The sound of the shot seemed to freeze the air, Peggy's choke was cut short. She couldn't tell what her expression was but she could feel it was definitely shocked. She couldn't quite believe it. She didn't want to. Neither did Daniel.

Peggy sucked in a short breath and dropped her head down to her body, her hand pressed against just under her rib where the new shot wound was implemented. Shot wound. She had been shot. He had shot her. She wanted to understand… no, she could understand a limb shot; stop her from running, easier to capture. She couldn't understand why there. It was good as a death shot to the heart only it would take longer to die. She knew it was too deep for it to heal like a limb could, she'd bleed internally too much before the medics could even arrive.

"Why?" She croaked raising her head to look at Daniel whose face was white as a sheet, horrified. He crutched forwards his gun dropping.


She interrupted him, her elbow meeting his temple when he got too close, knocking him cleanly out. She stumbled but maintained her equilibrium despite the searing agony in her side. She had to move. She had to get Steve's blood. It would probably be the last thing she did but Howard had said it had special properties…she felt a glimmer of hope bubble up inside her, pushing her forwards, she set off.

Pulling her jacket over her blooded hand which was helping keeping the blood in her body, she kept her head down, her head span after a while, her forehead clammy and her skin looked a bad shade of white but when the Giffin came into view it felt like she was looking into heaven.

Getting up the stairs was the worst but she couldn't slow. She could almost feel the SSR catch up. Sucking in her breath, she straighter herself up, keeping her head down, trying to conceal her blood that was seeping through her hands and onto her trousers, a few drops even spotted on the flor but she carried on, biting her lip from the pain.

No one looked her way. Thankfully. The hall way and corridors were good as clear, making her relax more, letting herself use the wall for support. Her hand loosened from the wound, the flow quickly dripping down. No, she had to carry on. Almost there then it would all be over.

She knew the trail she was making but when her door finally came into sight, she almost toppled over. Her head was growing fuzzy, she could hear the pounding of her heart in her ears. Everything seemed to have gain a while shine to it.

Peggy bit her lip, stumbling to her door, both her hands coming to absorb her weight against the wood. She gasped slightly as her side pulled, bringing tears to her eyes.

"Peggy?" She froze as she heard Angie's voice from behind. "Peggy, what happened to you?" She felt the other woman touch her arm. She rolled her head to look at her. Angie gasped, her eyes darting to her hand and side, her hand going to her mouth.

"Agent…after me." She gasped before Angie could call for help. "No hospital."

Angle shot a look down the hall, Peggy did too, it was obvious where she had been from the smears and blood patterns, she knew she made a mess on her door.

"My room now." She felt Angie grab her arm pulling her. She didn't have the strength to fight now, her knees seem to give out then everything then blurred before finding herself lying on Angie's bed. Her jacket off and was being used for a pillow

"Angie…I need something.. Behind painting…bricks, hidden…" her voice croaked that sounded weak to her own ears. "Quickly…"

Looking torn, Angie hesitantly grasped her key and tore out the room. Peggy began to take a few deep breaths to clear away her dizziness. She hoped Steve's blood could help… maybe to an extent. All his scars and such were gone quickly so the serum in his blood must have healing properties. Would it be too late to save her?

The door opened before Angie was suddenly there, grasping the silver ball. "Peggy, what is it?"

"Give…need it. Medical pack, there's a syringe. Inject what's in the vial into me." She said clearly this time.

Angie flipped open the ball, jumping. Peggy watched as she pulled out the vial then handed it to her with shaking hands. With numbing fingers, Peggy kept her grasp firm.

"What's in that?"

"Classified." Peggy mumbled, staring up at Angie's pale face. "Less... you…the…better"

Angie didn't look as pleased but found a syringe and took the vial from her and filled it, her hands began to shake as she looked back to Peggy. With a shaking hand as well, Peggy pulled it from her grip before stabbing it straight next to the wound, facing downwards so it wouldn't come out the wound.

She felt Angie's hand pull the empty syringe out, putting it on the side. Peggy sighed, feeling no different. It didn't work.

Angie's figure began to blur, the edged darkening.

"Peg…" Angie's startled voice rang out.

"Jarvis. Finds him…" Peggy slurred. Becoming lightheaded now, everything becoming out of focus, the feeling was slowly vanishing from her body, "W house, 79th street…Please tell...what happened."

"Peggy, please, hang on, I'll get help!" Angie said.

A ghost a smile lingered on her lips at her friend. "Don't worry...Angie." She breathed. "Make sure they don't find the ball." She knew Angie would get what she meant. Angie nodded once, tears falling down her face. "Jarvis will…explain."

Outside, Peggy could just pick up the sounds of voices, SSR. They were too late to save her now if they tried. It was over and she couldn't help Howard. Angie's head turned towards the door. Feeling on the edge, Peggy sighed and let her eyes flutter close, the world slowly slipping away.