A/N: So if guys know, Bleach has ended...what stupid and pathetic way to end a potential filled manga. Smh. I had hoped for Yhwach vs Aizen epic fight. But what we got was a fodder way to end main villain and Yuzu having incest felling about Ichigo and his son. I think I'm going to be sick.

Anyways, I'm trying my best to update my story once/twice a month. Hopefully I will be able to do that.

To the chapter then!

Chapter 3: Unexpected Turn of Events


In next moment, Alex was engulfed by a bright red energy blinding everyone in the room. As the light disappeared, everyone was surprised to see the change Alex went.

Most of Alex's left arm was covered by a red gauntlet with two green jewels and a total of 10 golden spikes.

"This guy..." thought Ddraig as he noticed the appearance of the gauntlet.

Alex looked the change in his appearance with curiosity. For normal person, it would look like a red gauntlet but for him it was something more.

His whole attire was not just clothes but a part of the virus used by him. A part of himself. And this new power has entirely changed the structure of the virus and might even improve it further maybe the dragon was right.

"You were still doubting me? Damn, you are a real pain the ass." Commented Ddraig annoyed.

It was natural for someone like him to doubt something unless he see it for himself.

Alex's thoughts abruptly disappeared as he barely dodged a sword attack which would have pierced straight through his heart.

"You shouldn't get distracted so easily during a battle. Especially when your dear life is on line" commented Kiba with a smirk which Alex replied with a grunt.

Damn it! This guy is not playing around despite his calm composure, he shouldn't have let his guard down.

"Yeah, you certainly did. That was really amateur for you to let this happen" agreed Ddraig.

If only this damn dragon could stop reading his thoughts and shut up for a while!


The next moment Alex was engaged in a series of dodging attacks from Kiba which were easily unseen by normal eyes and reaching subsonic speed.

good guy is quite fast and real good with swords. But for Alex dodging his attacks was child's play even if he were to fight him in his normal form, this would only been an annoyance. But this new power was really helpful.

"Haha, didn't I told so?" chuckled Ddraig in pride.

"Yes, you did. Now will you shut up?" asked Alex getting really annoyed with constant interruption during his fight.

Rias narrowed her eyes as she saw Alex talking to the gauntlet on his hand. She was sure she saw it somewhere but it was extremely familiar.

Wait...Wasn't that...

A smirk formed on Alex's face. His reflexes, his power, his speed all had been boosted. He found himself to be enjoying this fight. How much long it has been since he had this much fun?

The dragon was right, this sacred gear is indeed powerful! Hell he could increase his power further but decided to test his current limit with this boost.

Kiba was finding himself tired as all of his attacks were easily dodged by this new enemy. Suddenly he saw Koneko jumping over him before landing a devastating punch on enemy's face.

The force behind the attack was enough to shook the entire room. Koneko was sure this was the end of the battle as she knew she put more strength than needed. But it didn't matter now.

"That was really impressive punch from a little girl like you"

Koneko watched in shock as she saw Alex still alive and talking without any scratch on his body. Before her mind could register anything else, Alex punched her in the stomach which send her catching straight into Kiba.

"Well, that w-"

Before Alex could complete his sentence, he was struck with lighting out of nowhere.

All the biomass inside his body contracted for a split second. As he regained his composure, he looked towards Akeno who was standing a few meters in front of him with an evil smirk on her face.

"Ara ara, so sorry about that, not-Issei-kun" said Akeno in a seductive tone

Another bolt of lightning hit Alex which almost knocked the wind out of him. This was not good. He can outrun helicopters and run at supersonic speeds but dodging lightning is just impossible even for Alex Mercer.

"Please don't even think to dodge it! I want to see you cry in agony. It makes me...so excited!" exclaimed Akeno licking her lip while getting aroused.

Damn it! This was definitely not the Akeno Alex knew from Issei's memories. This girl is not the same calm and kind Akeno. She is highly sadistic. Really really high.

Talk about being deceptive as hell.

Alex rolled out of way just in time to avoid being hit by her attack again. This was bad. Even though his regeneration did help him recovering but that was the only thing that keeps him from losing this battle. The boost was not helping him at all.

Damn it all!



"Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost Boost! Boost!"

A huge amount of energy course through Alex's body as he repeated those words. Alex looked at Akeno who seems to be not moving at all. This is strange. Turning his gaze upwards, he saw another lightning attack moving towards him but this time it was different. He could actually see it easily. It was far slower than before.

Alex merely side stepped as the lightning struck on the ground clearly missing him.

