I am very excited to be writing a fanfic instead of just reading them. Couple of things first up.

French is in italics.

I fell like this is a obvious thing to say but I don't own Harry Potter, as you can probably tell in my story, I am not JK Rowling (although imagine if JK was on FF, just writing out all the alternate ways she could have taken her series).

And I hope you enjoy :)

Fleur hated the stares that followed her. It didn't seem to matter if the man in question was 40 or 14, heads turned and followed her long blonde hair, the lithe frame and her perfectly symmetrical face. She couldn't hide from it. The arrogance, some would say snobbishness, that she projected was a barrier. It was up in full force as she strode through the campsite. This didn't stop the men trying to approach her though. Nor did they see that she had her wand out and a hex on the tip of her tongue.

"Wow miss. Aren't you beautiful. Do you want to come with me for a drink?" A man, approached her, eyes glazed over.

"She doesn't want to talk to you." Her friend Zoé, so often her shield, stepped in.

"Thankyou." She said to Zoé, as she put her wand away.

"You know it is never a problem. I hate how they stare at you." Zoé replied.

Some people, it could be said, wished that people would look at them the way they looked at Fleur. If only they knew. The looks never stopped. It was like she was nothing more than an object. Of course it comes with the territory, being a Veela.

"Do you think they will ever leave me alone? I wish they would just quit staring." Fleur had honestly had enough. It took all of he self control not to curse the next person into oblivion.

Fleur and Zoé were here for the World Cup final. As Fleur's father was the head of the French Auror department, he had been given tickets to the Minister for Magic's box, a place for only the highest ranking officials. Fleur desperately wanted to sit with her friends but she knew this was for her father's work, it was something she had to do.

Zoé and Fleur made their way back to their tent and was greeted by a sight that always made her happy. Fleur's sister, Gabrielle was playing happily with Fleur's other best friend Mélanie. Mélanie and Fleur had been friends as far back as she could remember. She was the only childhood friend that was still around. The other's had let their jealously corrupt them. Mélanie had a particular soft spot for Gabrielle, having never had any siblings herself, and Fleur knew it.

Fleur crept up quietly behind Gabrielle before lifting her high up in the air while Zoé tickled her. Gabrielle shrieked and then started laughing as she tried to look around and see who her attackers were.

"There you two are." Mélanie said to them. "We were beginning to get worried."

"No, no, everything is fine. Where is mother and father?" Fleur asked casually, sweeping a strand of hair off Gabrielle's face, who was now sitting in her lap.

"They ducked out for a bit to see some family friends I think. Ah speak of the devil." Mélanie said.

"Hello mother, father." Fleur greeted both of her parents with a kiss on each cheek.

Her parents greater her and explained that they had been out catching up with some old friends as Fleur noticed the sun was setting.

It was almost time for the game.


Fleur was starting to tire after they climbed stair after stair on their way to the Minister's box. The majority of people with seats this high apparated up to the stands however the Delacours had Gabrielle so that was not an option. Her father had insisted that he take Gabrielle off her of shoulders and she was now riding piggy back. Her sister was too little to climb the stairs on her own. They were nearing the top when they past a family. The blonde haired father and son, who both looked quite similar. What made them even more alike was the drooling look they were giving Apolline Delacour and her daughter. It was only the woman, presumably the boys mother, that brought them back to her senses.

"Draco, please control yourself." The woman said just after she hit her husband, breaking him from his trance.

Fleur shuddered, she did not like the feeling that boy gave her. It made her skin crawl. Most men could not control themselves, it was true. However there was something off about that boy. Fleur and her mother exchanged a look, and she knew that her mother understood.

They continued their accession of the stairs until their finally reached the box where the reaction was rather the same. The starry eyes of most of the men in the box, followed by them being broken from their drooling by someone, mostly women, sitting near them. A ravin haired boy caught her attention however. He seemed largely unaffected by her entrance. He had looked her in the eye, given her a brief smile, then returned to his conversation with the bushy haired girl beside him.

"Did you see that boy over there mum?" Fleur asked.

"Which one dear?" Apolline replied to her.

"The black haired boy over there." She glanced in his direction. She felt the need to clarify for her mother. "With the glasses."

"I didn't notice him. Why do you ask?" Her mother replied.

