaned in himself to press their mouths together again.

The kiss stayed slow and sweet as both men drew closer under the soothing blue light of the aquarium around them. Zoro placed his hand on Sanji's ribs, feeling the way the blonde breathed in shuddering lungfuls of air during the brief lulls of their caress. As lips dragged languidly over lips, Zoro closed his eyes and enjoyed the tang of minerals from the tank on Sanji's skin and the scent of seawater from his mostly-dry hair.

Sanji's tongue flicked along the seam in Zoro's lips and he parted them willingly with a sigh. Making a low, choked sound in his throat, Sanji broke the kiss and backed away from Zoro's reactive attempt to follow his retreating lips. Zoro opened his eyes, frowning in concern. Had he done something wrong? He had been happy with how things were going, but maybe Sanji wasn't ready?

However, one look into Sanji's eyes - darkened into a bluer hue by arousal - reassured him that Sanji was as into this as he was. Sanji struggled to lift himself onto his hands and knees for a moment before finally untangling his long limbs. Zoro followed his movement, rolling onto his back as the blonde straddled his thighs and braced himself with a hand by Zoro's head. The blonde's free hand curled under Zoro's chin; his thumb pressing against Zoro's slicked, lower lip before sliding away as Sanji lowered himself into a deeper kiss.

Being like this left Zoro's hands free to touch as he pleased. He steadily mapped out Sanji's shoulders and back as his fingers searched out each contour of the blonde's muscles and bones. Sanji felt just as sleek and graceful under his hands as he had looked back in that tank. Zoro's eyes slid open again after having closed, unbidden, in his enjoyment, and he drank in the sight of Sanji's flushed face. He was more beautiful like that than any exhibit in this whole aquarium.

Sanji opened his eyes and met Zoro's gaze before pulling away. His shiny-wet and swollen lips curved into a warm smile as he sat back on Zoro's thighs, "What's that look for?"

Zoro shrugged and let his hands drop to Sanji's knees, "I never thought that today would have turned out like this."

Long fingers slipped under the hem of Zoro's shirt and brushed over his skin, "But that's a good thing, right?" Sanji's eyes were questioning as he flexibly bent to kiss the newly exposed skin above Zoro's navel.

All around them Zoro could see various fish shimmering like precious metals and gems in the water. Distorted ripples of light flowed over their bodies and made Sanji's eyes look even more blue - like the deep ocean. It was all like something straight out of a fairytale. Zoro's lips quirked in a smile as he answered, "Best day of my life. Although the tour guide talks too much shit."

"Shut up!" Growling playfully, Sanji stretched up and met Zoro's lips with his own in a passionate kiss.

The mood had changed and Zoro found himself rolling his hips up into the feeling of Sanji's thumbs massaging his hipbones. The blonde's tongue slipped along his, hot and slick, as Zoro spread his legs to make way for the knee nudging between them. Sanji shifted back onto one hand, and ground his knee rhythmically against Zoro's awakening length. He slid the hand that wasn't supporting him above Zoro up his shirt and across Zoro's chest. Zoro gasped into the kiss when Sanji's thumb brushed over his left nipple. Obviously noticing Zoro's reaction, Sanji stroked around the sensitive flesh there with his thumb - occasionally flicking over it and making Zoro's body jolt in response. A low moan rumbled in Zoro's chest when Sanji drew his tongue into his own mouth and sucked on it enthusiastically. In response, Zoro's hands slid up Sanji's legs to his slim waist - fingers dipping below the waistband of the blonde's shorts. Sanji stopped teasing Zoro's perked nipple and trailed his hand down his abdomen until his fingers caught on the button of Zoro's pants. Zoro broke the seal of their lips and eagerly bucked his hips into the blonde's hand. Sanji's gaze was heated and shining with lust as he slowly tugged the button open.

They both jerked violently when a door closed sharply not far off. Frozen in place, Zoro panted to catch his breath as he stared wide-eyed up at Sanji. The blonde looked equally startled as he peered around to see if they had been caught. Footsteps echoed through the tunnel, fading as whoever the door-slammer was walked away through the other rooms.

Both men slowly relaxed in the ensuing silence, and Sanji moved aside to let Zoro sit up. The blonde seated himself at Zoro's side and laughed breathlessly, "Maybe another time would be better...?"

"Another time for sure."

Sanji leaned against Zoro's side, "Give me your cellphone number."

Zoro grunted in agreement and did up his pants again before he began to hunt through his pockets, "I want yours too."

"Sure." Sanji agreed easily as he entered the information Zoro gave him. "I'll text you later after I'm out of work."

Chuckling, Zoro slipped his phone back into his pocket, "You're a terrible employee."

Sanji rolled his eyes, "It's not like I'm going to let a good-looking guy like you just walk out the door and disappear." He leaned over and kissed Zoro's cheek, his voice dropping to a husky murmur, "And now that I've hooked you, I want to get to know you. Maybe we could meet up for dinner?"

"Who said I'm 'hooked'?" But contradicting himself with a nod, Zoro agreed, "We should go to a seafood restaurant. You like fish, right?"

Sanji's jaw dropped and he stared for a moment before breaking out in loud laughter, "And after that our next date should be surf fishing on the beach! Fish themes every time!"

Zoro laughed with him, standing and helping Sanji to his feet. They held hands all the way down to the first floor where Sanji brought him to an employee exit. Sanji kissed him again, sucking at Zoro's bottom lip before letting it slide free from between his teeth, "Talk to you later."

"Yeah. Later."

Zoro went outside and reluctantly began the trek out to his car. It was the only one left in the lot. Ace was long gone, having taken Luffy and Tony back in his own vehicle. Halfway to the lot he looked back and saw Sanji still standing by the open door. The blonde waved once before vanishing back inside the aquarium. Zoro returned the wave and jogged the rest of the way to his car with a smile on his face.

He couldn't wait to see him again.