"What?!" exclaimed a surprised Akeno," He must have gotten lucky!"

With that said, Akeno rapidly as she started attacking with her lightning only for him to easily dodge without any trouble at all.

"This is getting more interesting." said Alex with a small smirk much to Akeno's frustration as she gritted her teeth.

"My turn" announced Alex as he clearly disappeared from her sights.

Before she could think of anything, Alex was just a few inches in front of her with his arm transformed into a claw…..

The next moment, there was blood dripping on the floor.

"I-im... impossible" said Akeno grabbing her stomach.

"Oh? You managed to dodge it? I was sure I would have cut you in half with that attack" said Alex slightly impressed.

Akeno shirt was torn up pretty badly but she was able to dodge last attack in time just to have only scratched by the claw. Her pride on the other hand was more than a little hurt.

How dare this lowly human think that he could touch her! Her! The queen of Rias Gremory!

Alex readied herself for another attack as she was backed up by Koneko and Kiba who had recovered by that time.

"Stop!" Came the voice of Rias.

"But Rias-"

"That's it, Akeno. The battle has ended." Rias told them as the member of her group changed their stances to normal ones.

Alex saw all of this with curiosity but decided to remain silent. He himself was slightly confused by Rias' actions.

"That gauntlet you are wearing if I'm not wrong is The Sacred Boost gear, right?" asked Rias narrowing her eyes.

"Interesting, so you do know about it, huh?" said Alex impressed.

"Of course, it's one of most powerful and feared weapon in the world. How could anyone have not notice it?" told Rias.

"Alright. But why stop stopping now, I thought you want me dead?" asked Alex crossing his arms

"At first, yeah. But not now. Now that I have doubts cleared. Quite honestly I have a favor to ask of you"

"Why would I even listen? You attacked me first. And it is pretty clear I can get rid of you if I want to." told Alex

"Yet you choose to stop. You might have the one of most powerful weapon in your hand but you are surprisingly quite reasonable. Also like I said, I didn't know you yield it even though it was supposed to be on Issei's hand" replied Rias with confidence

"Why do you think I even want to help you?" asked Alex.

"Because we both might gain something of it. I know you want some useful information about Blackwatch."

Alex raised his eyebrows a little in surprise. On one hand, he was really impressed how much observant and informative these guys were but on the other hand, he was cursing himself from inside to let strangers know about his motives

If these guys proved useful, that might be good. But if they betray him, which almost every time happened to him, he will simply get rid of them. Not to mention, almost all of them seems to quite useful after absorption with their powers.

"And what does it have to do with you?" asked Alex .

"We have been sensing unusual energy since the last month. And it seems to be coming from a specific place in the city"

"Still don't see why it has to do with me or Blackwatch either?"

"There have been multiple sighting of Blackwatch soldiers in that area. We, of course, wanted to check out what's going in there but unlike you, we can't change our appearance and it would be dangerous if Blackwatch found out about us" told Rias

"I see. So you want me to go and check out what's going on there. Am I right?" sighed Alex.

"Precisely. This will help us both. We need you to find a way in there and help us get in too. Also I would like to join my group."

"I don't like him. Not one bit." said Akeno glaring daggers at Alex.

"Sorry to break it to you, honey, but I'm not dancing in joy hearing your friend's offer either." Alex sarcastically replied.

Alex didn't know how many people he had absorbed in his entire life but by now he does know how to judge a person and from the look on Rias's face, she seems to an honest woman. Still he couldn't digest the thought of working with other people.

"I'm sorry I have to refuse your offer. I prefer to work alone." said Alex turning away to leave.

"You do know you are making thing harder for yourself by declining my offer." said Rias.

"You should be happy I'm not killing for attacking me but if you try to tell anyone about me or dare to cross my path again, it will be last mistake you ever make" warned Alex sending a threatening glare enough to send a chill in everyone's spine.


"You know you should've accepted their offer" said Ddraig through Alex's hand.

"And you should've shut up during the fight. Anyways, I don't trust people easily. Also considering how much weaker they were than me, I doubt they will be helpful." commented Alex uninterested.

"Compared to you, almost everyone is weak because of the sacred gear but those kids still have a lot of potential and they seemed quite trustworthy." commented Ddraig.

"Appearances can be deceiving. You are far more experienced than me, you should have known that." said Alex in little irritation.

He didn't want to argue about those devils. At least not for today.

"Appearances can be deceiving but energies and emotions can't be."

"You don't mean..."

"Yes, Alexander J. Mercer, you can sense other people's energies and even emotions through magic. You just need a little training for that." Said Ddraig

So that's how she was able to tell he wasn't the real Issei…. Thinking about it, she mentioned his energy being different from Issei.