"It was like he didn't notice me at all. Well I mean, he did, but it was like I didn't affect him." Fleur explained.

"Some men are just unaffected by Vella allure." Interjected her father, throwing a playful glance at her mother.

"Or perhaps they are more into men than they are women." Apolline came back almost instantly, a smile on her face.

"Ouch." Grimaced her husband. Then he started laughing. "Perhaps that is how I resisted you all these years."

Fleur laughed at her parents antics, it was just how they were at home, however she was vaguely aware that they were beginning to attract glances again.

Thankfully though they were interrupted by a booming voice.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to the final of the four hundred and twenty second Quidditch World Cup." The voice drowned out everyone. "Now without further ado, allow me to introduce, the Bulgaria team mascots."

Fleur immediately felt like she was going to throw up. A hundred Veela stood out onto the middle of the pitch and started dancing. The men around the stadium started to go mental for the women.

"This makes me sick." Fleur started, her blood boiling. "They have brought them here as creatures. No more than mere animals."

"I know honey, it makes me angry too. But our kind aren't treated throughout the world like we are in France." Apolline grabbed her daughter's hand, trying to soothe her.

"It is a disgrace. Look at these men." She said pointing to the men around her. Her father nodded sadly to her with his understanding. She looked around at the people, wanting to do anything but watch the Veela on the pitch, and something caught her eye. The raven haired boy wasn't even watching the Veela. He was impatiently looking at his watch before he noticed the red haired boy sitting beside him get out of his seat. The raven haired boy grabbed him by the belt and hauled him back down into his seat.

Fleur was silently impressed. She noticed that the music had stopped and looked back to the pitch. Relieved to see the Veela had taken a place on the sideline. This brought out the Ireland team mascots who Fleur enjoyed much more. They were showered in gold at the little creatures flew around the stadium. Fleur knew it was most likely fake however that didn't stop the people around her trying to gather as many of the Gallons as possible.

Fleur however, was not that much into Quidditch and as the game started she found herself playing with Gabrielle to keep both her and her sister amused. The commentary was only background noise as she occasionally looked of to see the players still zooming around and even rarer still, allow herself to take a look at the score. A bunch of gasps and cheers turned her head towards the game.

The two seekers, looking like two bullets, one red, one green, were hurtling towards the ground. The red one pulled out just in time, blood streaming from his face. The green one was not so lucky, crashing into the ground. She cringed as the Veela stampeded over him.

"IRELAND WIN." The voice boomed over the stadium. "KRUM GETS THE SNITCH BUT IRELAND WIN."

She had a look up and saw the seeker, blood red robes matching the colour of the liquid coming out his nose, holding a little gold ball aloft.

She could not wait for the next half an hour to be over. The Irish players did a lap of the pitch to the delight of the crowd. The players all then crowded into the box to accept the cup, each one eyeing her off as they walked up the stairs. She did her best to glare down her nose at each and every one of them as they walked past. The players then held the cup aloft and she was free to go.


It was a long hike back to the campsite which did nothing to help her mood.

"Thankyou for doing that my beautiful girls. I know how much you all hate Quidditch." François Delacour said to his family.

"It is not that we hate it papa, we just aren't really entertained by it. You are welcome though." Fleur replied to her father, causing him to put an arm around her.

They arrived back at the campsite where her friends were waiting for her. She smiled as they went inside and talked about meaningless things. Zoé wouldn't stop talking about Krum but Fleur had other things on her mind. The boy truly did not seem affected by her allure. The only other men that she knew that were totally unaffected were (for obvious reasons) her family members.

It was no sooner time to go to sleep that Monsieur Delacour was rushing them out of bed.

"Papa, what is going on?" Gabrielle screamed as there was what sounded like an explosion outside.

"I will explain later. Fleur, take your sister and your friends and run for the woods. Do not look back. We will come and find you later." François yelled as he grabbed his wand.

The girls did the same and they ran out the door. The scene in front of her was horrifying. A bunch of people in black clothing and masks were marching through the camp, levitating muggles above their heads.

"That is just sick." Mélaine commented from somewhere on her right.

Fleur turned the other way, grabbed Gabrielle's hand and ran. Zoé and Mélaine followed close behind her. They ran for what seemed like forever, following the stream of people that were fleeing into the woods. The people started to dissipate and the trees started to get thicker. She could no longer hear the sounds of the camp and slowed down to a walking pace. Somewhere along the journey, Gabrielle had jumped on to her back, unable to keep up with the pace. She got down. From somewhere to her left Fleur heard voices.

She walked towards the scene and looked through the trees at the scene unfolding. The blonde haired boy from before was leaning casually up against a tree, while the raven haired boy along with the red haired boy and the bushy haired girl seemed to be opposite him. The air looked tense around them. She was now close enough to hear some of the conversation.

"Have it your own way, Potter." The blonde haired boy started.

Gabrielle gasped besides her. "That's Harry Potter!" Now that she said it Fleur thought he looked familiar.

"So it is." Zoé added in the back.

The blonde boy continued. "If you think they can't spot a Mudblood, stay where you are."

Fleur was appalled at the use of the term. "That pig." Mélanie said under her breathe.

There was a loud band and Fleur missed the rest of the conversation but the trio seemed to be on the move. Not before the boy she now knew was Harry Potter looked her way, smiled, then disappeared into the trees.

"What was all that about?" Zoé asked her.

"I don't know, you saw as much as I did." Fleur replied before starting to walk deeming into the woods.

"No I mean that look you exchanged with Harry Potter?" Zoé prodded.

"Well, he is pretty much the first guy I have met that hasn't ogled me like a piece of meat. It is a nice change." Fleur explained slowly, still not sure herself of what had happened.

"Good to know there are decent guys out there hey." Mélaine piped up, never too far away from the conversation.

"Yes." She muttered. "Yes there are."

It wasn't long before Fleur's father found them and escorted them back to the campsite, not before they saw the sky however. What Fleur saw made her blood curdle.

"My god." François said to no one in particular.

"But papa, doesn't that mean…." Fleur started but François cut her off.

"No one has been killed." François was still looking up into the sky at the massive skull which now had a snake where its tongue should be. "I just hope that the British Ministry know what they are doing."


Fleur's childhood house could best be described as a small mansion. Her family, being one of the older families in Wizarding France, were quite well off. The house was small enough that it was cosy. However sometimes it felt a little lonely. If she was home alone or even if it was just her and her mother, there just seemed to be too much space. That all changed when Gabrielle was home though. The little girl was a whirlwind of excitement and energy, it was infectious.

This day though, Gabrielle was at their Grandmother's, as Fleur and her parents needed to have a serious chat. They were sitting at the dining room table over lunch, however the food was untouched. She was trying, and in her mind, slowly succeeding in winning her parents over.

"But this tournament. It has a terrible history. It is not safe." Apolline frowned in thought.

Fleur had brought up the issue of the Triwizard Tournament with them. Of course, with François being so high up in the ministry, he and Apolline already knew of the tournament, they were just hoping that their daughter wouldn't want to participate.

"Madame Maxime has assured us all that there will be extra safety precessions in place." Fleur countered.

"Why do you want to enter this dreadful tournament anyway? We do not need the money, you know that." Apolline was doing the talking, leaving her husband in a pensive state.

"Oh mother, it is not about the money, of course not. Or about the fame either, I don't really want that. I want to prove to everyone that I am so much more than just a pretty face. It is my chance to prove I have deserved everything I have got over my time there." Fleur pleaded with them.

Fleur was an intelligent girl. She had always received good marks however her classmates couldn't see past their jealousy, always claiming that she used her good looks to influence teachers.

"But darling these people won't even matter to you after this year is over. If you don't want to you will never have to see them again." Apolline threw up another argument.

"Please, just promise me you will think about it?" Fleur studied her mother, she was not giving much away.

"We will think about it." Her father spoke for the first time.

"Thankyou Papa, I really appreciate it." That gained a smile from her father. The rest of the meal was eaten in a rather comfortable silence, as the three of them let their minds wander. Apolline got up and collected the dishes, taking them to the kitchen. It was then that her father spoke up.

"You really want this, don't you." It was more of a statement than a question.

"I do Papa." Fleur replied softly.

"I will work on your mother." Fleur beamed at him from across the table. "She just worries about you."

"I know she does. But thankyou." Fleur walked around and kissed her father on the cheek.