"Indeed you do need to. Though i'm impressed you skipped the first liberation of Boosted Gear and jumped straight to second. You are really something, kid." told Ddraig impressed.

"Didn't I told you stop reading my thoughts? Also stop calling me a kid." said Alex really irritated by the dragon, "Lastly, just call me Alex."

"Haha, whatever you say, kid"

Damn this dragon, he is saying it on purpose. If only, there was a way to shut him off for a while.

"Also it seems you are getting along with that pervert's mother and father quite well" exclaimed Ddraig.

"Yeah, they are...alright"

"Don't li-

"Shut up, you talk too much" said Alex putting on his walkman which he brought from New York before heading outside.

Truth to be told, he didn't want to bring up topic regarding parents considering he never liked his own parents. Like what kind of kids would like to have abusive parents? At least he never wanted one...


It was dusk already and Alex was taking a walk in the park. At least, that would he like people to think. But in reality, he was following a group of Blackwatch soldiers on the patrol

After that incident, the military was on a high level alert but right now, their search seems to lighten up a bit.

That's good now he can g-


Suddenly Alex felt a stinging pain on his . Turining his gaze to the source of pain, he saw two light spear piercing his shoulder almost tearing it apart.

These spears...they are same as the one that killed Issei.

"He was still alive by then. So technically you killed him" commented Ddraig making Alex grunt in annoyance.

"Oh my, if it isn't Issei-kun" came a familiar voice.

Alex turned around to see the same girl responsible for kili...almost killing that pervert with at least 7 more fallen angels alongside her.

"I sense some devil energy around you. Hanging around with bad company? It seems I wasn't able to kill you last time. Oh well, no worries, you always have second chance" said Yuuma summoning another spear in her hand.

"You are either really dumb or crazy to come here in public in your real form while military is still around" said Alex casually pulling out spears from his shoulders.

Yuuma and others watched in surprise as the nearly torn up shoulder started regenerating in mere seconds.

"Hahahahaha, you think I care about my identity or give a damn about military" told Yuuma menacingly.

Alex was about say something before the girl hurled the spear towards left of him.

"What the..." said Alex as the spear went straight threw the skull of one of Blackwatch soldiers he was following.

Seeing this, the rest of Blackwatch turned this guns towards him and the fallen angels.

Has this girl gone nuts?! Randomly shooting military personnel for no reason?! Even if they are stronger than a group of soldiers but they are still nothing in front of an army. Yet try still are shooting them. Why?

"Y-you..." stuttered the soldiers as they saw Yuuma "Raynere-sama!"

Wait what?! Raynere? Was that's her real name? And how do these soldiers know her? And why are these soldiers not attacking her?

"Get lost, you pathetic humans" commanded Raynere uninterested,"Even the slightest glance of your kind make me wanna puke"

"But why di-"

"I said get lost. Tell the headquarters he was one of the spies or some other lie I don't care! Just get lost!" shouted Raynere as soldiers ran away as if nothing ever happened.

"Hmm... interesting. So you guys are working with Blackwatch now, huh? No wonder why they have quite an influence here." said Alex.

"That's true. And now that's another reason why I must kill you" smiled Raynere, "Kill him"

As she said that, three of fallen angel flew towards Alex while the rest formed light spear in their hands.

Ah hell...Couldn't he finish his work today without anyone constantly interrupting him? First the Occult Club and these fallen angels...

"Boost" muttered Alex as he turned his right arm into a giant blade.

The blade started shaking with red energy before he stung it in direction of incoming fallen angels.

Suddenly a slash of energy shoot out of the blade shocking Alex himself. Everything within 20 metres radius was sliced without resistance along with the three fallen angels.

"I-Impossible...t-that can't be. H-how? When did you attain such power?" asked Raynere as she started shaking in fear.

"What can I say...I have always been special" Alex smirked as he ran towards Raynere.

On the reflex, Raynere flew away as fast as possible. Before Alex could chase her, he was stopped by remaining fallen angels.

"Out of my way!" shouted Alex as he turned his hand into claws before cutting two of the fallen angels into pieces.

These guys were nothing but annoying pests. Even those club guys are more powerful than them.

Others backed away a bit as they send spears flying towards Alex but all of them were easily dodged by the Blacklight virus. Alex advanced towards one of them and he punched him with enough force which splattered his head. The remaining one attempted to ran away only to get his leg torn away.

The Fallen one tried to crawl away from Alex but was stomped by the virus so hard that his ribs broke up like matchsticks, went through through his heart and lungs killing him instantly.

The memories of him filled Alex's mind. It looks like he was just an ordinary low level fallen angel. That girl was Raynere, his master but she herself wasn't a high fallen angel herself. It was his first time under her command.

Suddenly, the memories were cut off, surprising Alex. That never happened to him. Usually he got the memories of person's entire life but right now he was only a few hours of memories. Something was not right

"Damn it, nothing at all. Now this problem is out of the way. Time to find that girl" muttered Alex as turned on his thermal vision but got nothing.

"Boost! Boost!" said Alex attempting to increase his thermal vision range which did work.

Alex made another appempt to search er with his vision only to fail again.

How could this be possible?! He was pretty sure that thermal vision was increased enough that it went through whole city. Yet still he couldn't find her.

It's as if she vanished from this world. She must have used magic just like when she erased everyone's memory. Damn it! If only he knew a little more about magic!

"What about you, dragon? Can't you teach me magic?" Alex asked in his thoughts.

"Who do you think I am? A tracker?! I am the heavenly dragon, Ddraig. The one who even Gods fear! My knowledge about magic is far superior than finding a puny fallen angel. I am-

"Useless" commented Alex angering Ddraig "I have to find her, she seems to have a lot of information and influence over Blackwatch. I just need to find and absorb her and just will go smoothly"

"If only you knew more about magic or someone who can help you tracking her"

If Ddraig had a real face, he would have a huge i-told-you-so grin right now.



Rias just finished her school work as she stepped outside the club for some fresh air. Today was a quite busy day and right now she really needed to relax. Quite honestly, what's going in her mind was the new holder of Boosted Gear.

Is he a good person or a bad? Could he become a threat in future or an ally? By look on his face, she couldn't decide any of it. Even though she was quite good at selecting and judging people.

"Rias Gremory" came a sudden voice making Rias jump a little in surprise

Gaining her composure, Rias saw the man who a couple of hours ago rejected her offer. She wasn't able to sense his energy like before. Did he learn to hide his energy in such a short period of time? Incredible.

"You are here? I thought you said to never to cross paths with me." said Rias with a little smirk.

"I thought about your offer and quite frankly I have no knowledge about how to use make magic or the way it works. You guys seem to be quite used to it and you could prove to be useful allies" told Alex clearly not very eager to talk about it.

"So you want to join us now even though you threatened us? Oh my, the irony!" chucked Rias.

Jesus, if this girl made fun of him one more time, he will make sure she wouldn't able to laugh at anyone again.

"Alright. I'm fine with you joining my group. Buuuuut..."


"You have to fellow some rules "Said Rias with a serious look on her face, "Firstly., I am the leader of this guy so you will have to follow my orders. Second of all, no ill behavior among other members. Lastly, we consider our group members as our family so no matter what we will never abandon them"

"This is why I hate working with other people" muttered Alex in annoyance.


"Nothing. I will try to follow your rules. Not like I have a choice or something. But I can't promise anything…If you can keep the rest of your pawns in line" replied Alex clearly not very comfortable with the rules, that being said though his voice gained a threatening edge to it, Rias frowned, but nodded, her Queen after all, had showed a rather clear dislike for him and antagonizing one another anymore could be dangerous…..

Never abandon other members and considering them as family? Are these guys even devils? Well, if they are actually serious about that rules, then they might be trusted.

"That's all and good. But I didn't get your name?" asked Rias curiously.

"I'd rather not" replied Alex coldly

"You are one of us now. So you have to tell me your name. Besides like I said, as a member, you have to trust us." told Rias making Alex sigh in annoyance.

"Fine. I'm Alex Mercer." told Alex.

"Welcome to the Occult Club, Alex Mercer" said Rias with a warm smile.

Joining hands with devils, just great, as if his whole life wasn't Bizarre enough.

A/N: Alright, before some of you start jumping and roasting me in reviews about Alex's personality, I would like to tell you that Alex is not complete psychopath who has no emotion and wants to kill everything in sight. In comics, he has helped a dozen of people (two detectives he don't know, people on New York streets and an entire village) and even showed emotions like smiling and regret. He is really not a psychopath void of any emotion. He is just choose to remain reserved.

So yeah, it's not OOC for him to saving and trusting people or joining forces (which he don't prefer much)

On side, I'm thinking about writing a new crossover of Jojo Bizarre Adventures and High DxD. Tell me guys what you think about it.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. So favourite, follow and please don't forget to review.

Eu Sunt Dracul1 out for now.