Fleur gave her mother a hug as she said got ready to board the carriage that would take her to Beauxbatons.

"Just be careful. Please." Her mother looked like she didn't want Fleur to leave.

"I promise you I will." Fleur tightened her grip on her mother.

"I know you will darling." Her mother released her and Fleur picked her sister up in a hug.

"You look after mum okay." She spoke quietly to Gabrielle.

"I will." Gabrielle smiled back at her. Fleur sighed, no wonder she could make people do what she wanted. The little girl oozed charm. The last part however, came out rather shyly. "Say hello to Harry for me."

Fleur had almost forgotten that the boy would probably attend Hogwarts. She promised Gabrielle that she would and saying her final goodbyes, she walked off to the powder blue carriage in search of her two friends. She found them as she was about to walk up the stairs. They waited until they were in a compartment alone before they got to the serious conversation.

"Are you girls entering the tournament?" Mélaine said to the two other girls.

"I am." Fleur replied.

"Me too. Are you?" Zoé asked back.

"My parent's said they will let me enter." Mélaine said. She added to her statement. "They said it was dangerous but if I wanted to do it they wouldn't stop me."

"My parents said pretty much the same thing." Fleur replied, chuckling to herself.

"I hope we all get chosen." Zoé said.

"Chosen? What do you mean?" Mélaine questioned her.

"Well Madame Maxime is only going to take a certain amount of students. She said so herself to my parents." Zoé explained. She kept going at Fleur's questioning look. "My parents saw her last week. She said the student's that were not chosen to enter their names will be staying here."

A sense of dread washed over Fleur. What if she was not chosen for to go to Hogwarts. What if her friends went and she was left behind. It would be horrible to have no one for the year, a long, lonely year.

"I am sure we all will get chosen." Mélaine said finally. "We are all pretty good students."

Fleur managed a smile at her that didn't quite reach her eyes. She was definitely worried.

They arrived at the front of the school and followed the procession to their hall. The hall was exactly how she remembered it, tables laid out in straight lines for them to sit at. Beauxbatons students were free to sit with whoever they liked during meals even though their were split by their years. So Fleur, Zoé and Mélaine found three seats to themselves somewhere near the back.

It was then that Madame Maxime entered the hall, with a grace that defied her overly large frame. It was a tradition that was observed every year. The students would enter the hall with most of the professors already inside and then Madame Maxime would make a grand entrance.

"Welcome to Beauxbatons Magical Acadamy for another year of excitement, learning and growth." Madame Maxime started her speech.

Fleur sighed as she tuned out. The speech was the same every year. First she would welcome the new students and any new teachers, then explain the rules of the castle and finally invite them to eat. But Fleur's ears pricked up when she heard something out of the ordinary.

"This is a special year for our senior Beauxbatons students. Over the summer we asked out seventh years to consider if they would like to be part of a competition. A tournament that has not run for some time. I am pleased to announce that this year, one student from our prestigious academy will be competing in the Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Madame Maxime announced to the crowd of students.

Immediately murmurs filled the air as the younger students either, realised what was going on, or in the case of most of the muggle born students, ask a friend.

"Now now, let me finish. As I said before, over the summer we asked our students to submit an expression of interest as to whether they would like to participate. From the list we have chosen 20 students to travel to Britain to take part in the selection process. From this list of 20, one will be chosen as Beauxbatons champion." Madame Maxime gathered a roll of parchment from the table behind her. "This is the list of students chosen to go to Hogwarts."

Each name on the list received enthusiastic applause as it was read out however Fleur's heart was beating out of her chest. Madame Maxime was getting to the end of the list and her name had not been read out. Her fears were real.

"And Fleur Delacour." Madame Maxime finished the list. The applause, while not very enthusiastic, was still there.

Fleur took no notice as she beamed across the table at her two best friends. She had heard their two names before and they looked relieved that they were all going to Britain together.

This would be a good year.


So I just wanted to make a note about the story. It will move quite quickly up until a point in about 3 chapters time where it will slow down. I am talking about the actual time frame of the story. You will notice that this chapter takes place over about a month. I wanted to give Fleur's point of view of some events first up then when it slows down there will be some proper character development and stuff. But I have to get there first. However its only about 3 chapters away :)

Thanks for reading
